The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 945 Hardcore Acceptance

Chapter 945 Hardcore Acceptance
"Okay, let's go, everyone, remember what I said, it doesn't matter if you can help China TV, but you must learn from them!"

Before work in the afternoon, Xu Jie mobilized the employees again. Local people usually feel inferior in front of CTS people, and what he has to do is to let the employees raise their heads. If they are not confident in themselves, others will not Will appreciate it.


With Mr. Xu's encouragement, the morale of Jingshi cultural employees immediately rose, and the voice of positive response startled the people from CTS not far away, thinking it was a gang fight.

And Jiang Yuanyue frowned even more, and looked at her junior with vigilance, telling her intuitively that his junior seemed to want to make trouble.

At the beginning, Director Chen appointed his junior as the assistant director to let the other party give more opinions on the New Year's Eve party, so that the New Year's Eve party can be held better, but now, the other party has become an uncertain factor in the rehearsal of the party, just like a time clock. Like a bomb, it feels like it might explode at any moment.

She really wanted to warn her juniors that before the New Year's Eve party, she must put the overall situation first and never be a monster, but then she thought again, the skits at the Spring Festival party are still counting on the other party, and it is not for herself to warn her at this time Looking for trouble?So after much deliberation, I finally gave up the idea of ​​warning, and silently prayed in my heart that my junior would not explode.

When the employees of Jingshi Culture returned to their posts, not only did they no longer have the cowardice and inferiority of a follower, but they also behaved very positively and began to actively communicate with the employees of CTS.

And Xu Jie's encouragement to employees is not only in words, but also in actions.

He didn't discuss the arrangement of the program with Zhao Hongbo, Yu Yan, Jiang Yuanyue, etc., but patrolled the stage alone. Of course, he was not checking the progress of the work, but the people who watched JingTV Culture were not bullied , Is it still regarded as a little transparent like in the morning?

His people were embarrassed to speak, but he had the nerve to speak.

If the leader does not fight for the interests of the subordinates, will the subordinates still work hard for the leader?Certainly not.

This can be regarded as a way to win people's hearts.

"Director Xu!"

While Xu Jie was wandering around, a voice suddenly came from not far away.

There were many people in the director team of the New Year's Eve party, but Xu Jie was the only one surnamed Xu, so he turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. It was Manager Wang, the person in charge of the stage construction party.

"Manager Wang, what's the matter?" Xu Jie walked over and asked, and there were two engineers standing beside him, holding cameras in their hands and wondering what they were shooting.

"Director Xu, the stage has been completed, would you like to inspect it?" Manager Wang asked politely.

"You go to director Zhao to check and accept, he is the chief director." Xu Jie said after hearing it, the program arrangement, shooting content, and rebroadcasting images are all in the charge of the chief director. Therefore, the chief director must be responsible for A comprehensive understanding of the stage.

"Director Xu, Director Zhao asked me to come to you for inspection and acceptance. He said that the stage was designed by you. No one knows the stage better than you. It is most suitable for you to inspect and accept it." Manager Wang said.

"Ah? Really?" Xu Jie was taken aback, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhao Hongbo. The other party was having a meeting with Yu Yan and Jiang Yuanyue, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

But since Zhao Hongbo entrusted him with this task, he had no reason to refuse, so he said yes, took over the task, and walked towards the stage with the blueprint.

Manager Wang followed closely behind. In fact, he concealed one thing just now, that is, when Director Zhao was invited to check and accept, Director Zhao had already agreed to come to check and accept, but later did not know that the female director told Director Zhao something What, caused Director Zhao to change his mind, and then handed over the work of accepting the stage to Director Xu.

Xu Jie compared the drawings carefully, not daring to be careless. After all, he also designed the stage, and if anything happened, he must be responsible.

If it was our own party, it would be fine if there was an accident, but this time it was CTV's New Year's Eve party, if something happened, it would be a big embarrassment.

"Well, it's the same as the drawing, but I don't know the quality." Xu Jie and the drawing put it away, and returned it to Manager Wang.

"Director Xu, don't worry, the quality assurance is fine." Manager Wang assured, patting his chest.

At any rate, it belongs to Xiazhou Construction Company, and it is a regular army with integrity. How could they cut corners?What's more, working for China Television, even if he was given some guts, he wouldn't dare.

