Chapter 938 Workaholic?

Not long after, the employees who went out to buy boxed lunches returned to the construction site with big bags and small bags. In addition to the three meat and one vegetarian working meals, they also brought everyone a cup of milk tea.

"Mr. Xu, this is yours." Zhang Qize came to Xu Jie with a work meal and a cup of milk tea.

Xu Jie nodded, said thank you, and then took the work meal, and said loudly: "This is the first time we have cooperated with China Television, we can't embarrass Beijing Television Culture, and the construction period is very tight now, so let's make do with it first." Let’s make it happen, after the New Year’s Eve party is over, I’ll invite everyone to a seafood dinner.”

"it is good!"

"this is what we are supposed to do."

"Thank you Mr. Xu." Everyone said one after another, without any complaints in their hearts, saying that Mr. Xu is sticking to this place, so what reason do they have to go back to the hotel to rest?
Besides, everyone staying here is only responsible for checking whether the construction is correct, not to move the steel frame and weld the iron bars. It is tiring, impossible, and boring, but it is a little bit.

Xu Jie was about to find a place to sit down and eat when he suddenly realized that Jiang Yuanyue was by his side. What if someone is not full?
"Senior sister, haven't you eaten yet? This is for you." Xu Jie said as he handed over the work meal in his hand.

Although Jiang Yuanyue was a little hungry, how could he have the nerve to pick him up?The other party stayed at the construction site for a whole day, worked hard and diligently, and stayed here to work overtime at night. How could she, an idler, grab the other party's work meal?Is this still something people do?

"No brother, thank you, you can eat, I'm not hungry, besides, I'm losing weight, I only drink water and don't eat at night, a bottle of mineral water is enough." Jiang Yuanyue stretched out her hands and pushed back.

"Senior sister is in such a good shape and still wants to lose weight?" Xu Jie asked in surprise.

"Really, junior? In fact, it's not that good, but a good figure is achieved through persistence. You can't relax for a day, or it will be easy to waste all your previous efforts." Jiang Yuanyue said happily.

"Well, what senior sister said makes sense, then I won't hinder senior sister from losing weight." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he sat down beside the flower bed, opened the lunch box and began to eat.

Jiang Yuanyue was not idle, and walked around the construction site. Although it was the first day, the progress of the project has exceeded her expectations. If it can be done at the current speed, it can be completed in about a week.

Not long after, the night shift workers also arrived, and after the meeting, they immediately got into work.

At this moment, Xu Jie also changed his script writing mode during the day, and walked around the construction site wearing a hard hat, talking about this, asking that, and helping out, without even having time to sit down and rest. , directly became the busiest person in the entire construction site.

Jiang Yuanyue saw it in her eyes and was surprised in her heart.

She never thought that the junior student would be so serious and responsible on the construction site. This kind of work attitude is not only touching, but also admirable.

At the same time, there was a trace of guilt in her heart.

When the junior was working on the stage design last night, she, Director Chen and others were being received by the relevant leaders of Xiazhou, but today, when the junior was doing their best for the stage here, they were busy reminiscing with some old acquaintances , isn't this bullying?
Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help but began to think in her heart, thinking about how to make up for her junior, otherwise, as a senior, she would feel really sorry.

Do you want to do more business for your juniors?
Yes, if you have related business in the future, you must first find your apprentice.

At the same time, instead of being careless, she picked up her mobile phone and recorded the scene on the construction site.


One or two hours is no problem, and three or four hours can last, but any longer will be a bit outrageous.

Jiang Yuanyue looked down at the time on his watch, it was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, but that workaholic student still had no intention of leaving.

It's not that she has never experienced such things as working all night. For example, at the Spring Festival Gala, it is good enough to sleep three or four hours a day, and in that state of high tension and high worry, she often appears sleepy, But if you close your eyes, you can't fall asleep.

The key is that it takes about a week to set up the stage. Is it true that the junior really plans to spend the day and night in the next week?
If this is the case, the junior will probably collapse on the day the stage is set up.

"Student..." Jiang Yuanyue approached Xu Jie while the workers were resting and asked in a low voice, "How long are you going to stay here?"

"I don't know, it depends on the situation." Xu Jie looked back at Jiang Yuanyue and asked, "Senior sister, what's the matter? If you have something to do, go and do your work. I'm here, so don't worry."

