Chapter 946 Hard steel?

"Many of our on-site director team are old people who participated in the New Year's Eve party in the past year, and there are also a few newcomers who joined the team this year. In order to save time and adapt to work as soon as possible, I think we will follow the work content of last year. Let's continue with this year's New Year's Eve party. As for the work arrangement of the newcomers, Zhang Qi will follow Lao Zhou and be in charge of connecting the programs. Zhou Xiaoyang will follow Lao Hu and be responsible for the transfer of actors. The two behind JingTV Culture... What are your names? coming?"

"Zhang Qize!"

"Wang Youlin!"

"Well, you two follow Lao Liu and are responsible for maintaining the order of the audience and preventing the audience from disturbing the performance. Do you have any opinions on this arrangement?" Yang Xiong, the person in charge of the on-site director group, looked at the people around him.

Although he was asking for everyone's opinions, the tone of his speech did not allow others to refute.

"No!" Everyone replied after hearing it.

We are all our own people, so what's your opinion?
"I have!"

Suddenly a discordant voice sounded at this time, reaching everyone's ears.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that someone really had an opinion. However, when everyone looked in the direction of the sound, they were stunned again.

Xu Jie? ? ?

How could it be him?
Some people are surprised, some people are puzzled.

Although this person is the assistant director of the New Year's Eve party director team, he has never been assigned a specific job. He was only in charge of stage design before. Why did he suddenly take charge of the on-site director team?Director Zhao never mentioned it.

The most surprised ones were Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin, two people from Jingshi Culture, they didn't even notice that Mr. Xu had been following behind.

"Mr. Xu, do you have any objections to the work arrangement of our on-site director team?" Yang Xiong asked suspiciously, and even wondered if he had heard it wrong.

But besides the on-site director team, there was only an "outsider" from the other party, and besides him, everyone else heard it.

He might get it wrong, but it doesn't mean that everyone gets it wrong, right?

"That's right." Xu Jie nodded.

Yang Xiong was taken aback when he heard it, but he didn't expect the other party to answer so simply, so he asked: "I don't know what opinion Mr. Xu has on my arrangement just now?"

Xu Jie walked up to Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin, then looked at Yang Xiong and said, "I just heard that you arranged for Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin to be in charge of the order of the audience? If I remember correctly, the scene invited by CTV's New Year's Eve party The audience is all students from various colleges and universities in Xiazhou. It is enough to have the instructors and the students from the student union to be in charge of order, not to mention that there are police on the scene. Is it necessary to arrange three people to be in charge of the order of the audience? Why not arrange them in the What about more important positions?"

He couldn't say he was dissatisfied with Yang Xiong's arrangement, he could only say that he was very dissatisfied.

Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin, one is the director of the company's performance department, the other is the deputy director of the performance department, and now they are asked to maintain order in the audience, isn't this an overkill?

He brought people all the way from the capital to Xiazhou, is it just to be a security guard for China TV's New Year's Eve party?What do you think of them as people from Jingshi Culture?Isn't this too contemptuous?

Even if it is for learning, is it necessary to have a learning object?
What is maintaining order?
Learn from the police uncle?

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin can bear it, but he can't.

"Mr. Xu, this is why you underestimate the difficulty of this job. The New Year's Eve party is so big, and there will be thousands of people appearing in the audience. How can one person be enough? Even if there are policemen, once there is madness What about the fans? When it affects the performance, who will be responsible for this? You?" Yang Xiong asked rhetorically.

Xu Jie felt that the other party was farting, and he was a crazy fan. Who doesn't know that college students are the most honest?

Besides, being able to see celebrities and gain credits is such a good thing that it's too late to fight for it, so why would you cause trouble at the party?

Moreover, it is a very serious matter to be punished in college, and no one would take this risk for star chasing.

He has been to college, and he has also participated in large-scale parties. Regardless of whether it is the dog days or the three or nine days, no matter how much dissatisfaction he has in private, after the party starts, he will obey the command like a robot, applaud as he pleases, and raise flowers as he pleases. flowers, crazy?Where is the madness?

