Chapter 936

This year's CTS New Year's Eve party was held in Xiazhou's Oriental Park. The park is near the seaside and the scenery is particularly beautiful.

Xu Jie is no stranger to the city of Xiazhou. He once accompanied Su Yun to participate in the film festival, and then came again on a honeymoon road trip with Su Yun, so this is the third time.

Today's work is very simple, mainly on-site inspections to prepare for tomorrow's stage construction.

Xu Jie silently followed behind Chen Ya and Zhao Hongbo, and listened carefully to what these people said. For him, this was a rare learning opportunity, and they were all things that were not in books, so he listened very carefully. I almost took out a small notebook and wrote it down.

He has always felt that there is a saying that is particularly reasonable, that is: more skills do not overwhelm you.

With his current status, he may need to rush up to preside over the overall situation in some evening parties at any time. It is better to know more about relevant things than to ask three questions at that time.

The stage of the New Year's Eve party has been designed, and Zhao Hongbo is taking the blueprints to explain to the person in charge of the project, because there are many organs inside the stage, and the structure is very complicated, so it must be explained clearly.

China TV's New Year's Eve party, of course, must strive for perfection, and there is no room for deviation, otherwise it will be a performance accident, and it will be embarrassing at home and abroad.

"Mr. Xu!"

Just as Xu Jie was peeking at the stage drawings, a hand suddenly slapped him on the shoulder, which startled him.

"Director Chen?" Seeing that it was Chen Ya, Xu Jie immediately said loudly, "If you have something to say, I'll listen. We people from Jingshi Culture can do everything well."

The first cooperation requires not only an attitude, but also an aura, let alone a cooperation party, even if it is to fight the enemy, it must not be ambiguous.

"is it?"

Chen Ya was fine at first, but seeing Xu Jie's attitude, he couldn't help but want to hear the other party's attitude towards the stage. After all, this kid is famous for his brains and many ideas, and the stage design of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is not just Did the other party come up with an idea?Regardless of feeling, I am sorry for this cooperation.

Anyway, the resources have already been given, so there is no need to use them in vain.

Thinking of this, he looked at Xu Jie with a smile and asked, "President Xu, have you seen the stage design drawings for the New Year's Eve party just now? What do you think?"

"It's very big and gorgeous." Xu Jie replied after hearing it. He firmly supports the work of CTS and will never sing the opposite. He will do whatever he wants.

"It's over?" Chen Ya was stunned. This answer was not what he wanted to hear, because it was too ordinary, and the ordinary one even gave off a perfunctory feeling, without any new ideas at all.

"Yes." Xu Jie said.

He said it at the Mid-Autumn Festival party last time, but in the end he was handed over the work of supervisor. This time he learned well, even if he had an idea in his heart, he didn't say it.

From the perspective of probability, the more things you do, the more likely problems will occur, and the fewer things you do, the less likely problems will occur. Therefore, he does not want to find trouble for himself, nor does he want to find trouble for his team.

"Mr. Xu, you are now a member of the director team, and our cooperation has just begun, and there will be more in the future. You can't hide something. Why don't I find someone else to cooperate with, just ask you to cooperate? No one Is it? No, I think that cooperating with you can make the party better, not just to finish the work I assigned to you, do you understand what I mean?" Chen Yayu said earnestly.

He didn't know whether what Xu Jie said was the truth or perfunctory, but there would be no harm in getting a vaccination in advance. After all, the cooperation was not just one time, and there would be more in the future.

Xu Jie nodded while listening, but he felt that the other party was an old fox. Why didn't so many things happen when he decided to cooperate?
Can't make the party better, why don't we cooperate?

Isn't this a threat?
Old fox!
"Director Chen, look at what you said. If I really have an idea, can I not tell you? Am I that kind of person? Last Mid-Autumn Festival party, we didn't cooperate at that time, didn't I say it too? I really think the stage is very It’s big and gorgeous, but the sense of design seems a little weak.”

Xu Jie changed the subject at the end and commented a bit, otherwise who knows if this old fox will turn his back on him?

Chen Ya's heart was happy, he knew that this kid must have reservations, and finally he was tricked out by him.

