The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 960 Stop looking down on people!

Chapter 960 Stop looking down on people!

"What are you talking about? Can you be quieter and show some quality? This is the rehearsal site for the New Year's Eve party, not the vegetable market near your home. If you have the energy, wait a while and use it on the stage!" Yang Xiong whispered to the dancers Said seriously.

It was hard for him to take charge of the backstage work again, so today he worked hard to perform well, and vowed to show his results. While proving his ability to command on the spot, he used the results to slap that outsider in the face fiercely, so that Deputy Director Zhao and Jiang Yuanyue knew who managed the back office in an orderly manner.

For this reason, he also specially invited all the members of the on-site director team to eat seafood food stalls outside, of course, excluding the two people from Jingshi Culture, in order to let everyone cooperate with him and obey him, and do the background work. it is good.

Not to mention these dancers, even celebrities, as long as they don't follow the order, he will seriously criticize them.

Do not listen?

Then don't come to the New Year's Eve party.

Huaxia TV has never had to worry about not being able to invite celebrities. Even if the labor fee is much lower than that of local satellite TV, a large number of celebrities will rush to participate.

This is the influence of CTS!

The said dancers were talking about Director Xu, and felt aggrieved by the targeting he had received. Now that they saw the CTV staff scolding them, it was like seeing an enemy, and they turned up hard one by one He rolled his eyes, then turned his head and continued, he didn't care about this person at all.

Ruined their dreams, took away their hope of becoming a star, and now dare to reprimand them for their lack of quality?If you don't do it, you are already very qualified.

When Yang Xiong saw this scene, he raised his eyebrows directly, and his head was filled with countless questions.

What's happening here?
He is the on-site director in charge of the backstage work, and managing the backstage order is also one of his job contents, and these dancers not only don't listen to him, they don't even pay attention to him, these backup dancers have too much temper ?
You must know that even a celebrity entertainer would not dare to treat him with such an attitude!

Seeing the voices of these dancers getting louder, Yang Xiong wondered if these people didn't know him or what he did, so he picked up the work card hanging around his neck and said to everyone: "I am the manager of the backstage The person in charge, Yang Xiong, you can call me Director Yang, if you have any objections to my words, you can speak up..."


Before Yang Xiong finished speaking, the performers around all looked over, staring at this person with a pair of eyes, and their eyes were full of anger, as if they saw an enemy.

The backup dancers in the party are usually managed by the team leaders of each performance unit, including food, accommodation, transportation, rehearsal programs and so on.

Therefore, these grassroots performers didn't even know who was in charge of them at the scene. They only knew that the staff with their work cards were the staff of the New Year's Eve party.

Of course, Director Xu is an exception. After all, he has been on the phone, acted in movies, and has a high rate of appearances. Who doesn't know him?
As for Yang Xiong, the chief culprit who took revenge on Director Xu, everyone only knew his name, but they didn't know what he looked like at all.

Now seeing someone claiming to be Yang Xiong, who wouldn't want to engrave this person in their mind, and then draw a circle to curse?
"So he is Yang Xiong?"

"Looking so wretched, you don't look like a good person at first glance."

"If I wasn't afraid of causing trouble for the team leader, I really want to slap him twice!"

"Bastard, I spent more than 2000 yuan on clothes for nothing."


Everyone started talking again, and the voice was louder than before.

Yang Xiong stood there, completely dazed.

It's okay if you don't introduce yourself, but once you introduce yourself, why is your voice getting louder and louder?
Most importantly, he actually heard someone scolding him.

It's just to maintain the order of the backstage performance. This is his job responsibility. Maybe he was a little serious just now, but it's not enough to scold people, right?

Besides, since you are here to participate in the rehearsal of the CTV New Year's Eve party, you should respect the order here and insult the staff, isn't it a bit too much?
These backup dancers are too arrogant!
Which unit are they from?
It seems that in this industry, the largest unit should be CTS.

However, what made Yang Xiong even more depressed was yet to come.

Some performers at the back heard the noise coming from the front, and were full of curiosity for a moment, and stretched their necks involuntarily to see what happened, and some of the closer ones went over to inquire about the inside story.

"Sister, why are you so angry? Who offended you?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's Yang Xiong. If he didn't force Director Xu to leave by relying on his status as a CTS employee, I might have been cast by Director Xu now."

