The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 940 An Equal Relationship

Chapter 940 An Equal Relationship

Xu Jie returned to the hotel under the supervision of her senior.

"I took so much, can I finish it?"

Jiang Yuanyue looked at the table full of food, there were steamed stuffed buns, shrimp dumplings, pork ribs, and chicken feet. She seriously suspected that her junior was not here for breakfast, but for morning tea, Cantonese-style morning tea, The kind that is eaten from morning to noon.

"For two people, we've finished eating, so I still think it's too little." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Two people? Don't add me, I won't eat." Jiang Yuanyue shook his head and said.

"Why? Senior sister has eaten?" Xu Jie asked.

Jiang Yuanyue thought: Thanks to you, I finished eating at 03:30 in the morning.

After thinking about it, I can't say this, it's too embarrassing to say it.

"I've eaten, you can eat quickly, and go back to the room to rest after eating." Jiang Yuanyue said, so that she can also go back to the room to catch up on sleep.

No way, I only slept for three hours last night, I was too sleepy.

Xu Jie stopped being polite to his senior, and ate breakfast in big gulps. In fact, he also wanted to go back to his room to rest quickly. If his senior didn't force him to come to the dining room, he wouldn't even want to eat breakfast.

Jiang Yuanyue took out her mobile phone from her bag, and re-planned today's schedule. The work in the morning can be postponed, and the appointment in the morning can be postponed. Anyway, she doesn't want to do anything in the morning, she just wants to sleep well .

"By the way." Jiang Yuanyue suddenly thought of something, looked up at Xu Jie opposite and asked, "Student, Director Chen will return to the capital tomorrow to prepare for the Spring Festival Gala, how is your sketch script preparation going? It's time to rehearse But not many days."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it.

Chen Ya is leaving tomorrow?
If Chen Ya really left, who would he show his performances in the future?
Zhao Hongbo?Yu Yan?Jiang Yuanyue?

But acting in front of these people is useless.

It seems that the play cannot stop.

"I will hurry up and finish writing." Xu Jie said casually, but he was thinking about how to act next.

Of course, performances alone are not enough, but performances are also needed, so as to win the greatest benefits for the company and the rights and interests that employees should have.

After breakfast, Xu Jie went back to the room, set an alarm clock with his mobile phone, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

This sleep lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon, and Xu Jie didn't wake up from his sleep until the alarm clock rang.

Although he didn't sleep for a few hours, he still came to the restaurant to eat something, then left the hotel again and returned to the scene of stage construction.

"Mr. Xu? Why are you here again? Didn't Director Chen tell you to rest in the hotel today?" When a staff member of Huaxia TV saw Xu Jie, his face was full of surprises, which he had never seen before. Give leave to people who don't rest.

Wouldn't it be nice to go shopping and try the local delicacies of Xiazhou?Why do you have to come to the construction site to eat dirt?Isn't this full of food?
"I did the stage design. I'm a little worried at the hotel, so come and take a look," Xu Jie explained, pointing in the direction of the stage and saying, "I'll go and have a look."

Finished talking and left.

The staff of Huaxia TV looked at Xu Jie's back, and suddenly remembered Director Chen's explanation, so they immediately took out their mobile phones and called Director Chen.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the call is connected.


Chen Ya is having a massage, which is a regular massage.

Xiazhou is close to the sea, and there is a lot of humidity, which made him a little bit unaccustomed to living in the capital, so he found a place to massage and relieve his discomfort.

He was also accompanied by the CEO of an entertainment company.

According to his words, when talking about work during the massage, the thinking will be clearer.

"Director Chen, I'm Liu Xingyang, Mr. Xu has come to the construction site again."


Chen Ya, who had his eyes closed, opened them directly, with surprise written all over his face.

He had just finished lunch with his friends, and it was less than half an hour before he lay here for a massage, which could barely be called the afternoon, so why did Xu Jie go to the construction site again?
"Xiao Liu, hurry up and ask Mr. Xu to go back to the hotel to rest, and just tell me what I said." Chen Ya instructed.

"Director Chen, that's what I said just now, but Mr. Xu said that he was in charge of the stage design, so he didn't feel at ease in the hotel, so come and have a look." Liu Xingyang said in a low voice.

Chen Ya couldn't help frowning.

