The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 953 Condolence performance?

Chapter 953 Condolence performance?

At noon, the rehearsal was suspended, and everyone ate and rested on the spot to recharge their batteries and accumulate energy to prepare for the afternoon rehearsal.

Things like rehearsals get stricter as they go on. Today is the first time, so the management is looser and the requirements are less. When it’s the third and fourth time, not only have to wear makeup on stage, but also follow the rules of the New Year’s Eve. The time for rehearsals, even the audience has to be present to participate.

By then, not only will the performers be tired, but even the pressure on the staff will increase exponentially.

"How is it? Is it okay to switch to a more important position?" Xu Jie looked at the staff who were eating in front of him and asked with concern.

Since he has been sitting under the stage, he can only see a part of the employees. Seeing these people rushing around and not even having time to sit down and rest for a while, he is still very worried. On the one hand, he is under pressure from work. , On the one hand, it is the pressure from China Television.

After all, these important positions are now obtained by him after several struggles. If the employee loses the chain, he doesn't know where to put his face.

"I'm fine." Zhang Qize was the first to say: "Although I'm very busy, I feel very fulfilled and can handle it completely."

"I have no problem here. Although I was a little rusty at first, after a morning of rehearsal, I can adapt now." Liu Hexiang said excitedly.

Because I was in charge of organizing actors, I had a lot of dealings with celebrities during this morning. Although I could see many celebrities when I participated in the rehearsal of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve Gala, most of them put on the airs of celebrities, but today is different. , Those stars are very polite to him, this feeling is great.

Although he didn't make trouble for the CTS people in the past two days, Huaxia TV Station is Huaxia TV Station with a resounding brand, which also made him very envious of the CTS people, and he finally understood why the CTS people are always arrogant look like.

"I was in charge of writing the article. During the morning work, I felt the gap with CTS people and learned a lot. I have already changed myself to be an assistant..."

"There is no big problem with our camera, but the equipment is different from the company's, but we are already familiar with it. CTS is CTS. If we have money, it would be great if we can have that kind of equipment..."


Everyone spoke out about their situation one after another, which directly turned this place into a work experience sharing site.

Xu Jie kept nodding while listening carefully. Although everyone's situation is good or bad, as long as they know the gap and know how to summarize, they will make progress.

In fact, the situation that the employees are encountering now is completely within his expectations. There will definitely be a gap. The other party is Huaxia TV Station. Let alone Beijing TV Culture, even if the people from Beijing Satellite TV come, there will be a gap.

But then again, if you can't make employees aware of the gap, how can you make progress?
In the past, the performance of Jingshi Culture was poor. Although the managers had to bear a large part of the responsibility, the professional ability of the employees was indeed very average. This was very obvious in the year he joined Jingshi Culture.

But now what?

Jingshi culture has entered the fast lane of development, so it is urgent to improve the business capabilities of employees. Otherwise, even if they get business, employees will not be able to do well. It becomes even more difficult.

He can't rely on himself alone to increase the company's revenue, it must be done by everyone.

No matter how good a person is, if there is no decent team behind him, he will be dragged down.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Not afraid of god-like opponents, but afraid of pig-like teammates.

In high-end rounds, one person cannot lead the entire team.

"Now do you know why the people from China TV arranged some easy jobs for you at the beginning?" Xu Jie asked after listening to everyone's narration.

The crowd nodded.

There is no harm without comparison.

If you don't feel it personally, you will never know where the gap is.

If everyone was a little unconvinced before and felt that the CTS employees underestimated people, then now, they no longer have such thoughts.

"Today is the first rehearsal. You may not know much about the process of the China TV show, but it doesn't matter, because there are several rehearsals before the New Year's Eve, so during this period, everyone is familiar with the work process and work content. It is worthwhile to try to get better every time." Xu Jie encouraged.

"Mr. Xu, please don't worry, we will definitely perform well and not embarrass the company or you." Zhang Qize said with a serious expression.

The others also nodded.

Everyone knows that Mr. Xu won the opportunity to cooperate with CTS this time, so if his performance is not good, Mr. Xu will lose face.

