Chapter 961
"The fourth program is ready, and it will be on stage in one minute!" A CTV staff member shouted loudly at the performers who were waiting in line for the rehearsal.

It didn't matter that she shouted, it scared the team leader into a sweat. Her team members had just gone to the bathroom. According to the distance between the backstage and the bathroom, let alone a normal walk, even a trot was too late.

She hesitated for a moment, then walked quickly to the staff member, looked at the work card hanging on the opposite chest, and said embarrassedly: "Ma, Director Ma, my team just went to the bathroom, can you take a moment?" Wait a minute?"

The implication: I can't come back in 1 minute.

Ma Anlu frowned, and said with a cold face: "How do you manage the team members? You don't go early or late, but you go at this time, don't you know that the next show will be you? If you delay for a while, he will also delay for a while, plus It's just a few hours together, isn't this a waste of everyone's time?"


The team leader just made an apology and didn't say anything. After all, there was indeed a problem with her team. No matter how she explained it, she would appear weak. If she said too much, it might even be regarded as sophistry. It would be more effective to stand here and be scolded quietly.

Ma Anlu saw that the other party's attitude was not bad, so his expression eased a bit, and he said to the other party: "Just this time, let's not take it as an example. In the future, when going to the bathroom, we must advance two programs. Do you hear clearly?"

"It's clear, it's clear. Please don't worry, Director Ma. I'll tell the team members later that the same situation will never happen again." The team leader said quickly.

Ma Anlu nodded, "Tell me when everyone is ready, and I will report to Director Yang." After speaking, he walked towards the stage.

The team leader breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, I just got a few words of training and I can accept it.

She hurried back to the team, but the team members who went to the bathroom hadn't come back yet, so she could only look in the direction of the bathroom, hoping that the team members would come back soon.

1 minutes……

2 minutes……

5 minutes……

The team leader looked at his watch anxiously, and it was already past the time she set for the team members.

"Team leader, team leader? Is everyone still there?" Ma Anlu hurriedly came to the team leader, with an attitude of asking questions.

The rehearsal program already takes a long time, but now it is delayed by a few minutes. Doesn't this force everyone to work overtime at night?
The team leader thought to himself: It's not that they are all missing, it's that none of the people who went to the bathroom came back.

But when I think about it, I can't tell the truth. If I say it, I will definitely be punished. He is also a shameless person. Just now, there are few people, so he will be punished. Now that there are many people, if she is punished, will she still have the face to face others?
"Director Ma, there may be too many people going to the bathroom and they need to queue up, so I'll call them and ask." After speaking, the team leader took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Ma Anlu waited patiently. If he didn't know that the bathroom was really tight, he would have lost his temper.

In fact, in order to support the CTV New Year's Eve party and to facilitate the size of the actors, Xiazhou has arranged more than 30 temporary mobile toilets for the performers to use. However, there are too many people rehearsing, with a total of thousands of people. Now, more than [-] bathrooms are not enough.

"Hey, Tongtong, it's time for you to finish. It's our turn to start the show. Everyone is waiting for you." The team leader said anxiously, and he almost burned paper to make a wish, especially the staff of China TV. On the side, the pressure is extraordinarily great.

"Team leader, I also want to hurry up, but there are too many people coming to the bathroom, and the queue alone took 3 minutes. I just came in, and before I had time to take off my pants, your call came. Don't say anything, outside There are still a lot of people queuing up." Zhou Tong hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

The team leader looked at the phone in a daze. If she remembered correctly, the other party seemed to be the first to go. If it was Tongtong's turn just now, then the others...

Let alone 5 minutes, even if it takes another 5 minutes, everyone will not be able to gather.

"What's the matter?" Ma Anlu asked anxiously.

"Director Ma, the team members said that there is a queue in the bathroom, so it will take some time, or let the next show go first?" the team leader asked tentatively, and at the same time pointed to the back.

Ma Anlu thought for a while, waiting here is not an option, the whole rehearsal work cannot be stopped just because a few actors go to the bathroom.

It seems that we can only let the next show go first.

He passed the fourth program team, came to the fifth program team, looked at the person with the team leader hanging around his neck and said, "There are not enough program personnel in front, you go first."

