The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 937 Bullying honest people?

Chapter 937 Bullying honest people?
In the early morning, Xu Jie came to the restaurant for breakfast, and as soon as he showed up, he saw someone waving at him.

"President Xu, here."

It's Chen Ya.

There were also Zhao Hongbo, Yu Yan, Jiang Yuanyue and other people from Huaxia TV, all sitting together.

Everyone just arrived in Xiazhou yesterday and needed to communicate with the local staff. Starting today, the preparations for the CTS New Year's Eve party will officially begin.

Xu Jie walked over, looked at Chen Ya and asked, "Director Chen, what's the matter?"

Chen Ya dragged a chair from the side, motioned Xu Jie to sit down, and then asked with concern: "Did you be tired last night? Thank you for your hard work. How is the stage design going?"

Xu Jie knew that the other party must have called him here for this matter.

It is said that if the plan is not completed, he will not appear here.

In fact, this work is not difficult for him. What is difficult is those who draw the blueprints. These people need to draw the stage line by line according to his ideas, not only considering the overall appearance, but also The internal structure cannot be drawn casually.

Isn't there such a sentence?
When the leader opened his mouth, the subordinates broke their legs.

He is now the leader, and those who draw the picture are the subordinates.

"I finished it last night." Xu Jie said as he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found the structure diagram and renderings taken last night in the photo album, and handed the mobile phone to Chen Ya.

Chen Ya eagerly picked up the phone, and when he saw the renderings, his eyes immediately lit up. The combination of multiple stages made the whole look more layered, and the shape of the waves made the stage full of local characteristics. You can tell that this is a seaside city.

"Okay, very good!" After Chen Ya finished speaking, he handed the phone to Zhao Hongbo who was next to him. The other party was the chief director of the New Year's Eve party. Afterwards, he left Xiazhou, returned to the capital, and devoted himself to the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala.

After the others heard it, they all moved over to see what the stage looked like that could make Director Chen praise twice in a row.

When everyone saw the renderings, their first thought was to be amazed, especially after seeing the previous stage appearance, this feeling was even more obvious.

Such a design is both bold and novel, and one can even imagine that under the blessing of colorful lights, the entire stage will definitely present a beautiful visual effect.

"It looks better than the original stage, and the design is full of sense." Zhao Hongbo praised.

I am used to the old design, but suddenly I saw such a novel one, and I couldn't find any faults.

When the people around saw it, they all nodded.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for your hard work. Just focus on this stage design. In the future, we will not only cooperate, but also cooperate frequently." Chen Ya patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and said, "By the way, among us, only you You know the stage best, so the work of setting up the stage is entrusted to you, and we all trust you."

Xu Jie looked at Chen Ya silently. Although he had already guessed it, he still wanted to give him a middle finger.

It's a pity that this old fox is in China TV. He should go into business, and he will definitely not suffer.

"Yes, Director Chen, we at Jingshi Culture will definitely complete the task." Xu Jie said solemnly.

In the last Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, he represented an individual, and he could express his grievances in person, but this time he represented JingTV Culture, and this was also the first cooperation between JingTV Culture and China TV. If you want to raise your middle finger, you have to extend your ring finger and little finger together to make an "ok" gesture.

Moreover, he will not participate in the cooperation with Huaxia TV every time. This is the first time that he has come to embolden the employees of the company. With this cooperation experience, he will not need to lead the team in person in the future. Therefore, Just use it once, it won't break anyway.

To be honest, if everyone is busy and only the assistant director is idle, he will feel very sorry.

"Okay, I appreciate your serious and responsible attitude, let's go to dinner." Chen Ya said with a smile, feeling that he had grasped the other party's lifeline.

In the past, if you wanted to invite the other party, you had to 'beg', but now it's different. With the name of cooperation, you can use it whenever you want in the future?

In contrast, the payment on my side is also cost-effective, and it is all labor costs.

After Xu Jie greeted the others, he got up to get food.

The breakfast in the restaurant is provided in the form of self-service, you can take whatever you want, which can not only save the time of waiting for meals, but also satisfy the tastes of different groups of people.

Xu Jie came to the employees of the company with a plate.

"Morning Mr. Xu!"

Everyone greeted Xu Jie one after another.

Xu Jie nodded to everyone, then sat down in an empty seat, said while eating: "Because of my cheap mouth, we have one more task this time, in addition to the previously agreed recording and live broadcast work, now I will also be responsible for the construction of the overall stage, and I will send you information about the stage after dinner, and each of you is responsible for a piece, understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone replied seriously.

