Chapter 941
On the morning of the 13th, all members of the director team of China Television's New Year's Eve Gala gathered in the corridor to see off Director Chen who was about to return to Beijing to prepare for the Spring Festival Gala.

"Sister, don't you need to go back?" Xu Jie looked curiously at Jiang Yuanyue beside him and asked.

The other party is the director of the language program of the Spring Festival Gala, and the language program has been the highlight of the Spring Festival Gala over the years. Whether it is the attention of the station or the attention of the outside world, it is very high. It should return to the capital early to prepare.

"Director Chen went back to report the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala to his superiors. What am I going to do when I go back? To urge the sketch actors to prepare the book?" Jiang Yuanyue turned her head to look at Xu Jie, and said with a smile: "Don't forget, the biggest production of the sketch Shang is by my side."

"So, senior sister stayed here to monitor me?" Xu Jie asked.

"You can understand it that way." Jiang Yuanyue didn't deny it.

In fact, some well-known sketch actors and comedy groups began to work overtime and organize their staff to prepare sketch scripts after receiving the invitation from the director team of China TV Spring Festival Gala, without her supervision at all.

Only this junior was in charge of the four sketch scripts by herself and seemed unhurried, so compared to other actors, she was more anxious about her junior.

"It seems that senior sister is worried about me." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Student, look at what you said. It's so ugly. Is it called worry? This is called caring, that is, you, junior. Others don't treat you like this." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

Xu Jie said directly, he is not stupid, is he concerned or worried, can't he tell the difference?

At this time, the door of a room suddenly opened, and Chen Ya and Zhao Hongbo were seen walking out of it one after the other.

"Old Zhao, I will leave the New Year's Eve party to you." Chen Ya made the final explanation to Zhao Hongbo as he walked.

"Please rest assured Director Chen, I will do everything well." Zhao Hongbo said.

Chen Ya nodded, then looked at the other people in the corridor and said: "I'm leaving, the next work depends on you, I know you are all veterans who have been in the field for a long time, but you must pay attention to everything, don't be careless, and , when working with local comrades, we must remain humble, and we must not make people think that our CTS people are arrogant, understand?"


Everyone responded.

At this moment, Chen Ya's eyes fell on Xu Jie, changed his seriousness just now, and said with a smile: "Mr. , I have already told him that since it is cooperation, we should care for and help each other, so don't be embarrassed, after all, we are not outsiders."

The implication: We are not outsiders. If you don’t want to participate in the New Year’s Eve party, don’t go. I have already told Lao Zhao that he will not arrange work for you, so you can just concentrate on writing sketches.

"Good Director Chen, I will definitely keep your words in mind." Xu Jie said seriously, and at the same time thought: I will definitely not be embarrassed.

Chen Ya reached out and patted Xu Jie's shoulder, then looked at the others and said, "Okay, I'm leaving, everyone should do whatever they want, and don't delay work because of me."

Everyone thought to themselves: How can we have any work now?Our job now is to eat with people.

But this kind of thing, everyone knows it well.

The elevator door opened slowly, and Chen Ya walked in with a suitcase.

"Director Chen, go slowly!"

"Boss Chen, have a good trip!"

Everyone waved goodbye to Director Chen one after another until the elevator doors closed.

Zhao Hongbo turned around at this moment, looked at the others and said, "The stage is half built, let's go to the meeting room and talk about the rehearsal work."


The crowd responded.

Once Director Chen left, Deputy Director Zhao was naturally the boss.

Zhao Hongbo was about to go to the meeting room when he suddenly remembered Director Chen's instructions before leaving, so he looked at Xu Jie and said, "Mr. You worry about it."

After hearing this, Jiang Yuanyue echoed, "Yes, junior, the rehearsal has nothing to do with you, so don't meddle in it, go back and write the sketchbook at ease."

