The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 963 Who Will Clean Up The Mess?

Chapter 963 Who Will Clean Up The Mess?
"Director Zhao? Director Zhao!" Yang Xiong hurriedly caught up with Deputy Director Zhao in front and stopped him.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Hongbo had a serious face, and there was a hint of impatience between his brows.

Such a big incident happened just after the rehearsal. Fortunately, he handed over the backstage work to the other party again, which really failed his trust and expectations.

Shame, so shameful.

After he took charge of China Television's large-scale program center, there has never been such a scandal.

It's only been a few days since you came to Xiazhou and you can't bear it anymore?

If you really want to, you can spend some money to solve it, spend some money.

There is a backstage, not a harem.

Too presumptuous!

"Director Zhao, please believe me, I was really wronged, it was just a misunderstanding." Yang Xiong explained with a bitter face.

"Okay, okay, this matter is over, you don't need to talk about it anymore." Zhao Hongbo said impatiently.

He finally managed to help the other party turn the big thing into a small one, but this person is still holding on to it. Isn't this just looking for trouble, and isn't there enough chaos?

In fact, to him, it doesn't matter whether he was wronged or not. The important thing is that the other party's behavior misunderstood others and made the whole backstage into a mess, which not only affected today's rehearsal work, but also affected the reputation of CTV. Just wrong.

"Director Zhao, then I don't care about my work in the backstage, but please rest assured, I will definitely do a good job as an on-site director." Yang Xiong said solemnly.

When Zhao Hongbo heard this, his expression darkened immediately, and he snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, even the backstage is not well managed. With such a big incident, do you think I will hand over the job of on-site director to you?"

If it wasn't for the sake of his colleagues for many years, he would have told the other party to leave long ago, and asking the other party to go back to the hotel to reflect is already a very light punishment.

"Farewell, Director Zhao, I have been in our large-scale program center for so many years. I have worked hard without credit, and I am tired without hard work. I am not allowed to participate in this New Year's Eve party because of such a trivial matter. Isn't it a bit of a big deal? ? Those who don’t know really think I’m playing a hooligan.” Yang Xiong said aggrievedly.

"A trivial matter? Do you still think it is a trivial matter?" Zhao Hongbo stared at the other party and said: "If I hadn't stepped forward, you would have been taken back to the police station by the police at this moment. Don't you think it was me? Isn't there enough trouble?"

"But I really..."

Yang Xiong wanted to explain, but before he finished speaking, Zhao Hongbo grabbed his clothes.

"If you dare to say the word wrong to me again, I will ask them to call the police and report the matter to the station!" Zhao Hongbo said viciously.

Yang Xiong trembled in shock. If this matter was reported to the station, his days at CTS would be over.

Although he felt that he was wronged and innocent, did he get a woman in his arms?Hug, did you touch it?If he touches it, based on this alone, he won't be able to get away easily.

And it will not only affect his career, but even his family will be affected.

Harassing women in the name of work?
If this matter got to his wife's ears, she would have to divorce him, and her daughter would be laughed at at school.

"Director Zhao, I won't say it anymore, I won't say it again, but you have to arrange another job for me, right? Don't let me go back to the hotel." Yang Xiong begged bitterly.

He knew that it was impossible for him to clean up, and there were too many witnesses, so now he just wanted to keep a little self-esteem for himself and save some face.

As the old saying goes: people need face, and trees need bark.

He has worked in China TV for so many years, and he is usually a decent person outside, but now he is directly on the ground, who can bear it?
"I just said it in front of so many people, do you want me to break my promise?" Zhao Hongbo glared at Yang Xiong, thinking that this person is too ignorant, and he wanted to drag him when something happened to him , if those female backup dancers see her, why don't you seek justice from him?

At that time, he will be surrounded by people.

Now there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him and Yang Xiong. At this time, we must be more careful, not to be careless, otherwise even he will get involved, from advocating justice to being a coward.

"Director Zhao, just give me a chance, I promise that nothing like this will happen again, I swear." Yang Xiong raised his hand and stretched out three fingers to show his determination.

"I asked you to go back and reflect. It is the greatest tolerance for you. You don't have to worry about the stage. Others will complete your work very well. Let's go." go.

