Chapter 944
The phones kept ringing one after another. In just one morning, Xu Jie received six calls, and all of them were regulars of the Spring Festival Gala sketches, old-timers in the literary and art circles, and he couldn't answer it if he wanted to.

In fact, at the beginning, Xu Jie was very happy. It was his honor to be favored by so many seniors, but later on, he felt very embarrassed. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to cooperate with these senior artists. There are too many old artists looking for him, and I can't handle it.

Each of these old artists has their own performance style, and many of them are not suitable for performing together, and among the four sketches he prepared this year, two of the sketches contain young characters, without the performance of these old artists It is no problem for him to arrange two or three old artists, but if he arranges six or seven, there are really not so many roles.

Reject, he is an old artist, it is not easy to open his mouth once, but don't refuse, there are not so many suitable characters in the script.

Can he not be embarrassed?

Can you not hate Chen Ya?

The other party not only sold him, but also sold more than one thing. They sold him to many people.

Just as Xu Jie was thinking about how to deal with the old artists who might call in the afternoon, a call came suddenly.

"Student, don't be busy, let's go eat." Jiang Yuanyue patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, and then pointed to the direction of the stage, where boxed lunches were being distributed. Today's lunch is a boxed lunch, a simple work meal.

When Xu Jie saw his senior, he immediately became very angry. The other party was the director of the language program of the Spring Festival Gala, so he must be very clear about what Chen Ya did.

"Senior sister, let me ask you, Director Chen hinted that sketch actors asked me for a script and a role, do you know?" Xu Jie asked the senior in a nonchalant manner, not polite at all.

"Ah? There is such a thing? I don't know." Jiang Yuanyue looked at Xu Jie with a surprised face after hearing it, and then showed a blank expression.

"Act, continue to act, you guys from CTS are so good at acting, I don't think there are any sketch actors to look for, I just let you do the acting." Xu Jie said with a sneer.

The other directors don't know, but they can still understand. Doesn't the person in charge of the language programs of the Spring Festival Gala know?Go to the grave and burn newspapers to fool ghosts?

Maybe this idea was thought up by the senior in front of me.

"Student, look at what you said. What am I acting in front of you? Besides, in our relationship, if I have something to talk to you directly, do I still need to act? This is definitely a misunderstanding." Jiang Yuan Yue explained sincerely.

Xu Jie snorted coldly. It was precisely because of the relationship between the two of them that the other party cheated him. If it was someone they didn't know well, would the other party cheat him?Dare to cheat?
These days, it's acquaintances who cheat!
"Misunderstanding? Do you have too many misunderstandings from CTV?" Xu Jie said lightly: "Since it is a misunderstanding, well, six old artists called me just now and asked me for cooperation. As the director of the Spring Festival Gala sketch The person in charge, shouldn't you come forward and solve this matter?"

"Ah?" Jiang Yuanyue was taken aback for a moment, then her eyes kept rolling, and after thinking for a while, she said: "The old artist came to you because of his trust in you, not me. How can I solve this problem?" The matter? Let’s talk about it deeply, they refused to participate in the Spring Festival Gala because of their poor health, let’s talk about it shallowly, it’s as if they didn’t say anything, how do you ask me to solve it?”

"You can find Director Chen, he is the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, and he also hinted that those old artists are looking for me, I think he must have a solution." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Yuanyue thought: If Director Chen had a way to solve it, he would not imply that those old artists are looking for you. The way Director Chen solves the problem is to push the problem to you.

Although a small number of sketch actors have emerged in recent years, their appearance is not enough to satisfy the audience's expectations for the sketch, let alone achieve the finale. For a good sketch book, the director team has to find ways to prepare sketch books for these old artists.

Obviously, Director Chen's solution to this matter is to ask the old artist to find his apprentice.

She really didn't know what Director Chen did, but she could fully understand it.

"Student, aren't you embarrassing my senior? Director Chen is not only the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, but also the person in charge of our large-scale program center. He is your senior and my immediate boss. Can I ask him to solve the problem? ?He asked me to be the director of language programs because he wanted me to help him solve the problem. If I throw the problem to him at this time, then my current subordinate is too unqualified, right? What do you think?" Jiang Yuan Yue said with a wry smile.

