The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 958 Revenge for Mr. Xu?

Chapter 958 Revenge for Mr. Xu?
In fact, Jiang Yuanyue didn't want to tell outsiders what happened at the dinner the day before yesterday, after all, family ugliness should not be publicized, but she really can't understand Yang Xiong and others' despicable appearance.

Moreover, as a member of CTS, instead of helping their peers with a broad mind, they gathered together to discuss how to target and exclude their peers. Such behavior is simply discrediting CTS and the large program center.

Therefore, between protecting the calf and maintaining the image of CTS, she finally chose the latter.

As for what the other party will do after telling Chang Ziyang, that is the other party's business, and has nothing to do with her.

Since it was not a big deal and the matter was very simple, it took a few minutes to finish the talk.

"That's the thing, that's the situation. Although I tried my best to defend my junior, I still couldn't change the minds of Yang Xiong and others. Since you have a good relationship with my junior, you can go to the school when you have nothing to do. Comfort him, so that he doesn't get overwhelmed, that's all right, the rehearsal is about to start, I'm going to get busy."

After Jiang Yuanyue finished speaking, she slipped away.

There is an idiom called: the wall has ears.

There are a lot of people talking here, so it's better to pay attention, otherwise, if things get out, people won't think they are making trouble?
Looking at Jiang Yuanyue's leaving back, Chang Ziyang was filled with anger for a moment.

Employ people forward and not backward?
Isn't Huashi doing this to bully Mr. Xu to be an honest man?

While paying for China TV, he still has to be squeezed out by the people of China TV. Mr. Xu is simply bearing the burden of humiliation, and even if he is treated so unfairly, he is still writing sketch scripts for the China TV Spring Festival Gala. admire.

If it were him, his head would be blown out of anger, so how could he have the heart to create?

However, to fight against injustice is to fight against injustice, Mr. Xu is the one from Huaxia TV, what can he do as an artist management director of a media company?
Dare to be angry but dare not speak!
"Director Chang, why are you in a daze?"

Suddenly, a big hand was placed on Chang Ziyang's shoulder, which startled Chang Ziyang a lot. When he turned around and saw Hu Zhen, who was Liang Xing's manager, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Zhen." Chang Ziyang smiled, and then explained: "I'm not in a daze, I'm just thinking about something, maybe I'm too engrossed in it."

"Oh? Really?" Hu Zhen looked left and right, then leaned in front of Chang Ziyang, bumped him with his shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, what did you say to Director Jiang just now?"

"No, nothing." Chang Ziyang shook his head.

"Director Chang, we have known each other for so many years, and we are old friends. Although we are not in the same company, my relationship with you, Hua Sen, has always been good. Just now you were in a daze. No, what could be the expression on your face when you were thinking about something just now? Nothing wrong? Then you are really treating me, Hu Zhen, as a stick." Hu Zhen squinted his eyes and said, as if he had seen everything through.

The more the other party didn't say anything, the more curious he became. What could make Jiang Yuanyue and Chang Ziyang angry and annoyed this morning?

"Without Brother Zhen, how dare I treat you as a stick? When I entered this industry, you were still my senior." Chang Ziyang said hastily.

As Watson's director of artist management, in fact, he generally has a resource competition relationship with these brokerage companies in the market, but among the many competitors, there are so few brokers who dare not tear themselves apart even if they are competitors. Shock is one of them.

The other party is not only the first group of managers in the domestic entertainment industry, but also has countless celebrity artists under the company.

There is an old saying that goes well: There are no permanent enemies, nor permanent friends, only permanent interests.

Many of Huasen Media's film and television drama projects need to cooperate with other brokerage companies, so he and Hu Zhen are not only rivals competing for resources for artists, but also friends who have money together.

What's more, the matter he asked Jiang Yuanyue had nothing to do with resources, and it was not worthwhile to turn against Hu Zhen for something other than profit.

"Director Chang, is it possible that the director team is dissatisfied with the performance of a certain artist and is planning to find someone else to replace this artist? I'm not arguing with you about this show, I just want to ask, is this artist who was replaced by me? The people who are in charge, this is not embarrassing you? Don't worry, I will not go to the director team." Hu Zhen asked seriously.

"Brother Zhen, it's not your artist, no, no, this matter has nothing to do with artists at all, forget it, let me tell you the truth." Chang Ziyang looked around, and then pulled Hu Zhen to a place with few people. place, said in a low voice: "It's about Mr. Xu Jie and Mr. Xu."