"If there are really crazy college student fans, can two more on-site directors stop them? They are human beings, not gods who do not know the prophets. Also, I would like to ask how many on-site directors were there at the CTS New Year's Eve party last year. Audience order?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Although he has never directed China TV's New Year's Eve party, he has also directed Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party. At that time, there was only one on-site director in charge of the auditorium, and it was not for maintaining order, but for driving the atmosphere. For example Applause or something.

Even if China Television's New Year's Eve party is larger than Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party in terms of scale, it is not possible to arrange so many on-site directors, right?

Isn't the effect of arranging a few police uncles better than the effect of arranging an on-site director?
Yang Xiong was at a loss for words when he heard it.

last year?

Last year, only Lao Liu was assigned to be responsible for the on-site order.

As for why there are two more people arranged this year, isn't it because I don't know how to arrange it?

If you are assigned to another job, what should you do if something goes wrong?As the person in charge of the on-site director team, shouldn't he bear the responsibility?
To maintain order on the scene, at least there will be no mistakes. After all, there are policemen, even if they do nothing and just stand in the audience, it doesn't matter.

"Mr. Xu, the situation this year is different from last year." At this time, an employee of CTS stood up and explained: "This year's venue is larger, and there are more invited audiences, and this year's front row audiences need to hold props. Participating in the party, so the on-site director is needed to direct."

"That's right!" Yang Xiong echoed, this reason is quite good.

"Commander? Is one on-site director enough? What about the other two?" Xu Jie asked.

"The other two, one is in charge of the order of the audience in other areas, and the other is in charge of the order of the audience's entry and exit. After all, the audience can't sit still for more than four hours, right? They have to go to the bathroom, right? At this time, the on-site director is needed. It's gone." The CTV employee just now continued to explain.

"When you go to the bathroom, you need to arrange for the director to direct it? Could it be that when you CTV live broadcasted the New Year's Eve party, the camera didn't point at the stars on the stage, but kept staring at the audience to go to the bathroom?" Xu Jie squinted at the other party and asked road.

There are usually many cameras at the party, and they will shoot the stage and auditorium from various angles, but these shots will not be broadcast live, but some wonderful pictures will be selectively broadcast.

As for the audience going to the bathroom, what careless cameraman would be watching this?And what heartless director would live broadcast the scene of the audience going to the bathroom?

The focus of the live broadcast is always the program on the stage, but at the beginning or end of the program, and in the middle, occasionally one or two shots of the audience applauding enthusiastically are interspersed to enhance the atmosphere of the party.

And even if this is the case, the director will choose some lively scenes to play. How could it be possible to play the scene of the audience leaving the auditorium?
Although he has only directed one New Year's Eve party, he has directed many variety shows, such as "Crossover Actor", which has a stage and an audience. Although it is recorded and broadcast, it will never cut the scene of the audience going to the bathroom.

"Where to point the camera, that's the photographer's business. The job of us people is to maintain the order of the party, ensure the smooth progress of the party, and take everything seriously."

"Yes!" Yang Xiong nodded, and at the same time looked at Xu Jie demonstratively, his eyes seemed to say: Can you, an outsider, control the affairs of our China TV station?
"Sure enough, it's China TV, and it's serious enough to do things." Xu Jie said with a smile: "In this case, how can three on-site directors be enough? I think at least [-] on-site directors are needed to ensure the order of the scene. Otherwise, if there are four crazy fans rushing to the stage at the same time, the three of them will not be able to take care of it at all, what do you think?"

"You, you're clearly arguing!" the CTV employee said loudly.

"Arguing? Isn't that what you said? I just extended it according to your intentions. How did it become arguing? You said it. It doesn't matter how big or small it is. I'm taking precautions." Xu Jay said lightly.

"You..." The CTV staff stared angrily, but they didn't know what to say.

