Chapter 934

Xu Jie is now the vice president of Jingshi Culture, not the deputy director of Beijing TV Station, so the issues that need to be considered and the way of thinking about them will be very different from before.

When he was working at Beijing Television Station, he was full of thoughts about the content and ratings of the program, but it was different after he arrived at Beijing Television Culture. He was more concerned about how to develop the company's business and increase the company's revenue.

If the company still only cooperates with Beijing TV Station as before, then the revenue will only stagnate, and he himself can only circle around in the original circle.

Only by taking the initiative to step out of the current circle and try to contact the outside world can we bring more income to the company.

And cooperating with other TV stations is undoubtedly the best way. It can bring income to the company, increase the company's influence, and expand his network. For him, it can kill multiple birds with one stone.

Now that the head of Huxiang Satellite TV has expressed his desire to cooperate, what reason does he have to refuse?
I don’t know how many companies outside of Huxiang want to cooperate with Huxiang Satellite TV, but they have no way to start.

"Director Dong, let's make an agreement. When there is a new variety show in the future, I will be the first to find you." Xu Jie said to Dong Xiaoli.

In fact, among the many program plans submitted by the employees of the company's creative department, there are several very good ideas, and he also intends to choose one of them to make into a variety show.

Now Beijing Satellite TV already has two ace variety shows, "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", and it is just right to sell the new variety show to Huxiang Satellite TV without worrying about sales.

"Okay, once a gentleman says something, it's hard to chase after a horse." Dong Xiaoli said happily after hearing this.

Although I failed to lure the other party to Huxiang Satellite TV, it would be great if I could buy the variety shows produced by the other party. Variety shows can now be considered to have indirectly achieved their original purpose.

For this kind of cooperation, if there is the first time, there will be a second time. As long as the money is in place, there is no need to worry about the other party not selling. In the field of variety shows, Huxiang Satellite TV has never been short of money.

Xu Jie was also very happy, but business cooperation alone could not satisfy his appetite.

No matter how good the business is, it is only doing things for the company. It would be even better if you can seek some benefits for yourself outside of business.

Of course, the benefits he wanted were not kickbacks.

It is too low-level to ask for kickbacks and take back kickbacks. On the one hand, he is not short of that little money, and on the other hand, this kind of behavior will damage his image.

What he wants is the kind of benefits that are free from low-level interests and mutually beneficial.

"Director Dong, I think it's not enough for us to cooperate in business alone. We can also cooperate in more aspects." Xu Jie continued.

"Oh? For example?" Dong Xiaoli asked curiously. Apart from business, she really didn't know how to cooperate with the other party.

"For example, artists." Xu Jie said.

"Artist?" Dong Xiaoli asked with a question mark on her face, and then turned to look at Sun Hao beside her. Although she didn't know what Xu Jie meant for the time being, her intuition told her that the artist cooperation the other party mentioned should have something to do with Sun Hao, after all Huxiang Satellite TV itself has no artists, but Mangmang Media has signed many artists.

"That's right, we can use our own platform to promote each other with the help of exchanges between artists. For example, artists from your Huxiang TV station can participate in the variety show I produced, and artists from my side can also participate in your Huxiang TV show." Xiangtai’s variety shows, in this way, can not only promote artists, but also enrich the content of variety shows, what do you think?”

Xu Jie expressed his thoughts.

In layman's terms, the so-called artist exchange is mutual promotion of artists.

An artist always shows up on the same TV station. After a long time, it will inevitably make the audience feel aesthetically tired. If the artists of both parties can exchange, it will not only help promote the artist, but also bring freshness to the audience.

Although what I said just now was to Dong Xiaoli, it was meant for Sun Hao who was on the side. However, Sun Hao has no platform, and Dong Xiaoli is the head of Huxiang Satellite TV, so this plan requires Sun Hao to persuade Dong Xiaoli.

After Sun Hao heard these words, her eyes immediately lit up. It is of course a good thing for her to have one more platform to promote her artists.

So she lightly touched Dong Xiaoli with her leg under the dining table, hoping that Dong Xiaoli would agree, this cooperation was really too tempting for her.

wait, no!
Mr. Xu is the vice president of Beijing TV Culture, and he is not a member of Beijing Satellite TV. How can he be the owner of Beijing Satellite TV?Just like she couldn't be Dong Xiaoli's master.