Xu Jie looked at Manager Wang. As the old saying goes, what you hear is what you see is what you see. Although he is not a professional supervisor, he has his own methods.

I saw him coming to the bottom of the stage, looking at a steel frame standing on the ground, and kicking up without a word.


Manager Wang on the side was taken aback. He had seen someone inspecting the quality of a project, but he had never seen someone check it like this. It was too hardcore.

He looked up at the surrounding frame, if it wasn't installed securely, it might have been wiped out just now.

Xu Jie looked at the untouched steel frame and nodded involuntarily. It seemed that the structure was still very solid. Then he changed another place and kicked the steel frame again.

As a result, the party staff and celebrity artists saw a strange scene. They saw Mr. Xu walking up and down under the stage, and every few steps he would suddenly kick at the steel frame, kicking very hard, just like It's like having a grudge, that is, you don't have a knife on your body. If you did, you might be able to chop with a knife.

"Director Chang, who provoked Mr. Xu?" An artist asked Chang Ziyang beside him suspiciously.

"I don't know." Chang Ziyang shook his head. In his mind, Mr. Xu has always been very calm. Why does it seem like a different person now?
"Director Chang, do you want to go over and ask?" the artist asked.

Chang Ziyang looked at Mr. Xu who was kicking the stage fiercely, turned his head and asked the artist, "Do you dare to go over and ask?"

"Don't dare!" The artist shook his head, afraid that Mr. Xu would kick her. After all, as two people, even if he was kicked, it would be for nothing.

"I don't dare either." Chang Ziyang said.

When you don't know what's going on, it's better not to go over easily, and don't approach if you're close. If you kick in the waist, you won't be able to get out of bed for at least half a month.

There are many opportunities to flatter, and I don't care about this moment.

"Sister Hua, look at Mr. Xu, is he crazy?" Zhou Zhen asked worriedly to Liu Jinghua who was beside him.

He is an artist from the Prosperous Brokerage Company, and he is the target of Mr. Xu's ban. When he heard that Mr. Xu will serve as the assistant director of the CTV New Year's Eve party, he felt very pressured and worried about being put on small shoes. Now that he is crazy, I was even more nervous. After all, it is not illegal for a madman to beat someone.

Liu Jinghua looked at Xu Jie blankly, and was also confused at the moment.

She has known this man for several years, and she has been in contact with him many times, but she has never seen him so violent. Even if she tried to persuade him to break up with Tang Fei, even if she gave Su Yun a grand banquet, she still did not see him. Over the opponent's appearance.

Who messed with this madman?

Did the other party know that Tang Fei would come to attend the rehearsal the day after tomorrow?
No, even if you know, you shouldn't have such a big reaction, doesn't it mean that you have let go of it?Doesn't it mean that you don't care anymore?There was Tang Fei at the Mid-Autumn Festival party, and she had never seen her so irritable.

"Sister Hua, can you ask someone? Otherwise, I don't know what to do." Zhou Zhen said in a low voice. He was worried that he would be kicked down by Mr. Xu when he took the stage, which would be too embarrassing.

Liu Jinghua was taken aback. At first she didn't care too much, but now that Zhou Zhen said this, she panicked. After all, the other party is someone who can even break into China TV. Who knows what the other party can do?
"Okay, you wait here, I'll ask." Liu Jinghua whispered, and then walked towards Zhao Hongbo who was not far away.

Zhao Hongbo and others also saw Xu Jie's strangeness, but when they saw Manager Wang following behind him, they immediately knew what was going on, so they ignored it and continued talking about the program arrangement.

"Director Zhao, I'm sorry to bother you." Liu Jinghua came to the side of several directors.

"Mr. Liu, what's the matter?" Zhao Hongbo asked with a smile.

"Hey, it's really not a big deal, I just want to ask Mr. Xu what happened?" Liu Jinghua finished speaking and pointed in the direction of the stage.

To say that the person Xu Jie hated the most in the audience was definitely her. If Xu Jie wanted to lose his temper, then she would have the greatest chance of being unlucky.

"Oh, he is accepting the stage." Zhao Hongbo replied.

"Accept, accept the stage?" Liu Jinghua looked at the irritable Xu Jie in a daze. Was he accepting the stage, or destroying it?
Seeing Liu Jinghua's appearance, Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help secretly laughing. She knew a little about the grievances between her junior and Liu Jinghua, and she knew that Liu Jinghua was frightened by her junior.

