The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 949 The two sides are fighting secretly!

Chapter 949 The two sides are fighting secretly!

"Ding dong!"

"Ding dong ding dong!"

The doorbell rang one after another, and the doors opened one after another. Under Xu Jie's instructions, from midnight to six in the morning, Jingshi Culture employees asked CTV employees for advice without interruption.

After this person asks for advice, another person will go to ask for advice. Even if it is the same person, the interval will not exceed one hour. There is no chance for CTS employees to have a deep sleep. Some people are awakened just after falling asleep, while others It is inhumane to be woken up before falling asleep.


They are all asking questions, all for work, even if they are angry, they can only hold it in their hearts.

You can ignore people, but can you ignore the doorbell?

For the sake of quietness and for the sake of the people outside not ringing the doorbell, they had to open the door in the end. Once the door opened, all kinds of problems awaited them.

early morning.

The staff of the New Year's Eve party gathered in the corridor, and everyone kept yawning, and the heavy dark circles gave people a listless feeling.

"What's the matter with you all? Did you not sleep well last night?" Yu Yan looked at the colleagues around her questioningly.

It’s fine if one or two people yawn once in a while, but with so many people yawning, how can you work in such a state?What if something goes wrong on stage?
"I said why didn't I see you when I was eating breakfast in the restaurant just now? Are you all sleeping in the room?" Jiang Yuanyue gave Yang Xiong a blank look, and said angrily: "I told you to come early. Rest, don't delay the next day's work, you just don't listen, how are you doing now, are you so sleepy that you can't open your eyes?"

At the same time, I thought to myself: You deserve it, it’s better to trap you to death.

Yang Xiong turned his head and looked at the colleagues beside him, he didn't know what others were doing last night, anyway he felt that he was wronged.

"Director Jiang, I want to fall asleep early, but people from Jingshi Culture come to ask me a lot of questions, one question at a time, one question at a time, so I was woken up as soon as I fell asleep. I haven't slept for a few hours." Yang Xiong said with an aggrieved face, he wasn't going to take the blame for delaying work.

After some other colleagues heard it, they immediately felt relieved, and looked at Yang Xiong in surprise. They didn't expect that there was someone like him.

"Old Yang, did the people from Jingshi Culture ask you a question last night? Me too." Xu Chenglin said.

"Did it start in the middle of the night? Until this morning?" asked another.

"That's right, and they looked for me five or six times a night."


Originally, Yang Xiong just said that casually, but a group of people stood up and echoed.

"All of you?" Yang Xiong looked at his colleagues in surprise. He originally thought he was the only one like this, but he didn't expect there to be comrades.

When Jiang Yuanyue saw the situation, she immediately understood what was going on. No need to ask, it must be revenge from the junior to express dissatisfaction with the work assignment.

Sure enough, Xu Jie was still that junior, and the daze at the party yesterday afternoon was just the calm before the storm.

"Is what you said true or false? How can there be such a coincidence?" Yu Yan was a little unconvinced. It is normal for one or two to ask for advice, but it is a bit abnormal for ten or eight to ask for advice. .

"Director Yu, it's absolutely true!" Yang Xiong said seriously.

"Director Yu, there's no need for us to team up to lie to you, right?"


Yu Yan looked at these people, and felt that what everyone said was not unreasonable, they were all colleagues, why did they lie to her?Can you cheat money or sex?

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Jiang Yuanyue at the side. She knew the relationship between Jiang Yuanyue and Mr. Xu, so she asked curiously, "Jiang, what's the situation?"

Jiang Yuanyue shook her head resolutely, and said blankly, "I don't know."

This kind of thing, even if you know it in your heart, you can't say it clearly, otherwise it seems that she knows it and doesn't report it.

Can you blame her?

She had made it very clear to Yang Xiong yesterday that it was Yang Xiong who insisted on sticking to his own opinion and not giving her face, that's why what happened last night, to put it badly, it's called: deserve it!

"What is Mr. Xu doing!" Yu Yan frowned.

So many people, so neat, if it wasn't organized and premeditated, who would believe it?And Mr. Xu, as the person in charge of Jingshi's culture, must know all about doing these things, maybe Mr. Xu organized it.