Isn't it stage-building?What are you worried about?It's not such a complicated project, is it?

In the past, he thought that the people who worked were serious and responsible, and he would worry less. He didn't expect that the people who worked were too serious and responsible now, so he worried more.

"I see." Chen Ya said, and then hung up the phone.

He doesn't mind Xu Jie going to the construction site, but the problem is that the other party hasn't finished any of the scripts for the Spring Festival Gala sketches, but now they are devoting a lot of energy to things like stage construction. Isn't this confusing?

Although there are still two months before the Spring Festival, the other party is in charge of four sketches alone, and the program rehearsal will start next month. What if the sketches are not completed or have not passed the review after completion?It will take a long time to write again at that time.

Thinking of this, Chen Ya found Xu Jie's mobile phone number in the contacts, and called the other party.

"Director Chen, you have work to do!" Xu Jie's firm voice came from the microphone.

Chen Ya, who was originally anxious when he heard this, felt a lot more comfortable in his heart, and the expression on his face eased a bit, and asked: "Mr. The skit script thing."

He felt that if he forced the other party to go back to the hotel to rest, the other party might not agree, so the best way was to replace the current busy job of the other party with another job.

As for the Spring Festival Gala sketch, speechlessness is the best reason.

But for the Spring Festival Gala skits, he was really anxious, because whether the Spring Festival Gala was good or not, the Spring Festival Gala skits counted, and how many people really cared about singing and dancing?

"Director Chen, I'm on the side of the stage, not in the hotel. Does the superior have any new requirements for the content of the skit? Please give instructions!" Xu Jie said.

"The superior has no new instructions. I just want to know about the situation of various programs. After returning to the capital tomorrow, I can report the current progress to the superior." Chen Ya randomly found a reason.

"My side is going well." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Chen Ya was slightly taken aback. Didn't you say that one of them was not finished?How did it turn out to be going smoothly?
"Really? How many have you finished writing? Tell me about the content of the sketch."

Chen Ya was very happy. If the other party finished writing the four sketches, he didn't mind the other party spending more time on the New Year's Eve party.

"I haven't finished any of them yet." Xu Jie answered truthfully.

"What? Didn't finish any of them? You call this progressing smoothly?" Chen Ya asked loudly.

"I've already thought up the story, and when I'm done with the New Year's Eve party, I can finish it in a few days, trust me." Xu Jie said.

"I believe you, but I have to put an end to all accidental risks!" Chen Ya suddenly thought of a good way when he said this, and said directly: "Just leave the New Year's Eve party alone and go back to the capital with me tomorrow, and then Complete the Spring Festival Gala essay with one heart and one mind.”

Speaking of which, regarding the cooperation between China Television and Jingshi Culture for the New Year's Eve Gala, he never thought that Xu Jie would come. He agreed to cooperate at the beginning because of the script of the Spring Festival Gala sketch.

The New Year's Eve party can be without this person, but the Spring Festival party cannot be without this person.


To be precise, he needs this person.

"Ah? Well, how can this work? You entrusted me with such a big job as the stage, how could I leave halfway? Besides, my people are still here, and this is the first time they have cooperated with your Huaxia TV station. Nervous and worried, if I leave, won't they lose their backbone? I can't leave, I have to stick to the last moment." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Mr. Xu, since you listen to me so much, from now on, I will hand over all the stage work to other people. You don't have to worry about it anymore. As for your people, you are worried that you will not be able to work without them. Or are you worried about being bullied? If it's the former, you should leave and give them a chance to exercise. If it's the latter, then your worries are completely unnecessary..."

Chen Ya was determined to take this person away.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Use me if you want to use me, let me go if you want to go?how is this possible!

The purpose of his coming to Xiazhou was not to participate in the New Year's Eve party, but to embolden the employees.

But now?
Let him design the stage and supervise the work on the construction site. Isn't this treating him as free labor?

He just wanted to let the other party know through this series of things that we men are not for you to use as you want.

"Director Chen, others don't understand me, don't you understand me? I always do things from beginning to end, and I will never give up halfway. If I just leave like this, I will always think about this matter in my heart. Even if I return Even the capital city can’t write sketch scripts with peace of mind.” Xu Jie said lightly, determined not to do what the other party wanted.


