The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 948 Late Night Action

Chapter 948 Late Night Action
In the evening, all employees of Jingshi Culture gathered in Mr. Xu's office to review and summarize the work during the day.

"The writing group I'm in basically has nothing to do with me. The host's manuscripts for the party are all in charge of the other two..."

"I was arranged by the camera team behind the auditorium, and the main task was to shoot the stage scenery and the audience behind..."

"I'm in the video editing team, and I haven't arranged a specific job for me for the time being. I just said that if someone feels unwell on the day of the live broadcast, or goes to the bathroom or something, let me take over the job..."

"I'm in the on-site director team..."

One by one, everyone talked about their work on the stage today. Although everyone talked about it in detail, and even summed up some things worth learning in the future, they all showed a little disappointment on their faces. Obviously, everyone Not satisfied with today's work schedule.

Although the positions are very important, they do not get the attention of the person in charge of the position, and the result is that the assigned work is no different from those unimportant positions.

Xu Jie kept frowning. He originally thought that he had solved the problem, but he didn't expect that Yan Wang would be so difficult to deal with the kid, and in the end he couldn't avoid being looked down upon by CTS employees.

In fact, when he saw the situation of Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin, he had already guessed how other employees might be treated.

At that time, he also wanted to stand up and fight for job opportunities for his employees, but he also wanted to see how the employees dealt with the situation, so in the end he didn't stand out, just quietly being a bystander and letting the employees do it themselves. deal with.

It can be regarded as a test and tempering.

It's just that the results are somewhat unsatisfactory.

When facing CTS, everyone still has a burden in their hearts.

"You guys are still too cowardly!" Xu Jie made a summary after everyone finished speaking.

Everyone lowered their heads, and no one spoke, feeling that they were indeed ashamed of Mr. Xu, and had no face to face Mr. Xu.

"It is said that there is a raging soldier, and a raging nest, and I am not a raging one. Why are you so raging?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.


Everyone blushed.

This statement, although a bit hurtful, is true.

Xu Jie's eyes swept over the employees' faces one by one, and suddenly he slapped his thigh, and had an idea.

Everyone was taken aback by Mr. Xu's sudden action, and all cast puzzled eyes, thinking what is Mr. Xu doing?Could it be that you were stimulated by something?

Xu Jie looked at everyone and said seriously: "Although the team leader has arranged some unimportant tasks for you, you must not be discouraged. You must not only be serious, but also show enthusiasm and enthusiasm. If you want to remember, please ask..."

Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin who were standing there immediately understood what Mr. Xu was up to when they heard this.

This afternoon, the two of them just listened to Mr. Xu's words, and asked Yang Xiong for instructions when they encountered any problems.

Now it seems that Xu always intends to carry forward this fine style of asking questions when he doesn't understand, and he doesn't let CTV people go even at night.

Xu Jie looked at the crowd and continued: "During the day, those team leaders are very busy and don't have time to answer your questions, but it's different at night. Now that they have returned to their rooms to rest, it is the best time for you to ask for advice and learn. , so you must not let it must not miss this opportunity, do you understand?"

Everyone looked at each other, Mr. Xu didn't ask them to ask questions, he clearly asked them to do something.

go with?
Those people belong to Huaxia TV Station, so it seems inappropriate to disturb them at night.

not going?

Mr. Xu has already spoken, if he doesn't go, he won't listen to the leader's command, and won't he be driven back to the capital?
"Xu, Mr. Xu, is this okay?" Liu Hexiang asked in a low voice.

"Why, don't you want to ask and learn from the CTS people? Then what are you doing in Xiazhou? Traveling?" Xu Jie asked while looking at the other party.

"No, that's not what I meant." Liu Hexiang shook his head hastily, and then dared not say anything.

Xu Jie immediately gave the other party a blank look. The words he mobilized and said these days were all in vain without any effect.

"With me here, what are you afraid of? If I take the blame, I will take the blame. Even if you want to take the blame, you don't have the qualifications." Xu Jie said.

When everyone thought about it, it seemed to be the case that Mr. Xu was always the person in charge of Jingshi Culture. Whenever there was a problem with Jingshi Culture, Mr. Xu would be responsible. They... who knows them?