He is really lazy to pay attention to the other party now, and he is not in the mood to talk to the other party. He is considering who to replace Yang Xiong and clean up the mess left by the other party.

You can't let him, the chief director, stay in the background all the time, can you?

"Director Zhao..."

Yang Xiong walked a few steps to catch up, but stopped soon. On the one hand, Deputy Director Zhao's indifferent attitude made him retreat; on the other hand, even if he caught up, he didn't know what to say. Because everything that should be said has already been said, if you repeat those few words, not only will it not have any effect, but it will also make the other party feel disgusted.

Ah, forget it!

Yang Xiong sighed deeply.

No matter what, it was better to be driven back to the hotel than to be driven back to the capital.

Yang Xiong looked down at the work card on his chest, then pulled it off, and walked out of the venue depressed.

Zhao Hongbo went back to the front of the stage and wasted more than 20 minutes this time. In addition to the more than 20 minutes of waiting, it seems that today will be busy until dark.

As for what time he will be busy until night, he is not sure. Although Yang Xiong has left, it may take some time for the backstage to restore order.

Yu Yan at the side looked at Zhao Hongbo who hadn't spoken for a long time, and couldn't help but said, "Director Zhao, why don't you let everyone rest for a while and continue the rehearsal later?"

Although she said she wanted everyone to rest, she actually wanted Zhao Hongbo to rest and let the other party calm down.

Not to mention the chief director, even she, the assistant director in charge of dancing, is very angry now, wishing to kick Yang Xiong into the sea.

That is to say, there are too many people here, Deputy Director Zhao took into account the influence, if there is no one around, the other party will definitely explode completely.

"En." Zhao Hongbo nodded.

He needs to be calm, everyone needs to be calm.

"Director Zhao, drink some water." Jiang Qize handed over a bottle of mineral water, and turned off the fire for the director. The director was so angry that he, the assistant director, had to be careful.

Zhao Hongbo was not polite. After unscrewing the cap, he drank half of the bottle in one go. His hot heart felt better. Then he looked at the three assistant directors and said, "Yang Xiong is gone, who do you think will take over his job?" More appropriate?"

The on-site director not only has a lot of work tasks, but also has a heavy workload. As the person in charge of the on-site director team, he must manage every link, including some trivial matters. Therefore, this position is not suitable for just anyone. So Yang Xiong's departure also made Zhao Hongbo very distressed, but there was no way, who would let the other party behave indiscriminately?

Yu Yan and Jiang Qize looked at each other, but neither of them said a word. They had never thought about this matter before, so being asked such a question now felt a little sudden.

Jiang Yuanyue at the side acted as if she hadn't heard it, her eyes were looking at the sea not far away to see the scenery, as if she wasn't among the people who asked.

Seeing the expressions of the other three clearly, Zhao Hongbo sighed secretly, it seemed that he had to make up his mind.


He went through all the people in the on-site director team in his head, and then asked, "What do you think of Guo Yangyang?"

"Guo Yangyang? He has never directed a large-scale cultural evening and lacks relevant experience." Yu Yan said truthfully.

Such a large-scale outdoor party has very high requirements for the staff in each position, especially the person in charge of the position must have rich experience in the position.

"Where's Wang Kai?" Zhao Hongbo asked again.

"Wang Kai is too young, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold back the audience." Jiang Qize said.

In addition to job experience, leadership skills are also very important. If this is lacking, no one will take his words seriously.

"Then what's the point?" Zhao Hongbo racked his brains to propose another one.

"He Zhong is not bad, I agree." Jiang Qize said after hearing it.

"Well, He Zhong has experience in directing theme evenings, and I agree." Yu Yan said while nodding.

Zhao Hongbo looked at Jiang Yuanyue who was the only one who did not express his opinion, and asked, "Xiao Jiang, what do you think?"

"Me?" Jiang Yuanyue said slowly: "He Zhong's conditions are really good in all aspects, and he has the ability to be the head of the on-site director team. He should be able to direct the team members to do things well, but I am worried that no one will Listen to him."

The other three were taken aback.

Outside the group?

In addition to the staff on the scene, they are the performers. Besides the staff, isn't there only the performers left?
"Why?" Zhao Hongbo asked.