"Senior sister, you are wrong to say this." Xu Jie said seriously: "Director Chen just said that we are a cooperative relationship and should care for and help each other. As the person in charge of the cooperative party, I must Take the lead, Director Zhao, if you have any work, you can assign it to Beijing TV Culture, and we will definitely not let you and Huaxia TV down."

Zhao Hongbo was a little confused after hearing this.

Does Director Chen mean this?

It seems not.

He clearly remembered that yesterday Director Chen told him ten thousand times that he must not arrange work for Mr. Xu and let him concentrate on writing the script for the Spring Festival Gala in the hotel.

But now?
The other party even took the initiative to ask for work arrangements, what should I do?
He clearly remembered what Director Chen said yesterday: If the other party has any request, as long as it does not violate the principle, he will try his best to agree...

Did he agree or not?


It seems to violate the first rule.

Do not agree?
It seems to violate the second clause.

"Student!" Jiang Yuanyue stood up and said at this time: "Your Jingshi Culture employees have been merged into our CTS employees, so the specific job will be assigned. The director team will announce it at that time, and you will Don't worry, we are now a whole, since we are a whole, we must obey the overall arrangement, we will not treat differently."

"Well, what senior sister said makes sense, can I listen to it?" Xu Jie asked.

Jiang Yuanyue thought, what's good to hear?But it's hard to say no, those who don't know think they Huashi have something to hide from each other.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Zhao Hongbo, asking for the other party's opinion. Zhao Hongbo felt that it was no big deal to listen to it, and there was nothing confidential about it, so she said, "Since Mr. Xu wants to listen, then come and listen. After all, you are also a deputy. Director, have the right to listen, go, go to the conference room."

After speaking, walk ahead.

Xu Jie was also polite, and quickly followed behind.

Jiang Yuanyue looked at her junior's back, wishing she could kick him in the ass.

If you don't write a sketch script well, why join in the fun?Really!
When they came to the meeting room, all five members of the director's team sat down.

"The purpose of today's meeting is to determine everyone's job..." Zhao Hongbo said while looking at the other people present.

In fact, as colleagues in a unit and an experienced team, everyone is very clear about what work they are responsible for after joining the team, but before the work officially starts, the person in charge of each work must be determined for the last time to ensure that each work There are people who do it. Even when there is a problem, the relevant person in charge can be found and the problem can be solved as soon as possible.

The broadcast of a party is not only in front of the stage, but also behind the scenes, and the staff behind the scenes are even more than the actors on the stage.

The seemingly simple list of cast and crew took more than an hour to draw up, from the producer and director to the lighting, makeup, and even the unit of thanks has been written.

The names on the list are not written casually, because this list will appear in the cast and crew column at the end after the New Year's Eve party, representing every behind-the-scenes staff who worked hard for the party.

"The main staff list will be drafted here first, and other lists will be supplemented at any time later. Do you have any comments on the work?" Zhao Hongbo asked.

Jiang Yuanyue and the others shook their heads, it wasn't the final list, so what's your opinion?
"I have!"

Suddenly a voice sounded, which was very clear in the quiet conference room.

It's Xu Jie.

"Student, what's your opinion?" Jiang Yuanyue frowned and asked.

Although this time it is the cooperation between CTS and Beijing TV Culture, it must be CTV as the main player. As for CTV Culture, just listen honestly. Where is the turn to give opinions?
"I have a problem with the arrangement of our Jingshi Culture staff." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Jiang Yuanyue glanced at the list and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

Because he is not familiar with the employees of Jingshi Culture, when Deputy Director Zhao was assigning work just now, he assigned the employees of Jingshi Culture to some insignificant positions, such as the propaganda team.

The job of the publicity team is to promote the New Year's Eve party. It has little to do with the rehearsal and live broadcast of the party. Moreover, the promotional platforms are all related to China Television. Arranging people from Jingshi Culture here is simply a soy sauce.

There are also clothing assistants, lighting assistants, etc., which are purely for helping people.

"You can do whatever you are asked to do." Jiang Yuanyue said to her junior, and at the same time winked at the other party, signaling that the other party should not look for trouble, and it's not that they won't give you labor fees, the most important thing is to participate.