Zhang Qize gritted his teeth, stood up and said, "Mr. Xu, I really have some questions that I want to ask the people from CTS, I'll go now."

Ready to leave.

"Wait, don't worry." Xu Jie raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch, "It's only 9 o'clock in the evening, it's still early, you have to allow the people of China TV to have time for nightlife, you go back to your room to rest, and wait until midnight. At two o'clock, or one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, wouldn't it be better to go to them for advice? At that time, they will not delay their night life, and no one will bother you."


Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

One or two in the middle of the night?
Is that to ask a question?
To put it bluntly, the actresses never went so late when they went to the director's room to discuss the script.

Well, at this time it really won't disturb other people's nightlife, but it will disturb others' rest.

Mr. Xu's arrangement is obviously to give the CTS people some color, and it can also be regarded as revenge against the CTS people.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" Zhang Qize said seriously, and then left the room.

The others looked at Minister Zhang's back in surprise, did they really want to do that?Aren't you afraid of making things big?
"Mr. Xu, then I'll go back to rest." Wang Youlin said, he was going to discuss with Zhang Qize, and set a time to consult Yang Xiong in turn.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

The rest of the people stared blankly at Wang Youlin who had left. The minister had left, and the deputy minister had also left. What are they ordinary employees doing here?
As a result, everyone left Mr. Xu's room one after another, and waited until midnight to go to the room of the CTS people to ask questions.

Because there were still a few hours before the time to ask questions, everyone chose to sleep after returning to their respective rooms.

However, it is probably because it is the first time to do this kind of thing, and the target is a person from China TV, so everyone has some burden in their hearts, lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, thinking about waiting to knock on the door When the time comes, how will the CTS people react, and how should I face it.

"Sister Qi, are you asleep?" Jiang Xiaotong looked at the person on the bed next to him and asked in a low voice.

Except for a few directors and assistant directors in the director's group, everyone else shared a room with two people, which was convenient for work and could take care of each other.

"No." Qi Yanzhu turned over and faced Jiang Xiaotong.

"You said, we'll be fine if we do this?" Jiang Xiaotong asked worriedly, offending CTS, the consequences would be very serious.

"I don't know, but I know one thing, if we don't do anything, something will happen." Qi Yanzhu said.

Jiang Xiaotong was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it was really the case.

After doing it, no one knows how the CTS people will react, but if they don't do it, they will not be able to pass the test of Mr. Xu first.

"Sister Qi, why don't you think Mr. Xu is not afraid of people from CTS?" Jiang Xiaotong asked puzzled. As far as she knew, even the leaders of Beijing TV Station would not dare to offend CTS.

"Maybe, maybe it's because the skilled people are bold." Qi Yanzhu thought for a while and said, in fact, she didn't know what Mr. Xu thought.

In fact, everyone knows that Mr. Xu did this for everyone's benefit, but isn't it too extreme to do such a thing at the risk of offending CTS?
The more Qi Yanzhu thought about it, the more he became more sober. He simply sat up from the bed, picked up his mobile phone and recorded the questions that came to mind. One or two are not enough, three or four are not enough, five or six are not enough, so that he can have a reason to ask for advice many times. Complete the task assigned by Mr. Xu.

"Sister Qi, aren't you going to sleep?" Jiang Xiaotong asked curiously. Whether she will have time to sleep in the second half of the night is still unknown, but if she doesn't take the time to rest now, there may be no time in the second half of the night.

"Don't go to bed, think about a few more questions, so that you have a legitimate reason to go to the CTS people, at least if you say it like this, the other party won't think it's unreasonable to make trouble." Qi Yanzhu replied, which can be regarded as a kind of self-comfort.

After Jiang Xiaotong heard it, she immediately sat up from the bed.

She didn't even think about a decent question now. If it really came to the middle of the night, let alone knock on the doors of the CTS people, she might not even be able to get out of the door of her own room.

"Sister Qi, what questions did you think of, and give me a reference when you talk about it." Jiang Xiaotong asked, the two of them are not in the same position, so there is no need to worry about repeating the questions.

