The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 964 Invitation to come out

Chapter 964 Invitation to come out

Zhao Hongbo is a shameless person, but this time he invited people, it was a bit shameless, but now, he can't care so much, after all, compared with face, the New Year's Eve party is the most important right now , if the New Year's Eve party is not done well, don't talk about face, you will lose your whole body.

When the others heard that Deputy Director Zhao was going to invite him in person, they also showed expressions of surprise. They didn't expect that Deputy Director Zhao would put down his dignity to do such a thing.

Anyway, Deputy Director Zhao is also the department leader of Huaxia TV Station. Although Xu Jie is also the leader, he is only the vice president of a media company affiliated to Beijing TV Station. There is still a certain gap between the identities of the two.

Doesn't Deputy Director Zhao feel that his identity will be damaged by doing this?

"Director Zhao, how can you invite him in person?" Jiang Qize said hurriedly, while posing as if he wanted to stop him.

The implication: you are the leader, you can't go.

The dignity of the leader is guarded by him, Jiang Qize.

"Oh? How about you invite me instead?" Zhao Hongbo looked at Jiang Qize and asked.

Jiang Qize was immediately stunned.

be honest?

Jiang Qize's embarrassing old face flushed, he lowered his head in embarrassment, and never spoke again, nor did he protect the dignity of the leader.

To harass the female backup dancer?
That Yang Xiong is really courageous.

"Director Zhao, you think highly of me when you say that, but I'm not as good as you think." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Well, since Director Zhao said so, I'll try it. I don't care about other people's faces, but I have to give Director Zhao's." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Thank you, no need." Zhao Hongbo knew that Yu Yan was pretending to be confused, so he could only look at Jiang Yuanyue in the end, hoping that the other party would stand up bravely to save him because he was the leader of the unit.

"Oh, don't mention it, it's embarrassing to say it."

"Mr. Xu, one of our staff members is not feeling well, can I trouble you to go back and preside over the backstage work again?"

"it is good."

What kind of employees are these? Why don't they know how to share the worries of the leaders?Do you still want to improve in the future?

Zhao Hongbo's gaze swept over the faces of the three of them again, seeing that there was still no one responding, he finally sighed helplessly, said all the words, and could only wipe his own ass.

Zhao Hongbo got out of the car and jumped into the elevator after entering the hotel, thinking about how to speak to Xu Jie later.


He wanted to know what Deputy Director Zhao had said to that Xu.

After meeting Deputy Director Zhao's gaze, Jiang Yuanyue also understood what the other person was thinking, so she smiled and said, "Director Zhao, come on, we'll wait for you to come back."

Beijing TV Culture has employees at the performance site, and after returning at night, someone will definitely tell Xu Jie what happened at the rehearsal site today.

Zhao Hongbo thought for a while, and finally shook his head, denying this statement himself.

Xu Jie closed the laptop, picked up a coat, and followed Zhao Hongbo out of the room.

Zhao Hongbo was speechless.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Hongbo asked with a frown, and at the same time, he was full of hatred. If the other party didn't cause such a big trouble, he didn't have to come back to invite Xu Jie himself.

"President Xu, I'm sorry to interrupt your creation." Zhao Hongbo walked into the room, and saw the document displayed on the laptop screen at a glance, which should be a sketch script.

If it was his subordinate, it would be settled with one phone call, not to mention racking his brains to find a reason to persuade him on the way here.

Zhao Hongbo was about to go out, but he saw Yang Xiong, who was ordered by him to come back to reflect, standing outside the elevator.

Zhao Hongbo knew that Jiang Qize had this kind of virtue, so he looked at Yu Yan.

That is to say, it is not feasible to find other reasons to deceive the other party, because the other party will know the truth sooner or later. If he says that, it will make the other party think that he is a liar.

He and Xu Jie are neither alumni nor friends, even if he wants to invite him, can he agree to come?

He was used to replace the person surnamed Xu before, and now the person surnamed Xu is used to replace him. Doesn't this mean that he can't do it?What's the difference between hitting him in the face?
Even if one of the colleagues in the unit is randomly selected to be in charge of the background work, why is it this Xu?
Deputy Director Zhao rang the doorbell, and soon the door opened, and Deputy Director Zhao walked into the room.

He suspected that the other party was mocking him, but there was no evidence.

Zhao Hongbo thought to himself: It would be nice if you didn't do me a disservice.

"Luck, just luck."