This is the New Year's Eve party of China TV. If the performers don't listen to the arrangements of the staff of China TV, then what are these people doing here?Sightseeing?
"Yang Xiong is one of us, isn't he? He was caught by those performers just now, and the whole backstage is probably scolding us now. If we let CTV's people take charge of the backstage work at this time, those performers will definitely not It’s difficult to give a good face, and it’s difficult to direct, if you say it shallow, it won’t work;

After Jiang Yuanyue finished speaking, she showed a gloating expression.

Although as an assistant director, she doesn't want to have problems with the rehearsal, but what happened just now makes her feel secretly. You must know that she has always disagreed with the replacement of the director in the backstage work, and because of this, she was repeatedly squeezed by the on-site director team. , how is it now, something went wrong?

Live it!

Zhao Hongbo thought for a while silently. Although what Jiang Yuanyue said may be exaggerated, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Now the back stage is so chaotic, and the performers also have opinions on the CTV employees. If we can't arrange a strong person to manage it at this time, I'm afraid the backstage will become more and more chaotic.

Of course, this strength does not refer to strong words and strict management, but refers to the prestige of the person and the strength of the words, so that the performers in the backstage are willing to obey.

For example, He Zhong mentioned just now, although he has no problem with his abilities, he has no reputation and no official position. Will the performers obey his command?

Zhao Hongbo couldn't help looking at the three people in front of him, hesitantly asked: "How about, who of you is not busy with work, and you are going to be responsible for the backstage work?"

Yu Yan immediately shook her head, and said, "I can't, I have to be in charge of all choreography, and I can't be separated from the stage rehearsal."

"Director Zhao, I can't do it anymore. If I go to the backstage, who will be responsible for all the production work?" Jiang Qize said, he is in charge of the technical part, such as cutting, special effects, etc., and has extremely high professional requirements.

The backstage is so chaotic now, he doesn't want to clean up the mess for Yang Xiong.

If you do well, you will have no merit, and if you don’t do well, you will pass it off, and you will be a fool.

Zhao Hongbo looked at Jiang Yuanyue, pinning all his hopes on him.

Jiang Yuanyue shrugged and said indifferently: "I can go, but who of you will take over my job and communicate with the stars?"


Zhao Hongbo, who was still happy after hearing the first half of the sentence, lost the idea of ​​asking the other party to be in charge of the backstage work after hearing the latter part of the sentence, because those celebrity artists are much more difficult to deal with than the performers.

Things suddenly came back to square one.

"Director Zhao, I do have a candidate." A figure suddenly flashed in Yu Yan's mind.

"Who?" Zhao Hongbo raised his head, his eyes full of expectation.

"Xu Jie, Mr. Xu, you arranged him to be in charge of backstage work in the second half of the last rehearsal, didn't the effect go well?" Yu Yan said.

Zhao Hongbo was slightly taken aback, then his eyes lit up.


I just thought about looking for it in CTS before, but I forgot about this person.

"I'm afraid he won't agree, and our people won't agree." Jiang Qize said after hearing this.

An embarrassing expression appeared on Zhao Hongbo's face.

Yes, the day before yesterday after the rehearsal, he was kicked away, and today the rehearsal accident brought him back, who can feel at ease?

As for his own people, he didn't think much about it. This time, if anyone had any objections, he would let them take charge of the backstage work, and if they made a mistake, they would get out of the large program center.

"Xiao Jiang." Zhao Hongbo looked at Jiang Yuanyue again, and at this time he had no choice but to ask him for help.

"Director Zhao, don't look at me like that. I was the one who persuaded Mr. Xu to be in charge of the backstage work before, and I was the one who explained the reason for being replaced to Mr. Xu later. If you let me go again, it would be a bit of a bully. "Jiang Yuanyue said lightly.

Her back was straightened, she was full of confidence, and even her words were hardened, as if to say: Who told you not to listen to me back then?Now it's all your fault.

Zhao Hongbo was directly stuck by the top, and he also knew that his capriciousness was indeed a bit too frequent, so he was not ashamed to let Jiang Yuanyue go.

In the end, there was really nothing to do, so I just gritted my teeth.

"You are waiting for me here, I will invite you in person!"


 Happy New Year~~~!There is no first day, no need to wait, feel at ease for the new year
(End of this chapter)

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