The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 950 Is it okay to do it yourself?

Chapter 950 Is it okay to do it yourself?

Xu Jie watched the stage silently, and gradually felt something was wrong.

I remember that CTV employees were still impatient with his people yesterday, why did they suddenly become so patient today?

Could it be that what he said in the morning played a role?
It shouldn't.

If the employees of China Television really cared about what he said, they would not assign some irrelevant tasks to the employees of Jingshi Culture, let alone show disgust.

To be honest, the attitude of the leaders of CTS towards him is better than that of the employees of CTS.

Could it be that the routine has changed?

What kind of trick is this?

Xu Jie began to fall into deep thought, guessing the real thoughts of those people from Huashi, no matter what, as long as Zhang Qize and his colleagues did not change their jobs, this matter would not be over.


Not long after, Jiang Yuanyue walked over and said with a smile: "You are so leisurely."

Xu Jie looked around, compared with those who were making preparations for the party, he did appear to be relatively free, but how could he admit such a thing?


Xu Jie sighed deeply, looked in the direction of the stage and said: "People in the world only pay attention to the appearance, and often ignore the essence. You only see me sitting here, but you don't know that I have been planning for the New Year's Eve party."

Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help laughing when she saw the younger brother's smug manner, and sat beside him and said, "Your younger brother, you are not the chief director, do you need me to strategize?"

Xu Jie turned his head slowly, looked at the other party and asked, "Senior sister, do you look down on me? That's right, you CTS people have always been superior and domineering. When have you ever cared about what other people think?"

Jiang Yuanyue broke out in cold sweat when she heard it, she was just talking casually, is it necessary to go online?
She quickly waved her hands to defend herself: "Student, you misunderstood, I don't mean that, I just think everyone should concentrate on doing everyone's work well..."

"Senior sister, what do you mean, everyone cleans the front of the house and leaves others alone? No wonder this society is becoming more and more indifferent, and the traditional virtue of helping others is gradually disappearing, alas!" Xu Jie started again after speaking. sigh.

Jiang Yuanyue was about to collapse.

Is it wrong to do your job well?How did it rise to the social level?Those who knew it were talking about work, but those who didn't know thought she was hindering the development of traditional virtues.

"Student, I was wrong, can't I be wrong?" Jiang Yuanyue said with a bitter face, unable to laugh anymore, she was afraid that if she continued to speak, she would be defined as an anti-social bad person.

"Although knowing your mistakes can make a big difference, what's the use of knowing your mistakes alone? Only when everyone realizes this problem can society progress." Xu Jie said calmly, looking ahead.

Jiang Yuanyue looked at her junior in doubt, and thought: Didn't my junior forget to take his medicine this morning?
Seeing her junior's focused expression, she couldn't help but follow his gaze. It was the scene where the CTS employees helped the employees of Jingshi Culture.

Hey, that's not right!

It is not good?

But what the younger brother said just now seems to be saying that the CTS employees are arrogant and do not realize the "mistake"?

"Student, look, the employees of our two companies are really getting more and more united. I believe that the future cooperation will get better and better." Jiang Yuanyue said while pointing in the direction of the employees.

"People in the world look at things and only pay attention to performance... They seem to be very good, but who knows what they are thinking in their hearts?" Xu Jie said lightly.


After Jiang Yuanyue heard it, she felt countless alpacas running wildly past her mind.

It's not a god, who can know what other people are thinking?
"Student, it's too much. Let me help you. If you are suspected of impure purpose, don't help you. If you are said to be domineering, you are not like you. Are you here to cooperate with CTV, or are you just looking for trouble? "Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help but said.

"Sister, how much do you know about those people?" Xu Jie asked.

"Student, you can't do this. The basis of cooperation is trust. If you can't even do this, what's the point of cooperating? Even if you get together temporarily, something will happen in the future." Jiang Yuanyue said seriously.

"I agree with what my sister said. The basis of cooperation is trust, but why don't you CTV people trust our people from Jingshi Culture? Senior sister, don't tell me that you don't know the arrangements made by the leaders of the working groups below. What kind of work do you want to do, but if you have a little bit of trust, you won't do it.


Jiang Yuanyue was at a loss for words for a moment, she who was eloquent just now, now has no idea how to defend herself.

As the old saying goes: facts speak louder than words.

The facts are already there, no matter how much she defends, it will only give people a feeling of irrationality.

