The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 957 Escape from reality?

Chapter 957 Escape from reality?

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the rehearsal day of the CTS New Year's Eve party. The staff gathered at the elevator door early, waiting to go to the party site.

Jiang Yuanyue walked out of her room expressionlessly, feeling very upset at the thought of having a rehearsal today.

Of course, it's not that she's lazy, or that she gets angry when she wakes up, but that she doesn't want to see those self-righteous and arrogant colleagues. Being with those people will inevitably be regarded as a common thing, and it will cause her to be misunderstood.

Not to mention, during the time she came to Xiazhou, she was often run over by her juniors, and she was able to refute with righteous words at the beginning, but as time went on and things became more and more, she felt embarrassed even to defend herself. Because it is too embarrassing.

"Good morning Director Jiang!"

"Morning sister Yue!"

CTV staff greeted Jiang Yuanyue one after another.


Jiang Yuanyue responded lightly, she wanted to cheer up as before, and not let personal feelings affect the next work, but when she saw the backstage staff headed by Yang Xiong all in high spirits and radiant, she immediately became angry again flooded my mind.

The little man is lucky!

There are times when you are embarrassed.

Jiang Yuanyue did not hide her emotions, stood aside alone, took out her mobile phone and began to fiddle with it.

Soon, all the staff from China Television and JingTV Culture were present, and Zhao Hongbo, Jiang Qize, and Yu Yan also arrived not long after.

"Has everyone arrived?" Zhao Hongbo asked casually. He left the room in time, so every time he came to the gathering place, everyone was present, and he could leave when he came.

It was Jiang Yuanyue who answered this question before, but today Jiang Yuanyue kept looking down at her phone, as if she didn't hear it.

Zhao Hongbo saw that Jiang Yuanyue was still dissatisfied with the removal of Xu Jie, but he could understand it, so he turned his head and looked at the crowd to see if they were all there.

Seeing this situation, Yang Xiong immediately stood up and said impatiently: "Director Zhao, all of us are here, but there seems to be no one at JingTV Culture."


Zhao Hongbo was slightly taken aback. Jingshi Culture, as a partner of China Television's New Year's Eve Gala this time, has always been very active. There has never been such a thing as being late for the assembly.

Did something happen?

He turned to look at the employees of Jingshi Culture, and asked curiously: "Who didn't come? How many people?"

"Director Zhao, don't ask, isn't that obvious? Mr. Xu didn't come." Yang Xiong reminded.

After hearing this, the employees of Jingshi Culture looked at Yang Xiong in unison, and their eyes were full of chills.

Although what the other party said is the truth, but with so many mouths here, is it necessary for the other party to talk too much?
Moreover, the smile in the other party's eyes was obviously gloating, hoping that something would happen to Mr. Xu.

"Xu Jie?"

Zhao Hongbo was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Jiang Yuanyue suspiciously, as if asking again: What's going on?Didn't you go talk about it?What happened again?

The night before yesterday, he saw Xiao Jiang enter Xu Jie's room with his own eyes, and then came out of the room again, and told him very clearly that he was done.

But now, the assembly didn't come, it was clearly still a temper tantrum.

In fact, it's nothing to lose your temper. Who doesn't have a temper?The question is, what if the other party delays the creation of the Spring Festival Gala sketch?He can't bear this responsibility.

Zhao Hongbo came outside Xu Jie's room and was about to ring the doorbell, but saw a sign on the doorknob with the words "Do Not Disturb" written on it.


Zhao Hongbo hesitated for a moment, then put down the hand he just raised.

Even if the other party clearly stated do not disturb, if you go to ring the doorbell at this time, wouldn't it be a crime knowingly?In addition, the other party is in a fit of anger...

"that whoever!"

Zhao Hongbo originally wanted Jiang Yuanyue to call Xu Jie and ask him what he was doing, but when he saw Xiao Jiang's appearance, he was too embarrassed to ask him to step on the thunder, so he turned to the employees of JingTV Culture, He said to one of them: "Your name is Zhang Qize, right? Give Mr. Xu a call and ask him what he is doing. It's time for the assembly. Has he forgotten the time?"

"Good Director Zhao!" Zhang Qize took out his mobile phone after hearing this, and dialed Mr. Xu live.



It took a long time to wait, but the call was finally connected.

"Mr. Xu, I'm Zhang Qize..." Zhang Qize was about to ask, when he suddenly found that everyone around him was looking at him. Thinking of CTV's injustice to Mr. Xu, he walked to the side with his mobile phone, and started talking behind his back.


