The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 942 Why Are You So Stubborn?

Day by day, the new year is getting closer and closer.

With the completion of the stage, the rehearsal for the New Year's Eve party officially began.


Before departure, Xu Jie called all the company's employees to the room and made the final mobilization.

"Today is the first rehearsal of CTV's New Year's Eve party, and also the first cooperation between Beijing TV Culture and CTV, so you all have to cheer me up, and you must not let others underestimate you, you know?" Xu Jie said with a serious expression.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!"

Everyone nodded.

Everyone is very clear that the "others" Mr. Xu mentioned refers to the people from China TV.

CTS people are always proud, if they cannot satisfy these people in the first cooperation, then they will definitely get more blank stares in the future cooperation.

In fact, this kind of situation is very common for media companies that often cooperate with TV stations, not to mention CTS and Beijing Television Culture, even Beijing Radio and Television Stations have a chain of contempt.

For example, Jingcheng TV station doesn't like Beijing TV culture. In the previous evening cooperation, people from Beijing TV culture were often directed by people from Jingcheng TV station, and they would be criticized if they moved a little slower.

"To tell you the truth, in the initial work arrangement, you were not in these positions, but some jobs such as publicity and clothing assistants. The chief director promised that you would be able to do a good job, so you don’t make steamed buns to fight for your breath, and don’t make me embarrassing in front of those people in CTS, otherwise I won’t have the confidence to fight for you in the future.” Xu Jie said.

As the saying goes: Wells don’t produce oil without pressure, and people don’t have pressure.

Don't put some pressure on the employees, these people are always immersed in the joy of cooperating with CTS.

When everyone heard this, the expressions on their faces suddenly became ugly.

Costume Assistant?

Can this also be called work?It's clearly a miscellaneous job.

Did they come to Xiazhou from the capital all the way to do odd jobs for others?

To put it bluntly, this is simply insulting.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, for the original arrangement, they must show a [-]-point work attitude, or they will really be arranged to do chores for the next cooperation.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, we will never discredit you and the company." Zhang Qize said seriously, then turned his head to look at the other employees, and asked loudly: "Do you think so?"


Everyone spoke in unison.

Belittle them, yes, but insult them, no.

What's more, this is the first business Mr. Xu won for their performance department, and it is also an opportunity for their performance department to rise. If they can't grasp it well, how will Mr. Xu win business for them in the future?
We must know that among the company's four business departments, whether it is the program department, film department, or TV drama department, they are all developing in a decent way now. It can be said that they are flourishing, and their performance department is short of them. The pressure can be imagined And know.

There was no pressure before, it was because everyone was poor and they didn’t have any decent business, but now it’s different, the program department has popular variety shows, the film department has more than [-] million movies, and the TV drama department has not yet aired its works but has already made money. The pot is full, and everyone has come up with results, and they are the only ones left behind.

Even if Mr. Xu didn't say anything, they knew what to do.

"One more thing..." Xu Jie looked at the crowd and said: "In addition to cooperating with CTV to hold the New Year's Eve party this time, another purpose is to learn, so if you encounter problems that you don't understand at work, you must Ask clearly, learn all the skills of the CTS staff and make them our own, only in this way can we improve our own level, do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly!"

said the crowd.

"Okay, now that everything is clear, let's go." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of the room.

In the corridor, a lot of people from China TV had come, everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere seemed relatively relaxed.

Maybe it sounds like a very important party to outsiders, but to them, it is just an ordinary party. There are many parties held every year, and this is just one of them. .

To say that it is different, only the Spring Festival Gala is different.

Xu Jie walked over, and he could clearly feel that when the people from Huashi looked at his people, there was a little more contempt in their eyes, as if they were very disgusted, and then they pretended not to see them, and continued to talk about themselves, occasionally glancing at them. Then for a moment, it seemed like he didn't think highly of anyone.

Seeing this, Xu Jie narrowed his eyes. If he has this attitude now, then he can imagine what his attitude will be when he waits for the rehearsal.

It must be shouting five drinks six or just ignoring the answer.

"Sister!" Xu Jie suddenly shouted loudly, and then waved to Jiang Yuanyue who was fiddling with the phone.