These employees are nothing. After all, no one knows who they are, but President Xu is different. Xu is always a celebrity. If something shameful happens, won't people talk about it behind his back?
Xu Jie smiled, seeing that everyone regained their confidence and were full of energy, he felt relieved.

Soon, the lunch break was over and the rehearsal continued.

Xu Jie did not sit in the audience this time, but came to the backstage to observe the performance of the employees.

Perhaps because of the first rehearsal, the backstage looked rather chaotic, which exhausted the on-site director. Even if there were a dozen of them, it was not enough at the moment, and they began to sweat after a long time.

"Have all the actors for the next show arrived? Come here and stand up, where is the leader? Where is the leader?"

"You guys come up together from both sides, you must listen to the rhythm of the music..."

"Slow down, don't hit anyone!"

"Be careful of the lift, don't stand in the wrong place!"


Because of the large number of performers and the relatively large stage, every on-site director shouted at the top of his voice, there is no biggest, only bigger.

But even so, it was still a mess. Some art groups got separated, some performance teams couldn't find anyone, and even some celebrity artists got the program sequence wrong. In a word, it was chaos.

Regarding this situation, Xu Jie seemed very calm. After all, he also directed the New Year's Eve party and experienced the rehearsal scene with thousands of people, so he has long been familiar with it.

What's more, compared with the backstage of the China TV Spring Festival Gala, the scene in front of me is insignificant.

No matter how chaotic an outdoor party like this is, at least it is relatively open, unlike the CTV Spring Festival Gala held indoors, where all the actors gather in a narrow corridor, which is not only chaotic, but also crowded, to put it badly, secretly released People who are afraid of falling behind.

Xu Jie wanted to see the performance of each employee, but when he entered the crowd, the surrounding immediately became quiet, and wherever he went, it was quiet, no matter how chaotic or noisy, whether it was a star or a backup dancer, everything changed Well behaved.

Not only that, wherever they passed, everyone raised their chests and raised their heads, showing their most energetic, beautiful and moving side.

Not for anything else, just to be selected by Director Xu.

From everyone's point of view, Director Xu's appearance here must be because he didn't see clearly in the audience in the morning, so he came backstage to take a closer look.

For things like casting, you can't look at it from a distance, but you have to look at it up close.

Otherwise, when many directors are casting, why would they want to learn more about it at night after watching it during the day?

If you don't know the length and depth of actors, how can you use them well?

"Hi Director Xu!"

"Director Xu has worked hard!"

Some celebrity entertainers, no matter they are known or not, have taken the initiative to say hello to Director Xu, not only out of politeness, but also to attract Director Xu's attention and divert Xu's attention to themselves. All artists understand that sense of urgency.

The busy CTS employees were all stunned when they saw this scene.

What's happening here?
Wherever you go, where you are quiet, the power and effect are comparable to mobile nuclear bombs, and even Deputy Director Zhao doesn't have such influence.

In fact, even though Zhao Hongbo is the deputy director of China Television's large-scale program center, all he does is work behind the scenes. How many people can know who he is?

Xu Jie is different. He is not only engaged in behind-the-scenes work, but also in front of the scene. He has acted in both TV programs and movies, but his ratings and box office are very high. In terms of familiarity, they surpassed Chen Ya and Zhao Hongbo, and even surpassed some celebrities, so this happened.

At this moment, CTV employees can't help but start to doubt life.

This is a New Year's Eve party organized by Huaxia TV. As a member of Huaxia TV, how can I not speak as loudly as outsiders?
Where are you going to make sense?
Everyone has encountered unreasonable things, but this is the first time I have seen such unreasonable things.

Which TV station's New Year's Eve party are you preparing for right now?

Who is the Huaxia TV station?

Some young CTV workers not only doubted their lives, but even began to doubt their work units.

Is the influence of Huaxia TV station not as good as that of Beijing TV station?
This, how is this possible?
However, everything in front of them tells them that everything is possible.

Yang Xiong, the person in charge of the on-site director team, was even thinking: You can just lead me.