The question is, why would the other party do this?Isn't this disturbing the rest of the New Year's Eve party staff and sabotaging the preparations for the New Year's Eve party?

"I think those people did it on purpose!" Yang Xiong gritted his teeth and said, it's okay to ask him for advice during the day, but also ask him for advice at night. Wasn't it intentional?Who stays up most of the night to ask others questions?Actresses are never that late.

"Well, I think so too, otherwise how could it be so uniform?"

"They are not asking questions at all, they are harassing us!"


Everyone said.

Everyone originally looked down on the people of Jingshi Culture, but they were so tormented last night, and they were full of complaints towards those people, wishing to let these people leave here quickly, so as not to delay everyone's work.

In their view, even if there are no people from Beijing Television Culture, they can still complete the New Year's Eve party very well, and cooperation with Beijing Television Culture is simply superfluous.

"Shhh, stop talking, pay attention to the impact!" Yu Yan reminded others.

In fact, she also knows what everyone thinks, but Director Chen first proposed the cooperation with Jingshi Culture. You can't pass a level.

The right or wrong of this matter has nothing to do with the party, anyone who doesn't listen to Director Chen is wrong, and will definitely be blamed by Director Chen in the future.

Others didn't understand very much after hearing it.

Notice the impact?

What impact?
Will it affect the cooperation between China Television and Jingshi Culture?
Even if the popularity of Beijing Television Culture is gone, it seems that it will not have any impact.


At this time, a voice sounded in the corridor, and then Xu Jie was seen walking out of the room.

As if they had received a signal, other people from Jingshi Culture also left the room and gathered in front of the elevator.

"Morning Director Yu, morning sister!" Xu Jie greeted the two assistant directors as usual.

"Morning Mr. Xu." Yu Yan said with a smile.

As the person in charge of this year's Spring Festival Gala singing and dancing program, she has heard a little about the cooperation between Director Chen and Mr. Xu, so she is more polite to the other party.

"Student, you seem to be in good spirits. Did you sleep well last night?" Jiang Yuanyue asked otherwise.

"Okay, I haven't slept for such a long time from dark to dawn." Xu Jie said with satisfaction after hearing this.

Jiang Yuanyue was slightly taken aback, she originally wanted to remind the other party what happened last night and everyone began to doubt, but now when she heard the other party's words, she suddenly became anxious.

I was in a daze at the party during the day, and went to bed early at night, so when will I write the sketch script?

It has nothing to do with the various working groups of the New Year's Eve party, but it must not affect the creation of sketches for the Spring Festival party.

Xu Jie didn't understand the senior, but looked at the staff of CTV, and said, "During breakfast just now, I heard from the staff that they went to ask you questions last night? I'm really sorry to cause you trouble, At the same time, I would also like to thank you for your help to them. You are worthy of being a member of Huaxia TV Station. They are high-spirited and upright, willing to help others, and they are a role model for us to learn from..."

When the people from Huaxia TV heard this, they immediately felt a little embarrassed. After all, they were just saying bad things behind their backs, but now they are praised by others.

"I held a meeting for all the staff and called on them to learn from you, CTS, so as to improve their professional skills and cultural quality. Therefore, I will ask you to take care of and help them more in the future." Xu Jie said seriously.

Everyone was stunned.

When they heard the first half of the sentence, everyone was still very happy, but when they heard the second half of the sentence, everyone suddenly became depressed.


And later?

Everyone was so noisy yesterday that they couldn't sleep well. Do you want to keep arguing like this in the future?

This, is this learning from them?Or do you want to torture them?


There was a sound of opening the door, and then Deputy Director Zhao appeared in the corridor.

"Morning, is everyone here?" Zhao Hongbo asked.

"It's all set." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Let's go then."

Zhao Hongbo didn't notice anything unusual, he waved his hand and walked towards the elevator.

The CTV people looked at each other, and they were going to report to Deputy Director Zhao what happened last night, but they were embarrassed to report to Deputy Director Zhao after seeing Mr. Xu's thankful attitude just now.

Thank you, right? , praise it?Are you calling them role models?Just sent another pennant.