Jiang Yuanyue was startled by the sudden voice, then walked over without knowing why, and asked curiously: "Student, what's the matter?"

"Senior sister, have you conveyed Director Chen's spirit to your CTS people?" Xu Jie asked.

"Director Chen's spirit? What kind of spirit?" Jiang Yuanyue asked in puzzlement. Isn't Director Chen already gone?

"Being human is the spirit of caring for and helping each other. Could it be that senior sister has forgotten? No wonder everyone in CTS looks so awesome." Xu Jie said lightly.

Jiang Yuanyue was slightly taken aback, looked at her own people, then at the people of Jingshi Culture, quickly pulled Xu Jie aside, and said in a low voice: "Student, don't talk nonsense, from today onwards It's official rehearsal, you can't break the unity, understand?"

"Undermining unity? Sister, this hat is a bit too big. Besides, don't you know whether the group is united or not? Do you need me to tell you what is going on with the CTS people outside?" Xu Jie said Wan curled his lips, revealing a sneer.

When Jiang Yuanyue saw the yin and yang of her junior, she immediately became angry, but she couldn't refute it. She is from CTS, so she knows better than anyone what is going on with CTS, but she just doesn't want to admit it. That's all.

"I'll tell my colleagues." Jiang Yuanyue gave her junior a white look, and really felt that it was wrong to cooperate with her junior, and there were too many things to do.

It’s not that CTV has never cooperated with other units. The key is that when cooperating with other district units, these units will cooperate 100%, only for listening, not for dissatisfaction, only for juniors, so even a little problem Will hold on to it.

"So, you never told your colleagues about this?" Xu Jie asked.

"I said it, I mean I will emphasize it with my colleagues." Jiang Yuanyue said angrily.

"It's still like this after I said it? Then you can emphasize it a few more times, so that they don't forget." Xu Jie reminded.


Jiang Yuanyue gritted his teeth angrily, thinking that he must find an opportunity to take revenge on the other party in the future.

"Clap clap clap!"

Jiang Yuanyue clapped his hands, and when everyone's eyes were focused, he squeezed out a smile and said, "This year's New Year's Eve party is the first cooperation between China Television and Beijing Television Culture, so I hope everyone can care about each other and take care of each other. , use your heart to one place, use your energy to one place, and unite to complete the task of the New Year's Eve party."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other. The people from CTV looked at the people from Jingshi Culture, and the people from Jingshi Culture looked at the people from CTS. In the end, no one said a word.

"Oh, why is it so cold? The response is not enthusiastic at all." Xu Jie turned his head to look at the people from Jingshi Culture, and said loudly: "Everyone chirping, chirping, expressing support for Director Jiang."

After speaking, take the lead in applauding.

When the people from JingTV Culture heard it, they immediately clapped their hands.

Jiang Yuanyue blushed, feeling embarrassed.

Just applaud and applaud, why so much nonsense?
However, my colleagues here are indeed too shameless, and they didn't respond at all, so it's good to say yes anyway.

Jiang Yuanyue frowned and looked at the people on her side, her eyes full of murderous intent.

When everyone saw it, they began to applaud and said yes.


Jiang Yuanyue was speechless.

This reaction is better than nothing.

"Senior sister... Oh, let's not talk about it." Xu Jie hesitated to speak, and finally sighed deeply.

After Jiang Yuanyue saw it, she felt like cursing others. Of course, she wasn't scolding her juniors, but her own people. Even if they didn't like Jingshi culture, wouldn't they even bother to do superficial work?
Before the live broadcast, he must find an opportunity to scold these people severely to relieve his anger and embarrass him in front of outsiders.

While speaking, Zhao Hongbo also came out of the room, and all the staff members were present.

"Director Zhao, everyone is here." Jiang Yuanyue stepped forward and said.

"Yeah." Zhao Hongbo nodded, then looked at Jiang Yuanyue for a while, and asked suspiciously: "Xiao Jiang, what's wrong with you? Your face looks a little ugly, is there any discomfort?"

"I'm not feeling uncomfortable. Maybe it's because there are too many things going on recently. I didn't sleep well last night." Jiang Yuanyue found a reason casually and forced a smile on his face.

