The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 943 The Dessert in the Eyes of Old Artists

Chapter 943 The Dessert in the Eyes of Old Artists
The rehearsal of the New Year's Eve party was carried out in an orderly manner under the leadership of the CTS staff.

Although many TV stations are preparing for the New Year's Eve party, China Television's large-scale program center has always been the best party production team in China, not only because it has the best and most advanced equipment, but also because the team has a very rich large-scale party Make experience.

With first-class equipment and a first-class team, the party produced must also be first-class.

Of course, the progress of other TV stations in the production of evening shows is obvious to all.

Especially in recent years, David TV has invested more and more in the New Year's Eve party, inviting more and more stars, so in terms of ratings, China TV has also brought a lot of pressure.

The New Year's Eve Gala is different from the Spring Festival Gala. CTV's Spring Festival Gala is the only one on New Year's Eve and has no competitors. However, the New Year's Eve Gala is different.

On the night of New Year’s Eve, each David TV will hold its own New Year’s Eve party. In addition to the differences in the audience base of the platforms, no one is less than the other in the guest lineup, and no one is worse than the other in the song selection performance. , Even because of the requirements of the platform, the stars at the New Year's Eve party on Satellite TV are more open than the stars on the New Year's Eve party on China TV, and the effect of the performance will be better.

The ratings that have been approaching in the past two years are the best proof.

In the past, the ratings of China Television's New Year's Eve party were two or even three points higher than that of Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party, but now they can't reach even one point.

This is also one of the important reasons why CTV's party directors began to lower their posture and contact the entertainment company's agents.

"Mr. Xu, are you tired these days? I wonder if you have time tonight. I know a good place for leisure and entertainment. How about we combine work and rest?" Chang Ziyang, artist director of Huasen Media, approached Xu Jie , with a flattering smile on his face.

"Thank you Director Chang for your kindness, but I'm just a nominal assistant director. I have nothing to do with artists or programs, let alone being tired. You should go to Director Zhao, he is the chief director." Xu Jie As he spoke, he pointed in Zhao Hongbo's direction.

But at this time, Zhao Hongbo was already surrounded by managers from major entertainment companies, most likely they were fighting for their own artist's appearance time.

China Television likes to divide the party into several chapters, which is the case for the Mid-Autumn Festival party and the New Year's Eve party.

Since there are chapters to be divided into chapters, each chapter will naturally have a finale actor. As a manager, of course I hope that my artist will appear in the finale segment of the finale time, so that more people can pay attention to it. After the party is over, I can also promote it Make a fuss.

"Mr. Xu, look at what you said. CTS can cooperate with you, which shows the importance of you. Why don't you see CTV cooperate with other media companies and entertainment companies? Isn't it because of you?" Chang Ziyang continued to flatter.

Doesn't he want to talk to Deputy Director Zhao?

He wants to too!
It's just that there are too many people there, and many of them are female managers. He, a man, can't get in the way. Instead of queuing up there, it's better to go to Mr. Xu's side.

To be honest, having a good relationship with President Xu is more important than having a good relationship with Deputy Director Zhao.

"Director Chang, even if you say that, I can't help you at the New Year's Eve party." Xu Jie reminded with a smile.

Although I know it's flattering, I'm still very happy.

It really complies with the old saying: wear thousands of clothes and flatter you but not wear them.

He finally understood why there were so many flattering ministers around the emperor in ancient times. The emperor liked to listen to those flattering words, so he promoted those who knew how to flatter to his side.

As it was in ancient times, so it is in modern times.

"Oh, I'm not happy to hear you say that. I'm looking for you, Mr. Xu. It has nothing to do with whether you can help CTV's New Year's Eve party. Even if you are not here today, I would like to invite you Let's have a good chat with you, but you are always busy, so I dare not disturb your work." Chang Ziyang said after hearing this.

What if I can't help out at the CTV New Year's Eve party?
Can't I still help out at Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party?
CTV's New Year's Eve party is important, but Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party is not bad either.

For him, the more resources the better, after all Watson Media has many artists, even if they have a good relationship with all the TV stations, there are not enough for his artists.

What's more, doesn't Mr. Xu in front of him still have resources for popular variety shows?
This year is about to pass, and the new year is coming. At the same time, there will be a new variety show in the first season. The effect of an artist on a variety show is much better than that of a New Year's Eve party. The key is still There is a huge amount of labor fees to get, which is real money.

