Chapter 935
Because he had to go to the venue for the New Year's Eve party, Xu Jie left the restaurant after eating the noodles, but he never expected that this trip to Xiazhou for the CTS New Year's Eve party would have unexpected gains.

And from the perspective of the company's performance, cooperating with Tang Xiaoli is more important than cooperating with China Television, because a variety show can easily sell four to five billion yuan, and the labor costs of the Mid-Autumn Festival party, New Year's party and various themed parties are also as high as less than this number.

Of course, in terms of influence, CTS must have greater influence. Just now, for example, when Dong Xiaoli and Sun Haoyi saw the CTS New Year’s Eve party work card he took out, their eyes were straightened. After all No matter how good the local stage is, it can't compare to CTV's high-end.

"Director Tang, if my guess is correct, the variety show you mentioned to Mr. Xu just now should be "Wonderful Life", right?" Hu Zhen asked in a low voice with a smile.

He knew that he was inferior to Mr. Xu in terms of status and talent, so when facing Director Tang, he naturally couldn't be as equal as Mr. Xu, talking and laughing happily.

For him, as long as he can achieve his goal, he can accompany him with anything, let alone laughing.

"En." Tang Xiaoli responded softly while eating the noodles, completely losing her enthusiasm and enthusiasm just now.

Cooperating with Mr. Xu is something she has been looking forward to for a long time, so she is naturally very happy, but facing the agents of these entertainment companies, she is not interested at all. After all, most of the time these people come to her and ask her to do things .

To put it bluntly, as soon as these people sat in front of her, she knew what kind of shit they were going to do.

"Director Tang, I don't know if you are still short of people for this variety show? If so, I will recommend a few to you, which are guaranteed to be of good quality and low price." After Hu Zhen finished speaking, he looked expectantly at Tang Xiaoli on the opposite side.

Although the ratings of "Wonderful Life" are not as good as "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", it is still a popular variety show and a high-quality resource.

If you can get a seat from it, it will greatly increase the artist's exposure.

No way, who made him sign too many artists?
We can only continue to strive for resources for artists, no amount is too much.

Tang Xiaoli didn't speak, but Sun Hao said with a smile, "Boss Hu, look at what you said, it's good quality and cheap, it's like selling in a supermarket."

Hu Zhen thought to himself: Isn't it just for sales?

Supermarkets sell goods, but they sell people. From a commercial point of view, they are all the same.

However, he had already seen the answer from Tang Xiaoli's flat reaction.

In fact, this result was also within his expectations. After all, there are more wolves than meat, and there are too many people staring at these popular variety shows, and as far as he knows, the guests of this variety show have been decided half a month ago. No, only Mr. Xu can let Director Tang be replaced.

This is personal influence.

Although he also has influence in the entertainment industry, it is limited to entertainers. In front of these TV station bosses, he is nothing. To put it bluntly, he is similar to a beggar.

"My company is Director Tang's supermarket. I will provide whatever Director Tang needs." Hu Zhen said seriously.

It is his honor that the big boss of the TV station can pick someone from his company. If he doesn't pick someone from his company, it will be his failure as an agent.

"Mr. Hu, you really know how to joke." Sun Hao said, but then again, whose company isn't an artist supermarket?

The reason why she interrupted was, on the one hand, because it was inconvenient for Tang Xiaoli to say something, and on the other hand, she was also thinking about the artists of her own company. If all the resources were given to other artists, what would happen to her artists?
"The regular members have been confirmed, but the list of flying guests is still under consideration. Is Mr. Hu interested?" Tang Xiaoli suddenly looked at Hu Zhen and asked.

After all, the other party is also one of the well-known gold medal managers in the circle, and there are hundreds or dozens of artists who have signed contracts under his hand. Even if he is not afraid of the other party, he still has to give some face, isn't it?

Hu Zhen's eyes lit up when he heard that, not to mention the flying guests, as long as he can participate in "Wonderful Life" and show his face in the show, it doesn't matter even if he is a rocket guest.

As long as it is a resource, no matter how big or small it is, it will be accepted.

"I'm interested, I'm so interested, thank you Director Tang." Hu Zhen said hastily.

"I'll ask someone from the program team to contact you later." Tang Xiaoli said lightly, then continued to eat noodles with her head down.

Hu Zhen kept nodding his head, which could be regarded as the end of success.

"Director Tang, President Sun, then I won't disturb your meal, let's talk another day." After finishing speaking, Hu Zhen stood up, saluted politely, and then walked out of the restaurant.

