Chapter 954 Dissatisfied?

Zhao Hongbo watched the performance on the stage intently, but his corner of the eye kept secretly aiming in the direction of Jiang Yuanyue and Xu Jie.

In fact, it was his idea to let Xu Jie take care of the background work.

Because just now when he went to the backstage to criticize Yang Xiong for his ineffective work, he happened to see Xu Jie being sought after by others, so he had the idea of ​​inviting him to manage the backstage work.

I believe that as long as the other party stands backstage, the performers will be honest, and the rehearsal can go on smoothly, and it won't be as chaotic as a promotional scene.

"Director Zhao." Jiang Yuanyue walked back with brisk steps.

"How about it, did Mr. Xu agree?" Zhao Hongbo asked nervously.

Originally, he wanted to persuade Xu Jie himself, but he was worried that being rejected by the other party would make him lose face, so he found Jiang Yuanyue and asked him to come forward.

"I agree." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

"Oh? Really?" Zhao Hongbo's eyes lit up, then he smiled, nodded and said, "Just promise, just promise, by the way, won't this affect his writing of sketch scripts?"

"Don't worry, Director Zhao, my junior is a measured person, since he agreed, he won't delay." Jiang Yuanyue said.

As far as work ability is concerned, she still trusts her junior very much. For example, the junior has been arguing about working for the employees two days ago, sitting in a daze without doing anything under the stage, but after solving the work of the employees yesterday How about it?Stay up late writing skit scripts.

What does this mean?
It shows that the other party knows what's on their minds.

Although she is the one who is fooled and the one who is in a hurry.

"Well, that's good. How did you tell him? He didn't ask for anything, did he?" Zhao Hongbo asked.

"I told him that the design of the new stage has increased everyone's workload, so let him take charge of the backstage work temporarily..."


Zhao Hongbo was taken aback, he had never said such a thing, and he did not intend to let Xu Jie be in charge of the background work temporarily, but wanted him to be in charge until the end of the party.

Besides, hiring people during the rehearsal and kicking them away during the live broadcast, isn't that bullying?

And as a party asking for help, how could he do that?
Jiang Yuanyue saw the confused expression on Director Zhao's face, and explained with a suppressed smile: "Director Zhao, you don't know me as a junior. He hates being ordered to work the most. If you tell him directly, let him He is definitely not happy to be in charge of backstage work, but if he is temporarily in charge, his resistance will not be so strong."

"Oh." Zhao Hongbo suddenly realized that this was the case, but after thinking about it, he felt wrong again, "Xiao Jiang, aren't you lying? Besides, can you deceive him for a while, can you deceive him forever? ? Sooner or later he will know, you can't find someone to replace him before the party starts, can you?"

Although Xiao Jiang wanted to complete the work he had given him, he always felt that it was wrong to lie to others, and this might affect his relationship with Xu Jie.

"It's okay, I've already thought about it. When the time comes, I will say that he manages well. No one can take his place, and no one dares to take over his job. In short, the praise is over." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

No one can hold back the boast.

Didn't the junior lose himself step by step in her praise just now, and finally agreed happily?

Even if there are 1 juniors who are unwilling in the end, how dare you really give up the pick?

How could such a shrewd person, my junior, make such an unwise move?
"Are you sure?" Zhao Hongbo asked.

"Director Zhao, leave this matter to me, and I will tell him when the time comes." Jiang Yuanyue said after hearing that, if she didn't have the diamond, she wouldn't have taken on the porcelain job.

Seeing that Xiao Jiang was full of confidence, Zhao Hongbo was relieved, no matter what, as long as it didn't affect the rehearsal and live broadcast of the New Year's Eve party.

"Director Zhao, I have nothing else to do, so I'll go to work." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Well, let's go." Zhao Hongbo nodded.

Jiang Yuanyue walked directly to the backstage, she wanted to see if her junior was working hard.


Xu Jie came backstage, and his appearance made the performers quiet down again.

No one thought that Director Xu would turn back, but this is a good thing for them, which shows that Director Xu attaches great importance to this casting.

"Director Xu." Yang Xiong came to Xu Jie reluctantly, and said angrily: "Director Jiang told me that you will be fully responsible for the backstage work in the future, and us on-site directors who work in the backstage must also Listen to your arrangement, what do you want to order now?"

