Chapter 939

Jiang Yuanyue came to the restaurant, picked out a few food at random, and then brought the plate to Director Chen and Deputy Director Zhao's table.

"Xiao Jiang, what's the matter with you, listless?" Chen Ya looked at Jiang Yuanyue in surprise, only to see that the other party's face was a little pale, and his eyes were a little swollen, as if he hadn't had a good rest.

The problem is that the rehearsal for the New Year's Eve party has not yet started, and the other party has worked in a large-scale program center for ten years. He has experienced hundreds or dozens of parties. It is impossible to be nervous or excited just because of a New Year's Eve party. Can't sleep, can't you?
Did you play too late last night?
When Jiang Yuanyue heard it, she immediately sighed deeply, and then said with a wry smile: "Didn't I go to the construction site last night to see how the stage was being built? Guess what time I came back last night?"

As soon as the people at the same table heard Jiang Yuanyue's tone of voice, they immediately understood the reason for the other party's listlessness. It must be because they stayed late at the construction site yesterday, which affected their normal rest.

"10 o'clock?" Chen Ya blindly guessed the time.

Jiang Yuanyue shook her head.

"11 o'clock?" Zhao Hongbo guessed while eating.

Jiang Yuanyue shook her head again.

"Could it be 12 o'clock?" After Yu Yan finished guessing, she shook her head again, thinking it was unlikely. After all, it was only the stage of stage construction, and Jiang Yuanyue, as the deputy director of the party, had no reason to stay so late. If it was the rehearsal of the party , it is possible.

Furthermore, even if Xiao Jiang is a program producer, even if he goes to the construction site, what else can he do besides simply take a look and tell the person in charge of the project?
Talk about architecture?

Xiao Jiang is an outsider.

Chat show?
The foreman didn't understand.

If it was her, it would be nice to be able to stay at the construction site for an hour.

"12 o'clock? Hehe, it's 3 o'clock, 3 o'clock in the morning, can you believe it?" Jiang Yuanyue said weakly.

It was 3 o'clock when she returned to the hotel from the construction site, took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and ordered some food. Said she only slept three hours last night.

"What? Three o'clock?"

The others were all stunned when they heard it.

"What are you doing at the construction site so late?" Chen Ya asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, it's just a stage, you can't help there, don't tell me, you were there until 3 o'clock in a daze." Zhao Hongbo was also puzzled.

After Jiang Yuanyue heard Deputy Director Zhao's words, the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily, not to mention, she was really in a daze until 3 o'clock.

"Xiao Jiang, what's going on? Is there something wrong with the stage?" Yu Yan suddenly asked anxiously. She felt that it was impossible for Xiao Jiang to be in a daze until 3 o'clock. There must be something wrong.


Jiang Yuanyue sighed, and then explained: "Isn't it because of my good student?"

"Good boy? Do you mean Mr. Xu Jie?" Chen Ya asked.

Jiang Yuanyue nodded and continued: "My good student has been staying at the construction site since the start of the stage work, checking the construction and discussing with the engineer at the same time, for fear of any problems on the stage, even at night when the workers change shifts, He didn't leave either, he just ate a lunch box and returned to work..."

Having said that, Jiang Yuanyue sighed again, because the next thing to talk about is the real nightmare.

"Originally, I thought that my junior would be able to go back to the hotel to rest until nine or ten o'clock, so I decided to stay with my junior, and at that time, I was too embarrassed to leave by myself, but I never dreamed of this kind of companionship." I stayed with him until 3 o'clock in the morning, and when I left, he hadn't left yet..."

Listening to Jiang Yuanyue's narration, Chen Ya, Zhao Hongbo, and Yu Yan all showed surprised expressions. None of them thought that Xu Jie would be so serious and responsible for such a trivial matter as building the stage.

You must know that when they were in charge of this matter in the past, they usually just walked over in the morning to see how the project progressed and whether the construction was carried out according to the drawings, and then left with a few words of non-painful instructions. The whole process would not exceed an hour.

stay all day?

