Chapter 952 I heard?

the next day.

After careful preparation, the New Year's Eve party finally ushered in its first rehearsal.

Because it was the first relationship, everyone from top to bottom paid special attention to it. Whether it was the staff of CTS or JingTV Culture, everyone finished their meal early and returned to the corridor to gather.

Xu Jie walked to the elevator while yawning, his face was not only a little dark, but also a little tired, obviously he didn't sleep well last night.

But even so, he still did not forget to squeeze out a smile and greet everyone.

"Good morning!"

After speaking, he covered his mouth with his hand and yawned again.

"Morning Director Xu!"

"Morning Mr. Xu!"

After everyone heard it, they responded one after another.

Xu Jie took his hand from his mouth, looked at the people on both sides of the corridor, and said, "Everyone looks very energetic today."


Everyone was speechless, especially the people from Huaxia TV, who secretly rolled their eyes a few times, thinking: As long as you don't let people knock on the door in the middle of the night, our spirits will be fine.

Because I didn't sleep well the night before, everyone generally went to bed very early last night. Almost all of them went back to their rooms directly after dinner and slept for at least ten hours. Could it be that they are not energetic?
As for the employees of Jingshi Culture, they felt a little embarrassed in their hearts, but they had been with Mr. Xu for a long time these days, and their skins were thickened, so their faces were very calm, and nothing unusual could be seen.

"Student, what's the matter with you? Did you not rest last night?" Jiang Yuanyue asked strangely.

The person in charge of each position has adjusted the work of Jingshi Cultural employees and assigned these people to more important positions. It stands to reason that the work problem has been solved, and the juniors should sleep better. Why are they even more listless? Woolen cloth?
Could it be that you were so happy yesterday that you called for special service at night?
"I didn't go to bed until four o'clock in the morning, you said that Xio didn't rest well?" Xu Jie said.

"Four o'clock?" Jiang Yuanyue was taken aback, even if he called for special service, he wouldn't go to bed until four o'clock, right?Jiang Yuanyue looked at her and asked, "Why do you stay up so late? What are you doing?"

"Write the skit script, the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala will be in ten days or so, I have to write the sketch script quickly." Xu Jie explained weakly.

Jiang Yuanyue's eyes lit up immediately.

She thought that her junior was busy with special services, but it turned out that she was busy with sketch scripts. It seems that the effect of changing jobs for Beijing Television Culture employees yesterday was very good, and the results were immediate.

In other words, she solved the other party's worries, and the other party should also help her with all their strength.

"Junior, thank you for your hard work." Jiang Yuanyue smiled happily. The biggest beneficiary of this incident is undoubtedly her. Who made her the person in charge of the language program of the Spring Festival Gala?

If the Spring Festival Gala sketch is not done well, her responsibility will be the greatest, and maybe next year's Spring Festival Gala will have nothing to do with her.

"It's all right, let's serve the people." Xu Jie waved his hands, looking calm.

"Yes, to serve the people, the level of a student is high." Jiang Yuanyue gave a thumbs up while praising.

But I was thinking in my heart: When I didn't change my job, why didn't I see you serving the people?

Of course, when I think about it, there are some things that cannot be said, and are only suitable for rotten in the stomach.

The surrounding CTS employees saw this scene, although they felt disgusted, but out of professionalism, they finally held back, and at the same time told themselves in their hearts that they must put the overall situation first.

What is the big picture?

Not the current New Year's Eve party, but the Spring Festival party in a while, which is the biggest test of the year.

Soon, everyone arrived.

Everyone left the hotel and drove to the rehearsal site.

Compared with the previous few days, today's rehearsal scene is extremely lively. In addition to celebrities and entertainers, various performance groups have also arrived, with thousands of people.

After the chief director Zhao Hongbo got off the car, he called all the staff together, and after a brief mobilization, he started today's rehearsal.

Although Xu Jie was the assistant director of the party, he was not assigned any specific work content, so he sat alone and enjoyed the whole party, and he was the only one in the audience who could enjoy this kind of treatment. Even Zhao Hongbo could only Stand and direct.

In fact, Xu Jie didn't want to join in the fun, he also wanted to go back to the hotel to catch up on a good night's sleep, but he needed to supervise the employees of Jingshi Culture and support them at all times, so he could only stay here with sleepiness.

