The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 947 Looking for trouble?

Chapter 947 Looking for trouble?

Yang Xiong knew very well in his heart that the reason why the Xu in front of him would stand up and find fault was simply because he was dissatisfied with the jobs he arranged for Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin.

Maintaining the order of the live audience is indeed a job that sounds important, but in fact it is irrelevant.

But then again, if it was a very important job, would he assign it to "outsiders" like Jingshi Culture?

Certainly not.

One is to be worried, and the other is to look down on these people.

However, he didn't expect that Xu would jump out because of the job assignment, and he didn't expect that the other party would hold on to him. Even his ever-unfavorable CTV status didn't have any deterrence at this time. The result not only surprised him, but also made him feel a little overwhelmed.

If he took a step back, with so many people around him watching, where would he put his face?Anyway, he is also a member of Huaxia TV Station.

But if you don't give in, you may be retaliated by the other party in the future...

Huh?and many more!

This is Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party, not Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party. Does the deputy general manager of a small media company have the guts to sabotage Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party?

Maybe, the other party was just playing tricks and had a good time.

If the other party really ruined the New Year's Eve party of Huaxia TV, can Director Zhao spare this person lightly?Will Director Chen just ignore it?
At that time, you only need to make a phone call to the leader of Beijing TV Station, and this person will have to go around.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Yang Xiong's face. Before, he was only concerned with getting angry and didn't think about it at all. Now that he thinks about it carefully, the other party dared to threaten him in front of him. He didn't even have the guts to go to the chief director.

"There is no need to go to the chief director. After all, Mr. Xu is also thinking about the party. Maybe I misunderstood." Yang Xiong said, looking at his colleagues beside him, and said loudly: "Did you all hear what Mr. Xu said just now? I always care so much about the New Year's Eve party, as CTS employees, we should take this party seriously, do you hear me?"

"Understood." CTS employees echoed together.

"Since you have heard it all, let's go to our respective posts." Yang Xiong said.

When everyone heard this, they immediately dispersed.

Yang Xiong looked at Xu Jie who was standing there, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, thank you. To be honest, Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin are not from CTS, and I was worried that it would be difficult to manage them, but what you did to them just now Tell me, I feel much more at ease." After finishing speaking, she walked towards the stage triumphantly.

I thought: Want to scare me?no way.

Xu Jie looked at Yang Xiong's back and narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

It seemed that the other party did not believe that he would cause trouble at the New Year's Eve party.

Ha ha, I'll let you believe it!
"Mr. Xu, what should we do?" Zhang Qize asked in a low voice.

Did he go to work according to Yang Xiong's arrangement?Or do you not listen to Yang Xiong's arrangement?
But to be honest, he was really unwilling to ask him to maintain the order of the audience. What is the difference between this job and security?
"What should I do? Just do as I said just now, be serious and responsible at work, and communicate with Director Yang more often. Remember, when you encounter problems, you must ask Director Yang for advice. After all, he is the person in charge of the on-site director team." Xu Jie said.

"Understood." Zhang Qize nodded.

Isn't it just to find more work for Yang Xiong?
He is good at this kind of thing.

As for whether it will affect the New Year's Eve party, this is not something he needs to consider. Anyway, as long as he listens to Mr. Xu, he will be right.

Mr. Xu's words are orders, and other people's words are bullshit.

"Boss Xu, let's go get busy then." Zhang Qize said.

"Well, let's go." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin saluted Xu Jie, then turned and left.

Xu Jie looked at his two subordinates and felt that this opportunity was coming.


At this time, suddenly a hand was placed on Xu Jie's shoulder, and a voice sounded immediately after.

"Student, what are you looking at? Are you worried about your opponent?"

"Well, it's a little bit." Xu Jie turned around and said to the senior sister: "They have been directors of evening shows and cultural festivals, but this is the first time they are responsible for maintaining the order of the audience at the evening show, so I will remind them more. Tell them a few words, don't embarrass us Jingshi Culture."

Jiang Yuanyue was taken aback when she heard it. The younger brother's tone of speech didn't seem to be telling his subordinates, but more like expressing dissatisfaction.