"Mr. Xu, forgive me." Sun Hao couldn't help asking: "The artist exchange you mentioned should be a matter between two satellite TV channels, but you are currently in Jingshi Culture, can you decide this matter... Mr. Xu , don’t get me wrong, I didn’t doubt what you meant, I just wanted to ask clearly.”

Xu Jie laughed when he heard it, looked at the woman opposite and said, "Mr. Sun, and Director Dong, although I am currently working in Beijing TV Culture, the two variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" of Beijing Satellite TV "I am in charge of all of them, and the various large-scale galas of Beijing Satellite TV are also organized in cooperation with our Beijing Television Culture, so I have the absolute right to speak in terms of employment."

Sun Hao was taken aback for a moment, does the director of variety shows have so much right to speak?Anyway, this kind of situation absolutely does not exist in their Huxiang Satellite TV.

But think about it carefully, is Xu always an ordinary variety show director?

"Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" all depend on this person, and he should have the right to speak.

What is this called?
This is called confidence!

I have long heard that the other party is the treasure of Jingcheng TV Station. At the beginning, because Dong Xiaoli wanted to poach this person, the deputy editor-in-chief of Jingcheng TV Station called Dong Xiaoli himself and blamed Director Dong for being unethical. Now it seems that this is really the case, otherwise a Can the vice president of a subsidiary company become the owner of Beijing Satellite TV?

"Ahem, Director Dong, and Mr. Sun, I can testify for Mr. Xu on this matter." Hu Zhen said at this time, thinking: It's finally his turn to show.

If Mr. Xu can reach an artist exchange intention with Huxiang Satellite TV, then the relationship between him and Mr. Xu will naturally benefit from him.

Does Beijing TV Culture have signed artists?


Mr. Xu's wife has studios, but there are only three of them. With so many variety shows on Huxiang Satellite TV, why don't you worry about not having him?

Sun Hao looked at Hu Zhen. As a gold broker, the other party's words were very credible, and this kind of thing can be found out after looking back. The other party has no reason to lie to her.

"I'm not going to hide it from you two..." Xu Jie forgot to glance at the direction of Chen Ya and the others, and then said in a low voice, "In addition to Beijing Satellite TV, we also have a lot of cooperation with Beijing Television Culture and China Television."

Having said that, Xu Jie took out his work card and put it on the table.

Dong Xiaoli and Sun Hao were stunned when they saw it.

Assistant director of China TV New Year's Eve party?

If it was in other places, they might doubt the authenticity of the certificate, but this is Xiazhou, and the director team of Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party is eating at the side, so it is impossible for it to be fake.

"Mr. Xu, you, you..." Sun Hao was surprised and didn't know what to say.

It is not surprising that local TV hosts appear on the CTV show, but it is rare for people from local TV companies to serve as directors at CTV shows.

For her, being able to exchange the resources of Beijing Satellite TV is already very good. If she can still win the resources of China TV, then this exchange will definitely be a huge profit.

"Sister Li..." Sun Hao looked at Dong Xiaoli who was beside her. If she hadn't been unable to make the decision, she would have agreed long ago.

"Mr. Xu's idea is very good, I agree." Dong Xiaoli said with a smile.

Business cooperation, artist exchanges, the combination of the two aspects will only make the relationship between each other closer, and worry about not being able to buy good variety shows from each other in the future?Even if she doesn't ask, the other party will take the initiative to produce variety shows in order to have a longer-term cooperation with each other.

Moreover, this kind of private cooperation is often closer than the strategic cooperation between TV stations. Strategic cooperation is just a form, and private cooperation is more for the benefit.

Only beneficial cooperation will make people feel at ease, and win-win cooperation will make people more attentive.

Compared with Dong Xiaoli, Sun Hao is even happier. After all, it benefits her the most in the exchange of artists. The more activities of artists, the more income of the company. The more famous artists, the more income of the company. too much.

"Thank you Director Dong and Mr. Sun for trusting me so much. In order to express my sincerity, you two can recommend two artists to participate in the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" next year." Xu Jie was also unambiguous, and directly took out the resources.

The ratings of "Crossover Actor" has been the first in the period, and it has repeatedly set new highs. It has become a resource that major entertainment companies are vying for.

Because this show not only has high ratings and popularity, but also an excellent stage to showcase the talents of artists, and it is the best choice for singers to transform.