"I only thought of one, and I don't know how many times I have to knock on the door tonight to qualify." Qi Yanzhu sighed softly after speaking.

"Yes." Jiang Xiaotong picked up the phone, not knowing what the others were doing now.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon it was midnight.

Yang Xiaotong stood behind the door, with his ears pressed against the crack of the door, listening to the movement in the corridor.

"Xiaotong, how is the situation?" Qi Yanzhu asked.

"There is no one yet." Jiang Xiaotong replied.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, there was a "click" sound of the door opening in the corridor, followed by the sound of footsteps, and then she felt someone passing by the door, she took a peek outside, it was Zhang Qize.

"Minister Zhang, Mr. Zhang is out!" Jiang Xiaotong shouted softly.

Qi Yanzhu immediately jumped out of bed, quickly ran to the door, and then gently opened the door, only to see Zhang Qize walked outside a room and stopped, then stretched out his hand to ring the doorbell.

She also noticed that not only her, but other employees of Jingshi Culture also opened the door to watch the movement outside, apparently waiting for a signal.

What is a signal?

When someone takes action, it is a signal.

Zhang Qize kept ringing the doorbell, and after ringing for a long time, the door finally opened.

"It's so late, what's the matter?" Yang Xiong frowned and looked at Zhang Qize outside the door.

"Director Yang, I suddenly asked a very important question, so I came here to ask you for advice." Zhang Qize said seriously.

"What time is it? Besides, what can't be said tomorrow, it has to be so late?" Yang Xiong's face was full of dissatisfaction.

"You can't sleep without asking." Zhang Qize said.

Yang Xiong thought: You can't sleep, so you disturb my sleep?Then he asked, "Tell me, what is the important question?"

"It's like this. Didn't you re-plan the audience's position? I thought about it, but I still don't think it's very good..." Zhang Qize picked up the blueprint while speaking.

Yang Xiong feels that his blood pressure is constantly rising. This issue has been discussed many times during the day, why is it endless?
"This is the arrangement of the director's team. If you have any opinions, you can report to the director's team." Yang Xiong closed the door after finishing speaking, and complained while closing the door, "It's useless to sleep well at night and think about it. Dog meddling with rats?"

Yang Xiong looked at the closed door, and didn't care about it, because this situation was completely within his expectation. If Yang Xiong paid special attention to his question, it would be the sun coming out from the west.

Alright, one-fifth of the mission is completed, and it's Wang Youlin's turn next.

Thinking of this, he turned and walked towards his room.

Those who were hiding behind the door knew that they should go out after reading it, so they mustered up the courage to open the door and go out...

At this moment, five people suddenly appeared in the corridor. Everyone looked at each other, first surprised, then embarrassed, and they all wanted to go together.

If they knocked on the door together, it would be too loud, and it would be better to do this kind of shady thing secretly.

"I'll go later!" Someone took the initiative to retreat to the room.

"Me too!"

"You go first."

Soon, only Qi Yanzhu was left in the corridor.

Qi Yanzhu knew that he had to go early and late, so he walked to the room of the person in charge of the post.

"Ding dong!"

She rang the doorbell five or six times, and waited for half a minute before the door opened.

"Do you have something to do?" Xu Chenglin looked at the woman standing outside the door suspiciously. Although his sleep was disturbed, a woman came to the door in the middle of the night. This kind of thing really couldn't make people angry, and even had a little more expectation. After all, this This scene is easily reminiscent of some scenes of blood gushing.

"Xu, Brother Xu, I have a question about work that I would like to ask you." Qi Yanzhu said.

"Problems at work?" Xu Chenglin was slightly startled, the woman's lines in front of him were more and more similar to what he was thinking, so he turned sideways, opened the door, and said with a smile: "Come in, what's the problem?" Speak slowly."

"Oh, then there's no need, the problem is very simple, just say it here." Qi Yanzhu said after hearing it.

Xu Chenglin frowned, just say it here?Don't you want to have an in-depth communication with him?

Why come to him in the middle of the night if you don't communicate?
How annoying!


(End of this chapter)

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