After speaking, he looked away, obviously not paying attention to the person in front of him.

If one word is used to describe Yang Xiong's mood at this moment, it must be unhappy.

Originally, he resisted the cooperation with Beijing Television Culture, and looked down on those people of Beijing Television Culture. He re-arranged the work of Beijing Television Culture employees before because he did not want to affect the future Spring Festival Gala.

But now what?

However, he has to obey the people of Beijing TV Culture and be directed by the people of Beijing TV Culture. Even if the other party is the deputy general manager of Beijing TV Culture, as an employee who has worked in the large-scale program center of China TV Station for more than ten years, how can he bear it? This humiliation?

That's right!

In his view, this is humiliation.

Not only him, but he believes that his colleagues think so too.

Xu Jie looked at the CTS employee in front of him expressionlessly. To be honest, this situation was completely within his expectation. CTS employees are such a proud group of people, how could they willingly obey him in this small place? What about people?

If it were him, when cooperating with a small unit, he would not want to listen to the other party's command, thinking that the other party was playing tricks at the door, and now people like CTS must think the same way.

"There is nothing special to order, just continue according to the previous work content." Xu Jie said.

Suddenly accepting this job, everything is still unfamiliar, so the best way is to continue according to the original content, which can not only give him time to understand the work, but also avoid embarrassment because he does not understand the work.

With so many people around, staff and performers watching, if he said something wrong, wouldn't it affect his authority here?
At that time, the CTS people would be even more dissatisfied with him.

"Oh." Yang Xiong responded casually, and then said to the walkie-talkie: "Director Xu said, everyone continue with the original work."

Hearing this, the employees of Jingshi Culture were naturally very happy. It was more comfortable to be directed by Mr. Xu than to be directed by people from CTS. However, the people from CTS were very depressed. It's very uncomfortable like a group of kings being commanded by gold.

The conflict that had been put off had now escalated.

Xu Jie ignored Yang Xiong and walked straight away.

For him now, the most important thing is to be familiar with the current job. As for the people in China Vision, he will listen to what he wants to listen to, and he will not listen to what he doesn’t want to listen to. Those who are disobedient will not be spared.

Swearing, who wouldn't?

Throw the pot, who wouldn't?

He is not afraid of offending these CTS employees, and if he was, he would not arrange for his employees to harass these people in the middle of the night.

What's more, this time it was the director team who asked him for help, and it wasn't him rushing to get the job, so what's there to be afraid of?

If it's done well, it's his ability. If it's not done well, it's because the director's team didn't plan well, and it has nothing to do with him.

Even if Chen Ya came from the capital, he would not be afraid.

Who justified him?

So, Xu Jie put his hand behind his back and started to wander around behind the stage, looking here and there, chatting a few words when meeting acquaintances, that is called leisure.

This time it was really like condolences to the performers.

Regarding this, the CTV people dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out. They could only complain in their hearts, draw a circle and curse, and no one dared to tear their faces.

This is the rehearsal scene of the New Year's Eve party. Anyone who dares to openly challenge and express dissatisfaction will destroy the performance. Writing a review is trivial. Otherwise, the contract will be terminated, pack up and leave.

Who would be willing to give up the work of Huaxia TV?
Can only endure.

Under Xu Jie's stroll, everything in the backstage became orderly, which also made the progress of the whole rehearsal faster, and the scheduled work content was completed before nightfall.

Because it was the first rehearsal for all staff, the workload was not very heavy. Chief director Zhao Hongbo announced the dissolution after summarizing today's work situation.

Everyone left the scene happily, talking about Director Xu's casting while walking. For the performers, this was more exciting than attending the CTV New Year's Eve party.

Participating in the China TV New Year's Eve party is at most showing your face on TV. After the party is over, you will go back to do whatever you did before, but if you are selected by Director Xu, it will be equivalent to stepping into the entertainment circle, and you may become famous in one fell swoop. The ranks of the stars, change the fate of a lifetime.

Just ask, who is not interested?

Some people even made plans to wear beautiful clothes in the next rehearsal, so as to attract Director Xu's attention and win the leading role in one fell swoop.