There is only one program like this in the whole country.

When Sun Hao heard it, he was so excited that he couldn't sit still.

Because most of the audition shows held by Hunan Satellite TV were mainly singing, so among the artists signed by Mangmang Media, a large part of them were singers.

Although the company used the platform of Huxiang Satellite TV, there have been cases of singers successfully transforming into actors, but this is only an isolated phenomenon, and the resources that Huxiang Satellite TV can provide are limited, which cannot meet the needs of the company's artists at all.

Now that the platform of Beijing Satellite TV and the stage of "Crossover Actor" are added, it will be of great help to the singer's transformation. As the person in charge of the company, can she be unhappy?
"Since Mr. Xu is so sincere, if I don't express my sincerity, it will appear that I am insincere." Dong Xiaoli thought for a while and said, "You can choose whatever you want for Hunan Satellite TV's variety show next year. Any program will do.”

It's not because of her generosity, but as David TV channels have tasted the sweetness of variety shows in recent years, their investment in variety shows has gradually increased. The siege and interception has lost its former glory.

She really couldn't pick a variety show that could compare to "Crossover Actor", so she could only pretend to be generous and let the other party choose.

If she chooses, if she chooses well, won't people question her sincerity?
"Director Dong is generous, I like to cooperate with people like Director Dong." Xu Jie extended a thumb to the other party, he likes the feeling of picking at will.

"Director Dong has always been so generous." Hu Zhen followed suit and flattered him.

Although he has been serious with Dong Xiaoli for many years and their friendship is not shallow, but how can this unilateral relationship compare to the bonded relationship between Director Dong and Mr. Xu?
It's like a marriage. A relationship where only one party is giving can't last long. Only a relationship where both parties are giving can go further.

Therefore, proper flattery on key occasions can also play a positive role in maintaining the relationship.

Xu Jie was about to eat noodles when he suddenly realized that there were many eyes staring at him. He turned his head and glanced around. It turned out that they were the top executives of the entertainment companies, including Liu Jinghua.

Seeing him looking over, the other party hurriedly picked up the coffee and drank it, sneaking glances at him while drinking.

Xu Jie suddenly thought of something, looked at Tang Xiaoli who was opposite and asked, "Director Tang, I wonder how your relationship with Fanhua Brokerage Company is?"

"Fantasy Brokerage Company? Is it Liu Jinghua's company?" Tang Xiaoli asked.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

"It's the relationship between the TV station and the brokerage company." Tang Xiaoli thought for a while and said.

"What about you and Liu Jinghua?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Well, they are friends." Tang Xiaoli replied.


Xu Jie responded, then lowered his head to eat the noodles.

And his response like this also made Tang Xiaoli feel a lot of doubts in her heart. She didn't say anything after asking, what's the matter?

On the other hand, Sun Hao understood the meaning a little bit, whispered a few words in Tang Xiaoli's ear.

Tang Xiaoli was stunned for a while at first, but gradually revealed an expression of sudden realization. When she looked at Xu Jie, she seemed to understand what the other party meant.

What is sincerity?

It is not enough to just provide resources, but also to meet the wishes of the other party.

If it's something the other party doesn't care about, it's useless no matter how expensive it is. If it's something the other party urgently needs, no matter how cheap it is, it's still a favor.

Even if you can't give charcoal in the snow, you have to do what you like.

Tang Xiaoli rolled her eyes and suddenly had an idea.

"Mr. Xu, we have a variety show on Huxiang Satellite TV. The original plan was to invite Wang Junyi, an artist from Fanhua Brokerage Company, to participate. Recently, I heard that this person likes to play big names, and I intend to find someone to replace him. I don't know what Mr. Xu has suitable for." Candidate?" Tang Xiaoli asked with a smile.

"Hmm..." Xu Jie raised his head, thought for a while, and then said, "I think Hu Xuan is pretty good. He is better than Wang Junyi in terms of popularity, strength, and work attitude."

"Okay, then I'll let the program team contact Hu Xuan." Tang Xiaoli said after hearing this.

"However, Hu Xuan's agency contract is currently still in the prosperous agency, and it will expire at the end of the year. Next year, he will sign contracts with other studios..." Xu Jie said.

"Then wait until he signs a new company, and I'll let the show crew talk to him."


(End of this chapter)

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