Chapter 959

Chang Ziyang came to the back of the stage, but he didn't immediately look for his own artist, but he had an extra mind, first observing Hu Zhen's actions.

If Hu Zhen really went to talk to the artists of Liangxing's agency, and those artists began to act obediently, it would not be too late for him to find his own artists to respond positively at that time.

These days, the heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of guarding against others is indispensable.

Chang Ziyang hid in the crowd and observed Hu Zhen secretly through the gap. He saw Hu Zhen looking around for a while, then walked through the crowded crowd and walked in front of the artist.

However, due to the distance and the fact that there were people talking around, he didn't hear anything. He could only see Hu Zhen's mouth next to the artist's ear, and the artist's face soon showed an expression of disbelief. Even a little worried.

It seems true!

Chang Ziyang thought to himself.

Then it's up to the artist.

While he was waiting to see how the artist performed, the words of the performers around him also reached his ears.

"It's unlucky, I spent more than 2000 yuan on clothes yesterday, just to show it to Mr. Xu, but he not only ignored the backstage today, he didn't even come here. Isn't my money wasted?"

"Who said no? I got up at four o'clock this morning to put on makeup just to be selected by Director Xu. Even if I'm not the number one girl, I can accept the third girl and the fourth girl. Ahhh, I'm stuck."

"You say, does Mr. Xu already have a candidate for the protagonist in his heart? Otherwise, why wouldn't he come?"

"The casting is over? Can't you? During the casting the day before yesterday, I didn't see anyone talking to him."

"It's really frustrating. Even if you give me the news that the casting is over, it's too disappointing to just leave without a word. I haven't had time to show Director Xu in my best form. I don't even want to Rehearsal."

"Me too!"


Chang Ziyang turned his head and looked around, and found that many of the performers were listless. He couldn't help being secretly surprised. He didn't expect that Mr. Xu's absence would have such a big impact on the performers.

But think about it, if the cast can be selected by Mr. Xu, it is basically equivalent to reaching the sky in one step. Let alone these dancers, even those celebrity artists, who would not want to be selected by Mr. Xu?
buy new clothes?

Doing makeup early in the morning?

It's not just ordinary performers who do this, celebrities are also the same, otherwise how could all the staff show off at the rehearsal today?

Huh, wait!

Chang Ziyang suddenly realized something.

Since the fact that Mr. Xu didn't come made everyone so disappointed, why not tell everyone here the real reason why Mr. Xu didn't come?
At that time, as long as the stars and entertainers take the lead, why don't these performers directly blow up the pot?
The current backstage is like a powder keg, as long as there is a little spark, it will definitely blow up, at least it will not give the backstage director a good look.

Thinking of this, Chang Ziyang immediately changed his strategy and left the backstage while calling the artist.

"Hey, Liu Li, it's me, let your assistant come over, I have something to look for her, I'm..."

"Hey, Chen Xiang..."

"Ren Zilu..."

In a flower bed near the backstage, Chang Ziyang admired the sea view not far away. The sea breeze was chilling on his body, but it made people feel extra energetic.

Not long after, there were bursts of footsteps behind him.

Chang Ziyang turned around slowly at this time, and it was the assistants of the three artists who came.

"Director Chang, are you looking for me?" Liu Li's assistant spoke first.

After hearing Liu Li's words, the assistants of the other two artists showed puzzled expressions on their faces, because Director Chang also looked for them.

"You all should know that Mr. Xu didn't come to the rehearsal today, right?" Chang Ziyang asked lightly.

"I know." The three artist assistants nodded.

"Do you know why Mr. Xu didn't come?" Chang Ziyang asked again.

The three assistants looked at each other, and Ren Zilu's assistant was the first to speak, "I heard that Mr. Xu has other work to do, so he couldn't come to the rehearsal."

"That's what I heard too." Liu Li's assistant said.

Chang Ziyang shook his head after listening, "You guys only know one thing but not the other..." Immediately afterwards, he told the things Jiang Yuanyue told him again in front of the three artist assistants.

If you want these three people to understand what they are doing, you must let them know the facts and the truth, otherwise how will you describe it vividly to others?How to turn the depression and disappointment in everyone's heart into anger?
The three assistants listened intently, their faces full of curiosity about gossip.

