The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 962 Salted Pig Knuckles

Chapter 962 Salted Pig Knuckles

Yang Xiong didn't care about going in to fight anymore, he dragged Ma Anlu and squeezed out of the crowd, fearing that he would also be beaten up, if he was like Ma Anlu with a black nose and swollen eyes, wouldn't he be laughed at when he returned to the stage?
Finally came to an open space, Ma Anlu took a few deep breaths, then looked at Yang Xiong with a bitter face and said, "Director Yang, I was going to the back to see if any programs were ready at your order, but I saw Someone was arguing here, so I thought about it, but there were too many people, I accidentally tripped, and then felt countless feet stepping on me. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and hugged me. Climb up with the lamppost beside you, or you won't be able to see me..."

The elders almost burst into tears as they spoke.

He never dreamed that he almost lost his life after doing a good job in the background.

He has worked in the large-scale program center of China TV Station for so many years, and has participated in countless cultural evenings. This is the first time he has encountered such a thing. Now that he thinks about it, he feels scared, and he was almost trampled.

It is said that women who practice dancing are young and thin, which is simply nonsense.

Try being stepped on by a group of dancing women?It felt like slipping around the gate of Hades Palace and almost never came back.

"It's fine, it's fine." Yang Xiong patted Ma Anlu's shoulder lightly to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say.

I thought to myself: I can get tripped up wherever I go, what a waste.

Fortunately, he wasn't beaten by someone, which also made him a little more courageous. He didn't have to worry about being beaten. After all, as the person in charge of the backstage, he couldn't let go of a quarrel, right?
If the situation is allowed to escalate further, it may be time to call 120 later.

"Xiao Ma, take a good rest here, I'll go over and have a look." Yang Xiong said to Ma Anlu, hoping to settle these disputes as soon as possible before the situation developed into a fight.

"Director Yang, you, be careful." Ma Anlu held Yang Xiong's hand tightly, his eyes full of worry, as if he was parting from life to death.

"Don't worry." Yang Xiong patted Ma Anlu's hand, then challenged again and squeezed into the crowd, "Give way, everyone, I'm the backstage director Yang Xiong, let me handle it..."

"Yang Xiong?"

When the people around heard the name, they all turned their heads and looked over, as if they had been summoned by some kind.

I saw a middle-aged wretched man pushing into the crowd with his work card on his chest, and said loudly: "Everyone, don't watch here, and return to your respective performance teams immediately. You must abide by the order of the performance, and don't affect the rehearsal. Once a stampede occurs, the consequences will be at your own risk..."

Ma Anlu, who was outside the crowd, was speechless when he heard it.

Is this to promote him as a negative teaching material?
Does he deserve to be trampled on?
I'm heartbroken Director Yang!
The onlookers at the side were just watching, but now inspired by Yang Xiong, a bold idea popped up in their hearts.

Yang Xiong continued to walk forward, and when he was about to reach the center of the crowd, suddenly a huge force came from behind and transmitted to him through his buttocks.

Anyone who has received nine years of compulsory education should know that strength does not disappear in thin air.

So under the action of force, Yang Xiong's body fell straight forward.

The people who were standing in front of him, as if they were hiding from the plague god, retreated to both sides one after another, making way in an instant, and the road ahead was unimpeded.

At this moment, Yang Xiong only knew how to arch forward like a top-heavy wild boar, and couldn't stop the car at all. In the end, he staggered and threw himself on a woman, with both hands reflexively embracing the woman's waist. Only then did he barely stop.

Yang Xiong's heart was beating wildly, and the cold sweat broke out in a "shua", almost, really almost planted a dog to eat shit.

Just as he stood up straight and felt grateful for it, his eyes suddenly blurred, and then a clear voice came from his ear.


This slap was called a porcelain solid, and Yang Xiong turned 180 degrees on the spot, and almost completed the difficult movement of turning three and a half times and straightening backflip.

Yang Xiong covered his face with his hands, only felt twinkling and twinkling, the eyes were full of little stars, it took about a few minutes to get better, and then he saw standing in front of him a young man with upside-down brows and staring almond eyes Beauty.

"Rogue!" The woman cursed loudly.

"Rogue? Who is the rogue?" Yang Xiong asked with a blank face.