"Having said that, it is not only a waste of resources to arrange people from Beijing Television Culture in positions they are not familiar with, but what should we do if we do not do well? This will seriously affect the efficiency of the entire party. We Beijing Television Culture are responsible for this Culture can’t afford it, so I think it’s better to put people in positions they are familiar with.” Xu Jie looked at Zhao Hongbo indifferently and said, choosing to ignore the hints from his senior sister.

Jiang Yuanyue rolled her eyes at her junior, what's wrong with the costume assistant and the lighting assistant?Don't you know how to lay hands on others?Will you deliver a piece of clothing?Will you press a button?
Zhao Hongbo looked at Xu Jie. It's not that he doesn't know the information of Beijing Television Culture and these people. In fact, he had read it last night, and he knew what these people were responsible for in Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve Gala and Spring Festival Gala. Works, but the problem is, he's not at ease.

Can Beijing Satellite TV's gala be the same as China TV's gala?

The simplest point is that the equipment used by the two TV stations is the same, and he doesn't trust the people from Jingshi Culture to operate it.

He thought of Director Chen's words again, so he asked, "Mr. Xu, what kind of positions do you think people like Jingshi Culture are suitable for? Tell me."

Xu Jie was not too polite, and under the fierce eyes of his senior, he opened his mouth and said, "Like Zhang Qize, he is the head of our performance department and has served as an assistant director at many evening parties. I think he is very suitable as an on-site director, and Wang Youlin and Liu Hexiang, they are very good at taking pictures, this Qi Yanzhu is very good at post-editing..."

For this cooperation with China TV, he brought all the elites from the performance department. On the one hand, he wanted to show the style of Beijing TV culture, and on the other hand, he also wanted to learn from China TV.

If he arranges his people in those irrelevant positions, then in this cooperation, he will neither get exercise nor learn anything, and if he does not get attention in the first cooperation, then in the future In the cooperation, it is bound to be marginalized all the time.

After Zhao Hongbo finished listening, the expression on his face gradually became serious, because what Xu Jie mentioned just now were relatively important tasks.

In particular, some on-site positions not only require very high personal ability, but also have a comprehensive understanding of the overall and details of the party. Not everyone is competent, nor can it be learned after a period of teaching. Rich experience will do.

Although the people from JingTV Culture are not lacking in experience, there is definitely a gap between them and those from Beijing TV Station.

Since there are good candidates, why use other people to add some uncertainties to the party?
Zhao Hongbo didn't know how to reply, so he winked at Jiang Yuanyue who was at the side, indicating that the other party would think of a reason to reply.

After Jiang Yuanyue saw it, she rubbed her eyebrows with her hands, thought for a while, and then said: "Student brother, it's like this, this is our first cooperation, and we don't know each other well, so I will arrange it for your people. I have done some relatively easy and simple work, and when we cooperate more in the future and have a tacit understanding with each other, it will not be too late to entrust you with important tasks."

Zhao Hongbo kept nodding his head, well said!
"Don't understand?" Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yuanyue suspiciously and asked, "Sister, I remember that I gave you the employee information before leaving for Xiazhou, didn't you read it?"

"Ahem, it's because I read it that I feel that this arrangement is more secure. Junior, although we are cooperating this time, we still have to be the master of Huawei, do you understand? Follow the arrangement and focus on the overall situation." Jiang Yuanyue winked at her junior while talking, as if to say: It's almost done, be obedient, do you want to continue to cooperate in the future?

"Senior sister, I resolutely obey the arrangement and put the overall situation first. I just don't understand why it makes you feel safe to put my people in positions that they are not familiar with. Don't you think that the people I brought are not capable? ?Even if there is a gap with your CTV people, we can still learn, and Director Chen also said before leaving that we should care about each other and help each other. If you think my people will only cause trouble for you, then I will Just take people back to the capital, and don’t cause trouble for you CTS.”

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he stood up from his seat.