Really can't.

But now, what they couldn't do, Xu Jie did. How could this surprise them?

Recalling the banquets I accepted yesterday and the dinners I attended, I can't wait to spit it out.

"Has Xu Jie returned to the hotel yet?" Chen Ya looked at Jiang Yuanyue and asked.

"I don't know." Jiang Yuanyue shook his head and said, "I knocked on the door when I passed by his room just now, but no one opened the door, and I don't know if he didn't come back, or I didn't hear it because I slept too hard. Go up and have a look."

"No, if he doesn't come back, it's useless for you to knock on the door again. If he comes back, let him rest more." Chen Ya thought for a while and said.

"Director Chen, people from Jingshi Culture are here." Yu Yan reminded in a low voice, then turned her head and pointed in the direction of the restaurant's door.

Chen Ya looked over after hearing it, and yes, it was indeed an employee of Jingshi Culture.

It's just that he saw it from the beginning to the end, but he didn't see Xu Jie.

"I'll ask someone to come over and ask." Jiang Yuanyue said to Chen Ya, and then raised her hand high, "Zhang Qize!"

Zhang Qize saw that it was someone from China TV calling him, and immediately walked over quickly, "Morning, Director Chen, morning, Deputy Director Zhao, morning, Director Yu, morning, Director Jiang..."

They are all bosses, and no one can be left behind.

"Morning, by the way, did you Mr. Xu come back last night?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"No." Zhang Qize replied.

"No? Are you sure? Did you go into the room to look?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"I didn't enter Mr. Xu's room, but Mr. Xu sent me a text message at six o'clock this morning, asking me to bring him a breakfast to the construction site, so I think Mr. Xu probably didn't return to the hotel last night. , if you come back, you should go to the construction site with us this morning." Zhang Qize explained.

"Okay, I see. You can go to eat quickly, and remember to bring some more breakfast for you, Mr. Xu." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Understood, everyone, then I won't bother you." Although Zhang Qize didn't understand why the people from Huashi were so concerned about whether Mr. Xu came back last night, he still didn't ask any further questions, and turned around and left after a salute.

Seeing Zhang Qize walking away, Jiang Yuanyue said, "It seems that my junior really didn't come back last night."

Chen Ya nodded, looked at Zhao Hongbo and Yu Yan suddenly, and asked, "Are you busy this morning?"

"No." Zhao Hongbo shook his head. He roughly guessed what Director Chen was thinking, so even if something happened, he had to postpone it. This was an attitude.

"After dinner later, let's go to the stage to see Xiao Xu." Chen Ya said.

Although he arranged the work for Xu Jie, but seeing him forgetting to eat and sleep, he felt a little bit sorry.

They push and change glasses in the restaurant, while the other party drinks and eats dirt at the construction site.

If it was him, I would definitely feel very uncomfortable.


"it is good!"

Several people couldn't help speeding up their eating, especially Chen Ya. He really wanted to use Xu Jie, but he never thought of using him to death.

The so-called: a long stream of fine water.

He also plans to cooperate with the other party for a few more evening shows.

After eating, several people immediately drove to Oriental Park.

The workers on the day shift have already started working, and the scene is full of enthusiasm.

Chen Ya got out of the car first, raised his eyes and looked around, but after looking for a long time, he couldn't find the person he was looking for.

"Where's Xu Jie? Did you see it?" Chen Ya asked the people beside him while searching.

Zhao Hongbo shook his head, but he didn't notice either.

"Could it be that you're back at the hotel? You just left?" Yu Yan asked suspiciously.

"No, if he plans to go back to the hotel, no one will bring him breakfast." Chen Ya said.

At this time, the person in charge of the project walked over and said enthusiastically: "Welcome the leaders of Huaxia TV to inspect the work."

Chen Yazheng was worried that he couldn't find Xu Jie. When he saw the project leader coming, he immediately asked, "Manager Wang, where is Xu Jie and Mr. Xu? Why didn't you see him here?"