But one thing is certain, the student's heart is definitely not as peaceful as it appears on the surface.

"Brother, I beg you, sister, don't worry about the affairs of those people below, okay? You can get labor fees without doing anything, and the money is like picking up money for nothing. Isn't that great?" Jiang Yuan Yue can only persuade this stubborn junior from another angle.

"You mean whoring for nothing?" Xu Jie frowned, and said solemnly: "Senior sister, who do you think I am? Do I owe you the little labor fee from CTS? If it's really for money, I'll go and shoot Whether the movie is good or not, it can easily sell for [-]-[-] million yuan. The reason why I agreed to cooperate with you at CTS is mainly to learn from you, train the team, and improve the level, but who would have thought that you CTS would actually For us, to be honest, the current situation really disappoints me.”

Xu Jie shook his head and sighed again this time, not only disappointed but also sad on his face.

Jiang Yuanyue was directly shocked. She didn't expect that the purpose of the junior partner's cooperation with CTV was to learn. She thought it was just to improve the company's performance and expand the company's influence.

For money, vulgar!

For influence, be greedy!

But for learning, not only made her unable to say anything, but also made her feel very ashamed.

It's because she has a low profile, and it's because all of them look down on their juniors.

In this way, it can well explain why the junior is actively fighting for jobs for the employees, and why he is dissatisfied with the current work arrangements of the employees.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the younger brother’s Jingshi Culture is not short of business, as for money...

The hundreds of millions of box office for movies, the hundreds of millions of sponsorships for variety shows, and the hundreds of millions for the premiere rights of TV dramas are no less than China TV's labor costs.

"Student, I will definitely talk to the leaders of the various working groups later, and ask them to change jobs for you Jingshi culture people." Jiang Yuanyue said seriously.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Jie shrugged, not only did he not care, but he also obviously didn't believe it.

However, the more Xu Jie was like this, the more guilty Jiang Yuanyue felt, as if he had failed his junior's expectations.

People think they are good, so they come to learn from them, but not only did they not learn, they were also left out, and no one would feel comfortable.

Jiang Yuanyue knew that it was useless to talk too much, so she got up and left, thinking that when she was waiting for lunch, she must hold a meeting for each working group, so as not to disappoint those who came to learn from them.

Time soon came to noon.

After receiving the boxed lunch, the staff returned to their respective team positions.

In fact, there is no fixed place for the team to rest, it's just that people from CTV and Jingshi Culture gather together.

"Mr. Xu, those people at CTS are special today. No matter what I ask, they will reply until the problem is solved." Liu Hexiang said while eating his boxed lunch. Although he also asked last night, his attitude was quite different. , he felt a little embarrassed.

"That's right, Mr. Xu, it's different from yesterday, it's like a different person." Zhang Qize also said.

Among these people, he is the one who has the most right to speak, because other employees started asking CTS people for advice last night, while he started asking CTS people for advice yesterday during the day.

"Mr. Xu, what's wrong with them? Have they woken up?" Wang Youlin asked suspiciously.

"Did they change the job content for you?" Xu Jie asked. Today's box lunch is good, with two meat and two vegetables, and the taste is good. Sure enough, it is different from CTS, and the quality of the box lunch has been improved.

"No." Everyone shook their heads.

"That is to change the soup but not the medicine, and to deal with you in a different way. You have to be careful, the enemy has become cunning." Xu Jie reminded.

Everyone was taken aback after hearing this, and their expressions became serious.


What's the use of changing your attitude?Haven't you been assigned to do those irrelevant jobs?

"Mr. Xu, but, what if I finish asking all the questions I prepared?" Qi Yanzhu asked distressedly, and the person sitting beside him also nodded.

The people from China TV arranged simple tasks for them, and it was difficult to find out the problems. After everything is solved, how can they continue to ask questions?

Even if you are looking for trouble, you must first be able to find something, and now you can't even find something, and you have no chance to speak.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Jie said with a smile: "Isn't it just a problem? I have already prepared it for you. I will send it to you on WeChat after dinner. You can simply read it and keep the problem in your mind."

He had thought about this problem a long time ago, and he would not fight without preparation.

Not only did he think of the problem, but the problem was very sharp, in order to stump the people of Huashi and trample on their sense of superiority.