Jiang Yuanyue thought to herself: It's all this time, what else can I do?Even if something happened, it should be over.

"Oh, actually, I have nothing to do. It's just that I can't bear to see you so tired. It will take a few days to build the stage. What if you suffer from day and night every day, and your body is broken? How can I explain to your wife? ? How to explain to your unit?" Jiang Yuanyue said with concern.

Accompanied by the falling voice, there was a "gululu" stomach growl.


In fact, she was already hungry.

Usually at this time, if you are working overtime, let alone dinner, you have already eaten supper. If you are not working overtime, even if you have not eaten dinner, you are already asleep at this time, and you don't feel hungry.

It is very rare to work overtime without eating dinner or supper like tonight. The key is that there is not even a person with snacks here. I used to ask on the stage, and the snacks would be piled up on the desk in an instant. .

Hunger, in fact, can be tolerated, but this kind of endless waiting is unbearable for her.

Even if I tell her that I won't go back tonight, it will make her feel better and feel better.

do not know?
Depending on the situation?
What is this answer?
"Senior sister, don't worry, I'm in good health. Besides, isn't there a bus over there? If you're sleepy, you can go to the bus for a while. This is the first cooperation between our Jingshi Culture and your Huaxia TV station. , I dare not be sloppy and negligent." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Student, it's just a stage, so there's no need to be so tired. Besides, isn't there still an engineer who draws the blueprints?" Jiang Yuanyue persuaded earnestly. The seriousness of the junior is really impressive. I feel terrible, no wonder so many good works can be produced, there are reasons for this.

"Senior sister, I understand what you mean, but those engineers can only be regarded as hands and feet, and I am the brain. I must stay here to direct them. Although the stage is very simple, it is the whole New Year's Eve party. The foundation, without a good stage, how can we dedicate a good party to the people of the whole country? If the stage is not important, then why are we still trying to figure it out? "

Xu Jie talked incessantly, what he said was well-founded, and Jiang Yuanyue was dumbfounded, thinking: Do you understand what I mean?No, you don't understand!

She regretted staying here stubbornly, now she's all right, go, can't say anything, stay, feel uncomfortable all over.

In the end, I gritted my teeth hard, so, my mouth is hard, even if my teeth are broken, I can only swallow it in my stomach.

"Student..." Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help but patted Xu Jie's shoulder, thinking for a long time and didn't know what to say, so she sighed, "You have a heart."

"Sister, this is what I should do. Besides, if you hadn't introduced me to Director Chen, I wouldn't be able to stand here now. Speaking of which, I still have to thank you." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Hehe, no, you don't have to be so polite." Jiang Yuanyue smiled twice with the corners of her mouth twitching.

These words are too heart-wrenching, as if she said it on her own.

Xu Jie glanced at his watch secretly, and realized that it was really late, so he said to Zhang Qize, the director of the performance department not far away: "Old Zhang, tell the staff to go back to the hotel to rest."

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Zhang Qize nodded, and immediately went to notify the other employees.

Jiang Yuanyue's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she asked excitedly: "Student, do you want to go back to the hotel to rest? That's right, the body is the capital of work. No matter what job you do, you must first protect your body. Even the body is broken, so why talk about work, right?"

"Let them go back to the hotel to rest first, and I'll stare here for a while." Xu Jie explained.

From now on, he can survive here alone, and he doesn't need the company's employees to accompany him.

If it was said that he wanted to test the working attitude of the company's employees in the first half of the night, then the second half of the night would be his personal grievances with his senior sister.

"Ah?" Jiang Yuanyue was stunned, she thought the other party had opened up, but she didn't expect to stay here alone.

This, where is this workaholic?It's clearly obsessed, a workaholic.

Jiang Yuanyue had no choice but to find Zhang Qize and said, "You are my junior's subordinate, right? You bring other staff to persuade you Mr. Xu, what time is it, and you still want to stay in the school?" Here, even if you don't think about his own body, you have to think about the overall situation of your Jingshi culture, right?"

Zhang Qize was surprised at first, then looked in Mr. Xu's direction suspiciously, and asked the deputy director Jiang: "Will Mr. Xu go back to the hotel to rest with us?"