"About Mr. Xu? What's wrong with Mr. Xu?" Hu Zhen asked nervously, holding Chang Ziyang's wrist tightly with one hand.

Xu Jie is one of his important resources. If something happens to Xu Jie, it will have a great impact on him and his artists, especially in variety shows.

"Brother Zhen, don't get excited." Chang Ziyang quickly pulled his wrist out of the opponent's hand. What he knew was that the opponent was nervous about others, but what he didn't know thought that there was some unclear relationship between the two.

At this time, Hu Zhen also realized that he was too excited, so he took his hand back, but his eyes kept staring at Chang Ziyang, and he never moved away for a moment.

Chang Ziyang had long heard that Xu Jie often took care of the artists of Liangxing's agency, and now seeing Hu Zhen's appearance, it seemed that the relationship between the two was not normal.

Since it's unusual, it shouldn't matter if you say it.

"Brother Zhen, let me tell you, don't tell the people from Huaxia TV." Chang Ziyang reminded.

If the people from China TV know, his artists may never receive invitations from China TV's performances in the future.

"Don't worry, I know in my heart, you have to believe in my character." Hu Zhen said after hearing this, he was so anxious that he just wanted the other party to speak quickly.

"Brother Zhen, the thing is like this..."

Chang Ziyang no longer concealed anything, and told in detail what he had just heard from Director Jiang.

Hu Zhen listened carefully at first, but the more he listened, the more he frowned, and finally his whole face became gloomy.

"So, Mr. Xu won't be here today, and I guess he won't be here for the rehearsal in the future either." Chang Ziyang spoke for 2 minutes, and quickly finished the matter.

Because he didn't know Hu Zhen's attitude, he paid special attention when telling the story, did not add his own point of view, and stood completely in a neutral position.

Chang Ziyang was about to leave, thinking whether to go to the hotel to comfort Mr. Xu, when suddenly Hu Zhen beside him said in a deep voice, "It's too much!"

Because of the loud voice, Chang Ziyang was taken aback. He quickly turned his head to look around, and after realizing that someone had noticed his side, he hurriedly dragged Hu Zhen away from the backstage.

CTS's stage is not a place where people like them can run wild.

"Brother Zhen, my brother, please keep your voice down." Chang Ziyang reminded cautiously, expressing opinions is fine, but don't get him involved.

"Mr. Xu has done so many things for Huashi, and the people of Huashi treat him like this, isn't it too much?" Hu Zhen asked Chang Ziyang angrily.

Chang Ziyang was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that Hu Zhen's thoughts were the same as his. He thought that the other party would shut up because of CTV's influence, or say something innocuous.

Sure enough, the eyes of the masses are discerning.

"Brother Zhen, to be honest, I also feel worthless for Mr. Xu, but what can we do? Could it be possible to turn against CTS?" Chang Ziyang said with a wry smile.

As the old saying goes: People don't fight with officials.

Fall out with CTS?
To put it bluntly, does CTV care about them?Are they qualified to let CTS care?

If they really broke up with China TV, then only other brokerage companies will be happy.

They care about Mr. Xu and defend Mr. Xu, but other brokerage companies don't. The most obvious example is Liu Jinghua.

Hu Zhen frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly turned to look at Chang Ziyang with sharp eyes.

Chang Ziyang's heart shook, he leaned back slightly, and asked stutteringly, "Brother Zhen, what's wrong? Me, did I say something wrong?"

He thought about it carefully, and didn't say anything just now.

Could it be that the other party is pretending to defend Mr. Xu, but is actually fishing for him here?

Hu Zhen looked at it for a long time, and suddenly asked: "Director Chang, what do you think of Mr. Xu?"

"Okay, Mr. Xu is upright and righteous, and he is capable of writing and martial arts. He is a rare all-rounder. There are too few people like him in the entertainment industry..." Chang Ziyang opened his mouth and praised, as if Xu Jie Like here.

"Then do you think we should do something for Mr. Xu?" Hu Zhen looked at Chang Ziyang and asked again.

"Do it, you should do it, especially at this time, why don't we buy some fruit baskets and go see Mr. Xu?" Chang Ziyang asked.

Remember Jiang Yuanyue also told him to let him comfort Mr. Xu when he has time.

Hu Zhen rolled his eyes when he heard it, and said angrily, "It's not that he was sick and hospitalized, what kind of fruit basket should he buy? Can a fruit basket make people feel better? Or can they let those people from China TV experience the feeling of being slapped in the face?" Son?"

Chang Ziyang smiled awkwardly, but then realized something, looked at Hu Zhen with a surprised face and asked, "Brother Zhen, don't tell me, do you want to deal with those people from CTS?"