Zhao Hongbo was taken aback. He never expected that the other party would leave as soon as he said it, and he was the first to show such a temper in front of CTV for so many years.

If it is someone from another company, his attitude must be whether he wants to leave or not. Who will he look at?But this time, he really couldn't just let the other party leave.

Once the other party leaves, what will happen to the Spring Festival Gala sketch?
Director Chen is also counting on this person's sketch book to be the finale at the Spring Festival Gala.

"Mr. Xu, don't go!" Zhao Hongbo quickly stood up, looked at Xu Jie and explained: "You misunderstood, Xiao Jiang didn't mean to dislike you, she was mainly worried that your person will be on such a big stage for the first time. There will be psychological pressure when going to work, and she is also kind."

"Oh? Are you senior sister?" Xu Jie stopped and looked at Jiang Yuanyue.

Jiang Yuanyue gritted her teeth, wishing to eat the other party, but for the sake of the overall situation, she had to take the blame for Deputy Director Zhao, so she nodded and responded: "Well, yes, that's what I mean, why would I despise you? You are my dear student."

"Really? It seems that I misunderstood senior sister." Xu Jie sat down, giving senior sister a step down, and giving himself a step down.

Zhao Hongbo knew that if he didn't re-arrange the work for the people of Jingshi Culture today, this meeting would definitely not be able to end, so he sat down and said with a smile: "It can be seen that Mr. Xu is very confident in the people under him. , then add more burdens to them.”

Next, he readjusted all the staff of Jingshi Culture, including some important positions. Of course, these positions all have a common feature, that is, there are people from Jingshi Culture. People with culture can't do it, and there are people who resist it.

His idea is very simple, since the other party wants to fight for the employee's job, then give the other party a chance, if something goes wrong then, don't blame him for being rude.

"President Xu, do you think this arrangement is okay?" After Zhao Hongbo adjusted, he looked to Xu Jie for advice, and at the same time thought to himself: Who is the chief director of the New Year's Eve party.

"I listen to Director Zhao." Xu Jie said obediently.

The corner of Zhao Hongbo's mouth twitched, thinking: Why didn't you listen just now?

Thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Okay, then it's settled. Everyone, go back and get ready. The rehearsal will officially start at nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow."

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

"The meeting is over." Zhao Hongbo closed the notebook in front of him, and walked out of the meeting room first.

Xu Jie stood up from his seat and was about to go out when someone grabbed him by the collar.

"Sister? What are you doing?" Xu Jie looked back at Jiang Yuanyue and asked.

"You still know that I'm your senior sister? Let me ask you, what did you mean just now? Isn't it too disrespectful to me?" Jiang Yuanyue glared fiercely at her junior, who just humiliated her in front of her colleagues.

"No senior, you misunderstood, this is simply a big misunderstanding." Seeing that everyone else had left, Xu Jie said, "I didn't target you, I was just dissatisfied with Deputy Director Zhao's work arrangement, So to reflect on the situation, you insisted on standing up and acting in front of Deputy Director Zhao, so how can you blame me? You know that I want to come here for public or private purposes."

"Bullshit!" Jiang Yuanyue was embarrassed by the words, and angrily argued: "Did I act in front of Director Zhao? I was speaking for you, to leave a good impression on everyone, so that we can continue to cooperate in the future, who would have thought You are as if you have taken gunpowder, and you are unwilling to let go, who will dare to cooperate with you in the future, hum!"

"Really? It seems that I misunderstood senior sister. Don't worry, senior sister. I will definitely listen to you in the future." Xu Jie said seriously.

After Jiang Yuanyue saw it, she felt a lot more comfortable. She reached out and patted the other person's shoulder and said, "Young man, be modest, there is still a long way to go, understand?"

"Understood, understood!" Xu Jie nodded humbly.

"That's about the same." Jiang Yuanyue walked out of the conference room after finishing speaking.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the senior and thought: As long as you listen to me, I will definitely listen to you.


(End of this chapter)

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