One must have eyesight to see, so as not to be annoyed by others.

Now that the goal has been achieved, then withdraw quickly and don't be an eyesore in front of the boss.

Sun Hao looked at Hu Zhen's back until the other party left, and then said to Tang Xiaoli next to him, "Sister Li, in order to cooperate with Mr. Xu, she abandoned Liu Jinghua, who was managed by Fanhua. Isn't it a bit... a bit inappropriate? ?”

They have known Liu Jinghua for many years. Apart from their business relationship, they also have a good personal relationship. Isn't it a bit treacherous to do so now?

After Tang Xiaoli heard these words, she smiled indifferently and said, "I am different from you. You are businessmen, and I am the person in charge of Huxiang Satellite TV. What I have to consider is not only a program, but It’s Huxiang Satellite TV as a whole. I understand what you mean. You think I’m treacherous, but don’t forget that the program team has not signed a contract with Wang Junyi. If it were you, if you had to choose between Xu Jie and Liu Jinghua, who would you choose? ?”


Sun Hao opened his mouth, I talked for a long time, and finally closed it.

Is this still an option?

Of course Xu Jie was chosen.

Xu Jie is the one who can bring them programs, ratings, and resources, while Liu Jinghua is the one who asks them for resources, and at most can bring them some kickbacks.

For them, Liu Jinghua can be replaced, but Xu Jie cannot.

Tang Xiaoli continued: "Besides, she only took Wang Junyi down, and didn't ban all the artists from the Fanhua Brokerage Company like Xu Jie. Can she, Liu Jinghua, still eat me?"

Sun Hao shook his head, how could Liu Jinghua have the guts?At most, it's just an imbalance in my heart.

"You also know that I have been interested in Xu Jie for a long time. The naming fee of the two variety shows alone exceeds one billion. The director of the show has his ability to attract money, and in my opinion, being able to confirm a cooperation with him this time is more meaningful than recommending your artist to participate in China TV's New Year's Eve party."

When Tang Xiaoli spoke, her eyes sparkled.

In recent years, the ratings of Huxiang Satellite TV's variety shows have been getting lower and lower, and even some of the former ace programs had to be suspended. As the person in charge of Huxiang Satellite TV, can she not be in a hurry when she sees this situation? ?

We must know that the ratings not only represent the popularity of the program, but also represent the advertising revenue.

In order to increase the ratings, she has thought of countless ways and launched many programs, but the results are not satisfactory.

That's why she turned her attention to the outside world, and Xu Jie was the one she focused on.

Recommending an artist to appear on the stage of China Television's New Year's Eve party is at best to increase the artist's exposure and improve the artist's image.

But cooperating with Xu Jie is different. It will not only bring resources to artists, but it is more likely to change the current status quo of Huxiang Satellite TV.

She admitted that this was a gamble, but this Xu Jie was worth the gamble.

After all, if she wins the bet, her career may go to a higher level, but if she doesn't win the bet, she has nothing to lose.

Sun Hao looked at Tang Xiaoli beside her. According to what the other party said just now, not to mention replacing Wang Junyi, even replacing all of Liu Jinghua's artists would be worthwhile.

Thinking of the grievances between Xu Jie and Liu Jinghua, maybe it is really possible to choose one of the two.

That's okay, if Liu Jinghua's artists are killed, the artists in her hands will have more opportunities.

"Sister Li, I support you, and I stand by Xu..."

"Director Tang, Mr. Sun, good afternoon."

Just when Sun Hao was halfway through her words, she was interrupted by a sudden voice. However, when she looked back, she was startled by the person behind her. This person was none other than Liu Jinghua.

"Liu, Mr. Liu? So it's Mr. Liu." Sun Hao broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, his acting skills were online, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Today's Xiazhou is not as lively as usual." Tang Xiaoli said with a smile: "Why, Mr. Liu also came for the CTS New Year's Eve party?"

"Yes." Liu Jinghua nodded.

Sun Hao, who thought it was inappropriate to replace her just now, now sees Liu Jinghua admitting that her mood sinks suddenly, because anyone who wants to play the idea of ​​CTV's New Year's Eve party is her current competitor.

Thinking about Xu Jie again, he is not only a collaborator, but also a friend, no, a relative.

Seeing the two bowls of noodles on the table, Liu Jinghua immediately frowned, "Director Tang, Mr. Sun, this is what you guys want to eat? Waiter? Waiter, come here and order!"