"Senior sister, since you want to share Director Chen's worries, you have to solve this matter. It has been agreed in advance that I can only arrange four people at most, Song Lili, Gao Changbo, Liu Juan, Liu Ji'an, as for the others. , I can’t arrange one more, if you want other old artists to come to the Spring Festival Gala, either you write the script, or you find someone else to write the script, anyway, don’t come to me.”

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he walked to the place where the boxed lunches were distributed.

At the beginning, it was agreed to write four sketch scripts, but now all the old artists came to him. This clearly wanted him to write a few more scripts on the basis of the original four sketch scripts.

Isn't this insatiable?

How could anyone do this?

"Student? Junior!"

Jiang Yuanyue quickly chased after her.

Let her solve it?

How to deal with it?

If she can solve it, she will not invite her junior to participate in the Spring Festival Gala again this year, and she will not do everything possible to promote cooperation between Director Chen and her junior.

All she did was to hope that her junior could help her relieve some of the pressure during the Spring Festival Gala.

Although she is the director of language programs, all she can do is to provide convenience for the sketch actors. The actors are invited by the director team of the Spring Festival Gala. The review of the sketches is in charge of the special review team, not who she says will be on the show. She can be played, to put it bluntly, she is a role that helps others.

"Student, don't rush away, we have something to discuss." Jiang Yuanyue grabbed Xu Jie's sleeve and stood in front of him.

"Everything that needs to be said has been said, and there is nothing to discuss." Xu Jie said resolutely.

Talk to him about cooperation?

But playing tricks on him?

It doesn't work.

"Brother, isn't the sketch script finished yet? You can add a few more characters to it, a few more old artists, isn't that a good thing?" Jiang Yuanyue said earnestly, what kind of assistant director of the Spring Festival Gala, what language? As the person in charge of similar programs, all these seemingly glamorous titles have been thrown away.

These titles are quite bluffing to those who want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, but to those who don't want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, they are nothing.

Obviously, the junior is the latter.

Therefore, presenting the identity of the person in charge of the language department of the Spring Festival Gala in front of the other party will not have any effect, and it may make the other party very angry. "bias".

"I have finished writing two scripts of the sketch, and the outlines of the remaining two have been written. You asked me to add characters to it at this time. How can I add them? What should I do with the relationship between the characters I carefully designed? I racked my brains How can you shake the burden of thinking? Senior sister, you are also engaged in creation, so you don’t even understand this kind of thing?” Xu Jie asked rhetorically.

"This..." Jiang Yuanyue was at a loss for words after hearing this, not knowing how to continue persuading her.

She has also written short scripts, so she still has a good understanding of creation. When it has been completed or conceived, characters are not added at will.

A skit is not a TV series. The skit is only ten minutes long. The simpler the relationship between the characters, the better. Adding one more character is equivalent to adding another layer of character relationship.

What's more, the person playing this role is still an old artist, so he can't just give a few lines and dismiss it?But when there are more lines, the performance time will increase.

The programs of the Spring Festival Gala are usually accurate to the second.

In the skit, someone added more lines and the performance time was longer, so someone had to reduce the lines and shorten the performance time. In this way, the original story content and character relationship would be destroyed, and the burden would also be reduced.

From this point of view, it is really difficult for the juniors to arrange roles in the script.

Besides, the rehearsal is getting closer and closer. At this time, changing the script and adding characters will be very urgent in terms of time.

"Senior sister..." Xu Jie looked at the silent senior sister, and kindly reminded: "Do you know what is a long flow of water? If you vomit me this year, obviously don't blame me for disappearing during the Spring Festival Gala."

Jiang Yuanyue was shocked.

play disappear?
How does that work?
The so-called cooperative relationship refers to long-term cooperation, not just one or two cooperation.

The younger brother may not have the business of China TV, but she cannot live without the younger brother. It is not easy to find a good sketch screenwriter these days. They don't show their faces, and they don't get paid much. If they don't write well, they will be scolded , is completely a thankless character. There are not many such people who are taken advantage of, and it is even more difficult to find.