Zhao Hongbo was speechless when he saw this scene.

It's just a phone call. As for warding off thieves?
Yang Xiong next to him had a sneer on his face, thinking: If you don’t come, you won’t come. If Zhang Butcher dies, if you don’t eat hairy pigs, the earth will turn around as usual without anyone else.

Yang Xiong even felt that the other party's non-appearance might be to escape reality.

What reality?
The reality is that even if the other party is not in charge of the backstage work, the backstage work will still be in order. If the other party is present, wouldn't it be embarrassing?
If it were him, he wouldn't want to go either.

Soon, Zhang Qize walked over with his mobile phone in his hand, and said, "Director Zhao, Mr. Xu is writing a script for the Spring Festival Gala sketch and has no time to go to the scene, so we don't have to wait for him."

Zhao Hongbo was stunned for a moment, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

It turned out that he was writing a skit script for the Spring Festival Gala, and he thought the other party was sulking in the room.

Not good.

"Mr. Xu has really worked hard." Zhao Hongbo boasted casually, then turned his head to look at the others and said, "Did everyone hear that? Mr. Xu has already started work, and we can't lag behind. Let's go!"

After speaking, he waved his hand and entered the elevator.

While walking, Yang Xiong turned his head to look in the direction of Xu Jie's room, with a disdainful expression on his face.

Are you writing a script?

Hmph, only fools believe it

A group of people came to the stage by car.

Perhaps because of yesterday's holiday, the performers who arrived at the scene today looked very energetic, and all of them were wearing makeup and beautiful clothes. Both the women and the men didn't look like they were here at all. Those who participated in the rehearsal of the party seemed to be here to participate in a song and dance competition.

Especially those celebrity entertainers, all of them wore beautiful and expensive brand-name high-end gowns. To be honest, the party costumes prepared by Huashi for the stars were not so gorgeous.

what's the situation?
Zhao Hongbo was stunned when he saw the stars competing for beauty.

Before the official performance, there will indeed be two rehearsals with make-up, but it should start from the third time, and today is only the second time.

"A rehearsal with makeup today?" Yu Yan asked suspiciously, with question marks in her eyes.

"No... right." Jiang Qize said uncertainly, then turned his head to look at Zhao Hongbo who was at the side, thinking: Could it be that Director Zhao ordered it?

Zhao Hongbo also saw what other people were thinking, so he shook his head and said, "I never said I would wear makeup for a rehearsal today."

"Director Zhao, I think this should be the spontaneous behavior of the performers. Think about it, today is the second rehearsal. Everyone should be very confident in their performance, so they dress so formally. The importance of the rehearsal, I think today's rehearsal will be more smooth." Yang Xiong said with a smile, with a bit of pride on his face.

But while he was proud, he felt a pity in his heart. It's a pity that the person surnamed Xu didn't come today and didn't see the scene, otherwise it would have been more perfect.

Zhao Hongbo nodded, sounding reasonable.

"Okay, since the performers are all very motivated, we can't neglect it. Everyone hurry back to their respective posts. Today's rehearsal will start immediately!" Zhao Hongbo said loudly, feeling that today's rehearsal will definitely be very successful.


The staff responded positively and started today's rehearsal.

In fact, not only the performers attracted the attention of the staff, but the staff also attracted the attention of the performers.

Everyone stared intently at the people who got off the bus, their eyes full of excitement and anticipation.

But as the bus door closed, the excitement and anticipation gradually turned into doubt and loss.

"Why didn't you see Director Xu? Did I miss it? Did you see it?" A performer couldn't help asking the person beside him.

"No." The performer next to him cocked his feet and raised his head, looking around the staff repeatedly, but he still didn't find Director Xu.

"Strange, why didn't Director Xu come today? Is there something else important?"

"No way? No matter how important it is, can it be more important than the work of the New Year's Eve party? He is the assistant director of the party and is responsible for the entire backstage work. He cannot be without him."

"Are you feeling unwell, acclimatized?"

"Impossible. When I saw him the day before yesterday, he was still alive and kicking, talking and laughing. It's only been a day. How could he not be acclimatized?"


Everyone joined the discussion one after another, not only the performers, but even the star artists.

Why did everyone wear such good-looking clothes in today's rehearsal, and even put on exquisite makeup to make themselves look beautiful?

Isn't it all to seduce Director Xu and attract Director Xu's attention?

But now?
Director Xu didn't come, it was so disappointing.