However, some people are happy and some are depressed.

CTS employees' eyes turned red with anger when they heard the comments of the people around them.

It was obviously the New Year's Eve party of China Television, but the focus of the discussion among the performers was not how to perform the show well, nor how good the people of China Television were, but a person who had nothing to do with China Television, how could the proud staff of China Television Can you bear it?
Back at the hotel, everyone was eating in the restaurant, and some people couldn't help complaining.

"It's fine to assign people from Beijing Television Culture to important jobs, but now that Xu is in charge of backstage work, is this our Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party, or their Beijing TV's New Year's Eve party?"

"Yeah, why did Director Zhao arrange it like this? Could it be that he was fooled by that Xu? I heard that he was famous for being eloquent and glib when he was at Beijing TV Station."

"If this goes on like this, where will we put our face at CTS? If you don't know, you might think that CTS has no one now."

"When I think of that guy surnamed Xu wandering around, I get angry. He doesn't do anything or talk, he only knows how to chat with people. How can he have such a job? Is he here for work? Or is he here to chat with people?"

"That's right. I think it's the same with him or without him. He didn't do anything in the afternoon. Didn't our rehearsal go smoothly?"

"Director Yang, don't eat, why don't you say something? Don't you get angry?"

Everyone looked at Yang Xiong who was eating with his head down. The other party was originally the director of the on-site director team. Since the guy surnamed Xu appeared in the background, Director Yang has become the second child.

The second child is the second child. What everyone cannot accept is to let someone other than CTS be the boss.

"Is it useful to be angry?" Yang Xiong said with a cold face: "If it is useful to be angry, I will be angry with you."

In fact, he is the most angry and depressed person.

Even if the employees of Jingshi Culture are assigned to important positions, he is still in charge, and he can direct the employees of Jingshi Culture at will, and even scold them when they are upset.

But now it's a good thing, he has to accept the command of Jingshi Culture's people instead, will this hurt more than others?

"Then you can't just endure it like this."

"That's right, we are the ones doing the work, but in the end it's his credit. In fact, I don't care about the credit. After all, this is my job. I just don't want this person to take our credit."

"That's right, he is simply a thief, a thief who steals the fruits of our labor!"

"Yes, it's a thief. The description is too appropriate."

Everyone joined in.

At this time, someone asked in a low voice: "Why don't we talk to Director Zhao? I think as long as we explain things clearly, Director Zhao will definitely listen to us."

"Yes, go to Director Zhao!"

The others echoed for a while. After all, Deputy Director Zhao is the chief director of the New Year's Eve party. If the other party said a word, wouldn't that guy named Xu obediently get out of the backstage?
Yang Xiong put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a piece of paper, then looked at the people around him and said, "Calm down, the person who asked Xu Jie to take charge of the backstage work is Director Zhao. You go to Director Zhao now, and suggest that Director Zhao be replaced. , isn't this slapping Director Zhao in the face?"

The others were taken aback when they heard that, that's right, Director Zhao was the one who put Xu Jie in the backstage. Now everyone is against Xu Jie being the person in charge of the backstage work, so it's really not good to talk to Director Zhao about it.

To oppose the leader's arrangement is to oppose the leader. Even if the leader is wrong, as a subordinate, he cannot directly say it.

"Then what should we do? We can't just keep watching that guy surnamed Xu flaunting his might in the background, right?" said a person next to him.
"Yeah, if he did something, that's all. But he didn't do anything. Isn't that an insult to those of us who do work?" Another person said through gritted teeth.

"This job is done, I feel aggrieved!"

"I really want to go back to the capital!"

Seeing everyone's anger, Yang Xiong lowered his voice and said, "Everyone, don't get excited. Although we can't take the initiative to find Director Zhao for a replacement, we can indirectly let him know the real situation in the backstage. We know that the person surnamed Xu actually has everything. No work, we have been working all the time."

"Indirect? How about an indirect method?" Everyone asked curiously.

Yang Xiong hooked his fingers at the people around him, and only after all his colleagues gathered around did he reveal his plan.

"Director Zhao will also come to the restaurant for dinner later, so let's..."


(End of this chapter)

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