Don’t you guys think that the people of our Jingshi culture are not good enough?Let us show you today.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and with the support of Mr. Xu's weapons and ammunition, they would not be afraid of this battle for as long as it lasted.

the other side.

Jiang Yuanyue came to the CTS staff and said loudly: "The person in charge of various tasks come here, I have something to tell you."

A dozen or so people in the crowd stood up immediately, and then gathered in front of Jiang Yuanyue, waiting for Director Jiang to speak.

"Today, I saw that you are getting along well with people from Jingshi Culture. It seems that you have a good relationship." Jiang Yuanyue said, in fact, he wanted to hear everyone's true thoughts.

After everyone heard it, they immediately laughed.

"Director Jiang, we are using a trick. Don't they want to harass us from Jingshi Culture? We will let them harass us until they can no longer find a reason to harass us. Let's see what other tricks they have. This is a conspiracy." .” Yang Xiong said with a smile.

"Yes, let's use all the conspiracies and tricks, who did Huashi fear?"

"If you can't even deal with them, then don't we embarrass CTS?"


Everyone said.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuanyue's face suddenly became ugly. As expected, just like what the junior said, the people in Huashi are all domineering, and if even the people in charge of various tasks have this attitude, Then one can imagine the attitude of the following people towards the employees of Jingshi Culture.

"Actually, people from Jingshi Culture just want to win a job and learn from you. Why do you bother? We are from China TV, so can't we show the attitude of a big TV station?" Jiang Yuanyue looked at More than a dozen people in charge said.

"Director Jiang, don't be fooled by them. They're here to learn, they're here to find fault," said an employee.

"That's right, like last night, how can anyone ask questions in the middle of the night?"

"On purpose, absolutely on purpose."

"But..." Jiang Yuanyue continued: "If you didn't arrange some irrelevant work for them, how could they do that?"

Everyone was taken aback, and they all looked over strangely, what did Director Jiang mean by this?Blame them?Which group does Director Jiang belong to?How can you help outsiders speak?
Jiang Yuanyue saw what these people were thinking, so he continued: "Have you noticed that the director team assigned some important positions to the people of Beijing TV Culture? The purpose is not only to deepen cooperation, but also to let you Bringing them along, it turned out to be good for you, all of you excluded people and arranged some trivial matters, you really gave our director team leader face."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuanyue's voice not only became serious, but even his gaze became cold.


When everyone heard this, what should they say at once? If it is really what Director Jiang said, then their actions violated the intention of the director team.

"I know that you look down on Jingshi Culture, and Jingshi Culture is really not worth mentioning in front of us, but have you ever thought about why Director Chen still cooperates with Jingshi Culture when there is a huge difference in strength? Let’s hold a New Year’s Eve party together? Doesn’t Director Chen know that we can do a good New Year’s Eve party even without Beijing Television Culture?” Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"Director Jiang, why?" Yang Xiong asked, in fact, everyone was thinking about this question, and had been troubled by it for a long time.

"You are only staring at the current New Year's Eve party, but Director Chen is thinking about the more important Spring Festival party. Xu Jie wrote three sketch scripts in last year's Spring Festival Gala. As for the broadcast effect, I believe you all know it. And this year Xu Jie will prepare four sketch scripts for the Spring Festival Gala, why do you think he did this?"

"In name?" someone whispered.

"Hmph, there are a lot of people writing sketches for the Spring Festival Gala. How many of them are famous? The last famous one is not an actor? How many viewers will care about who is the writer of the sketch?" Jiang Yuanyue asked rhetorically.


The person being asked directly lowered his head and stopped talking.

"To tell you the truth, Director Chen and I went to invite Xu Jie together. At first, he refused to agree. In the end, Director Chen suggested that the two parties can cooperate in large-scale activities, and the other party reluctantly nodded. The reason why he I will agree, and I also hope that through cooperation with VisionChina, I can improve the professional capabilities of employees..."

Jiang Yuanyue glanced around with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "But now, you have arranged people from Jingshi Culture to be security guards and errands, which will not only destroy the cooperation of the New Year's Eve party, but also affect the future. For the Spring Festival Gala, or even the Spring Festival Gala for the next few years, if Director Chen knows...forget it, I’ll say everything I need to say, so you can take care of yourself.”

After speaking, he turned around and left, leaving a group of people in charge looking at each other.

It feels, feels like a big mistake.


(End of this chapter)

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