The beautiful clothes are for nothing, and the makeup is gone.

Some people were not reconciled, so they stopped a backstage director and asked, "Teacher, what about Director Xu Jie and Xu? Why didn't you see him?"

Yang Xiong frowned, looked at the young performer in front of him, and asked with a straight face: "Why are you asking this? Are you looking for something with him?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I'm just curious why Director Xu didn't come. Isn't he in charge of backstage work? Don't we need to rehearse together today?" the performer said.

There are two kinds of rehearsals, one is the rehearsal of a single program, which can be done in private; the other is the overall rehearsal of all the programs together.

Those who come to the scene like today are usually the latter, so everyone wonders why Director Xu didn't come.

"Director Xu has other jobs, and he will no longer be in charge of the backstage work. I will be in charge here." After Yang Xiong finished speaking, he deliberately instructed, "If you encounter problems in the future, please come to me!"

The performer blinked.

looking for you?

Are you casting too?
One spread ten, ten spread hundreds, and soon, everyone who cared about this matter knew why Director Xu didn't come today.

Get fucked.

Being removed from a very important position, what is it not?
China TV is China TV, and even Director Xu doesn't pay attention to it, and he will masturbate if he says it.

After Liu Jinghua found out, her whole body became excited. She was so excited that she wished she could perform a dance for the CTS people on stage, and thank them for venting their anger on her.

As the audience ratings of the variety shows directed by the other party hit new highs repeatedly, and the director's movies also achieved good box office, the other party's reputation in the circle is getting bigger and bigger, and his temper is getting more and more violent. Now only CTV can do it. Treat this man.

"You deserve it, let's see if you dare to be crazy again in the future, hum!"

And those who are more familiar with Xu Jie also began to take the initiative to understand the situation.

"Good morning, Director Jiang!" Chang Ziyang found Jiang Yuanyue. He knew that Jiang Yuanyue was Director Xu's senior sister. The two had a good relationship, and he would definitely get first-hand information from Jiang Yuanyue.

"Morning Director Chang." Jiang Yuanyue had a faint smile on her face, and she felt much better after leaving those colleagues.

"Director Jiang, I want to ask you something. Where's Mr. Xu? Why didn't you see him? Isn't he in charge of the backstage work? How does the backstage work go when he doesn't come?" Chang Ziyang asked.

Jiang Yuanyue's smile disappeared instantly, and her mood became worse again, she said in a deep voice: "Xu Jie is writing the script of the Spring Festival Gala in the hotel, and Yang Xiong, the director of the on-site director team, has been in charge of the backstage work. "

Chang Ziyang was slightly taken aback. Although the other party answered his question, why did his expression and tone suddenly change?

There is indeed something going on here.

He's not stupid, how could he not see that Jiang Yuanyue was angry?
Observing words and emotions is his special skill.

When the other party changed his face just now, he was already aware of the other party's emotional change, but he didn't know what happened.

"Director Jiang, Mr. Xu doesn't have time and doesn't want to come over?" Chang Ziyang asked tentatively.

He thinks that there are only two possibilities for Jiang Yuanyue to be angry: one is that Mr. Xu wants to write a script for the Spring Festival Gala in the hotel and does not want to participate in the work of the New Year's Eve party; Jiang Yuanyue, who is Mr. Xu's senior sister, was very angry.

"For him, the time is really tight, but it's not that he can't spare a bit, otherwise he won't participate in the previous rehearsal." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Chang Ziyang was taken aback, that was the second possibility.

"Did Mr. Xu offend the director team?" Chang Ziyang asked in a low voice, afraid that other people would hear.

Jiang Yuanyue glanced at Chang Ziyang, and although she didn't guess correctly, she moved a little aside.

At this time, she suddenly thought of something, and then carefully looked around, seeing no one from Huashi, so she asked, "I heard that you have a good relationship with my junior?"

"Hey, of course. Not only do I have a good relationship with Director Xu, I also have a good relationship with Su Yun. The movie she is currently participating in is a collaboration with our company." Chang Ziyang said with a smile.

"So you're not an outsider?" Jiang Yuanyue narrowed her eyes and looked at Chang Ziyang.

"It's not outsiders, it's all our own people." Chang Ziyang said seriously.

"Oh!" Jiang Yuanyue sighed suddenly, and said, "I didn't want to say it at first, but I couldn't bear to let my junior be wronged. Since you are not an outsider, then I will tell you."

So, Jiang Yuanyue told all about what happened at dinner the day before yesterday.


(End of this chapter)

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