"Director Chang, Director Chang, according to what you say, I really have to find a chance to have a meal with you, or it seems that I am avoiding you on purpose." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, I don't mean that. In fact, we are not outsiders. Sister Yun participated in our Watson movie this time. I believe that if there is a first time, there will be a second time. Are you right, Mr. Xu? I heard that You went to visit the crew of "The Game in the Game" earlier, but unfortunately I wasn't there at the time, otherwise I would have invited you to have dinner with Sister Hua." Chang Ziyang said.

Xu Jie looked at the other party after hearing it. This person was obviously using the movie "The Game in the Game" to build relationships. The subtext was: everyone should cooperate more and benefit each other.

The entertainment industry is like this, without the exchange of interests and resources, how can there be cooperation?
Speaking of which, Su Yun was invited to act in the movie "In the Game", isn't it because Wang Tiannan wanted to use this to show his goodwill and resolve the "misunderstanding" caused by the ban at that time?Otherwise, with so many female artists in Huasen Media, how could it be Su Yun's turn?

"It's okay, it's just a meal, and there will be opportunities in the future." Xu Jie said with a smile, which can be regarded as a clear answer to the other party.

The so-called "plenty of opportunity" not only refers to eating, but also refers to cooperation.

Huasen Media is not only one of the largest entertainment companies in China, but also one of the largest film investment companies in China. A good relationship with Huasen will also be of great benefit to Su Yun's future development in the film industry.

Just like what Chang Ziyang said just now, there will be a second time to participate in a movie. As long as he can bring resources to Watson, when Watson lacks a movie heroine in the future, can he not consider Su? Yun?For his sake, not only must he consider it, but he must also focus on it.

Chang Ziyang was not stupid. He understood what the other party meant when he heard Mr. Xu's words.

Some things don’t need to be said too bluntly, the transaction needs to be clearly marked, and the exchange needs to be understood by both parties. If you say it too bluntly, it will destroy the cooperation between the two parties.

"Yes, the future is long, we have plenty of opportunities." Chang Ziyang echoed.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, a burst of music sounded.

After hearing this, Xu Jie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, was slightly startled when he saw the caller ID, and then said to Chang Ziyang beside him, "Director Chang, I'll answer the call."

"Boss Xu, you are busy with your business, don't worry about me." Chang Ziyang said after hearing this, and then hurriedly walked a few steps to the side to avoid obstructing the other party's answering the phone.

Because it was not a commercial secret, Xu Jie did not find a place with few people, but directly connected the phone.

"Mr. Song, hello." Xu Jie said politely.

The caller was none other than Song Lili, a well-known sketch actress. The two had never collaborated before, and they only met a few times during the rehearsal of CTS Spring Festival Gala last year.

As for the relationship, it is limited to meet and say hello. Even the phone number was given to him by his senior sister a few days ago, so that he can contact the sketch actors directly after writing the sketch book. After all, many veteran sketch actors have begun to withdraw from the Spring Festival Gala stage. Good to contact another one.

"Are you Mr. Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture?"

A voice came from the microphone, this voice was very familiar to Xu Jie, and he grew up watching the other party's sketches.

"Yes, it's me, you can just call me Xiao Xu." Xu Jie said.

"Haha, okay, then I'll call you Xiao Xu, that's it. I heard that you will participate in the China Television Spring Festival Gala this year as a sketch writer? I wonder if there is such a thing?" Song Lili asked.

"Yes, there is such a thing." Xu Jie said truthfully.

"That's really great. It's like this. A few days ago, I received an invitation from the director team of the China TV Spring Festival Gala, but I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't write a suitable sketch book. I suddenly thought of you. You wrote for the Spring Festival Gala last year. I have read all three sketches you wrote, they are very interesting, I wonder if you can write me a sketchbook this year..."

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard Song Lili's words.

Song Lili actually asked him for a script?

This, this is just like a dream.

Who is Song Lili?He is the first batch of sketch actors in China. The number of times he has participated in the Spring Festival Gala can't be counted on both hands, and he has also portrayed many classic roles.

Not only that, but she is also a well-known film and television actor, drama actor, and a national first-class actor.

