Chapter 951 Victory
"What should we do next?" Someone in the crowd suddenly asked.

The others looked up one after another, but their faces were full of confusion.

Yes, what should I do next?

Mr. Xu did not write sketches for the China TV Spring Festival Gala for the sake of fame and profit, but they, as the people of China TV, squeezed out Mr. Xu's employees here, not only with an arrogant attitude, but also with contemptuous words.

Don't look at China TV's Spring Festival Gala. There is never a shortage of sketch scriptwriters, and many people even take the initiative to submit sketch scripts to the director team of the Spring Festival Gala. However, the content is brilliant, the jokes are constant, and not many of them can be accepted by the audience.

I still remember that last year’s Spring Festival Gala, Mr. Xu was ordered to write three sketch scripts, all of which achieved good ratings and reputation in the end. It can be said that they made great contributions to the Spring Festival Gala.

What were they doing?
Except for being anxious, it seems that there is nothing to help.

Therefore, based on this point, we shouldn't be too harsh on the employees of Jingshi Culture. After all, if we don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, even if we don't like Jingshi Culture, we should give Mr. Xu some face.

And Director Jiang also said just now that Director Chen invited Mr. Xu to cooperate. If you don't give Mr. Xu face, isn't it just that you don't give Director Chen face?
Mr. Xu is not from CTS, but Director Chen is, not only, but also their immediate boss, who holds the power of life and death over them.

If they mess up this cooperation, will Director Chen spare them?Certainly not.

"What should I do? What else can I do? Let's re-arrange jobs for the people from Jingshi Culture. You don't want to be scolded by Director Chen, right? It's Director Jiang who is talking to us now, and Director Chen will be talking to us in the future." Yang Xiong thought for a while and said.

Director Jiang is not as old as him, so he can still express some different views with the other party by virtue of his seniority and qualifications in CTS.

But it's different in front of Director Chen. The other party is the director of a large-scale program center and one of the top executives of China Television. He is not even qualified to express different opinions in front of the other party, only obedient.

"It seems that this is the only way to go." Another person in charge next to him said.

Director Chen is the leader of a large-scale program center, and they are just small guys, who dares to challenge Director Chen?Doesn't that mean that you are tired of being treated in China TV?
"Then what happened last night..." Thinking of the harassment last night, some people were somewhat unwilling. They didn't sleep well all night, and even yawned countless times throughout the morning. Deputy Director Zhao even said a few words.

"You can ask them questions in the middle of the night tonight. The ancients said: three people must have my teacher. You are not ashamed to ask." Yang Xiong said after hearing it.

"Ha ha!"

The others smiled, and they still want to trouble those people from Jingshi Culture?Isn't this asking for trouble?
The man was depressed just now, and couldn't help complaining again, "Isn't it just that he can write sketch scripts? It's like who can't write. What's the big deal."

"You're right. Being able to write sketch scripts is really nothing special. Why don't you write a few sketch scripts for Director Chen? As long as Director Chen is satisfied, then that Xu guy can be kicked out of the game, and you will be taken with him." His career can also take off." Yang Xiong said with a smile.

The man thought about it, and finally left silently with the boxed lunch.

He also wants to perform in front of Director Chen, but the problem is that if he does not perform well, not only will his career not take off, but the Spring Festival Gala will also be delayed.

What's more, the skit script must not only satisfy Director Chen, but also the discerning review team leader. The former is relatively easy, but the latter...

Forget it, admit it.

Not long after, everyone finished their meal, and everyone took a short rest before starting preparations for the New Year's Eve party.

Zhang Qize, as the director of Beijing Television's cultural performance department, no matter what he does, he must rush to the forefront and play a leading role, and this time is no exception.

He glanced at his phone for the last time, remembered all the questions Mr. Xu had prepared, and then walked towards Yang Xiong.

Mr. Xu said that as long as the job does not change, the problems will continue. If the problems continue, he cannot stop.

Thousands of words merged into one word: Chong!

The employees in the company have reached a consensus, that is to hang out with Mr. Xu and have meat to eat.

There are countless examples out there, but he doesn't want to rush, and the employees in the performance department don't agree.

