Chapter 965 Wrong place?
The car stopped slowly in an open space, and Xu Jie opened the door and walked out.

Not far away is the rehearsal site, but there is no one on the stage, and there are people everywhere except the stage.

Xu Jie looked at everything in front of him, but his heart was extremely peaceful. After all, he had been here many times, and the stage was designed and accepted by him. No one is more familiar with this place than him.

"President Xu, everyone is waiting for you, please hurry up." Zhao Hongbo said with a smile, and then stretched his finger forward

Compared with the anger when he left, at this moment he was smiling all over his face, and even his steps became lighter when he was walking, not as heavy as before.

Xu Jie nodded and followed Zhao Hongbo towards the stage.

"Mr. Xu, you are still in charge of all the backstage work, but because of the incident caused by Yang Xiong before, the performers now have a lot of opinions on the staff, so I will trouble you later, and at the same time, pay attention to the scale... ..." Zhao Hongbo instructed as he walked.

It is related to today's rehearsal and the performance on New Year's Eve, so he is very worried now. If there is a situation of unstable people and emotional ups and downs, he may not even be able to sleep for a while.

Hearing what Zhao Hongbo said, Xu Jie felt a pressure in his originally calm heart. Yang Xiong's big scandal really discredited the staff. It is estimated that the performers in the backstage have already regarded all the staff as Beware of potential hooligans, be on guard, but any disturbance will affect the emotions of all the performers.

Well, it's really not easy.

"Where is it? Wow, it's really Director Xu, Director Xu is really here."

It shouldn't be, isn't the rehearsal work already suspended?Who would be so short-sighted as to commit crimes against the wind, isn't this sending himself into the bureau?

"Why did Director Zhao find this Xu again?"

"President Xu, it's great that you can go." Zhao Hongbo secretly breathed a sigh of relief after speaking, thinking that the other party would choose to run away.

Zhao Hongbo reached out and patted the young man on the shoulder, and handed over all backstage matters to the other party, hoping to reverse the current chaotic situation.

As soon as his words fell, the people around immediately fell silent. From the front to the back, the backstage, which was originally full of voices, quickly became completely silent.

I don't want meritorious service, but I don't want to be beaten.

The CTS people looked at each other, they all wanted to control, but they were worried that it would be counterproductive, like a spring, the more you press it down, the higher the bounce, and the person in charge has just been sent back to the hotel for self-reflection, so everyone chooses Stand aside and watch.

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out at all.

You must know that from the beginning of the rehearsal to the present, these performers have never been quiet, either chatting or swearing, but now, the one surnamed Xu just said to say a few words, and all the performers stopped talking. Is this true? Is it magic?Even when Deputy Director Zhao was speaking, everyone was not so quiet.

Why did they roll their eyes or snort coldly when they passed by, while the one surnamed Xu just greeted and cheered when they passed by?What's more, they are still from China TV, so they should be more popular.

Xu Jie originally wanted to simply say hello to the performers behind him, but there were still performers behind him, and all the actors were waving to him, including celebrities, so Xu Jie could only keep walking back, go straight.

No quarrel in the morning, no quarrel in the evening, but it happened when Deputy Director Zhao came back. Isn't this giving him eye drops?

"Yeah, it's a mess, so let's just stand here and wait for the show, hehe."

"Why didn't you check the situation?" Zhao Hongbo asked loudly.

The voice behind the stage gradually became louder, like a temple fair, which also made the staff who had just breathed a sigh of relief tense up again.

In fact, it's not that it's too late, but that he doesn't want to step into the muddy water backstage.

Xu Jie came to the back of the stage, it was fine if he didn't come, everyone was just discussing with each other, but as soon as he appeared here, it was like the time for reading aloud in the morning self-study, his voice was loud and noisy.

"I know Director Zhao, I will pay attention." Xu Jie said, the expression on his face became extraordinarily cautious.

Hearing Director Xu's response, the scene became even more lively, and some people behind the performance line were unwilling to be robbed of the limelight by those in front, so they waved their hands and shouted: "Director Xu, here, We've been waiting for you too."