The team leader was obviously unprepared. After hearing Ma Anlu's words, he was a little at a loss, and finally stammered: "Director Ma, we don't have all the people."

"What? Where did he go?" Ma Anlu asked.



Ma Anlu was speechless.

He finally knew why there was a queue in the bathroom.

If the fifth one doesn't work, then the sixth one.

He continued to walk back, found the performance unit of the sixth show, looked at the team leader and asked, "Is your team full?"

"No, someone went to the bathroom." The team leader replied.

"Kao, why are you going to the bathroom!" Ma Anlu said angrily.

The team leader was stunned, looked at Ma Anlu suspiciously and asked, "Are you not allowed to go to the bathroom?"

They have participated in many cultural evenings, and some asked not to talk, and some asked not to walk around, but they have never heard of not being allowed to go to the bathroom. This is too strict, right?
Control the world, and control other people's shit and fart?

Besides, this matter has been held in for a long time, but it will kill people.

Ma Anlu also realized that he had said something wrong, so he shook his head and said, "No, I didn't say no."

Just as he was about to continue walking backwards, he suddenly heard a stern voice from behind.

"What's going on? Why isn't there a rehearsal for the show?"

Ma Anlu's heart tightened, it was Yang Xiong, he hurried over, stopped in front of Yang Xiong and explained: "Director Yang, the actor has gone to the bathroom."

"Didn't you say that during the rehearsal of the previous program, you should always prepare for the next program?" Yang Xiong asked with a serious expression.

"Maybe it's because the rehearsal time for the third program is too long, and people have three urgencies, and this kind of thing can't be controlled." Ma Anlu said with a wry smile.

Yang Xiong thought for a while, everyone had already gone, he couldn't say anything more, so he pointed to the back and said: "Then let the fifth program come first."

"Ahem, the fifth program also has performers going to the bathroom." Ma Anlu said.

"Then let the sixth show go on."

"The sixth program too."

When Yang Xiong heard this, his face immediately sank.

Today he was in charge of the backstage work, but he got stuck just after three rehearsals. Isn't this embarrassing for him?
What would Deputy Director Zhao think?
What I knew was that the performers couldn't hold back their nervousness, but what I didn't know thought it was his poor management.

How to do?
If this sudden problem cannot be solved, there will definitely be a lot of criticism, and it will even be compared with that Xu. After all, when that Xu was working in the backstage management, although he didn't do anything, the rehearsal of the show never stopped. Not broken.

"So..." Yang Xiong took a deep breath, looked up at Ma Anlu and explained: "You continue to ask, whichever show is full of people, whichever show will be on first, and other shows will wait until everyone is full. After all, today is just a solo row, isn't it? Line up, don't wait."

"Okay." After Ma Anlu heard it, he ran back immediately.

Yang Xiong stood on the spot, waiting anxiously. It was okay for him to wait, but it was his problem to make the director team wait.

The job of the on-site director is not only to ensure the smoothness of the program during the live broadcast, but also to ensure that the overall rehearsal is uninterrupted. You must know that the number of rehearsals for all programs together is limited. During this period, each program must be left for rehearsal. Time, if you delay too long during the plenary rehearsal, it will be everyone's time wasted.

Just as Yang Xiong looked down at the time, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Why don't people come on stage?" Yu Yan came to the stage from the front of the stage. As the assistant director in charge of the dance performance, who should she direct if the dancers are not on stage?

"Director Yu, be safe and don't be impatient." Yang Xiong walked quickly to Yu Yan's side and said, "Someone has gone to the bathroom. I'll ask Ma Anlu to go to the back to see which show is full, and let the other shows go first."

"It takes so long to go to the bathroom? I don't know that during the rehearsal, the actors of the adjacent show have to be ready all the time, so they can't walk around?" Yu Yan asked with a frown.

"Maybe, maybe it's stomach discomfort." Yang Xiong remembered the reason Ma Anlu said, after all, he had asked Ma Anlu the same question.

"Old Yang, I'm not talking about you. This situation happened just after the rehearsal. You have to reflect on it. Fortunately, today's rehearsal is just to guide the show. If this happens during the recording or live broadcast, it is There was an accident." Yu Yan reminded.