As celebrity assistants, what they usually like to discuss most is gossip in the entertainment industry, such as who is secretly married, who is cheating, who and who are actually plastic sisters, and so on.

But today, I was able to hear gossip about Xu Jie and CTS employees, who is not interested?

Although it is not lace, this kind of frontal conflict is sometimes more fascinating than lace, and I even vaguely look forward to the follow-up.

"That's what happened. What do you think? Are you angry and unwilling for Mr. Xu's experience?" Chang Ziyang looked at the three assistants in front of him after he finished speaking.

And the three assistants were taken aback at the same time. Even if Mr. Xu was bullied by CTS employees, what does this matter have to do with them?Why do you feel angry and unwilling for Mr. Xu?

They didn't meet with Mr. Xu, and they didn't cooperate. When they listened, they just took it as gossip, and they didn't think from the perspective of one side at all.

There are too many gossips in the entertainment industry, if they have to worry about every one they hear, they will be exhausted long ago.

But since Director Chang asked this question, they must show anger and unwillingness. Who made the other party their leader?

"Well, Mr. Xu is too pitiful."

"Oh, I can understand that CTV's employees have always looked down on people."

"I really don't feel worthy for Mr. Xu. If it were me, why would I write a sketch script? I'd just leave."

Chang Ziyang nodded as he listened, and was very satisfied with the employee's reaction. After the three of them had expressed their thoughts, he began to speak slowly: "Since you all think so, good, I have a very important There is a task for you to do."

"What mission?" Liu Li's assistant asked.

The other two assistants were also curious.

Could it be to let them vent their anger on Mr. Xu and beat up the employees of CTS?

This is against the law.

"It's very simple. Tell the performers who came to the rehearsal today what I just said to you, and let all the performers know that it's not that Mr. Xu didn't want to come, but was forced to leave by CTV's employees. Instead, Mr. Xu One is innocent, so that no one will say that he was tricked by Mr. Xu." Chang Ziyang said.

In fact, he wanted to do this just now, but considering that many people from CTV knew him at the rehearsal, he finally dismissed this idea.

Assistants are different. How many people will pay attention to an artist's sidekick?

And relying on him alone, I don't know how many times he has to say it.

Now with three assistants, the efficiency has directly doubled.

How many people are powerful!

"Director Chang, why did we do this?" Ren Zilu's assistant asked in confusion.

"Of course it's to fight injustices for Mr. Xu. When you see injustices on the road, you draw your swords to help. Why, you don't want to?" Chang Ziyang looked at the three of them and asked, frowning slightly.

"Yes, yes!" The three assistants nodded repeatedly.

Standing in front of them is the director of the company's artist agency, and they are just assistants around the artist, dare not listen to each other?

Do not listen?

As long as the other party says a word, they will all lose their jobs.

Not to mention artist assistants like them, even the artists in the company have to be polite in front of this permanent director, otherwise they don't want to stand out.

"Well, very good!" Chang Ziyang was very satisfied, and then said solemnly: "The future of Liu Li, Chen Xiang and Ren Zilu is in your hands this time. If the matter reaches Mr. Xu's ears, Even if you can't arrange a role for your artists, you can still give them a chance to participate in variety shows."

The eyes of the three assistants lit up, and at the same time, they also understood why Director Chang would fight for Mr. Xu, secretly playing tricks on CTS.

Whoever is popular in the variety show directed by Mr. Xu is much more effective than appearing in the CTV New Year's Eve party.

As an artist assistant, who doesn't want their artist to be popular?

"Director Chang, please rest assured, we will never let you down." Liu Li's assistant said seriously.

"Okay, let's go, be careful, don't be overheard by the CTS people." Chang Ziyang instructed.

His principle is not only to make things bigger, but also to protect himself.


The three assistants received the instructions and immediately returned to the background.

Chang Ziyang looked at the assistant who left and smiled again.

When he was talking to his assistant just now, he emphasized that it was Yang Xiong, the current head of the on-site director team, who forced Xu Jie away.

He can't afford to offend the chief director Zhao Hongbo. After all, Zhao Hongbo's other identity is the deputy director of China Television's large-scale program center, but that Yang Xiong is different. It's not even as good as Jiang Yuanyue, so he's not afraid of offending this person at all.