To maintain the order of the audience at the party?
Is this the job that Yang Xiong assigned to the people of Jingshi Culture?
"Student, this job is good. It's easy and you can see the party. It seems that Yang Xiong takes good care of you." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

Of course, this is a kind of appeasement, you can't ask Yang Xiong why he arranged for your people to be the head of security, right?
You know, after the junior came to Xiazhou, he always hoped that his subordinates could deeply participate in the production of the New Year's Eve party.

"Taking care? Hehe, it's quite caring." Xu Jie sneered twice, and then glanced at the senior sister, not knowing whether the other party was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid.

If he just wants to successfully complete the cooperation with CTS, then this job is really good, but the problem is that he wants the people under him to learn something in the process of cooperating with CTS, which can be used in future work This not only trained the team, but also improved its strength.


He doesn't need that thing.

As soon as Jiang Yuanyue saw his junior's expression, a bad premonition arose in his heart. The other party was someone who dared to bargain with Director Chen. Now seeing that his subordinates were assigned to be security guards, would he be able to swallow this breath?Certainly not.

"Student, this is your first time cooperating with CTS, so you have to calm down." Jiang Yuanyue patted Xu Jie on the shoulder.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at the senior sister's hand on his shoulder. He stared at it for a long time without speaking, and his eyes were full of indifference. When Jiang Yuanyue saw it, he took her hand away in embarrassment, and put his back behind his back.

"I'm not only calming down, but also preparing to lie down. With so many capable people in CTS, I don't have to worry about the people under my command making mistakes." Xu Jie said flatly.

Jiang Yuanyue was startled, what she said didn't look like her junior.

"You, you really think so?"

As Jiang Yuanyue asked, she looked at her junior curiously.

"Of course, by the way, I have checked the construction of the stage, and there is no problem." Xu Jie said to the senior sister.

Jiang Yuanyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her junior take the initiative to change the subject. It seemed that the other party didn't want to continue to dwell on this issue, so she smiled and said, "Student, thank you for your hard work."

"It's nothing, this is what I should do." Xu Jie said blankly, looking like an emotionless machine.

"Student, are you tired? Go and rest quickly, and we will leave the rest to us." Jiang Yuanyue said quickly, then pointed in the direction of the car, signaling him to get in the car and rest.

In fact, her original intention was to let the other party get in the car to write the sketch script. After all, the rehearsal was getting closer and closer, and the other party still had two sketches that had not been completed.

"Thank you, senior." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he didn't get in the car, but found a flower bed around and sat down, silently watching the direction of the stage.

Jiang Yuanyue frowned slightly, what are you doing sitting there?With this time, wouldn't it be good to write a script?

She looked at it for a while, but found that the junior hadn't done anything, just sat there in a daze, and his whole person was not so cheerful, which was not the case when we assembled in the morning.

There is an old saying: if there is no normal state, there must be ghosts, and when things go wrong, there must be ghosts.

Well, it's better to be careful.

She glanced in the direction of her junior, then walked towards Yang Xiong.

"Old Yang!"

"Director Jiang, what's the matter?" Yang Xiong asked politely.

"Lao Yang, have you finished the assignment of the on-site director team?" Jiang Yuanyue asked casually.

"Well, the distribution is over." Yang Xiong nodded.

"I remember that Jingshi Culture has two employees assigned to your on-site director team. I wonder what jobs you assigned to them?" Jiang Yuanyue pretended not to know.

"I'm worried that they don't know much about some aspects of the live performance, so I arranged for them to follow Lao Liu to be responsible for the order of the audience." Yang Xiong said truthfully.

"Old Yang, it's really okay for you to think so, but as a partner, shouldn't you give more consideration to the feelings of Beijing Television Culture? Originally, they didn't have many people here this time, and you still arranged for them all. In some irrelevant positions, won't this affect future cooperation?" Jiang Yuanyue said.

A few days ago, when the director team of the New Year's Eve party held a meeting, the younger brother was dissatisfied with the work assignment, so he didn't even give Director Zhao face. Later, he finally satisfied the younger brother, and now Yang Xiong has arranged some people who are not suitable for the younger brother. Important work, isn't this messing up the director team?
Although the student's reaction seemed calm, she had to rule out some hidden dangers.

"Director Jiang, if you worry too much, what impact will it have? Could it be that Jingshi Culture will cancel its cooperation with our China Television? It is their honor to cooperate with our China Television. How many companies are vying to cooperate with CTV." Yang Xiong said with a smile.