"You mean Director Xu, right? He's drawing blueprints in the office." Manager Wang said after hearing this, and pointed to a simple shed not far away.

"Draw the blueprint? What kind of blueprint?" Chen Ya asked.

"It's the design drawings of the stage." Manager Wang said.

"Isn't the design drawing of the stage already finished?" Chen Ya asked suspiciously.

"I'm not too sure about this." Manager Wang shook his head, although he had various guesses in his heart, he didn't dare to say more.

Chen Ya walked towards the office curiously, and saw Xu Jie gesticulating on the paper with a pen and ruler through the window, as if he was drawing something, and he was very focused.

The door of the office was open. Chen Ya was about to go in, but worried about disturbing Xu Jie, so he stopped at the door and knocked gently on the door.


"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked without raising his head, and the pen in his hand didn't stop because of this.

"Isn't the blueprint for the stage finished? What are you still drawing here?" Chen Ya asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just drawing casually to see if I can design a better stage plan..." At this point, Xu Jie suddenly realized something, raised his head suddenly, and asked in surprise: "Director Chen? What are you doing?" coming?"

"I heard that you didn't go back to the hotel to rest last night? That's not okay. No matter how tight the construction period is, you should give yourself enough rest time to combine work and rest..." Chen Ya walked into the room while talking, and then Turn your eyes to the design drawings on the desk, "Did you draw this?"

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Chen Ya was a little surprised. The design lines of the stage were neatly drawn, which looked like those drawn by drawing software. He remembered that the other party said that he could not draw. horrible?

He couldn't help picking up the design drawing, only then realized that the original drawing was not this one, and there were many design drawings covered under this one on the surface.

These stage design drawings can be said to have different shapes and characteristics, and from the overall appearance to the internal organs, he is dazzled.

"Did you draw these?" Chen Ya asked again.

"No, the following pictures were drawn by me and the engineer together. We studied the feasibility of the dynamic change of the stage together to see if we can use the limited stage to change more tricks." Xu Jie said here Picking up the ruler again, he pointed to the drawing and introduced it to Director Chen in detail.

Director Chen may not understand what he said next, but he has to say it. If he doesn't say it, how can the other party know that he worked hard last night?

I don't know that he has worked so hard, so how can I feel guilty and compensate him in the future?

Chen Ya is not interested in these stage design drawings. He just wants to know why Xu Jie didn't go back to the hotel to rest last night. It will inevitably dampen the other party's enthusiasm for work, so I listened patiently.

One side pretends to be serious about explaining, while the other side pretends to be listening carefully. The performance of both parties is called an investment. Those who don't know think that the two are studying the future direction of the human world.

And the other people in the room didn't dare to disturb, some stood aside and waited, and some leaned forward to look at the drawings, wondering what Mr. Xu had drawn again.

Xu Jie saw more and more people, so he talked more and more.

What is he best at?Just talk!
Therefore, today, it is not enough to talk about the confusion of these people present.

"Actually, when drawing the stage design the night before yesterday, the engineer and I had a lot of bold ideas, but due to the time limit and difficulty, we didn't add them to the final design. When we met at the construction site yesterday , I talked about this issue again, so I drew a blueprint, wanting to explore the feasibility of those ideas...

"The first stage we designed was a stage that can be flipped up and down. The biggest feature of this stage is... Later, considering the personal safety of the actors, we began to study the auxiliary stage that can rotate around the main stage. Director Chen, look at the drawing ..."

Chen Ya was just putting on a show, but after hearing Xu Jie's narration, she was shocked, and said in her heart that this young man really dared to think.

At the same time, he also realized that if he really let the other party talk, then he and his colleagues might have to stay here for lunch.

Moreover, this also violated his original intention of wanting the other party to rest.

"Mr. Xu, from the current point of view, your ideas are too bold and forward-looking. They provide a good direction for the future stage design of the party. I think these designs should be reserved for later when you have nothing to worry about. And you The first priority now is to go back to the hotel and rest."