Of course, he didn't just sit around. He spent most of his time thinking about sketch scripts. When he thought of a good idea, he would write it down immediately. After all, this was the basis of his cooperation with Chen Ya.

If he couldn't come up with a wonderful skit script, it is estimated that Chen Ya will turn his face immediately, and even the senior sister may not continue to speak for him.

The premise of cooperation is to gain benefits. If there is no benefit, why not cooperate?
People are so realistic.

But when he sat down, the actors who performed on stage were confused.

Because according to common sense, the people who can sit under the stage during the rehearsal are generally leaders, who are either here to inspect or review.

But why is there only one leader this time?
Of course, some actors recognized that the "leader" sitting in the audience was Xu Jie from Beijing Radio and Television Station. They also heard that the other party was the assistant director of the CTS New Year's Eve party, but they were very puzzled why the other party would sit in the audience. with.

These assistant directors in the director group are either directing singing and dancing like director Yu Yanyu, or directing actors like director Jiang Yuanyuejiang. What about the audience?

Even the chief director Director Zhao is directing the show.

Could it be that Mr. Xu's status in the director team of CTS is higher than that of the chief director?

Or, what other purpose does Mr. Xu have for entering the director team of CTV this time?
The more everyone thought about it, the more strange and suspicious they became, and finally they couldn't help discussing it in private.

"Look at the bottom of the stage. Xu Jie is the only one sitting in the audience. This is the rehearsal for the New Year's Eve party of China TV. Isn't his wrist too big?"

"That's someone who has the ability to ask you to sit under the stage, do you dare?"

"Don't dare."

"That's right. Besides, Xu Jie is a director of movies, TV dramas, and variety shows. Maybe he is casting for a new work? Look at him, sometimes looking up at the stage, sometimes lowering his head to record things, there must be something. Speaking."

"Casting? Then I have to be serious. If I can be selected by Mr. Xu, won't I be prosperous in the future? By the way, do you think I can be selected?"

"Just you? I can't choose you, you should feel at ease as a backup dancer."

"Jealousy, you are naked jealousy. Compared with others, it's hard to say the outcome, but compared with you, I will definitely win. Director Xu will definitely choose me."

"Choose me!"

"Choose me!"

Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel, several backup dancers nearby pulled the two of them apart immediately.

"What are you arguing about? Don't you know it's a dress rehearsal?"

"That's right, you dare to make trouble at the rehearsal of CTV's New Year's Eve party, are you trying to make everyone suffer?"

"Didn't it be fine just now? What's the reason?"

Everyone asked with concern.

"I said Xu Jie and Director Xu would definitely choose me when they came to cast a role. She said that she has better qualifications than me, so she will choose her. Tell me, in what aspect does she have better qualifications than me?"

"I have better conditions than you in every aspect. My legs are longer than yours, my waist is thinner than yours, my chest is bigger than yours, and my face is smaller than yours..."

"you you……"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, the person next to him hurriedly said: "Okay, don't quarrel. Director Xu also chooses from celebrities, so stop daydreaming and prepare for the next episode."


Although the quarrel was over, the content was spread out. In the end, everyone who participated in the rehearsal, whether they were stars or backup dancers, knew about it.

This is great, all the people who participated in the rehearsal on the spot became very serious, cheered up and competed to perform in front of Xu Jie.

Who is Director Xu?

The deputy general manager of Beijing Television Culture not only directs variety shows and cultural evenings, but also directs movies and TV dramas, and they are all big productions and big budgets. If he is selected by director Xu, his life will not take off directly?
Some female artists even began to touch up their makeup secretly, and at the same time secretly regretted that they were dressed so casually and did not change into clothes that would show their figure. After all, Buddha depends on gold clothes and people depend on clothes.

Even more urgent than the artists are the managers of those artists.

From their point of view, what Xu Jie has in his hands are all the resources they dream of.

With popular variety shows, TV dramas with a huge lineup, and movies with hundreds of millions of box office, which star would not want to participate?

In this circle, if you are not popular, you want to be popular, and if you are popular, you want to be more popular. No artist will think you are popular, and no entertainment company will think your own artist is popular.

Hu Zhen couldn't hold back at first, and found an opportunity to come to Xu Jie's side.

"President Xu, are you busy?" Hu Zhen asked with a smile.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded and smiled back.

He was really busy, and even thinking about the sketch script started to give him a headache.

