Chapter 955 Infighting
After Zhao Hongbo returned to the hotel, he first called Director Chen and reported on today's rehearsal, and then went to the restaurant for dinner with other assistant directors in the director's group.

"Although today is the first rehearsal, in general, the situation is still very good, especially in the afternoon, I feel that after half a day of adaptation, everyone has found the state, what do you think?" Zhao Hongbo said while eating.

He is still very satisfied with the rehearsal of today's performance. Leaving aside the quality of the program, everyone's work attitude is commendable.

"That's right. When I set off in the morning, I thought the show would be rehearsed until very late, but I didn't expect it to be finished before dark." Yu Yan said after hearing it.

"This shows that Director Zhao's command is good, otherwise could it be so fast?" Jiang Qize flattered him directly.

Jiang Yuanyue raised her head and glanced at Jiang Qize. This flattery has no technical content at all.

Besides, even flattery should be based on facts.

Director Zhao has indeed been directing, but why is it so chaotic in the morning and orderly in the afternoon?Why is it that Director Zhao is in command, and why is there such a big gap?

"Hey, you can't say that. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts." Zhao Hongbo corrected him earnestly, but his face was full of red light, and there was a hint of complacency between his brows.

"That's because Director Zhao and your leadership are correct, so we can be effective, but is there such a saying? The train runs fast, it all depends on the headband." Jiang Qize continued to flatter with a smile.

Jiang Yuanyue stopped the chopsticks in her hand.

No, she was afraid that she would spit it out if she ate it again.

She has seen a lot of flattery, but this is the first time she has encountered such a shameless one.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Director Zhao didn't do a good job. Director Zhao was really serious and responsible when he was working, but he gave all the credit to Director Zhao, so what about other people?
What is a junior?
In her opinion, the most correct thing Director Zhao did was to appoint the junior to be in charge of the background work.

"Okay, don't talk about this, let's talk about today's work first." Zhao Hongbo was a little embarrassed to be photographed, so he changed the subject.

Time is running out, so everyone hasten to summarize today's work, or send suggestions on the program to various performance units, and strive to improve before the second rehearsal the day after tomorrow.

Just as Zhao Hongbo wanted to talk about it, as an example to others, a burst of discussion suddenly reached his ears.

"Hey, do you think it's strange for Director Xu? He was clearly in charge of the backstage work, but in the end he didn't do anything. He just wandered around and chatted with people. How could he do such a job?"

"Didn't Director Xu ask everyone to continue with the original work when he first took over the backstage work? Since all the orders that should be given have been given, of course he has to wander around to show his presence. As for chatting with celebrities, not celebrities. Chat, do you want to chat with you?"

"Sense of presence? Hehe, anyway, I don't feel his presence at all when I'm at work."

"Well, that's right. I don't have any other feelings. Anyway, I just feel that it's the same with him in the backstage without him. I didn't do anything except go for a walk. As an assistant director, I would be the same if it were me, too. Easy."

"Stop talking, hurry up and eat."

"Eat? I'm not full of gas, how can I still be in the mood to eat?"

"That's right, I've worked in CTV for so many years and participated in countless cultural evenings, but I've never been so aggrieved."


The more Zhao Hongbo listened, the more he frowned, and the more he listened, the worse his mood became. The chopsticks were pinching back and forth in the plate in front of him, and finally put it aside, without taking a bite.

Although he didn't look back, it was not difficult to guess who was speaking from the familiar voice, not to mention that these people were talking about rehearsals and backstage matters, and they must be people from the large-scale program center.

Speaking of which, he was the one who asked Xu Jie to take charge of the background work, but he didn't expect that everyone's resentment and dissatisfaction with Xu Jie would be so great.

Backstage work is complex and numerous, requiring all staff to unite, twist into one rope, think in one place, and use energy in one place. If there is internal strife, it will not only affect the work efficiency of the team, but also affect the entire party.

As the general director of this show, this is the last thing he wants to see.

Because the discussion was loud, the other assistant directors at the same table also heard it.

Jiang Qize lowered his head to eat, pretending he didn't hear it, with Deputy Director Zhao on the one hand, and the voices of the crowd on the other, it's not good to speak for anyone at this time.

He often flatters, but he is not stupid, not to mention that the focus is still an outsider, how could he get himself into a quagmire because of an outsider?
The best thing to do in this situation is stealth.