Zhang Qize came in front of Yang Xiong, opened his mouth and said, "Director Yang, I encountered another problem at work just now..."

The same opening remark, I don't know how many times he has said it.


Yang Xiong stretched out his hand directly, interrupting Zhang Qize's speech.

Zhang Qize was slightly taken aback when he saw it, thinking that the other party was impatient, was he going to have a showdown with him?
Great, isn't this exactly the opportunity Mr. Xu has been looking for?
As long as the other party refuses to answer, Mr. Xu has reason to get mad.

"Director Yang, what's the matter?" Zhang Qize asked quickly, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Yang Xiong was taken aback by such a reaction, thinking: Does this person already know about the job change?Could it be that there are traitors in the team?

He looked at Zhang Qize suspiciously, and then said: "After observing yesterday and today, I found that you are really not suitable for the current job, so I plan to change a job for you, which is also an on-site director. From now on, you will be Take charge of the cohesion of the program."

Zhang Qize's heart was shocked, and he was stunned.

This, is this a job change?

His heart was full of surprises. You must know that there were still some fresh and hot questions in his stomach that he hadn't asked, so why did he change jobs?

"Why, are you not satisfied with your new job?" Yang Xiong asked suspiciously.

He has already made up his mind, since he wants to re-arrange work for the people of Jingshi Culture, then this time, he can arrange whatever the other party wants to do. Even if something goes wrong, he can still blame him, even if Deputy Director Zhao is very angry , but as long as Director Chen is around, big things will definitely turn into small things in the end.

Who told Director Chen to propose cooperation with JingTV Culture?

"Satisfied, satisfied!" Zhang Qize nodded again and again after regaining consciousness.

The on-site director has many jobs, and being in charge of program connection is undoubtedly one of the most important jobs, and also one of the busiest jobs.

On the surface, it only needs to remind the actors of each show to pay attention to the playing time. After all, before the New Year's Eve party starts, the order of the shows has already been arranged.

But in fact, in addition to paying attention to the program sequence, you also need to check the program information to see if the actors are in place. Even if there is a problem with an actor, you must report it in time, and there will be no rest time during the entire party. Both physical strength and energy are a great test.

"It's good to be satisfied." Yang Xiong said with a smile after hearing this, and thought to himself: Don't you want to be reused?This time I will give you the heaviest work.

Zhang Qize looked at Yang Xiong, wondering if the purpose of the other party changing his job was to change his routine again, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that he was overthinking.

Before, he was dissatisfied with the easy work, if he is dissatisfied with the important work now, it is not the other party's problem, but his own problem.

"Director Yang, I see, I'm going to watch the program list now." Zhang Qize said.

Just as he was about to leave and go back to report to Mr. Xu, he suddenly saw Wang Youlin walking towards him. When he thought of Yang Xiong's abnormality, he quickly winked at Wang Youlin and signaled him to go back. The matter was serious. Change requires a long-term plan.

However, Wang Youlin didn't understand what Zhang Qize meant, and thought that the other party asked him to catch up quickly, and even quickened his pace.

"Director Yang, I..."

This time, Wang Youlin was interrupted by Yang Xiong just as he opened his mouth.

"You came at the right time. I have something to tell you. You have performed well these two days. You are very serious and active in your work, so I am going to assign you to a more important position. From now on, you will be with Lao Zheng Take charge of organizing the cast." Yang Xiong said.


Wang Youlin was stunned.

what's the situation?
Why did you change your routine again?

One look yesterday during the day, one look last night, and another look this morning, it’s just a different look at a time, isn’t the frequency of changing routines too fast?

It was so fast that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

As expected of a member of Huaxia TV Station, it's just not ordinary.

Now that he thought back to Zhang Qize's wink just now, he finally understood the meaning, presumably Minister Zhang's job has also changed.

Could it be that, as the other party said, it was his work attitude that conquered this person?
But the problem is that his work attitude in the past two days is very ordinary, but his attitude of finding faults is very professional.

"Why, don't you want to change jobs?" Yang Xiong asked.

"Think!" Wang Youlin said quickly, for fear that the other party would regret it.

No matter what, the work has changed from maintaining the order of the audience to organizing the actors, and the importance has suddenly risen several steps. To him, this is something to be happy about.