However, the appearance of Xu Jie is simply a boon for on-site directors like them.

Because the performers were quiet, everyone stopped running around, and it was convenient for them to manage.

In fact, Xu Jie was also a little embarrassed. He originally wanted to observe the employees, but for some reason it turned into a condolence performance.

Along the way, everyone was looking at him. Not only did someone take the initiative to say hello, but someone also wanted to shake his hand. He had never experienced that scene in his life.

After all, at his level, he is not qualified to condolence to the performers.

After just "consoling" for a while, without observing anything, Xu Jie had to go back to the audience and sit down boredly, continuing to ponder the script of the sketch.

However, it didn't take long for the backstage to be chaotic again, and the sound even overshadowed the live music.


Jiang Yuanyue suddenly reached out and patted Xu Jie's shoulder, and appeared beside him.

Xu Jie was thinking about the burden, but was taken aback by the senior sister's actions, frowned and said angrily: "Senior sister, are you trying to scare me to death?"

"Hee hee, I'm not willing to, I'm scaring you to death, who will write the script for me?" Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

Xu Jie gave the other party a direct look. Although he also knew that this was his value in the eyes of CTS, it didn't need to be so straightforward, right?
"Is there something wrong?" Xu Jie lowered his head and continued to write in the notebook.

"Student is very clever, I, no, our director team really wants to ask you for something." Jiang Yuanyue sat down and said.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it.

The director team wants to ask him?
That includes chief director Zhao Hongbo?
Well, definitely not a good thing.

However, he was very curious. It was not the first time that Zhao Hongbo served as the chief director of the New Year's Eve party. What could he do to ask him, an outsider?
"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked up at the senior sister.

"Well, it's like this. After discussion with our director team, we decided to let you take charge of all the backstage work temporarily." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Oh? Responsible for background work? Why?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

Chen Ya said at the beginning of the establishment of the director team that although he is an assistant director in the director team on the surface, he is only a representative of the partner Jingshi Culture and will not participate in the work of the CTV New Year's Eve party.

It's only been a few days, why did Zhao Hongbo arrange work for him?
The problem is, there are so many capable people in China TV's large-scale program center, and they can even complete all the work of the New Year's Eve party without Beijing TV's cultural employees, so how could they suddenly find him?
This is completely inconsistent with the behavior style of CTS people.

"Oh, don't mention it, didn't the stage become bigger and more complicated under your design? It seriously affected the previous rehearsal plan, so in order for the rehearsal to go smoothly, I want you to take charge of the background work temporarily, and wait for everyone to get familiar with it. I'll take it from you one by one." Jiang Yuanyue explained.

After Xu Jie listened to it, he felt that countless alpacas were rushing away in his heart.

The rehearsal is messed up, is it his fault?
It's really like people are sitting under the stage, and the pot comes from the sky.

I thought that the troubles caused by talking too much at the beginning would end after the stage was built, but I didn't expect so many troubles to arise again.

"Sister, you have so many people in CTS, don't you need me?" Xu Jie didn't want to do it.

If he is in charge of the background work, he will inevitably command the employees of China Television. Those people have always complained about assigning important positions to Beijing Television Culture employees. Now they accept the command of an outsider, can they listen?

I'm afraid that the command won't work!

"Student, isn't this too much work and insufficient manpower? Besides, among so many people, only you are capable of this job. Just take the example just now, when you showed up in the backstage, it immediately became calm, and the performance The staff is quiet and orderly, the staff is unhurried, and even the rehearsal work has become orderly, there is really no other person with such influence." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Xu Jie straightened his back involuntarily. After being told by the senior sister, this job really belongs to him.

"Okay, then I will be in charge temporarily, and when everyone is familiar with it, I will take a back seat to the second line." Xu Jie said.

"Ha, then it's settled." Jiang Yuanyue said happily, then she stood up and looked at her junior, "Stop sitting here, let's start working quickly."

It doesn't matter if you are in charge of the background work, at least you can take care of the company's employees.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie put away his mobile phone, and then walked to the back of the stage.


(End of this chapter)

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