I don't know anything, I don't hear anything, I don't say anything, neither way.

If you offend your superiors, you will have no future, and if you offend these grassroots employees, you will have no way to carry out your work in the future.

Isn't there such a word?
Silence is gold.

That's the truth.

However, Jiang Yuanyue's face was gloomy and very cold.

Those people only saw the junior strolling backstage, but they didn't pay attention to the reaction of the performers when they saw the junior.

What does the backstage look like when the juniors are not strolling around the backstage?What does the backstage look like when the juniors are strolling in the backstage?
If there is no junior, can the backstage be so orderly?Can the rehearsal go so smoothly?
Just strolling without work?

That's someone's skill, just strolling around can solve the problem.

However, she was angry not because her colleagues didn't understand the importance of her junior, nor because her colleagues spoke ill of her junior behind her back, but because those people always had contempt in their words towards her junior, and Superiority.

Previously, because of the work of Jingshi cultural employees, her juniors often ran against her, saying that the people of CTS were superior and did not take other colleagues into their eyes. At that time, she also refuted that it was the outside world’s prejudice against CTS people. But now, she felt a slap across the face.

She thought that the relationship between the CTV employees and the Beijing TV Culture employees had been eased, but after hearing what those people said just now, it turned out that the so-called easing was just her wishful thinking.

She even regretted persuading the junior to take charge of the backstage work. Isn't this pushing the junior into the pit of fire?

She also finally understood why her junior was not active in CTS's work, and even resisted in her heart. Now she finally found the reason, it must be the attitude of CTS's employees that made her junior unable to stand it.

The rest of Yu Yan looked blankly at the few people beside her. Is Mr. Xu going to be in charge of backstage work?Why doesn't she know?Shouldn't the person in charge be Yang Xiong?

Could it be that Mr. Xu was meddling in other people's business, which caused everyone's dissatisfaction?The problem is that in her many contacts with Mr. Xu, the other party doesn't seem to be a person who likes to meddle in other people's business.

"Director Zhao, what's the situation with them?" Yu Yan asked in a low voice, looking at Jiang Qize and Jiang Yuanyue at the side, they both seemed to know about this, but they had different reactions.

"At that time, you were on stage directing the dance work for the performers, so I didn't have time to tell you. I arranged a new job for Xu Jie and asked him to manage the backstage." Zhao Hongbo simply explained.

Yu Yan blinked after listening, doubts written all over her face.

Why let Xu Jie manage the background?Is there no one in the large program center?

"Is Yang Xiong sick?" Yu Yan guessed, and then deliberately looked behind Director Zhao, because Yang Xiong was sitting there, but seeing him sitting there eating well, he didn't look sick.

You must know that Lao Yang has been in the large-scale program center for more than ten years. Even if he has no credit, he has worked hard. If there is no special reason to take him down, it is really unreasonable.

"No." Zhao Hongbo said.

"Did Yang Xiong make a mistake?" Yu Yan asked again.

Zhao Hongbo shook his head.


Yu Yan wanted to say: Then why did you remove Yang Xiong?
However, as soon as he said the words, he realized that he shouldn't question Deputy Director Zhao. Isn't that the next crime?

So he changed his tune and said, "That's nothing."

The corner of Zhao Hongbo's mouth twitched, how could he not know what Yu Yan was thinking?But it didn't feel like anything to him.

The old saying goes well: the feet are not afraid of crooked shoes,
He didn't accept gifts, and he didn't exchange benefits. Everything he did was for the sake of the party, and there was nothing he couldn't say.

Just as he was about to explain, Jiang Yuanyue, who was opposite, spoke first.

"It's actually like this..." Jiang Yuanyue said lightly: "Xu Jie went to the backstage once in the afternoon, and the performers who participated in the rehearsal were very polite to him, and the original chaotic order was improved. Director Zhao liked this , so let Xu Jie take charge of the background work."

Yu Yan suddenly realized that this was the case. No wonder she felt that the rehearsal in the afternoon was not as chaotic as in the morning. Before, she thought it was because everyone got used to it. Now, after hearing what Xiao Jiang said, it seemed that it was Mr. Xu's credit.