It is his honor that such an artist can take the initiative to contact him.

"If you don't have time to write a new book, you can assign me a role in the finished sketch book. It doesn't matter how many lines you have, I just want to bring some joy to the audience on New Year's Eve." Song Lili said.

Xu Jie was moved by the last sentence. The other party is so old that he can skip the Spring Festival Gala, but he still chooses to continue to stand on this stage in order to bring laughter to the audience all over the country. This kind of spirit is really commendable.

"Mr. Song, I have always wanted to invite you, but I just don't know what you think. Since you found me, I will arrange a role for you in the sketch. I will contact you after New Year's Day," Xu Jie said.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." Song Lili said with a smile.

"No trouble, it's my honor to cooperate with you." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

The two exchanged a few more polite words before hanging up the phone.

Just when Xu Jie was about to put the phone away, the ringtone rang again. When he looked at the screen, he was also surprised by the caller.

"Mr. Gao, hello." Xu Jie said after answering the phone.

The person who called him this time was the skit actor Gao Changbo. Although he is not as old as Song Lili, he has participated in the Spring Festival Gala more than a dozen times. Unlike Song Lili, the two collaborated once last year. Misfortune Comes From Mouth, one of the actors is Gao Changbo.

"Xiao Xu, I called you suddenly, didn't I disturb your work?" Gao Changbo asked embarrassingly.

"No, I happen to be fine right now. Is Teacher Gao looking for something?" Xu Jie asked, because Song Lili had called just now, so he had a premonition that Gao Changbo's call might also be related to the Spring Festival Gala sketch.

"Is that so, I heard that you also wrote sketches for the China Television Spring Festival Gala this year?" Gao Changbo asked.

Xu Jie was startled, it was really different from what he thought, but who did these people listen to?
"Yes, Teacher Gao." Xu Jie replied.

"That's good. I remember cooperating with you last year. Both of us were very happy. I wonder if there is any suitable role for me in your sketch this year?" Gao Changbo asked, the meaning he wanted to express was the same as Song Lili who just called Same.

"Yes, Mr. Gao, don't worry, I'm preparing the notebook, and I'll contact you after New Year's Day." Xu Jie said, they have already taken the initiative to call, and it's hard for him to refuse, not to mention that he is in charge of four short notebooks this time. Why don't you assign a role to the other party?
"Haha, that's really great, thank you Xiao Xu." Gao Changbo said happily.

"Mr. Gao, we are not outsiders, so please don't be so polite." Xu Jie felt a little embarrassed.

You must know that these old artists have other identities besides the status of actors, such as members of the Film Association, members of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, etc., and their identities are not low, so it is still beneficial for him to have a good relationship with these old artists. Great benefit.

What's more, he is a junior in this circle. He can be a big boss in front of those artists, but he dare not be in front of these old artists.

Not long after the call with Gao Changbo ended, the phone rang again.

This time it is teacher Liu Juan, a skit actor.

"Ms. Liu, hello, let me guess. Did you also hear that I will write sketches for the Spring Festival Gala, and then want to cooperate with me in the Spring Festival Gala sketches?" Xu Jie asked directly.

"Oh? You guessed it all? It seems that I am not the only one calling." Liu Juan said with a smile.

"Ms. Liu, it's okay to cooperate, but you have to promise me one thing."

"what's up?"

"You have to tell me, from whom did you hear that I was going to write a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie said.

He worried that too many people were calling him for roles, and his four sketches didn't have that many roles.

Besides, for such a big event, shouldn't he be notified in advance?

This made him very passive, and he lost the right to choose sketch actors, and he was also subject to certain restrictions when creating.

He had to find out the culprit.

"Huh? Don't you know? It's Director Chen." Liu Juan said.

"Director Chen? Chen Ya?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, Director Chen called me and asked about the progress of the sketch. You know, it's getting more and more difficult to write sketches now, and then he told me about your preparation for the Spring Festival Gala..."


Xu Jie was speechless.

He also wondered why he suddenly became the favorite in the eyes of these old artists. It turned out that Chen Ya hinted at it, and this time he finally found his roots.

The other party is embarrassed to urge, let these old artists urge?
Chen Ya, you are cruel!


(End of this chapter)

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