Moreover, the work of organizing actors is not only important during rehearsals, but also during live broadcasts. It is a test of a person's organizational and coordination skills. Among all the tasks that the on-site director is responsible for, this should also be the most important one.

"That's good." Yang Xiong nodded, and then asked: "By the way, what do you want from me?"

"Oh, it's something related to the audience, but since I changed jobs, the problem doesn't exist anymore. Director Yang, I'm off to work." Wang Youlin left in a hurry.

Looking at Wang Youlin's back, Yang Xiong felt very complicated, even a little contradictory, hoping that something would happen and not wanting something to happen.

I hope that the accident happened because I want to teach these Jingshi culture people some lessons, let these people know that some jobs are not suitable for everyone; I don’t want any accident because this is their New Year’s Eve party of Huaxia TV station. The impact of vision can have a big impact.

Forget it, let's wish the New Year's Eve party a complete success, at least you don't have to write a review.

Zhang Qize said he was going to watch the program, but he actually returned to Mr. Xu's side to report on his work.

"President Xu, the situation has changed." Zhang Qize said.

"What's changed? Could it be because they scolded you?" Xu Jie asked with great interest.

If the CTS people scolded his people, it would be disunity and affect the cooperation between the two parties. This would be a serious crime. If it reached Chen Ya's ears, it would be enough for those CTS people to drink up and down.

"It's not Mr. Xu, it's like this. Yang Xiong changed my job just now, from maintaining the order of the audience to being in charge of the program connection." Zhang Qize said with a serious expression.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "Isn't this a good thing? Why are you so serious?"

To be honest, just now he thought that the CTS people had changed Zhang Qize to a more leisurely job.

"I'm wondering if this is their trick." Zhang Qize said worriedly.

Seeing Zhang Qize's cautious look, Xu Jie stood up involuntarily, and said, "Didn't everything we did before be for the purpose of changing to a more important position? Now that he has changed for you, this belongs to us." What kind of routine can there be? It is nothing more than adding more burdens to you, making you so tired that you are in a trance, so tired that you make frequent mistakes, and so tired that you doubt your life, but this is also a test of your ability to withstand pressure. "

Hearing this, Zhang Qize breathed a sigh of relief. With Mr. Xu's analysis, he felt much more relaxed, otherwise he would always be on tenterhooks.

Although they have been plotting against the people of Huaxia TV these two days, who can guarantee that the people of Huaxia TV are not counting them?

At least everything that happened today looks abnormal.

"Mr. Xu!"

At this time, Wang Youlin also walked back quickly.

"Changed jobs?" Xu Jie asked with a smile, both Wang Youlin and Zhang Qize were in the on-site director team, since Yang Xiong changed jobs for Zhang Qize, naturally he should also change jobs for Wang Youlin.

"Yes, let me be in charge of organizing the actors." Wang Youlin said holding back his excitement.

"Well, very good." Xu Jie nodded.

"Mr. Xu!"

Another employee came to Xu Jie, and soon he was surrounded by people, everyone was talking about changing jobs. At first, I was still confused, but after hearing that everyone had been changed jobs, And after being arranged in an important position, I feel much more at ease.

"I know everything about you." Xu Jie said loudly.

After everyone heard it, they all fell silent.

"What does this mean? It means that persistence is victory, and our persistence has been rewarded." Xu Jie looked at the employees with happy expressions, and suddenly changed the subject, and continued: "However, important positions also represent important responsibilities. There is still a heavier workload. I hope you can resist the pressure brought by the work and complete the new tasks satisfactorily. Let the people of CTS see your ability, and let the people of CTS see our Jingshi culture Do you have confidence in your strength?"


Everyone was excited and spoke in unison. The voice was so loud that even the CTV staff in the distance could hear it. Many people's eyes were full of curiosity, wondering what kind of meeting Beijing TV Culture was holding.

"Very well, let's go."

Xu Jie waved his hands at the employees in front of him, and everyone dispersed immediately and started a new job.

Xu Jie looked at the leaving employees with a satisfied smile on his face, and then took out his mobile phone from his pocket. Now that the employee's work problem has been solved, he will also seriously write the script next.


(End of this chapter)

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