"It's you, you hug me and touch me!" the beauty said with a red face.

"No, I didn't, this must be a misunderstanding, I was really careless just now, and I don't know who it is..." Yang Xiong suddenly remembered the kicking, turned around and asked angrily: "Who, who kicked me just now? There is a way to stand up!"

Yang Xiong looked around viciously, but the more he watched, the more embarrassing he became.

Since this is the location of the women's restroom, there are all women around.

After a while, no one stood up, and Yang Xiong, who was upright at first, was now embarrassed.

"Don't quibble, explaining is just covering up. Also, this is the location of the women's restroom. What are you doing here as a man? Aren't you here to play hooligans?" The beauty said plausibly.

"Misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding. I'm the director Yang Xiong. I heard that there was a quarrel between the performers here because of queuing, so I came here to mediate." Yang Xiong said and held up his work ID.

If this is regarded as a hooligan, it is not something to be ashamed of, and CTS will lose its job.

"What's wrong with the director? Can the director just hug us backup dancers casually?" The beauty looked at Yang Xiong angrily, tears of humiliation soon flowed from her eyes.

After the surrounding female compatriots saw it, they all joined the team criticizing Yang Xiong, and they stopped fighting and didn't go to the bathroom.

"Who do you think we are? Do you think you can do whatever you want as a director?"

"You are discriminating against women and insulting women!"

"I didn't expect there to be such a scum in CTS TV!"

"Call the police, you must call the police, we must have zero tolerance for this kind of workplace harassment."

"Yes, so many people are watching, we will all testify for you!"

When Yang Xiong heard this, he was immediately frightened. If he was sent to the police station because of such a misunderstanding, then he would be more wronged than Dou E.

"Please believe me, please? I'm really innocent..." Yang Xiong felt that he couldn't clean himself up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

He kept explaining, but no one listened at all. He wanted to find a witness to prove himself, but no one stood up.

What's more, he did hug someone else's girl just now, which is why he was worried. If a woman said that before he met him, he would take the initiative to call the police to show his innocence before the woman called the police.

How to do it?

"What happened? Why are you all here? No more rehearsals?"

Suddenly a voice sounded from the back of the stage and spread throughout the crowd. When everyone looked over, they found that someone was watching them with a loudspeaker.

It's the chief director!
Some people don't know the name of the chief director, but everyone has seen this person on the stage during the first rehearsal, so they all know that this person is the chief director.

The noisy people shut their mouths involuntarily, and the scene became much quieter for a while.
The good-tempered Zhao Hongbo frowned for the first time. He stood in front of the stage for nearly 10 minutes, he didn't wait for the fourth rehearsal program, but when he came to the back of the stage, he saw Such a chaotic scene, as the chief director of the whole show, how could he not be angry?

It is said that he has been in China TV for 30 or [-] years, and he has directed countless cultural evenings, but this is the first time he has encountered such a chaotic scene like today.

Zhao Hongbo walked through the crowd to the center, looked at the performers around him, then looked at Yang Xiong, and asked with a dignified face, "Yang Xiong, what's going on?"

The implication: I leave the background work to you, is that how you are responsible?
Yang Xiong was shocked all over, and his forehead began to sweat.

He could disregard anyone here, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Zhao Hongbo, not only because the other party was the chief director of the show, but also because the other party was the deputy director of the large-scale program and was his leader.

In fact, the position held in the party is nothing, whether it is the chief director or ordinary staff, they only maintain this relationship during the party.

Just like him and Zhang Qize of Jingshi Culture.

He is the person in charge of the on-site director team, and the other party is a member of this team. He can not only arrange work for the other party, but also put forward opinions and views on the other party's work, and even criticize the other party's work.

But actually, Zhang Qize wasn't afraid of him, and would even harass him in the middle of the night, because the relationship between the two was temporary, and as soon as the party was over, he and Zhang Qize broke up immediately, and neither of them knew the other. He will not continue to arrange work for Zhang Qize, and Zhang Qize will not listen to him anymore.

However, he and Zhao Hongbo are different. Zhao Hongbo is the deputy director of the large-scale program center, and he is an employee of the large-scale program center. of.

The old saying goes well: the first rank of officials crushes people to death.

What's more, the opponent is not only one level older than him.

With this relationship, can he not be nervous or worried?