Jiang Yuanyue took a deep breath, and then said: "Okay, I will figure out a way for other old artists."

"Senior sister, you'd better contact Director Chen and explain the matter clearly, otherwise he will cause trouble for me in the future, and don't blame me for turning my face and denying people." Xu Jie reminded.

He wasn't worried about Senior, he was worried about Chen Ya, who couldn't do anything because he was the director of the large-scale program center and the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala?
"Okay, I'll tell Director Chen." Jiang Yuanyue nodded.

Well, the stone that Director Chen lifted finally fell on his shoulder.

"Thank you senior sister, let's go and eat." Xu Jie said to Jiang Yuanyue with a smile.

The corner of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth twitched, how could she be in the mood to eat now?Let's solve the problem of the sketch first.

Xu Jie took a boxed lunch and originally planned to eat it with his senior sister, but seeing her listless look, he probably wasn't in the mood to eat, so he walked towards Zhang Qize.

At this moment, Zhang Qize was eating with his subordinates, when he saw Mr. Xu coming, he immediately stood up, gave up his stool, and said respectfully, "Mr. Xu, sit down."

Xu Jie nodded, then sat down, looked at the surrounding employees and asked, "You are all very busy in the morning, how are you? The CTS people treat you well, right?"

In the morning, I was only focused on answering the phone, and didn't pay much attention to the situation of the employees.


Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Xu Jie frowned, the atmosphere was not right.

"Just say something, don't pretend to be dumb, we are here to cooperate with China TV, not to be despised by China TV, show some backbone, they are human beings, and you are human beings, no one is inferior to anyone else. "Xu Jie said loudly, and then deliberately glanced at the direction of those people in Huashi.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw Mr. Xu as if he had taken gunpowder, but they all knew that Mr. Xu was always looking out for everyone's best, so they all rushed to speak.

"Mr. Xu, in fact, the attitude of the CTS people towards us is pretty good. Maybe they are colleagues, so they have a tacit understanding when they work, so our sense of existence is a bit low, and we can't help much." Qi Yanzhu whispered Said.

During the whole morning, she didn't do much work, and she basically played the role of a follower all the time. She followed behind whatever the CTS people did.

But the problem is that most of the time she doesn't know what to do, and the people at China TV don't even need to communicate. What one person does, others will know what to do, which makes her very embarrassed to stand aside.

"Yes, I can't get any hands in at all, and I feel like I'm superfluous." Wang Youlin sighed softly after speaking, and even the braised pork in the lunch box didn't feel fragrant.


The others also nodded.

Xu Jie's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one. Everyone had this expression, but this situation was also in his expectation. After all, those people belonged to CTS, so why did they have to be with the people from the local TV station? Play?

"They don't take you to play, you just observe and see what they are doing, and record their every move with your eyes, so that when you cooperate next time, even if they don't say anything, you will know What to do, I told you before, this time I am not only for work, but also for study." Xu Jie said seriously.

He is not from CTS, so no matter what he says in front of CTS people, they will not pay attention to them, and there is no need to listen to him.

Therefore, instead of asking others, it is better to improve yourself.

When you are good enough, others will naturally pay attention to it.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" Zhang Qize said seriously.

"President Xu, we understand."

"Even if there is no sense of presence, we will correct our work attitude."

"Yes, it will definitely not embarrass the company."

Others said one after another that morale, which was still a little low, immediately rose again.

Xu Jie continued: "Remember, just ask if you don't understand. Don't be polite. If you don't ask, it's your problem. If you don't answer it, that's their problem. Understand? To tell you the truth, I am worried that I can't find it now." As for CTV's handle, if I catch it, I will never let it go from top to bottom, hmph!"

The surrounding employees were all dumbfounded.

Catch CTV's handle?

The person who cleaned up CTV?

real or fake?

You must know that the local TV station cooperates with CTS, usually at the head of a dwarf, who dare not have any temper. This is the first time I have met someone like Mr. Xu who is holding back his energy and thinking about cleaning up CTS.

Mr. Xu is Mr. Xu, awesome!

(End of this chapter)

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