Speaking of which, she came up with the idea of ​​asking the junior to do the acceptance inspection. The purpose was to find some jobs for the other party, otherwise the other party would be restless when he was free, and it still scared people.

"Mr. Liu, is there anything else?" Zhao Hongbo asked.

"No, no more, you are busy, excuse me." Liu Jinghua quickly walked away after recovering, fearing to disturb the work of the director team, and at the same time thought: there is such a big commotion after the acceptance inspection, there must be something wrong.

Xu Jie's inspection is still going on.

One foot, two feet, three feet...

In the end, I don't know how many kicks I kicked.

However, every time he kicked, the heart of Manager Wang behind him would "thump", for fear of accidentally being hit by the stage above his head.

Xu Jie kicked all stages, big and small, before stopping.

"Director Xu, how is it? Is the quality of the project okay?" Manager Wang asked with a smile.

He was glad that the stage was okay, but he took the opportunity to find a hard hat for himself, just in case.

"Manager Wang is too modest, it's not only okay, it's really great." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Thank you, thank you Director Xu for your praise. In fact, these are what we should do, and this is the most basic. If we can't even guarantee the quality of the project, then what qualifications do we have to stand here?" Manager Wang said solemnly, with this At the same time, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief that the acceptance inspection was finally completed.

"Manager Wang is right, if all engineering managers can be like you, then there will be no tofu dregs in this world." Xu Jie said with emotion.

When Manager Wang heard it, his face was full of joy, and he said in his mouth, "Director Xu, can we leave here then?"

"Don't worry, there are still places that haven't been checked and accepted." Xu Jie said.

"Ah? Where?" Manager Wang asked in confusion.

Xu Jie stretched out his hand and pointed to the elevator not far away.

The elevator is the most important part of the whole stage, it can bring unexpected effects to the performance, and most of the time standing here is a star, so its safety is also very important.

"Manager Wang, and two engineers, let's go up and test together." Xu Jie said to the people behind him, and he was standing next to the button.


Manager Wang and the engineers beside him were stunned, let them test?Isn't this taking their lives as a test?You must know that the tallest elevator is as high as a three-story building of more than ten meters. Once you fall down, you will be broken if you don't die.

Xu Jie stared at Manager Wang intently. He didn't intend to embarrass the other party, but if even the person in charge of the project didn't dare to go up and test, how could he guarantee the safety of the elevator?
Manager Wang was seen as uncomfortable. Originally, he wanted the engineer to go up for testing, but the other party's eyes kept staring at him, so he had to bite the bullet in the end.

So the project manager and the two engineers all stood on the lift.


Xu Jie pressed the button, and the elevator rose slowly.

Manager Wang trembled all over, but he quickly got used to the speed. However, halfway up, the elevator stopped again with a "click".

"Director Xu, what's the matter?" Manager Wang was taken aback, and reached out to support the engineer beside him, thinking that the elevator was broken.

"It's okay, let's see if the button works well, and you jump to see if the knot is strong." Xu Jie said.

Manager Wang just breathed a sigh of relief, but when he heard that he was going to dance, he became nervous again.

On the other hand, the engineer on the side seemed very confident, and immediately stood on the elevator and jumped up.

Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction after seeing it, and then turned on the button again.

In this way, the project manager and engineer kept trying the elevator, appearing on the stage for a while, and disappearing on the stage for a while, and each time they appeared in a different place, it looked like whack-a-mole.

"Director Xu, have you passed the inspection?" Manager Wang came to Xu Jie's side.

"Passed." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good." Manager Wang wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand.

Xu Jie patted Manager Wang on the shoulder and was about to report to Zhao Hongbo when he suddenly saw a group of people walking towards him.

People from Huaxia TV were walking in front, they were discussing something while walking, while Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin from JingTV Culture were walking behind, they were listening all the time, seemingly unable to get in a word.

Xu Jie's footsteps stopped involuntarily, and then followed.

If he guessed correctly, this group of people should belong to the on-site director team, and each person is responsible for one on-site job to ensure the smooth progress of the show.

He wanted to see what jobs the CTV people had arranged for Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin.


(End of this chapter)

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