"Mr. Liu, there's no need. We just came to Xiazhou to have a simple work meal. There is still a lot of work to do later." Tang Xiaoli said after hearing this.

"Director Tang, even if it's a work meal, isn't it too simple for you?" Liu Jinghua said, a bowl of plain noodles, clear soup with little water, just looking at it makes you lose your appetite.

"The simpler the better." Tang Xiaoli said lightly.

She knew that there were many insiders in this restaurant. In order to avoid the incident from reaching Xu Jie's ears, she deliberately kept a certain distance from Liu Jinghua. If it was before today, it would definitely not be like this.

Women are very sensitive. Liu Jinghua also felt this sense of distance, but her heart was full of confusion. When she came to Huxiang a few days ago, the two of them were eating and chatting together. It has only been less than ten days, why? Will there be such a big change?

Could it be that he offended Director Tang somewhere?
Liu Jinghua recalled it carefully, but couldn't think of it after racking his brains.

Did that person surnamed Xu speak ill of her in front of Director Tang?
Liu Jinghua sat down and asked with a pretended casual smile, "Director Tang, how are you preparing for the New Year's Eve party of Huxiang Satellite TV this year? You can come to Xiazhou, it seems that you are almost ready."

On the surface, she was asking about the New Year's Eve party, but actually she wanted to know if there was any change in the program, because there were four artists in the Huxiang Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party from her prosperous agency, and she was very worried that the person surnamed Xu would make trouble , disturbed her resources outside the capital.

"Well, everything is ready now, just wait for the New Year." Tang Xiaoli said.

In her opinion, there is nothing to prepare for the New Year's Eve party. After all, every year is the same, and the soup does not change the medicine. Let alone Huxiang Satellite TV, even China TV is the same.

Besides, she doesn't need to worry about such trivial matters.

"Yeah, it's a new year soon. Speaking of next year, the fifth season of "A Wonderful Life" will start filming, right? If there is anything you can use me for, feel free to contact me. We have cooperated for so many years and we are not outsiders. Right?" Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

Now that the New Year's party is fine, it's the turn of variety shows.

Variety shows have a greater impact on artists than New Year's Gala.

Sun Hao was taken aback, and couldn't help looking at Liu Jinghua a few more times, thinking: This person is sensitive enough, just after Xu Jie and Sister Li finished talking about "A Wonderful Life", this person immediately mentioned it.

She turned her head to look at Sister Li beside her, and she didn't know what the other party would say. If it was her, she would definitely be embarrassed to say it, at least not in person, because she had known her for so many years.

"The filming of "A Wonderful Life" will start after the Spring Festival, which is still far away." Tang Xiaoli said lightly.

"Speaking of which, it's the first time for Wang Junyi to participate in this variety show. If there's anything he doesn't do well or doesn't understand, please forgive me, but don't worry, I've told Wang Junyi to come to the scene Afterwards, you must listen to the arrangement of the program team, even if it is an ordinary staff member, you must treat each other with courtesy..." Liu Jinghua said seriously.

The resources of Beijing TV Station have been completely lost. If they can't even get the resources of Huxiang Satellite TV, it will definitely make things worse for her and the company.

"I have confidence in the artists of Liu's head office, and I also believe that Wang Junyi can play well the role assigned to him by the director team." Tang Xiaoli said.

Hearing this, Liu Jinghua finally breathed a sigh of relief secretly. What she was most worried about was the change of resources. Seeing Director Tang's attitude now, it seemed that she was overthinking.

"Thank you Director Tang for trusting me and my artists. I believe they will never disappoint your expectations." Liu Jinghua smiled happily.

Sun Hao lowered his head to eat the noodles, but his heart was full of doubts. Sister Li didn't tell Liu Jinghua about Wang Junyi?But after Sister Li said these words, wouldn't it be even worse in the future?

Seeing that nothing was wrong, Liu Jinghua found a reason to leave.

Seeing that Liu Jinghua had left, Sun Hao immediately asked, "Sister Li, why didn't you say anything?"

"What?" Tang Xiaoli asked while eating noodles.

"It's about Wang Junyi being replaced." Sun Hao said.

"Now, what is the reason? The best way is to find a suitable reason to return Wang Junyi. It solves the problem and does not hurt peace. I will ask the program team to arrange a difficult role for Wang Junyi. The problem will not be solved." Has it been resolved?" Tang Xiaoli said lightly.

Sun Hao looked at Sister Li in a daze, this move... is poisonous!

(End of this chapter)

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