In fact, everyone has already heard that CTV asked Mr. Xu to be in charge of the stage design.

Everyone is very happy about this situation, because it shows that China TV values ​​Mr. Xu very much. Since it values ​​Mr. Xu, it will naturally take a fancy to them. This is of great benefit to the cooperation between the two parties.

Xu Jie finished his meal quickly, and then took the bus with the company staff to the Oriental Park.

The person in charge of the project has arrived, and there are hundreds of workers.

The equipment and materials for building the stage have also been delivered to the scene, just waiting for Xu Jie's order.

In order for the work to proceed smoothly and to avoid mistakes in the work, Xu Jie called all the relevant personnel together and explained the situation on the stage in detail before announcing the start of work.

Although Xu Jie redesigned the stage, it is only in appearance. The internal structure of the stage is not much different from the previous design.

In fact, at this point, the internal structure of the national stage is not much different. It is nothing more than elevators, rotating platforms, and adding screens and pools on the stage. There are not too complicated things, so it has little impact on construction. , just change the shell.

Xu Jie walked around the construction site, then took out his mobile phone to write the script.

The Spring Festival Gala is getting closer and closer, and the review of the program will start next month. If it cannot be completed as soon as possible, the actors will not even have time to rehearse.

The New Year's Eve party is coming soon, can the Spring Festival party be far behind?
As for the supervisor, he felt that there was no need for that at all.

In the New Year's Eve party of Huaxia TV, who dares to cheat and play tricks?Who dares to be careless?
It's too late for Xiazhou's local departments to pay attention to it, so how could it not be done well?
Once something goes wrong on the stage, it will lose not only the face of Huaxia TV station, but also the face of Xiazhou as a whole. Who would dare to hold a party in Xiazhou in the future?At least China TV will definitely not.


Xu Jie took a boxed lunch, then sat by a flower bed in the park and ate.

"Boss Xu?"

Xu Jie had just eaten a few mouthfuls when suddenly a shout came from a distance. He looked up and saw that it was Hu Zhen from Liangxing Brokerage Company.

Hu Zhen trotted to Xu Jie, saw the lunch in Xu Jie's hand, immediately frowned and said, "Mr. Xu, do you eat this at noon?"

"What's the matter? Isn't this very good? There are also chicken legs!" Xu Jie picked up the fried chicken legs in the lunch box and just took a bite. It must have been stored in the lunch box for a long time, and the skin is no longer crispy, but The inside is still full of juice, which is pretty good for a box lunch.

"Mr. Xu, don't eat. I just didn't have lunch. Let's go, let's find a place to have a meal together. Xiazhou is most famous for its seafood. If you don't eat, you don't come." Hu Zhen went to snatch Xu Jie after finishing speaking. Box lunch in hand.

"No need, I didn't come to Xiazhou to eat seafood. Besides, so many people are eating this, can I do something special? You, you should hurry up and invite Director Chen and the others to eat, whoever eats whoever For this kind of thing, what they say counts." Xu Jie said while eating.

He has already arranged two people in the New Year's Eve party, if he arranges more people in it, won't he be in a hurry?And he didn't intend to plead for others.

After Hu Zhen heard this, he sat down beside Xu Jie, and said frankly: "Mr. Besides, if you want to invite, you can only invite them at night, there are many shows in the evening, so how can you invite them at noon?"

"What?" Xu Jie frowned, suddenly feeling unbalanced.

He worked so hard to work here, but those people went to eat out?
Where is this calling people?Clearly a bully.

No, this matter must be talked about carefully.

"Why, don't you know? In fact, there is nothing strange about this matter. It was the same in the past. I guess their dinner party has already been scheduled for after New Year's Day." Hu Zhen said.

Xu Jie took a hard bite of the drumstick, and he will not be mean next time he says anything.

Of course, unbalanced is unbalanced, he can fully understand in his heart.

Who is Chen Yan's group?
They are from China TV, and Chen Ya and Zhao Hongbo are the leaders of the large-scale program center. With such identities, who wouldn't want to have a good relationship?

The local hospitality is to hope that China TV can do a good job of publicity for Xiazhou, which is conducive to the development of local tourism, and those managers are scrambling for banquets, naturally hope that China TV can use their artists to make a name for the artists.

Hu Zhen saw that Xu Jie was a little depressed, so he asked with a smile, "Mr. Xu, are you going now?"

The reason why he said that just now was to reduce the guilt in the other party's heart.