After Chen Ya heard it, she was speechless and couldn't say anything. She only hated why she asked the other party's opinion on the stage with such a cheap mouth and handed over the work of stage design to the other party. It's too deep, and I can't pull it out even if I try to pull it out.

If one idiom was used to describe his mood at this moment, it would be: want to cry but have no tears.

"Okay!" Chen Ya sighed deeply, and then said, "You can stay here, but when the stage is set up, you must return to the capital immediately to find me."

"No, I want to stay with my staff." Xu Jie refused decisively.


Chen Ya was speechless again, and those who were rejected were even on the verge of autism.

Ever since he became the person in charge of the large-scale program center of China TV, no one has ever disrespected him so much, and rejected him one after another.

This is Xu Jie. If it were someone else, he would have been angry a long time ago.

"Okay Mr. Xu, you are not from CTS, and I have no right to order you, but you have to promise me that you must hand over all the sketch scripts to me after New Year's Day." Chen Ya said seriously.

I'm too tired, I don't care, I don't want to care anymore.

If the other party is a member of Huaxia TV Station, he will definitely be able to handle it every minute.

"No problem." Xu Jie said with a smile, it seems that the other party has clearly recognized the relationship between the two.

That's right, it is a cooperative relationship, not a relationship between superiors and superiors.

You can discuss with him, but you can't instruct him to do things just because he is a CTSV employee.

Since it is cooperation, the two parties are naturally in an equal relationship.

He came to cooperate, not to beg for food.

If he didn't do anything, then when Chen Ya left, other people in CTS would definitely have a sense of superiority when they treated him and his employees.

In fact, I already felt this on the way to Xiazhou.

After Chen Ya heard it, although the other party answered very simply, he was still a little uncertain.

Those are four sketch books!

Many screenwriters find it difficult to even write a sketch. Even after finishing it, they have to revise it again and again. This is what worries him the most. He is worried that the script written by the other party in such a short period of time will be killed by the review team.

"Mr. Xu, I have to emphasize one thing to you. The four sketch scripts we mentioned when we cooperated at the beginning refer to the scripts that have been reviewed, but the review is not counted." Chen Ya said, afraid that the other party would write four scripts at random. fool him.

"Director Chen, I know." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, I have to remind you that the review team's requirements are very strict, so you can't be too careless." Chen Ya said again.

"Director Chen, it's not that I haven't participated in the review of Spring Festival Gala sketches. I was so anxious last year that I could write three. It's not easy to come up with four this year." Xu Jie said relaxedly.

The corner of Chen Ya's mouth twitched. If the other party's words were heard by other creators, wouldn't they be ashamed to bang their heads on tofu?

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news in the capital." Chen Ya said.

He finally recognized this person, he was not only a ruthless person, but also a madman.

But after being tormented by the madman, he was completely out of the mood to continue the massage. He informed the acquaintance at the side, and then put on his clothes and left here.

On the way back to the hotel, he kept thinking about what Xu Jie said on the phone just now.

Why does the other party have to stay here?
It is those employees who are worried about Jingshi culture.

So, as long as the other party's concerns are dispelled, the other party can concentrate on writing the sketch script?
Well, it must be so!

Back at the hotel, Chen Ya went directly to Zhao Hongbo, because after he left, Zhao Hongbo was the person in charge here, so he had to explain clearly.

"Director Chen, what's the matter?" Zhao Hongbo let Chen Ya into the room.

"Old Zhao, it's like this. I'm going back to the capital tomorrow, and I have to explain something to you." Chen Ya said solemnly.

Zhao Hongbo was a little puzzled. After all, he was also a director of many large-scale evening parties, so he had a lot of experience. However, seeing Director Chen's serious look, he finally sat down and listened carefully.

"First of all, in terms of the attitude towards the staff of Jingshi Culture, we are in a cooperative relationship with them, so we must treat them with an equal attitude. You let our people give me all the usual arrogance. Accept, if you let me know who embarrassed CTS, don't blame me for settling accounts after autumn, and Mr. Xu, don't arrange work for him in the future, let him write sketch scripts in the hotel with peace of mind, if he has any requirements, as long as it doesn't violate the principle Promise as much as possible..."

Zhao Hongbo listened carefully, but he was very puzzled in his heart, why does he feel that today's boss is a bit humble?


(End of this chapter)

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