"Okay." Yang Xiong raised his hand, then gave his staff a wink, indicating that the other party should not be as knowledgeable as the person in front of him, then looked at Xu Jie and said: "Mr. Xu, I will be in charge of the on-site director's work. If you have any ideas about my arrangement, you can go to the chief director."

The implication: Although you are the assistant director, you can't control me, and I won't listen to you.

Xu Jie smiled, he didn't bother to do small reports, but it wasn't that easy to bully him.

"Zhang Qize, Wang Youlin!" Xu Jie suddenly called out.

"President Xu, we are here!"

Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin stood up, waiting for further instructions from Mr. Xu.

As long as Mr. Xu said a word, it doesn't matter if he is the director of the CTS New Year's Eve party.

Isn't it good to go home to spend the holidays with your wife and children?
"Did you all hear the work that Director Yang arranged for you just now?" Xu Jie looked at Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin and asked.

"I heard." Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin replied in unison.

"Well, very good, you must be serious and responsible when the time comes, and you must manage the order of the audience well. If anyone is disobedient or does not abide by the order, you must teach him a lesson severely. Add chaos to the party, let alone hinder the normal performance of the party, if you still can't solve it, then go to Director Yang, do you understand?" Xu Jie said with a serious face.

"Yes!" Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin said loudly.

However, when Yang Xiong at the side heard it, he immediately lost his composure.

What is a harsh lesson?
He also killed chickens and monkeys to warn others. This is not solving the problem, it is clearly intensifying the conflict. The key is to look for him after the incident becomes serious. Isn't this going to throw the blame on him?

"Mr. Xu, what do you mean?" Yang Xiong asked in a deep voice, his face was so ugly that he looked like an eggplant that had not been sold in the vegetable market for a few days.

"Why, isn't what I said obvious enough? Then I'll say a few more words." Xu Jie continued to Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin: "Director Yang said that there will be thousands of people at the party, although you have never met before. I have done the work of maintaining order on the scene, but Director Yang trusts you, so he entrusts you with such an important job. You must not disappoint Director Yang. You should communicate with Director Yang more often. Ask if you don’t understand. When you meet you If you can't solve it, bring them to Director Yang, and he will teach you how to solve it."

"???" Yang Xiong's eyes widened, and the whites of his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

Although everything the other party said was for the sake of the party, it sounded like they were asking for trouble for him.

The essence of work is actually to solve the problem, but the other party throws the problem to him. Is this the attitude of work?
"Mr. Xu, is this your attitude of cooperating with CTV?" Yang Xiong asked with a frown.

"Is there something wrong with my attitude? Or is there something wrong with my teaching to the employees just now? Please guide Yang, so that I can correct it in time." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he showed an open-minded look.

"I..." Yang Xiong opened his mouth, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't know what to say.

Could it be that the person on the other side should not listen to him?Don't be serious and responsible?Don't maintain order on the scene?

Yang Xiong clenched his fists depressed. He didn't expect that when he had already shown the card of China Television, the other party would not respond at all. It seemed that he was not afraid of China Television. This was different from those who cooperated with China Television before. The attitude is completely different.

He couldn't help looking at the colleagues around him, and cast a look of asking for help, hoping that someone could stand up and speak for him, after all, everyone is from CTS.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no one who spoke. Either he turned his head and pretended not to see it, or he showed a wry smile to express his helplessness. A dozen people were suppressed by the other party alone. This time even he himself was speechless.

"Director Yang, if you have any thoughts about me, or if you think I have a bad attitude, you can go to the chief director and let the chief director judge." Xu Jie said lightly.

The corner of Yang Xiong's mouth twitched, wasn't this intentional to annoy him?

Before, he asked the other party to go to the chief director if he had an idea, but now the other party asked him to go to the chief director if he had an idea. Wasn't it intentional?
How about going to Director Zhao?


Literally, there is nothing wrong with what the other party said. Even if you tell Director Zhao, Director Zhao can't do anything to this person, and maybe he will reprimand him for thinking too much.

what should we do?

Yang Xiong kept thinking in his heart, it's really hard to get off now.


(End of this chapter)

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