"Is there such a thing? Who did you hear it from? Is the news reliable?"

"Sister, remember, if you want people to know you have to do nothing, as long as you do it, someone will know."


In this way, the matter was passed from the previous program performance team to the next program performance team, and then from the latter program performance team to the last program performance team. In short, it was passed on one by one. It didn't take long for all the performance teams to know about it. thing.

The reason Director Xu didn't come today was because he was forced to leave by the CTS employees.

All of a sudden, the voices became louder and louder, and some backup dancers even hid in the crowd and cursed loudly at the front because of the large number of people around them and the chaotic scene.

"Yang Xiong is shameless!"

"Let Yang Xiong go!"

"We need Director Xu!"


More and more people shouted.

At the beginning, the team leader of the performance unit was able to take care of it, but just after saying this, another appeared again, and sometimes it was even hard to tell whether it was someone from his own team or someone from another team.

They want to take care of it, but they can't do it at all. There is a saying: more than enough heart but not enough strength.

So in the end, I could only watch from the sidelines.

Hu Zhen in the distance looked at all this in amazement, with a bit of disbelief in his expression, as if he didn't believe what happened in front of him.

He just told the entertainer that he was going to avenge Mr. Xu, but the artist hadn't had time to tell others, how did everyone know it all?

Who leaked it?
Huh, no!

Isn't his mission to reveal the truth about Mr. Xu's absence to the artists?
who is it?

Who was ahead of him and took away the credit that originally belonged to him?
Could it be that there are other people who want to defend Mr. Xu?
That's great, with the cooperation of these people, things can be resolved better.

Yang Xiong didn't know why he was scolded at first, he thought it was a matter of attitude, and felt that young people nowadays are too hypocritical and disobedient, but when he heard someone mentioning Director Xu, he immediately blushed with anger.

In front of him, isn't it a naked humiliation to let that Xu come back?

The surname Xu has a high level?His level is low?
But during the rehearsal last time, the guy surnamed Xu obviously didn't do anything. Didn't he leave the specific work to them and wander around by himself?

Yang Xiong was angry and confused, his head was about to explode, but he couldn't figure out what these performers were going to do.

And those CTV employees working in the backstage were also very surprised when they saw this scene. No one thought that so many performers would be dissatisfied with Yang Xiong.

Isn't it just to replace Xu Jie and take charge of the backstage work again?He didn't do anything outrageous, did he?What's more, Yang Xiong was originally the head of the on-site director team.

But apart from being surprised, everyone was also very worried.

If the trouble continues like this, sooner or later, Deputy Director Zhao will know about it. At that time, not only Yang Xiong, but also the backstage staff like them will also be criticized.

"Everyone, let's keep our voices down and speak up if we have something to say. We will actively listen to everyone's opinions."

"At the beginning of the rehearsal, we have a lot of things that we didn't do well. I hope everyone can understand. No matter what, we are also for the party."

"Everyone, calm down. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after today's rehearsal!"

CTS employees hurriedly appease the performers around them. The rehearsal of the show is still going on on the stage. If there is a delay, there will definitely be another criticism.

Yang Xiong looked at the noisy crowd angrily, his eyes were red.

Conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy against him, the purpose is to deprive him of his current job.

"Stop arguing!" Yang Xiong shouted suddenly, with a hint of ferocity between his brows.

The people around were taken aback and fell silent for an instant, while the people behind heard that the people in front had stopped moving, so they stopped shouting and looked forward suspiciously.

what's the situation?
Is the problem solved?
Yang Xiong looked at the quiet crowd coldly, it seemed that if he didn't give these people some color, these people would never know where this place was.

Dare to be arrogant in Huashi, and don't look at how much you are.

"Why are you arguing? What's the fuss about? We CTV's arrangements, do we have to listen to you? Tell you, if you want to act, act, if you don't want to act, leave. Three-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged toads are hard to find. There are plenty of people, even if you don't act, someone will come to act, don't take yourself too seriously." Yang Xiong glanced around, and finally landed on Zhang Qize and Wang Youlin.

He felt that these two people must have done it.

Even if it's not these two people, it has something to do with Beijing Television Culture.