"Director Zhao, it's like this..." After Yang Xiong came back to his senses, he quickly explained: "I heard that some performers were arguing here, so I hurried over to persuade them."

"Arguing?" Zhao Hongbo's face darkened, arguing in the backstage of CTV's New Year's Eve party?Isn't this too presumptuous?

"Yes, someone jumped in line while going to the bathroom." Yang Xiong said.


Zhao Hongbo was stunned.

Jumping in line to the toilet?

Just because of this little thing?

No way?
"Also!" At this time, the beautiful woman just stood up and complained loudly: "Director Yang is playing a hooligan, superficially trying to persuade me to fight, but actually harassing me at work, everyone has seen it."

After speaking, he stretched out his fingers and pointed around.

And the people around were also very supportive, some nodded and some echoed.

"I saw it, and I saw it clearly."

"I saw it too!"

"And I!"


Everyone scrambled to be the first, and even the person who had quarreled with the beauty just now stood up to prove it.

"Misunderstanding, Director Zhao, listen to me, this is really a misunderstanding!" Yang Xiong said with an innocent face, and at this moment he even felt like crying.

However, no matter what he said, how could one person's mouth speak better than a group of people's mouths?
"You've got a thick skin and you still refuse to admit it after you've been caught."

"It must be because I'm used to harassment, I didn't take it seriously!"

"I think we should stop talking nonsense and call 110 quickly."

Seeing Deputy Director Zhao's ugly expression, Yang Xiong felt that his future was bleak. If he didn't know how to swim, he would have already jumped into the sea.

Zhao Hongbo looked at Yang Xiong in disbelief, he didn't expect that the other party would dare to do such a thing in public, did this guy get carried away?Do you think that if you are responsible for all the work in the background, you can do whatever you want in the background?

Zhao Hongbo cursed inwardly, wishing to cut Yang Xiong into pieces.

But as Yang Xiong's boss, he really doesn't want the matter to become a major issue, let alone the police station. Once this matter is reported to the TV station, even he will have to conduct a review at the meeting, so the best result is undoubtedly It is to make big things into small things.

"Everyone, listen to me." Zhao Hongbo said, and his voice spread to every corner of the surrounding area through loudspeakers.

Everyone at the scene quieted down, looked at Zhao Hongbo quietly, and waited for the other party's next speech.

Zhao Hongbo continued: "First of all, as the general director of the show, I apologize to the performers who were offended by Yang Xiong. I am responsible for my poor management. After I go back, I will definitely criticize him severely and give you a satisfactory answer. , please believe me..."

Yang Xiong was aggrieved and wanted to defend himself. After all, what Deputy Director Zhao said was tantamount to admitting that he was playing a hooligan. However, after meeting Deputy Director Zhao's sharp eyes, he immediately lowered his head because he understood what Deputy Director Zhao said. It means that if deputy director Zhao's plan is destroyed, the consequences will be very serious.

"Secondly, I think this matter may be a misunderstanding. Of course, I didn't say that because Yang Xiong is my subordinate. Everyone calm down and think about it. If he really wants to use work to harass him, he will do so in private. No one would do that, and there are so many people here, wouldn't he be throwing himself into a trap by doing that?" Zhao Hongbo said.

"Director Zhao, do you mean we wronged him?" the beauty asked loudly.

"Maybe you CTV people are used to being arrogant?" Others said.

The corner of Zhao Hongbo's mouth twitched, and he said patiently: "I didn't say that you wronged him, I just said that there is a possibility of misunderstanding, what is misunderstanding? Misunderstanding is actually a coincidence, a coincidence that makes people misunderstand, and he is right , you are right, everyone is right, so why don't we just turn this page, how about this, in order to avoid misunderstandings from happening again, I am announcing here that Yang Xiong is no longer in charge of backstage work and on-site director work, and immediately go back and reflect , what do you think?"

The beauty thought for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Well, since you have said so, I will forgive him this time." Then she turned to look at Yang Xiong, and said seriously: "In the future, don't touch actors, backup dancers It’s also an actor, and it’s also dignified.”


Yang Xiong opened his mouth, but after realizing that Deputy Director Zhao was looking at him coldly, he obediently closed his mouth.

I, I am really wronged!


(End of this chapter)

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