Hu Zhen looked in the direction of the stage, and said flatly: "It's okay to deal with it, but if we don't do anything, are we still worthy of being Mr. Xu's friends?"

Chang Ziyang swallowed involuntarily.

Isn't this called dealing with it?

Isn't this just to avenge Mr. Xu?

He only knew that the other party had a big belly, but he didn't expect that he was also courageous.

But then again, Brother Zhen is really kind and righteous. For Mr. Xu, he is not even afraid of Huashi.

"Brother Zhen, what are you going to do?" Chang Ziyang asked a little timidly. He usually wouldn't even dare to mess with the provincial satellite TV, let alone China TV. It felt like he was tripping an elephant.

But at the same time, he was very curious. Since the other party would say that, it meant that he must have something in his heart.

"Hmph, don't they think Mr. Xu is not important? Then let's make them realize the importance of Mr. Xu." Having said that, Hu Zhen looked at Chang Ziyang and asked, "I ask you, during the first rehearsal , what job is Mr. Xu in charge of?"

"Backstage." Chang Ziyang replied.

"That's right, the backstage. If the backstage becomes chaotic and affects the rehearsal work, will they still think that Mr. Xu is not important? Do they still think that anyone can replace Mr. Xu? Is this just a slap in the face of CTV people? "Hu Zhen said proudly.

As soon as Chang Ziyang heard it, he immediately understood what Hu Zhen meant this time.

This is to let the artist to disrupt the backstage order!
This method cannot be said to be bad, it can only be said to be too bold, and it is at the risk of being blacklisted by China Television.

He hesitated.

Hu Zhen is the boss of the company, so he can be his own master, but he is only the director of artist management, and there are bosses on top, so he can't be the master at all.

"Brother Zhen, is it okay to do this?" Chang Ziyang asked hesitantly. If the CTS people found out, the consequences would be very serious.

"If only one company participates, it will definitely not work. If multiple companies participate, it will be different. If one or two programs are messed up, it is the program's problem, but if all the programs are messed up, then it is the director's problem. " Hu Zhen said.

"All the shows? It's a bit difficult." Chang Ziyang said honestly.

The celebrities who participated in the China Television New Year's Eve party came from many entertainment companies and brokerage companies. It is impossible for all companies to support Mr. Xu at the risk of offending China Television.

"Yes, it's really difficult to mess up all the programs, but it's okay to mess up seven or eight programs, and then let these seven or eight programs affect the two programs before and after. Isn't there a saying? A stinky fish There is a pot of soup, and we have seven or eight, I don't believe that this pot of soup can't be cooked." Hu Zhen gritted his teeth and said, he had already made up his mind.

After hearing this, Chang Ziyang fell into a trough.


He hasn't figured it out yet, so why did he count him in?

"Brother Zhen, I think it's better to recruit a few more people, it's safer." Chang Ziyang suggested.

"It's good to have a lot of people, but it's easy to leak the news. The old saying is good: you know people, you know their faces, but you don't know their hearts! How do you know if there are any fools in the people you find?" After Hu Zhen finished speaking, he looked at Chang Ziyang very deeply. glance.

Chang Ziyang was shocked as if he had been electrocuted, and said hurriedly: "Brother Zhen, don't worry, I will never be a fool."

Not only did he not dare to offend Huashi, he also didn't dare to offend Xu Jie. After all, the other party was his boss who would give him some face. How could he dare to betray him?
Hu Zhen smiled, reached out and patted Chang Ziyang on the shoulder and said, "Director Chang, I didn't mention you, I know you are not that kind of person, otherwise I wouldn't have discussed it with you. It can be seen that you are a People who value love and righteousness, I don’t think it’s better than this, let’s try it first, if the effect is not good, then find a way to expand the scope, anyway, it will take a whole day of rehearsal, and there will be a third and a fourth time.”

"Yes, yes!" Chang Ziyang didn't know what to say, so he could only echo.

Everyone praises him for his love and righteousness. If he refuses to agree, wouldn't it be treachery?

"Since Director Chang agrees, let's split up and try to pay Mr. Xu justice earlier." Hu Zhen said seriously.

"Okay, okay!" Chang Ziyang nodded repeatedly.

Hu Zhen turned around and strode towards the back of the stage, trying to surprise Mr. Xu who was staying at the hotel before the rehearsal ended.

After hesitating for a moment, Chang Ziyang also followed Hu Zhen.

He was betting that through this incident, he could get closer to Xu Jie.


(End of this chapter)

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