Want to fuck him?
No way!
When the performers saw Yang Xiong's vicious look, they were frightened for a moment, and they all dared not speak out, and the backstage was instantly silent.

And the team leaders also stood up at this moment, winking at their team members again and again, signaling everyone not to be reckless, and to be honest.

It is their honor to be invited by China Television. With the experience of cooperating with China Television, more and more people will invite them in the future.

On the contrary, if they were kicked out halfway through the rehearsal, if it got out, wouldn't they be laughed at by the peers?

I know, everyone is arguing for Director Xu, but I don't know, I thought they were unprofessional and they were returned.

Yang Xiong looked at the quiet backstage and the honest performers, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up, revealing a sneer.

I don't know how high the sky is!

He has also directed evening shows, and he has come into contact with countless performance groups. How could he be intimidated by these people?

Isn't it a joke that the director is intimidated by the cast?

Yang Xiong snorted coldly, then walked away.

When everyone heard the piercing cold snort, their brows immediately raised up. From the "hum", everyone heard contempt, disdain, and arrogance. This made those performances who had already decided not to boo Dissatisfaction once again rose in the hearts of the staff.

Hum what?

Look down on us?

You are from CTS, are you awesome?

Hmph, stop looking down on people!

"Leader, I'm going to the bathroom!" A girl suddenly raised her hand.

"Tongtong, what are you doing? It's our turn to play soon. If you go at this time, won't it affect the rehearsal?" The team leader said seriously: "Can you hold back for a while?"

"I can't hold it back." The girl's face was expressionless, and she didn't look like she couldn't hold it back.

The team leader turned around in a hurry, finally looked in the direction of the stage, then turned around and said: "Go, go and come back!"

"Thank you, team leader!" The girl said lightly, then walked out of the team, left the backstage, and walked towards the bathroom.

"Team leader, I also want to go to the bathroom." Another girl stood up and said with a bitter face, "I can't hold it in anymore."

The team leader was helpless, looked at this person, then at the others, and said impatiently: "Go, go, anyone who wants to go, go as soon as possible, I only give you 5 minutes."

As soon as the voice fell, the person ran away halfway.

The corner of the leader's mouth twitched, wishing to slap himself, thinking: I didn't drink too much this morning, why are so many people going to the toilet?
But she didn't have time to think about it, and hurried to the star Liu Li, and said with a smile: "Ms. Liu, they went to the bathroom, and they will be back soon."

Just as Liu Li was about to express her dissatisfaction, the assistant Xiao Li said first, "It's okay, let them go, people are in a hurry, it's understandable."

After hearing this, the team leader said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you for your understanding."

After the team leader retreated, Liu Li pulled the assistant, and asked in a low voice with a little dissatisfaction: "Xiao Li, do you know that our show will be next? If you can't come back, won't it waste my time? "

Xiao Li glanced around, and said to Liu Li in a low voice: "Sister Li, I'm sorry just now, but there are some things I didn't tell you just now. Director Chang called me over, not because he was afraid that you would catch a cold, but because Xu In general, what I said to you before was actually what Director Chang asked me to say, and I felt from Director Chang's words that he seemed to be planning to stand up for Mr. Xu and give that Yang a little color. !"


Liu Li opened her eyes wide, feeling incredible in her heart.

And such a thing?
Thinking back carefully, during the first rehearsal, Director Chang seemed to have had a long conversation with Mr. Xu, and also confirmed the casting.

However, she also noticed that Xiao Li used "seemingly" when referring to the fact that Director Chang was going to stand up for President Xu, that is to say, this was Xiao Li's guess, not necessarily Director Chang's real thoughts.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is Director Chang's idea, the key is that doing so will offend CTS.

"Is it okay?" Liu Li asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Sister Li, it's just a rehearsal, not a recording or live broadcast. What's the matter? Besides, it's the backup dancers who go to the bathroom, not you. What are you worried about? Even if something happens, isn't there Director Chang? Even if Chang The director can't, isn't there still Mr. Xu? We are doing this for Mr. Xu." Xiao Li said.

Liu Li nodded her head slowly, as if this was indeed the case, so she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, took out the mirror and began to touch up her makeup.

Make trouble, make trouble, you make trouble with you, I don't know anything.


(End of this chapter)

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