After Chen Ya finished speaking, he patted Xu Jie on the shoulder. Sure enough, when people get older, their thinking will become conservative, while young people are more willing to try boldly.

"Director Chen, I'm fine now. I'm not sleepy at all. I can still stay here. You are busy with your work. Just leave it to me." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Seeing Xu Jie's insistence, Chen Ya felt more guilty.

is busy!

Just busy eating with other people.

Chen Ya sighed secretly, the more Xu Jie was like this, the more sorry he was.

"Mr. Xu, the Great Wall wasn't built in a day. Besides, aren't we all here? So please feel free to leave this place to us today." Chen Yayu said earnestly, "If you are tired now, the Spring Festival Gala What about the show?"

In his opinion, the New Year's Eve party can only be regarded as an appetizer, and the following Spring Festival party is the real feast. If the other party is exhausted during the appetizer, who will cook the big meal of the Spring Festival party?
Even he didn't want to put too much energy into the New Year's Eve party, so he assigned the job of chief director to Zhao Hongbo, so that he could concentrate on preparing for the New Year's Eve party.

A person's energy in a certain period of time is limited. If you consume too much energy during this period of time, you will definitely not have enough energy to cope with what will happen in the next period of time.

"Director Chen, there is something in your words. Is it because the first rehearsal of the CTV Spring Festival Gala is coming soon, so you want me here today? Director Chen, don't worry, I promise to produce the work before the rehearsal, even if I just collapsed from exhaustion , I will also lie on the hospital bed and finish the book." Xu Jie said seriously.

When Chen Ya heard it, she became a little anxious, "That's impossible, your body is not only your own, but also our Spring Festival Gala director's team, and the audience from all over the country, so you must have a good rest and provide for our director team , bringing wonderful works to our audiences across the country.”

After Xu Jie heard it, he called out in his heart: Good guy!
My body is mine, when did it belong to the national audience?
It's not the teacher in the educational film.

And with such a big hat off, how dare he stay here?

"President Xu, go back and rest." Zhao Hongbo also joined the persuasion team at this time.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, it's not that you are not allowed to come back. You go back and eat something, sleep well, and come back after recharging your energy? I guarantee that no one will persuade you to leave." Yu Yan persuaded with a smile.

Xu Jie saw that the CTS members had spoken, and he should have accepted it as soon as he saw it, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go back to sleep and come back."

"That's right." Chen Ya secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face.

Finally persuaded people to go back to the hotel to sleep!
In this way, he can feel more comfortable in his heart.

He used to ask people to work overtime, but this was the first time he had done this kind of thing.

Xu Jie brought the blueprints he had drawn before with him, and stopped when he walked out of the office, looked in the direction of the construction site and said, "I'd better go and have a look again, so that I can feel more at ease."

"Mr. Xu, didn't you agree to go back to rest and leave the work here to us? Why, are you worried about our CTS people?" Chen Ya asked with a frown.

"Don't worry, how can I worry about you, Director Chen?" Xu Jie walked a few steps, then stopped again, pointed to the bread and milk on the stool, and said, "I'll leave after breakfast."

"What is there to eat for bread? It must not be nutritious. Go back to the hotel and order what you want to eat." After Chen Ya finished speaking, he was worried that the other party would find other reasons, so he pulled Jiang Yuanyue and said: "Xiao Jiang, your task today Just send Mr. Xu back to the hotel, watch him eat, and urge him to rest, understand?"

"Yes, Director!" Jiang Yuanyue quickly caught up with Xu Jie, took him by the arm and walked outside, saying as he walked, "Student, did you hear what Director Chen said? Don't make things difficult for me."

"Understood, senior." Xu Jie said so, but he turned his head every three steps, his face full of concern for the project.

Jiang Yuanyue was a little speechless.

I know, this is building a stage, but I don't know, I thought it was building a rocket launcher.

As for?

 My eyes hurt yesterday, but today I feel much better. I don’t have a fever anymore. I mainly focus on coughing, stuffy nose, and foreign objects in my throat.
(End of this chapter)

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