In this case, if you report to Deputy Director Zhao, you may not be able to get rid of the entanglement of those people from Jingshi Culture, but you will be arranged to tutor those people from Jingshi Culture.

Well, let's see the situation first.

Everyone didn't talk too much, and entered the elevator one by one.

The car departs from the hotel and goes to the party site.

In the car, the people from CTS were not idle. Although Director Zhao and people from Jingshi Culture were there, this did not hinder everyone's communication.

In a wechat group without a leader, the employees of Huaxia TV Station are researching ways to deal with those people from JingTV Culture.

"Everyone, there are still many days before the party, so it's not an option to go on like this. I don't want to continue to answer questions for those people from Jingshi Culture. Do you have any good ways to refuse them?" Yang Xiong asked first.

"Reject? Isn't it good? What if they use this to make things worse at work?"

"Hmph, they dare!"

"They dare to knock on the door in the middle of the night to harass, what else are they afraid to do? Maybe they will pretend to be ghosts to scare us tonight, and then take over our jobs."

"Ah? Will it?"

"Hmph, they have a lot of opinions on the work arrangement, what can't they do?"

"The best thing is to avoid future troubles, so that they have no questions or can't ask questions. I don't think it's better than this. Today we respond to every request and answer every question. How many questions can a job have? At most, a whole day is spent on them. Answering questions, anyway, there are still a few days before the official rehearsal."

"Yes, let them have no more questions to ask."

"Then it's settled."

The people from Huashi raised their heads, looked at each other a few times, and smiled on their faces in unison.

Fight with them, Huashi?

Stay with me to the end!

Today, people from these small places must know what dimension reduction strike is.

Not long after, the car arrived at the park.

Everyone got out of the car and started today's preparations.

Xu Jie still didn't do anything, found a chair to sit by the side of the venue, and started a new day in a daze.

However, in the eyes of the employees of Jingshi Culture, Mr. Xu is not simply in a daze, but observing their performance.

Of course, it is not their work performance, but their learning performance.

They are assigned to the simplest and most marginal positions by various working groups, and they have nothing to play, so they can only learn by themselves.

how to study

Of course, I went to consult the people from Huaxia TV.

Therefore, without stopping, everyone went directly to the person in charge of the working group and began to ask new questions.

"Director Yang!"

Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin found Yang Xiong, and when they were together, it was double happiness.

"What's the matter with you?" Yang Xiong asked, frowning tightly, but he was not as angry as before, because it was all in his expectation.

make trouble?

This time I will accompany you to the end!
Let people from these small places know how powerful the CTS people are, and stop playing tricks here in the future.

"It's still about the audience seats. Didn't you say last night that you can report the problem to Director Zhao? Can you go with us?" Zhang Qize looked at Yang Xiong and asked.

The corner of Yang Xiong's mouth twitched, he just said that casually last night, but the other party actually took it seriously.

His work includes how to arrange the audience. If he has to disturb Director Zhao even for such a trivial matter, then he will not do this job in the future.

"You don't need to go to Director Zhao, let's go and have a look." Yang Xiong said.

His job today is to get these two people done, no matter how much time it takes, he must let these two people have no questions to ask, and accept his work arrangement honestly.

At the same time, the same scene was also staged in other working groups on site.

People from Jingshi Culture are asking questions humbly, while people from CTS are answering questions carefully. The scene looks unusually harmonious.

Yu Yan and Jiang Yuanyue were all stunned when they saw this scene.

When we gathered in the morning, the people under him were still full of complaints and complaints. Why did they seem to have changed after they came here?

Not only can't you see the slightest anger, but each of them looks very responsible, even more serious than usual.

what's the situation?
Could it be that everyone's awareness has suddenly increased?
Or were you moved by what Mr. Xu said earlier?

But no matter what, this is a good thing for them and the director team. Only when the employees are united can the work be done well.

Yu Yan and Jiang Yuanyue also showed satisfied smiles at this moment.

Well, this is the tolerance that CTS people should have!
Jiang Yuanyue looked at the dazed junior, and thought: Junior, you should be satisfied now, right?


(End of this chapter)

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