Fortunately, I asked just now, otherwise I would have been swiped by this kid directly.

"Weak sense of design? Does it mean the stage as a whole?" After Chen Ya asked, he took a stage design drawing from someone else and looked at it.

Speaking of which, at the Mid-Autumn Festival party, it was also the other party's suggestion on the stage design, which made the scene look more atmospheric and beautiful.

"Well." Xu Jie nodded and continued: "I think this kind of design with two sub-stages next to the main stage is too common. Nowadays, the stage is generally designed in this way. Of course, it is not I say that this kind of stage design is not good, but there is nothing new. If it is a local TV station, I will not say anything, but as a China TV station, shouldn't it bring some better impressions to the audience..."

Chen Ya looked down at the stage design drawing. He didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but now he heard what the other party said, he also felt that the design drawing was too ordinary. There is no big change from last year, but some adjustments were made on the stage background. .

Although he is a member of China TV, he has to admit one thing, that is, China TV's attitude towards the New Year's Eve party is indeed a bit perfunctory.

Because the New Year's Eve Gala and the Spring Festival Gala are very close, and Chinese people pay more attention to the Spring Festival, China TV usually puts a lot of effort into the Spring Festival Gala.

In fact, not only Huaxia TV, but also other satellite TV channels, and some satellite TV channels don't even have a New Year's Eve party.

But even for the Spring Festival gala, it usually appears in the form of the main stage and the auxiliary stage. At most, some more sound and light equipment is added, and the layout is changed. Generally speaking, there will be no change.

"The can it be changed?" Chen Ya asked.

"We can build more stages." Xu Jie said.


The people around were speechless after hearing it.

How many more stages should we build?

What design is this called?
Does building a few more stages have a sense of design?

What is the design by quantity?
Chen Ya continued to look at Xu Jie, waiting for the other party to speak.

He has had many contacts with the other party, so he feels that things should not be as simple as everyone imagined.

"Director Chen, what I mean is to design a graphic for the stage. For example, isn't Xiazhou close to the sea? Isn't the park very close to the sea? We can take advantage of this and build a stepped stage around the main stage , One layer after another, just like the waves of the ocean, it would be even better if a screen could be installed on the stage, it would be very beautiful in the distant view or from a high altitude..."

Xu Jie continued talking incessantly.

Of course, he was just making an analogy. In addition to the wave-like stage, other styles of stages can also be assembled. He is just throwing bricks to attract jade. Anyway, the bricks have been thrown out. The other party's problem.

The downside to this idea, though, is that it's expensive.

Building more stages will inevitably increase the cost of the party, but China Television has always been rich and powerful, and has never been short of sponsors, so there should be no need to worry about this problem.

When the people around heard Xu Jie's words, some were surprised, and some were thinking. Although they only relied on the other party's description, it sounded really good.

Especially the representative from Xiazhou, his face was full of excitement, because this stage design was very suitable for Xiazhou. The wave-like stage just sounded better than the existing design.

At this moment, even the person in charge of the project stopped looking at the stage design drawing, but looked at Chen Ya, because if he followed the assistant director Xu's words, then it would be meaningless to look at the existing design drawing.

But if you want to talk about the most complicated thing in your heart, it must be the chief director Zhao Hongbo.

The current stage design drawing was designed under his leadership, and even the equipment, structure, layout, and decoration have been designed. If the plan is suddenly changed, it will be a bit embarrassing.

But he had to admit that Mr. Xu's idea was really good, at least it was more distinctive than the current stage.

Zhao Hongbo couldn't help looking at Director Chen. It all depends on Director Chen's words whether to continue with the old plan or abandon the original plan and redraw it.

Chen Ya had already been fascinated by what he had heard, and only after Xu Jie had finished speaking did he regain his senses. However, when he raised his head happily, he found that everyone around him was looking at him, and asked strangely: "You all looked at me?" What am I doing?"

After asking, he looked down at the clothes on his body, and then touched his face with his hands. Is the zipper on the crotch unzipped, or is there rice grains on his face?It can't be because he's too handsome, right?

Everyone thought: This is still a question, of course it is waiting for you to make up your mind.