CTV employees discussed in private.

At the same time, Xu Jie's appearance also attracted the attention of many people, and the people who were complaining immediately became excited.

Maybe Director Yang, who returned to the hotel to reflect, will soon have a companion.

Why did he become a condolence actor again?

From being depressed at the beginning, CTV's employees gradually turned into gloating, because everyone knows how messy the backstage is now.

Even if you have any prejudice, you must bear it in your heart.

what happened again?
Can we still have fun together?

Is there someone doing work harassment again?

Therefore, he felt it was necessary to warn those under his command.

As soon as Hu Zhen opened his mouth, the artist who signed the contract followed suit, and when the artist opened his mouth, everyone around him also spoke.

They don't want to know how this Xu got here, they just want to see with their own eyes how this Xu disappeared.

Looking at the back of the young man leaving, Zhao Hongbo suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out the walkie-talkie and said: "Attention all departments, attention all departments, from now on, Mr. All departments must cooperate well and follow Mr. Xu's instructions. His words are my words. If anyone dares to embarrass Mr. Xu, or deliberately neglect the tasks assigned by Mr. Xu, don't blame me for being rude!"

Seeing this scene, the CTS people were once again stunned.

"Who knows, maybe Director Zhao thinks neither of us is suitable, but then again, if you are asked to take over Director Yang, would you be willing?"

Isn't the person surnamed Xu also a staff member here?

"Director Zhao, I don't know, I was fine just now." Jiang Qize said with a bitter face, feeling very depressed in his heart.

Xu Jie glanced behind the stage, then walked over resolutely.

"Director Xu, let's get started!"

"It doesn't matter what he is here for, as long as he can notice me, I want to be a lady."

"You guys said, did Director Xu come this time for casting, or for rehearsal?"

Even Deputy Director Zhao, who is the chief director of the show, didn't he manage to suppress the chaotic scene just now?

"Look, it's Director Xu!"

"Isn't it because Director Yang failed to live up to expectations and caused such a big scandal that I couldn't hold my head up in the backstage."

Xu Jie thought for a while, before Yang Xiong made everyone unhappy, now that he is in charge of the background work, he really should say a few words to gain everyone's support, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then I will simply Say a few words."


Whoever makes Xu Jie uncomfortable, he will make anyone uncomfortable.

What's happening here?
When I came here before, I didn't listen carefully, and I couldn't hear clearly. I only knew that the sound was very noisy and chaotic, but now that I listened to it at a close distance, coupled with the joyful and elated faces, it felt like he imagined. And Zhao Hongbo's description is different?

"Director Zhao, leave it to me, I'll go and have a look." Xu Jie said to Zhao Hongbo.

Xu Jie swallowed unconsciously, and by the way, swallowed the words he had planned to appease, then put his palms together in front of his chest, and changed his words: "Thank you, thank you for your love."

After Xu Jie heard it clearly, he stayed where he was, with question marks constantly popping out of his head.

"Director Xu, I'm finally looking forward to you."

Those CTV employees who were waiting to see the good show were all dumbfounded.


The performers next to him also shouted loudly: "Director Xu, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Director Xu, let me tell you a few words." Standing in the crowd, Hu Zhen suddenly shouted.

Xu Jie also heard the voice from the backstage, but since he had promised Zhao Hongbo, how could he go back on his word?

This year's China TV New Year's Eve Gala has more than 30 programs, and the actors of these programs have all arrived today. Therefore, Xu Jie went from the first program performance team to the last program performance team. Don't forget to shake hands, after all, no one knows who is behind, and those who don't know think that he is just like the people in CTS, who are so arrogant and look down on others.

This is completely different from what they imagined.

Xu Jie came to the front of the performance team, and was about to speak to calm everyone's emotions, but a performer standing at the front shouted loudly: "Director Xu, you are finally here!"

Xu Jie saw the situation, everyone was so enthusiastic, but it was not good to go and say hello, so he walked towards the performance team behind.

Why are you making trouble again?