What's more, as far as he knows, Jingshi Culture can cooperate with CTS on the New Year's Eve party this time. Mr. Xu is in the relationship with Director Chen Yachen. Since Mr. Xu has Director Chen behind him, he doesn't have to worry about Yang Xiong's revenge .

Yang Xiong, Yang Xiong, since you lack a string in your head and dare to challenge the person invited by your director Chen, then I will teach you a lesson for your director Chen!

Chang Ziyang thought to himself.


Seeing the assistant who came back, Liu Li immediately asked curiously, "Xiao Li, what does Director Chang want from you?"

It stands to reason that Chang Ziyang is the director of artist management, if there is anything he should talk to her directly, why do he need her assistant?

"Sister Li, Director Chang called Chen Xiang and Ren Zilu's assistants, saying that the temperature in Xiazhou has dropped recently, and let us assistants take good care of you so that you don't catch a cold." Assistant Xiao Li explained.

"It's over?" Liu Li blinked.

Just that little thing?

Why didn't Director Chang say it when he called just now?
Is Director Chang going to leave Xiazhou?So before you leave, ask your assistant?
Well, it's possible.

"Well, it's over, but..." Xiao Li carefully looked around, and then said mysteriously: "When I came back just now, I heard many people talking about Mr. Xu Jie."

Xu Jie?

Hearing this name, not only Liu Li's eyes lit up, but even the backup dancers around were also attracted, they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

This is the person they most want to see today!
"What's wrong with Mr. Xu?" Liu Li asked concerned.

The exquisite dress she was wearing was originally intended to be worn at a fashion party, but in order to attract Mr. Xu, she put it on in advance.

If Mr. Xu doesn't come, her clothes will be useless.

For female stars, dresses that have already been exposed are usually not worn for the second time in public events, because they will be laughed at by their peers.

"Sister Li, I heard that the reason Mr. Xu didn't come today was not because he had other jobs, but because he was squeezed out by people from China TV." Xiao Li said seriously.

Although the voice is not loud, it can still be heard by people around, but it will not spread too far. After all, telling Sister Li is just passing by, and telling the backup dancer is her real purpose. her mission.

"What? Squeezed away?"

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Hearing this sentence, everyone showed a surprised expression.

We must know that Xu Jie is the assistant director in the director group, and it seems that the only one who can control him is the chief director. Who dares to squeeze director Xu with such a big list?
"Who pushed him away?" Liu Li asked.

"It's the person in charge of the backstage work now. What's his name? By the way, Yang Xiong! Sister Li, do you still remember the first rehearsal? This person surnamed Yang is the person in charge of the on-site director team. He was also in charge of the work, and later he was replaced by Mr. Xu because of poor management. This man held a grudge and dragged a group of CTV employees working in the background to sue the chief director..."

Xiao Li vividly told what he "heard" and added his own analysis at the same time, and of course he did not forget to fight for Mr. Xu.

The people around were getting angrier the more they heard it. Just now, everyone was deceived by that Yang Xiong, and they thought Mr. Xu really had important work to do, but they didn't expect this to be the case behind the matter.

So annoying!

To put it mildly, everyone is wearing white makeup today. To put it more seriously, isn't this affecting Director Xu's casting and everyone becoming the heroine?
"Isn't this person surnamed Yang too hateful? You have no ability, so you blame others?"

The surrounding dancers started talking about it.

"That's right, this is clearly jealous of Director Xu and taking revenge on Director Xu."

"I originally thought that CTS's people were elites, but I didn't expect such rubbish to exist."

"I've seen that guy surnamed Yang. He looks lewd, and he doesn't look like a good person."


In the eyes of everyone, being selected by director Xu is more important than performing on the stage of the CTV New Year's Eve party.

Although the stage of the party is huge, most of the camera shots are of celebrities, and there are not many shots of their backup dancers at all.

Even if there are, they are basically swept away, without even giving them a positive face, and no one will pay attention to them or know them.

But it would be different if he was selected by Director Xu. Not only would he be able to act in film and television dramas, but he would also be able to step from a backup dancer to a star in one step. This is a scene that countless art students dream of.

In fact, everyone knows that the chance of being selected by Director Xu is very slim, but even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, it is enough to bring a glimmer of hope to their dreams and allow them to continue.

But now what?

The dream has been shattered, how can everyone feel better?

I was so angry!

Yang, I am at odds with you!

(End of this chapter)

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