"No." Xu Jie gritted his teeth and said.

He has already said that he can't go, if he changes his mind now, wouldn't it appear that his position is not firm?

Besides, if he changed his position just for a meal, then his position is too fragile, right?Spread the word and still not be laughed at?

Hu Zhen was slightly taken aback, thinking that Mr. Xu was indeed Mr. Xu, and it was hard to chase after a word, but in retrospect, even Chang Ziyang's beauty trick was useless, and it was normal that a meal did not impress the other party.

"President Xu, what about tonight?" Hu Zhen asked again.

I have already eaten at noon, so I can always make an appointment in advance for the evening, right?
"No!" Xu Jie said.

Chen Ya and others go, so he has to go?

Do not!
Not only did he not go, but he also had to work twice as hard, which made Chen Ya's people feel guilty. Even if he ate seafood, his mouth was full of bitterness, whether he ate it or not.

Hu Zhen is completely lost, but with the relationship between the two of them, if the other party doesn't eat with him, then he will definitely not eat with others.

Hu Zhen was embarrassed to leave directly, so he stayed and chatted with the other party for a while, and waited until the construction site started in the afternoon, then bid farewell and left.

The efficiency of the engineering team is very high. In just one day, the frame of the center stage has basically been built.


The engineering team began to change shifts.

The director team of the New Year's Eve party did not specify a completion time for the engineering team, but only said that the sooner the better.

How dare the engineering team delay the time?So I decided to work two shifts in the morning and evening.

Xu Jie was about to let the company's employees leave when he suddenly saw Jiang Yuanyue walking in from the gate of the construction site. Xu Jie couldn't help but think of what Hu Zhen said, and immediately turned his head and pretended not to see it.


Jiang Yuanyue started to shout from a distance, but after watching for a while, she didn't wait for the other party's response.

did not hear it?

She got closer, and when the distance was more than ten meters away, she called out again: "Student?"


Xu Jie lowered his head, but still did not respond.

Curious in her heart, Jiang Yuanyue walked over quickly. When she came to the side of the other party, she reached out and patted the other party's shoulder, and asked with a smile: "What are you looking at, so serious?"

Xu Jie pretended to be surprised, and then said: "It's my senior, it's nothing, I'm writing a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala while the workers are changing shifts."

"Wow, junior, you are working too hard, right? If the labor medal is not awarded to you, I will be wronged for you." Jiang Yuanyue said after hearing this, "Let's go back to the hotel. It's so noisy here, how can you write a good book?" script?"

"Sister, are you doubting my ability?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"Ah?" Jiang Yuanyue was stunned, and then felt that what she just said was wrong, so she shook her head and explained: "No, I have never doubted your ability. Isn't this trying to find a good environment for you? Let's go, I Please eat delicious food, and go back to the hotel to write after eating, it’s not too late.”

"Why do you want to go back to the hotel? The work here is not over yet." Xu Jie shouted at an employee of the company at this time: "Then who, come here, go find a restaurant nearby, order eleven lunch boxes, hurry up Son."

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" The employee left the construction site quickly.

"Student, what are you ordering lunch for?" Jiang Yuanyue asked strangely.

"What are you doing? Of course it's dinner. The workers will continue to work at night, so I can't just leave, right? If there is any problem, who should they go to? If the work is stopped, won't the construction period be delayed?" Xu Jie said In the end, he added another sentence in a strange way: "You guys are not coming again."

Jiang Yuanyue was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect her junior to stay up all night to oversee the work.

"No, don't you need it? They'll call if something happens." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Can't you come by then?" Xu Jie said after hearing this.


Jiang Yuanyue didn't know what to say for a while, originally she wanted to reward this junior on behalf of Huashi, but now she is not given a chance at all.

The point is, she is too embarrassed to want to leave now.

This is Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party, how can the partners stay up all night watching it?If it gets out, isn't it said that CTS is bullying?
She thought about it, and felt that the junior might just stay until midnight. After all, the stage can't be built in a day or two, and the workers work in two shifts. Can the other party really survive day and night alone?
Thinking of this, Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile: "Okay, I will accompany you."

"Thank you senior sister, senior sister still cares about me." Xu Jie said with a face full of emotion, thinking: I will make you cry in a while!


 I have been having a fever and cold, my body is still sore, my throat is sore, I feel nauseous, I can’t eat anything, but fortunately my head is not so painful. If there is no change in the past few days, please forgive me. I wish you all good health

(End of this chapter)

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