"Director Jiang!" At this time, a voice suddenly came, it was Wang Kai, an employee of CTS, who was the most popular when talking about Xu Jie just now, and now he turned around directly, stood up and faced Jiang Yuanyue Said: "I think there is something wrong with what you said. It is obviously an orderly situation brought about by everyone's hard work. How come it becomes Xu Jie's credit when it comes to you?"

"That's right, even if Xu Jie is your junior, you can't protect him like this."

"When he went to the backstage, the backstage was quiet? Isn't this statement too evil? Doesn't he still have the aura of domineering?"

"Director Jiang, you can say that Xu Jie is capable of working, but you can't deny our efforts, right?"

Everyone pointed their guns at Jiang Yuanyue.

If they were alone, they wouldn't dare to talk to Jiang Yuanyue like this. After all, Jiang Yuanyue is a producer in a large program center, and often serves as director and assistant director in some large-scale cultural evenings.

But this time was different. Not only were there many people, but they had been discussed in advance. This was everyone's idea.

Isn't there such a sentence?

Even if Jiang Yuanyue wanted to take revenge, he couldn't take revenge on all of them, right?
If the other party really wants to take revenge on all of them because of an outsider, then the other party will never even think about working in a large program center in the future.

"Zhang Siyang, when will I deny your efforts?" Jiang Yuanyue said angrily, "Did I tell you that you didn't work hard?"

"You really didn't say that, but you said that before Xu Jie went to the backstage, the order there was very chaotic. Isn't that just changing the direction and saying that our work is not good and we didn't work hard?" Zhang Siyang said eloquently.

"That's your understanding. Besides, isn't what I said the truth? You don't know what's going on in the backstage this morning, right?" Jiang Yuanyue asked with a sneer.

"We admit that the backstage was a bit chaotic in the morning, but Director Jiang, don't forget that today is the first full rehearsal, and it is also the first time that so many people have gathered at the scene. When many things have not been smoothed out, the scene is a bit messy. Isn't chaos a normal thing?"

"Why do we have to rehearse in advance for the cultural gala? Isn't it to let the performers and staff be familiar with all aspects, so that they can face it calmly during the live broadcast and be orderly during the performance?"

"If there are no problems the first time, then why are we still doing rehearsals here in advance? Just sit in the hotel and wait for the arrival of the 31st."

"Even if there is a sports meeting in elementary school, you have to rehearse the entrance ceremony in advance and practice walking, let alone the New Year's Eve party. Besides, when the cultural party was held before, which rehearsal was not chaotic? In fact, even during the official performance, the backstage It's going to be messy, too, unless nobody's there."


Another round of accusations, Jiang Yuanyue blushed in anger, and didn't even know what to say.

One or two is enough, so many people fired at her at the same time, who can bear it?
And she knew very well that if she continued to speak for her junior, it would probably cause public outrage. After all, to the people here, her junior was an outsider.

If they were all from one's own side, then the matter would be settled easily, and they would be indifferent to others, but now the focus of the matter is an outsider, so they would naturally become insensitive to others.

Just like some bear parents, it is obvious that their bear children made mistakes, but they still have to find various reasons to protect them.

Zhao Hongbo originally wanted to say a few words for Jiang Yuanyue, after all, it was he who advocated and appointed Xu Jie to be in charge of the backstage.

But after seeing everyone's dissatisfaction, he immediately swallowed those words in his stomach.


Explain again, maybe these people will point the finger at him.

This has just finished the first rehearsal, and there will be a second, third, fourth, and fourth rehearsal. If you insist on going your own way and don't listen to the voice of the masses, how will the rehearsal proceed?

"All right, all right, keep your voice down, you are all from your own family, do you want outsiders to see the joke?" Zhao Hongbo waved his hand, signaling those who stood up to sit down.

The CTS employees who expressed dissatisfaction were still very afraid of Deputy Director Zhao, so they sat down one by one, but their faces were still angry, with the look of "I will not give up until I give a perfect reply".

In order to appease everyone's grievances, Zhao Hongbo said with a smile: "I thought it was such a big deal. It's not worth arguing over such a trivial matter. Don't you just think you have the ability to manage the backstage work well? I'm glad you have confidence. It's too late, okay, I trust you, I will withdraw Director Xu later..."

When everyone heard this, joyful expressions immediately appeared on their faces. It really is that there are many people with great strength.

Hey, Xu, you can't miss it anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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