"Great, Director Xu has finally appeared. My money for new clothes is finally worth it. I need to fix my makeup quickly."

Hearing this voice, Xu Jie called out to hold the grass in his heart, how many people did Yang Xiong touch, and so many people were dissatisfied?
The salty pig's hand should not have this effect, but it must be Avalokitesvara for it to be possible.

"Speak a few words, say a few words."

When Zhao Hongbo heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes. What he said seemed to be because of his return, the performers started to quarrel.

In fact, he still admires Yang Xiong's courage. With so many beautiful girls, who wouldn't want to touch them?

Where?Why can't you see anything?
Could it be that I went to the wrong rehearsal site?

He knew that the employees under him looked down on Jingshi Culture and Mr. Xu, otherwise they would not collectively pressure him to replace him after the first rehearsal.

To be honest, he has never been so angry this year as he is today.

Zhao Hongbo, who had just walked to the front of the stage, immediately turned ugly when he heard the noise from the backstage. While he was nervous, he was also very depressed.


"I, I saw that you invited Mr. Xu here, and I was so happy that I just greeted him, and I haven't had time to check the situation." Jiang Qize explained.

"Little Jiang, what's going on?" Zhao Hongbo frowned and asked Jiang Qize who was walking towards him.

The corner of Zhao Hongbo's mouth twitched, thinking: What the hell is it, and I'm still thinking about being flattered!
He turned his head to look at Xu Jie at the side, and said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Xu, look at the situation..."

His surname is Xu, one is not from China Television, and the other is just the assistant director of the show. It is a dream to want all the performers to be obedient.

But today is different, he was the one who invited Xu Jie back to be the person in charge of the backstage, and Yang Xiong’s incident also caused the performers to have a big opinion of the CTS employees. Jie, make trouble for Xu Jie
Slapping him in the face is a trivial matter, but if it affects the rehearsal work later, it will be a big trouble.

When the CTS employees heard what Deputy Director Zhao said, they felt extremely complicated for a while.

"I, I, forget it, I don't want to take this mess."

Some people wonder why CTS doesn't use CTS's own people to take charge of the backstage work; some people question why he, Xu Jie, takes over all the backstage work; but more people are depressed that the dignified CTS employees have to take orders from a small company The vice president, is it still not being laughed at when it spreads?It is a joke that there is no one in Huashi, and it is a joke that they are not as good as the vice president of a small company.

If it was only at the temple fair level before, it is now at the sports meeting level.

What's more, it's not his style to hide when he sees difficulties. Wouldn't spreading the word damage his reputation and image?
Let alone a quarrel, even if there was a fight, he had to rush to the front line.

Who did he provoke?

"Having said that, but with so many people in CTS, isn't there anyone who is qualified to be the person in charge of the backstage? Why do we have to find an outsider?"

"Yes, we are all ready and waiting for you."

It was hard for him to persuade Xu Jie to come out of the mountain again and take over this tricky job. As a result, this kind of thing happened just after returning to the rehearsal scene. What if Xu Jie was scared away?Wasn't his previous flattery for nothing?
That was the flattery he paid for putting down the dignity of the deputy director. Even Director Chen Ya and Chen had never enjoyed so many flattery from him.


Some people raised their feet, some raised their faces, and everyone looked at Director Xu expectantly, waiting for the other party to speak.

What about the white eyes?
What about swear words?
Since Yang Xiong's incident happened, these staff members have often been treated like this. How come everyone's attitude has changed when it's Xu's turn?
Well, this doesn't make sense at all.

It doesn't matter if you go, the performers in the back are even more excited after seeing it. This is a rare opportunity to show themselves to Director Xu, so while greeting Director Xu, each of them raised their chests, raised their heads, retracted their stomachs, raised their hips, and flew their eyes. The most beautiful side showed.

Is the difference too big?

Big enough to make people envious and jealous.

The people from CTS watched the person surnamed Xu silently, but compared with the expectations shown by other performers, their eyes were more melancholy and the loss of being overwhelmed by their popularity.

God, this is too unfair!

(End of this chapter)

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