Creating this kind of thing is very random. When I don’t think about it, some amazing ideas often come up, but when I think about it seriously, my head is often muddled.

He is now in the latter situation.

"President Xu, I heard that you are casting? I don't know if it is true?" Hu Zhen asked cautiously. In fact, it is not easy to ask such a thing casually, because it involves project secrets.

"Well, yes, huh? Where did you hear about it?" Xu Jie looked at Hu Zhen in surprise and asked.

He is currently selecting roles for the sketch he is currently writing. When the story is determined, he will find some suitable actors for the role, and then arrange some suitable performance content according to the actor's performance style, which is not only conducive to the performance of the actor, but also It can add color to the whole sketch.

But regarding the issue of casting, he only started thinking about it last night, and no one told him, so where did the other party know?

Can someone read minds?

Or, did the senior sister spread the news about the sketch actor contacting him?

"I also heard from other artists." Hu Zhen replied. As for who it was, he couldn't tell because there were too many people talking about it.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Other artists?

It seems that there are quite a lot of people who know about this.

Sure enough, there are no secrets in the entertainment industry. Even what he thinks in his heart, but what he hasn't said, others can know. How is this entertainment industry?It is simply a circle of abilities, with a mind-reading skill.

"Mr. Xu, I don't know what kind of actor you want to choose this time?" Hu Zhen asked, so he could recommend according to the actor's conditions.

How can he say that his agency also has hundreds of contracted artists, who are fat, thin, and effeminate?As long as there is a need, it is fine to create one immediately.

"Why, are you interested?" Xu Jie asked.

"Hey, who wouldn't be interested in the chance to be famous?" Hu Zhen said with a smile.

Xu Jie thought about it, too. In recent years, actors in the Spring Festival sketches have not only become younger, but also idolized. He is going to arrange roles in the Spring Festival Gala sketches for Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, who are about to sign with the studio.

"I know all the artists in your company, and I will consider them." Xu Jie said to Hu Zhen.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, then I won't bother you." After Hu Zhen finished speaking, he left happily.

And the people around who were observing the situation, seeing Hu Zhen's beaming expression, believed even more that the rumors were true, and they couldn't help but regret why they didn't go ahead of Hu Zhen to recommend actors to Mr. Xu just now.

No, this opportunity cannot be missed.

Even if the film is turned on, actors can be changed, not to mention that it is still in the casting stage. You must not back down just because of Hu Zhen's expression. Even if you can't compete for the first female lead, if you can compete for the second female lead, it is acceptable.

Thinking of this, the jealous people started to act one after another.

Chang Ziyang walked over, Shao Jiali also walked over, and three other managers walked over from different directions.

For a while, you stared at me and I stared at you, no one would let anyone else, and in the end I could only speed up my pace to see who was faster.

Who cares about things like grabbing resources?

At this moment, there are only competitors.

"Mr. Xu!"

Chang Ziyang ran fast and rushed to the target first.

After the others saw it, they could only stop and wait aside as if nothing happened.

Xu Jie was taken aback. He looked at the startled Chang Ziyang strangely and asked, "Director Chang, what's the matter? You know, I don't care about the New Year's Eve party. If you need anything, go to Zhao Hongbo."

"President Xu, it's not about the New Year's Eve party, it's about casting." Chang Ziyang said with a smile.

"You also know?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, actually I don't have any ideas, I just want to tell you that if you need an actor from Watson Media, just tell me, and I, Chang Ziyang, promise to bring them to you." Chang Ziyang patted his chest and said.

"Oh, thank you Director Chang, I will consider it." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, then I'm leaving." Chang Ziyang heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the others triumphantly, and left contentedly.

He felt that Mr. Xu should give him a chance because of the cooperation between Huasen Media and Su Yun.

Just as Xu Jie lowered his head, he suddenly felt that the sunlight was blocked. When he looked up, there was another person standing in front of him.

"Mr. Shao, don't you also come to me for casting?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"Mr. Xu has a clever plan, and it is indeed this matter." Shao Jiali said.

Xu Jie looked at Shao Jiali in front of him, and then at the other agents standing behind him, and couldn't help wondering: When did these agents start to be so interested in Xiao Pin?
There are many artists who want to transform, some transform into variety show cafes, some transform into actors, and some transform into selling goods, but he has never heard of transforming into sketch actors.

Could it be that the spring of sketches has come?
Who sowed the seeds?

(End of this chapter)

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