In the end, Jiang Yuanyue was bold enough to risk offending Deputy Director Zhao, and said to Director Chen: "Deputy Director Zhao's design is very good, and Xu Jie's design is also good. One is practical and the other is innovative."

Zhao Hongbo smiled wryly to himself.

Practical design?

Can this be called an advantage?
Of course, the stage of the New Year’s Eve party must be stunning and unique, not to mention that the stage is disposable and will be dismantled immediately after the party is over. What’s the use of such a practical design?It's not like building a house to live in.

The people around were not stupid, and they understood Jiang Yuanyue's meaning as soon as they heard it, so they all nodded, not only not to offend Deputy Director Zhao, but also to express their support for Deputy Director Xu's ideas.

Zhao Hongbo saw the situation and thought, well, let's talk about it.

It is better to say it yourself than to be directly denied by others.

"Director Chen, I think Mr. Xu's idea is very good, we can consider it." Zhao Hongbo said to Chen Ya.

Chen Ya turned his attention to Zhao Hongbo. In fact, he thought the same way. He just wanted to take care of Lao Zhao's face.

Lao Zhao was right. In fact, when he was preparing for the Spring Festival Gala, the other party had always been in charge of the New Year Gala. It can be said that he had both credit and hard work.

It's just that for some jobs, it's not enough to be serious, just like hard work can't make people starve to death, but it's also hard to make people rich.

Being down-to-earth is a very good advantage, but if the mind is more flexible, maybe life can become more exciting.

In his opinion, Lao Zhao is a down-to-earth type of person, while Xu Jie is a flexible-minded type.

"It's a good idea, but I don't know if it's too late to change the stage design," Chen Ya said.

"Director Chen, I'm just giving an example. There are indeed some troubles in the design and construction. You can think about other plans." Xu Jie said at this time.

What about jade?

Why hasn't he seen Yu yet?Could it be that the heads of these people were all knocked out by the bricks he threw?
"This plan is very good, and wouldn't it be a waste of time to think about other plans?" Chen Ya said after hearing it.

Although it is a casual example, as long as it is well cited, it can be applied in practice.

"Old Wang, can your engineering department work?" A leader from Xiazhou asked the person in charge of the project.

"The construction period is really tight..." The person in charge of the project thought for a while and said, but when he saw the frown of the leader, he immediately straightened his back and said, "But as long as we have the design drawings, we will definitely be able to deliver the project as scheduled."

It's better to work at night if it's a big deal, and use one day as two days, which is better than making the leader angry.

A satisfied smile appeared on the leader's face, then he looked at Chen Ya and said, "Director Chen, we are fine."

Chen Ya looked around for a week, and finally his eyes fell on Xu Jie. Originally, he was just asking casually, but he didn't expect so many people to agree, including himself.

Well, it's okay to disagree.

"Mr. Xu, you heard everyone's point of view. Look at the design of the stage. Can you help me solve it?" Chen Ya said while pointing to the people around him, as if to remind Xu Jie: Public anger is hard to offend. .

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Sure enough, as he imagined, this director Chen will definitely find him something to do, for fear of losing money in the exchange of resources.

And he also knew that as long as he spoke, the other party would definitely not let him go.

However, this time the other party looked up to him.

"Director Chen, I don't know how." Xu Jie spread his hands and said, "It's fine if you ask me to give you an idea, but if you ask me to draw a stage design, how can I know that?"

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he pointed to the design drawing in the opponent's hand, with a smile in his eyes.

Want him to work overtime?
No way!
Thoughts have already been expressed, can't these people use their own brains?How could Zhuge Liang ride a horse and fight with a sword?
"It doesn't matter, I have someone here who can do it!" The person in charge of the project said after hearing this: "Director Xu, just say, let my people do things like drawing pictures, and I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Xu Jie raised his brows, there really is someone who is not too big of a deal to watch the excitement.

"Mr. Xu, how are you?" Chen Ya asked with a smile.

Xu Jie thought to himself: how?what else?Do it.

"No problem." Xu Jie said straightforwardly.

Since extending the head is also a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife, so why not be brave?At least it will leave a good impression on people.

I, Xu Jie, will be a hero again after 30 years.

No, always a hero!

(End of this chapter)

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