Jiang Yuanyue nodded and said emphatically, "Yeah, I heard what he said, it seems that he is going to stay here forever, when the stage is set up, when will he go back to rest, even if it is for work, how can he work so hard?" Yes, what do you say?"

Zhang Qize was slightly startled, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Boss Xu may have his own plans, and those of us who are subordinates only need to obey his orders."

For these subordinates, Mr. Xu is not only their boss, but also a master.

How can you allow ordinary people like them to interfere indiscriminately when an expert acts?
Besides, one person's good intentions are not necessarily good intentions to another person. How many people have been harmed by the so-called "for your own good"?

Also, does Mr. Xu need them to worry?

Do not!
It's pretty good that they don't cause Mr. Xu any trouble, and they don't hold Mr. Xu back.

When Jiang Yuanyue heard the answer, she was in a daze.

I thought to myself: Is the head of the apprentice's subordinates abnormal?Shouldn't now be the perfect opportunity to care about your boss?Why do you still put on an attitude of not being nosy?Is this a nostalgia?
"President Xu, let's go!"

"Goodbye Mr. Xu!"

The employees of Jingshi Culture bid farewell to Xu Jie one after another.

Jiang Yuanyue looked at the backs of those employees leaving, and didn't know what to say for a while, these people... are really just like juniors, they are all brains.

"Senior sister." Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yuanyue and asked, "It's so late, why don't you go back with them? It can be regarded as a companion."

"No, no, I agreed to accompany you, how can I go first? Besides, since it's a cooperation, what's the point of leaving you here alone?" Jiang Yuanyue said with a forced smile.

This is the bitterest smile in her life.

Xu Jie also laughed, thinking: If you don't seize the opportunity given to you, then don't blame my junior for being rude.

Soon, the workers continued to work, and Xu Jie returned to work.

This time, he found an engineer from the engineering team and discussed with him about the construction of the stage, not only the stage to be built now, but also other types of stages. How could he let go of the opportunity to learn?

Discuss the safety issues of stage construction.

Discuss the impact of stage design on construction work.

Discuss the similarities and differences between flat stage and three-dimensional stage.

On how to solve some technical problems that may be encountered during the stage construction process.

Xu Jie was very devoted, but it was hard for Jiang Yuanyue, she was tired, sleepy, hungry, and bored now, if it wasn't for face, to maintain her dignity as a senior, she would have run away long ago up.

And she never dreamed that the junior is not only overseeing the work here, but also studying here. The so-called learning is endless, God knows when the other party will learn!
Because there was really nothing to do, Jiang Yuanyue found a stone step and sat down, probably because she was too sleepy, and after a while, her head kept hanging forward.

When a person has something to do, his will will cheer him up, but when he has nothing to do, he has nothing to force himself to stay awake, and the result is falling asleep.


Jiang Yuanyue suddenly fell to the ground, and the whole person who fell all of a sudden woke up.


Hearing the sound, Xu Jie turned his head and looked over. After seeing the senior sister standing up from the ground with her head covered in disgrace, her first reaction was to laugh, but she held back in the end.

He walked over quickly, looked at Jiang Yuanyue with concern, and asked knowingly, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing, I accidentally fell down, it's okay." Jiang Yuanyue said pretending not to care, while patting the dirt on her body, not only her face flushed with embarrassment, she even felt like crying. Such a big, never lost such a big person.

"Senior sister, are you too careless? I think you should go back to the hotel to wash your face and change your clothes." Xu Jie said to Jiang Yuanyue.

Jiang Yuanyue knew that her image had been ruined, and face was not important anymore, so she nodded and said, "Student, then I'll go back first, and you should rest earlier." Then she turned and left the construction site

Xu Jie finally couldn't help showing a smile when he looked at the figure of his senior sister running away.

Senior sister, senior sister, you have today too!


 Today is the third day, less than 38, a little stuffy nose, a little cough, and the connecting part of the nose and throat, it hurts when swallowing, and the whole body is sore. My wife got it three days earlier than me. I can’t smell it today. I got the smell, my child and I got it together, I guess we can hardly smell the smell, now we are a family, and it is hard to guard against, everyone pay attention to your health.
(End of this chapter)

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