"Oh, then you have to pay attention to your body. After all, after the New Year's Eve party is over, you still have to be busy with the Spring Festival party." Zhao Hongbo instructed.

"Understood, thank you Director Zhao for your concern." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Seeing that Jiang Yuanyue was fine, Zhao Hongbo looked at the others and said, "Since everyone is here, let's go to the stage and start the rehearsal, let's go."

After everyone heard it, they entered the elevator one after another, took the bus outside the hotel, and headed to the stage.

The stage is not fully completed here, and there are still lights left for debugging, but the stage has been set up and will not affect the rehearsal during the day.

At this time, some people have gathered at the scene. Besides the manager, there are also some artists, but they are all small coffees, like some first-line stars and traffic artists, usually in the twenties, and they will not show up until the final rehearsal .

There are no big names in front of CTV, but CTV will respect the schedule of artists at work.

The directors of the party got out of the car, and the managers of the entertainment companies immediately surrounded them with their artists to say hello.

"Hi, Director Zhao."

"Director Zhao has worked hard!"

Zhao Hongbo responded with a nod.

As the deputy director of the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV Station, Zhao Hongbo is still well-known in the entertainment industry. Besides his agent, he also knows many artists.

In contrast, the other assistant directors were not so well-known, only the agent knew them, and the artists had never even met these assistant directors.

However, there is one exception.

That is Xu Jie.

Although Xu Jie is not a member of China Television, his influence in the entertainment industry must surpass those of China Television, including Zhao Hongbo.

Zhao Hongbo is only the director of the CTV show, and Xu Jie is not only the assistant director of the CTV show, but also the chief director of popular variety shows, and the producer, producer, director, etc. of movies and TV series. With a whole body, if Zhao Hongbo can decide whether a person can be on the stage of the China Television Gala, then Xu Jie has the strength to make a person popular or block a person.

"Morning Mr. Xu!"

"Mr. Xu, I didn't expect to meet you in Xiazhou. It's so fateful."

Many artists took the initiative to say hello to Xu Jie, and everyone was respectful. People who watched China TV were wondering, and even began to wonder whose home was here, whether it was the New Year's Eve party held by China TV, or Beijing Satellite TV. New Year's Eve party.

Everyone came to the stage in a mighty manner. Zhao Hongbo looked at the staff and said, "Everyone, first familiarize yourself with the scene, adjust the equipment, see what else needs to be prepared, and try to make a list before noon...Xiao Jiang, artist You will be in charge of it for the time being, is there any problem?"

"No problem." Everyone replied.

"Okay, solution..." Zhao Hongbo hadn't spoken the word for disbandment when someone raised his hand.

It's Xu Jie.

The corner of Zhao Hongbo's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself: Damn, why is it this person again?
When Jiang Yuanyue at the side saw it, she turned her head and pretended not to know her.

"President Xu, what's your question?" Zhao Hongbo asked.

"I'm fine." Xu Jie said, "I just want to say a few words to the CTS people."

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Zhao Hongbo asked suspiciously, and other people from China Television also looked at it suspiciously.

"I would like to say that this is the first cooperation between Beijing Television Culture and China Television. I may not know much about your Beijing Television's party process, so please take care of everyone from China Television. If we Beijing Television Culture If there is anything wrong, everyone should give advice, and if you really want to scold someone, then tell me, I will scold, and I won’t bother you.” Xu Jie said with a smile.

People from CTV looked at Mr. Xu in surprise. These words sounded polite on the surface, but in fact they were warning them not to scold others. Xu Jie was the only person in Beijing TV Culture who could scold them. If he wanted to scold Beijing TV Cultured people must pass this test.

How dare you talk to people from CTS?

You must know that the attitude of the cooperative units I met before is generally "just scold if you don't do well, don't be polite".

Why is this man so stubborn?
This is the stage of Huaxia TV, isn't it a bit too crazy?

Seeing the cold scene, Zhao Hongbo immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, we at CTS will definitely use the spirit of mutual help and mutual help, let us make this New Year's Eve party a success together."

"It will definitely be done well, and I also believe that CTV will have a big style and will take care of our small places..." Xu Jie turned around and said loudly to the people in the company: "You all learn to be modest. "



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