VisionChina's status and influence in the industry are unique, so how could it care about a small media company?

Not to mention Beijing Television Culture, even if Beijing Satellite TV came, it would have to stand aside.

Want to stand side by side with CTV?
No one is qualified for that.

"Old Yang, have you forgotten what Director Chen said? Director Chen said before leaving that CTV and Beijing TV Culture should care about each other and help each other, and we must let go of our arrogance at work. What is your attitude now? ?" Jiang Yuanyue moved Director Chen out.

Yang Xiong thought to himself after hearing this: Director Chen is just talking, why do you take it seriously?
Director Chen would say similar things when CTV cooperated with other units in the past, but how should everyone work and continue to work?

"Director Jiang, is Mr. Xu looking for you? I know Mr. Xu is your junior, but we can't ignore the overall situation because of our personal relationship, right?" Yang Xiong said.

Just now, he has already arranged work in front of his colleagues and that Xu. If he changes the arrangement at this time, what will his colleagues think?And the one surnamed Xu will definitely continue to shout in front of him.

"Old Yang, what do you mean by that? You mean, I didn't take care of the overall situation?" Jiang Yuanyue frowned.

Others don't know the junior, but she knows it very well, so what she is doing now is not only for the sake of the party, but also for the sake of the other party. A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart.

"Director Jiang, that's not what I mean. I just think that as long as you focus on the party, you don't need to take other people's thoughts into account. After all, this is our CTV's party. What do you think?" Yang Xiong asked with a smile.

He understands what the other party means, but he also wants face. If he gives face to the other party now, then his face will be gone.

Therefore, between Jiang Yuanyue's face and his own, he chose to protect his own face. As for Jiang Yuanyue's face, the big deal would be to pay the other party a meal after the party was over.

Jiang Yuanyue gritted her teeth tightly. Could it be that she was doing it for personal friendship, not for the party?
What bullshit is this!
Okay, you are awesome, I don't care about it.

"Well, what you said makes sense, then I won't disturb your work." Jiang Yuanyue said lightly, and was about to leave, when she saw a person from Jingshi Culture walking towards this side, if she I remember correctly, the other party seems to be called Zhang Qize

"Director Yang!" Zhang Qize walked in front of Yang Xiong, pointed in the direction of the park, and said, "I just saw the distribution map of the audience and found a very big problem."

"What's the problem?" Yang Xiong asked.

"The stage has changed, but the distribution of the audience has not changed. The current stage is stepped and semi-circular. If we still sit in the same way as before, there will be a lot of space on both sides of the stage." Zhang Qize said.

"Empty is empty." Yang Xiong said indifferently after hearing this, the audience was originally seated in the form of a square, and there will be vacant seats between the squares, and it doesn't matter if there are two more.

"Director Yang, these two areas are distributed on both sides of the outermost stage. Whether it's a panoramic shot or a partial shot of the stage, they can be photographed. It will look very ugly then." Zhang Qize continued.

Yang Xiong looked at the direction Zhang Qize was pointing at, and felt that the other party was scaremongering. There was a large space between the stage and the audience, and there were cameramen and security guards there, so it would be a problem to arrange the audience to sit there.

Just as he was about to explain, he suddenly saw another person approaching. It was the king of Jingshi Culture... his name seemed to be Wang Youlin.

"Director Yang, how many audiences are there that night? The stage area is enlarged. I am worried that if the original number of people is used, there will be no room for the audience. Do we need to re-arrange the seats?" Wang Youlin asked.

Yang Xiong was taken aback, hey, this is really a problem.

The stage has been enlarged by a little bit, and the seats can't be arranged like before, but this doesn't seem to be a big problem.

"The audience can sit backwards or to the sides." Yang Xiong said.

"But the area of ​​the square is limited, so you can't let the audience behind sit on the street, right? The safety hazard is too great." Wang Youlin said seriously.

"Just sit a little more closely." Yang Xiong thought for a while and said.

"Hey, there are two more areas on my side, why don't you arrange the audience to my side?" Zhang Qize looked at Yang Xiong and asked.

"Really? Director Yang, is it okay?" Wang Youlin also looked at Yang Xiong.

Yang Xiong listened to the chaos in his head, only one seat, why are there so many problems?
Jiang Yuanyue at the side sneered secretly after seeing it, thinking: This is just the beginning, and you will suffer in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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