If this happened in the first rehearsal, it would be understandable, but today is the second rehearsal, and such a low-level problem still occurs, which makes people wonder whether the person in charge is doing his job well.

What's more, in the second half of the first rehearsal, that is, in the afternoon, the rehearsal went very smoothly, and there was no harm without comparison. Such a comparison made Yu Yan feel that it was smoother when Mr. Xu was around.

"Team leader, it's not good, it's not good!" There was a burst of shouting suddenly, from far to near, and it didn't take long to see a backup dancer running over in a hurry.

"Tongtong, what's the matter?" the team leader asked hastily, after finally waiting for one to come back, why does it still look like there is a vicious dog chasing after him?
Yu Yan and Yang Xiong on the side also looked over curiously. Everyone is rehearsing the New Year's Eve party, but someone is yelling bad, isn't it too unlucky?
"Leader, there's an argument over there in the bathroom!" Tong Tong said out of breath.

"Arguing? What are you arguing about? Who and whom?" The team leader raised his heart, sweating nervously.

Worried about an accident, worried about an accident, and finally an accident.

"There was a quarrel because of queuing for the toilet. There were Yang Yang, Lan Lan, other performance teams, and artist assistants. In short, everything was messed up. You should go and have a look." busy.

"What?" The team leader was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. She thought it was just a simple exchange of words, but she didn't expect it to be a big scuffle. She didn't have time to think about it, so she hurriedly let Tongtong lead the way.

This is not a place to make trouble. If you win the fight, you will be criticized by the director team. If you lose the fight, you will feel ashamed, and if you fail, you will be returned.

Hey, what's going on with everyone today?Why are you so angry?
When the other backup dancers saw the leader leave, they all followed, no matter if it was a quarrel or a fight, there would be no disadvantage if there were more people.

When Yang Xiong heard what the performers said, his face turned green, and he ran after him with his legs open.

It doesn't matter if you come to the rehearsal later on stage, but if there is a quarrel, or even turns into a fight, then the problem will be big.

Yu Yan looked at Yang Xiong's back and couldn't help sighing.

This backstage has become a mess.

Yang Xiong followed the leader to the place where the quarrel took place. In fact, he didn't need to be led the way, he could hear the quarrel when he stepped out of the stage.

Moreover, there were a lot of people gathered around, it was almost a sea of ​​people, several times he just squeezed in, and was squeezed out again, if he hadn't shown his work ID at the end, he might still be standing still.

"It's wrong for you to jump in line, hurry up and apologize!"

"Who jumped the queue? I was here just now, I just went out to answer a phone call."

"Fart, I've been here for 4 minutes and I've never seen you."

"I left five minutes ago."


"Can an artist assistant just jump in the queue? What's so great about an artist assistant? Even if an artist comes, they have to line up. Don't you know that everyone is equal?"

"What are you shouting for? Am I in a hurry?"

"There are so many people here, are you the only one in a hurry? Who is not in a hurry here?"

"I want to take care of the artists, how about you? Besides, didn't I say hello to you, what can I do, without missing arms or legs, I really have no quality."

"Who are you saying has no quality? You are the one who has no quality. Is it okay to say hello? I say hello to you, and you give me your money. Are you willing?"

"It's a mess!"


Yang Xiong was extremely depressed for a while, and more than one person dared to quarrel.

'Where the hell are the rest of the backstage staff? '

Yang Xiong couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart. You must know that among the on-site director team he is in charge of, more than half of them work in the backstage. Individuals stand up to maintain order, so that the chaos will not be like this.

Just when Yang Xiong was about to squeeze in, suddenly a person appeared out of nowhere and plunged into his arms, with such force that he took three or four steps back before stopping.


Yang Xiong clutched his chest and was about to get angry, but found that it was Ma Anlu who bumped into him. His shirt was wrinkled, and there were shoe prints on his face. His nose was blue and his eyes were swollen, as if he had been beaten up.

"Xiao Ma, you, what's wrong with you?" Yang Xiong asked with a surprised face, and his heart was full of shock.

Even the staff of China Television dare to fight?
Are these people crazy?

(End of this chapter)

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