"Director Zhao!" Jiang Yuanyue shouted suddenly.

Yu Yan knew that Deputy Director Zhao was waiting for her to express her opinion, but she didn't know Xu Jie very well, so she said, "Director Zhao, do you need me to drive you back?"

As the door closed, the corridor returned to calm.


"I, I, I'll go out and buy a mobile phone charging cable." Yang Xiong hurriedly found a reason after he came back to his senses. After Zhao Hongbo, he was pleasantly surprised and asked excitedly, "Director Zhao, are you looking for me to go back?"

The corner of Zhao Hongbo's mouth twitched, and the anticipation disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Not to mention him as an ordinary person, even the emperor would be dizzy and confused when he encountered flattery.

It's fine for those ignorant performers to want that Xu to go back. Unexpectedly, even Deputy Director Zhao wants to want that Xu to go back. Doesn't he become a grandma who doesn't kiss his uncle or love him?
Looking at the empty corridor, an idea suddenly popped up in Yang Xiong's mind, and then he walked out of the room surnamed Xu, with his ears pressed tightly to the door, carefully listening to the movement inside.

"Thank you." Zhao Hongbo said angrily.

Yu Yan and Jiang Qize on the side looked at Jiang Yuanyue in surprise, thinking that the other party might have changed his mind, right?
Zhao Hongbo also thought so, so he looked at Jiang Yuanyue in surprise and anticipation, and even planned to go back.

But if this is done, it seems that it will affect the reputation of China Television.

"Mr. Xu, can we now..." Zhao Hongbo turned his head and pointed out the window, meaning that we can leave.

"Humble, Mr. Xu, you are too modest. Who doesn't know that you are proficient in variety shows, evening parties, movies, and TV dramas? Not to mention the people who came to Xiazhou this time, even in our entire large-scale program center, there is no one like you. Such an all-rounder." Zhao Hongbo said seriously.

I didn't expect that such an interesting thing happened at the rehearsal site after I didn't go there for a day. It seems that I have to go often in the future.

After a few minutes of tugging, Xu Jie finally let go.

As for the identity of the deputy director, it is good for the employees of China Television's large-scale program center, but it really doesn't work for the man in front of him.

Yang Xiong gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes were bloodshot with anger.

"Director Zhao, you Huashi Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger has a lot of talents. This time there are so many people here, just find someone to take the top. Why come back to me? Besides, how can my level be compared to yours? ?” Xu Jie waved his hands again and again.

"You should reflect on yourself." Zhao Hongbo said, and then walked to the end of the corridor.

Yang Xiong was about to enter the elevator, but from the corner of his eye, he saw Deputy Director Zhao parked outside a room. According to him, it was not Deputy Director Zhao's room, but Xu Jie's room.

No way, it's too comfortable to hold.

Jiang Yuanyue raised his arms at this moment, and waved vigorously in Zhao Hongbo's direction, "Director Zhao, have a good journey!"

By the way, the one surnamed Xu is still in the hotel.

"Mr. Xu, please don't say that. Actually, before I came back to you, I deliberately held a meeting with other assistant directors to discuss who would be in charge of the backstage work. Guess what? Everyone always thought that there was no one better than you. It's suitable for this job, really, other people are not as good as you." Zhao Hongbo said solemnly.

She is not stupid. If Deputy Director Zhao is really going to go, he should leave now, don't delay the rehearsal time, and the other party not only stands still, but also looks at them one by one. This is not waiting for them to rush to take over the pot ?
Hehe, whoever picks up picks up, she doesn't pick up anyway.

"Why do you want to go back? Are you causing trouble for me?" Zhao Hongbo said angrily.

"Thank you. In fact, we don't need to be so polite, and we are not outsiders." Zhao Hongbo said with a smile.


Could it be that Deputy Director Zhao came back to find that Xu?
Could it be, could it be that he was going to let the person surnamed Xu go back to take charge of the background work?

But this door
The sound insulation seems a bit too good, why can't I hear anything?

"Mr. Xu..."

Everyone was at the rehearsal scene, and he was the only one in the hotel, so in Yang Xiong's opinion, Deputy Director Zhao must be looking for him when he comes back.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiong's face turned green.

Originally, I was able to rehearse more than a dozen programs this morning, but after the other party's "help", except for the three programs that have already been rehearsed, I guess I don't have time to rehearse other programs.

Seeing that the elevator was about to arrive at the floor where the working group of the party was located, Zhao Hongbo's heart swayed, and the impact would be the impact. Anyway, thousands of people at the rehearsal site had already known about the hooliganism of the CTS employees, and Xu Jie was not alone.

When Zhao Hongbo saw the situation, he knew what was going on. He must have been eavesdropping on the conversation between him and Xu Jie outside.

Xu Jie listened with great interest and interest.

Watching a play is watching a play, and working is working, and the two should not be confused.

The elevator stopped, and the elevator doors slowly opened to both sides.

He lied, but it doesn't matter, as long as people can follow him, everything else is secondary.

"Sudden situation? What's the situation? Also, isn't the backstage job handed over to Director Yang?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously, wondering if he had missed some exciting episode?

It's Yang Xiong.

"It's not over, isn't this a little unexpected situation, so I want to ask Mr. Xu to help out. It's still the previous job, in charge of the backstage." Zhao Hongbo said with a smile, because this smile is a little embarrassed, a little embarrassed, Also somewhat reluctant.

Yang Xiong suddenly remembered, and then his heart tightened, and he immediately stopped walking into the elevator, and retracted the foot that stepped into the elevator.

You must know that this is an excellent opportunity to solve problems for the leaders and show the leaders the ability to work.

At the same time, I finally breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, and finally got it done.

"Yang Xiong, Yang Xiong, you, you really make me look good." Zhao Hongbo said through gritted teeth.

The two of you say a word to me, and no one will let the other.

"Then when you come back, this is..." Yang Xiong was puzzled.

It seems that it is not in vain to listen to Jiang Qize's flattery, but he used it all today.

To put it bluntly, how old is he?

"It's nothing, I just want to take a rest." Xu Jie took a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Zhao Hongbo, then pointed to the sofa beside him and said, "Director Zhao, please sit down."

Xu Jie picked up the chair in front of the desk, then sat opposite Zhao Hongbo, looked at him and asked, "Director Zhao, isn't there a rehearsal today? Why are you back? Is the rehearsal over?"

"Why, do I need to explain to you what I'm doing here?" Zhao Hongbo had a gloomy face. The more he looked at Yang Xiong, the more he hated him.
"No, no, Director Zhao, I don't mean that, I just care about you, see if there is anything I can help." Yang Xiong really wanted to go back to the rehearsal scene, so he couldn't hold back for a while, and now he realizes It was really wrong until now, so I hurriedly explained.

"Director Zhao..."

Both were stunned.

Bon Voyage?
He is returning to the hotel and not traveling far away. Is there any need to say this kind of blessing?

"Really? That's really great, thank you Mr. Xu." Zhao Hongbo stood up directly, tightly grasped Xu Jie's hand, and shook it vigorously excitedly.

"I'm leaving, be smart and don't make trouble again." Zhao Hongbo ordered angrily, and then walked towards the parking lot.


That's why he came to invite people in person.

Sure enough, everything needs to be accumulated slowly. If he hadn't listened carefully to Jiang Qize's flattery before, he wouldn't be able to perform so well today.

"Luck is also a part of strength. I also want to have such luck, but I can't meet it."

And if the other party really agreed to go, after the rehearsal scene, someone will definitely tell the other party what happened before.

Zhao Hongbo sighed deeply, shook his head sadly, and finally continued: "Isn't it because I'm worried that you don't have time to write sketch scripts, so I asked Yang Xiong to take over from you to manage the backstage again. Who would have thought that this person would use his job as a You went to harass the female backup dancer, although he repeatedly explained that it was a misunderstanding, but the matter has already had a bad impact. I have told him to go back and reflect on it, and revoked all his work, but the rehearsal work cannot be stopped, otherwise it will affect To the effect of the performance, so I can only come back and ask you to come out again."

No matter how awesome he is as the leader of CTS, can he manage people from other TV stations' subsidiaries?


Zhao Hongbo couldn't wait to open the door, and then saw a person rushing in from the outside, and fell to the ground.

Yang Xiong hurriedly stood up from the ground, "Director Zhao, I..."


It doesn't matter.

The park where the New Year's Eve party is held is not far from the hotel where the working group stayed, and it takes about 10 minutes by car.

"Get out!" Zhao Hongbo said viciously, he was ready to beat others, he rarely lost his temper, but this time he was really angry.

Yang Xiong also knew that his behavior was very bad, so he returned to the room with his head down.

Today's face is completely lost.


(End of this chapter)

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