The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 967 It Has to Be You!

Chapter 967 It Has to Be You!

Before long, the rehearsal continued.

Xu Jie stood in the background, ready to fight.

He originally thought that after experiencing the conflict between the staff and the performers, there would be many problems waiting for him to deal with, but after a long time, there was not a single problem.

The staff was active and serious, and the performers were full of emotions. Although it was just a rehearsal, it looked like a formal performance. Xu Jie began to doubt whether he was necessary to exist.

Here, he is not needed at all.

However, there was one problem that he still didn't understand.

Why did Zhao Hongbo say that the order in the backstage was chaotic?
Look, isn't this great?

Or is it that, as a person from China TV, he has high requirements for order in the backstage?

However, he had participated in the China TV Spring Festival Gala, and the order in the backstage was not so good. It could even be said that it was not as good as here.

Hearing this, Xu Jie couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face. Now he finally understood why Zhao Hongbo said that the order in the backstage was not good, but what he saw was the opposite.

"Mr. Xu, I didn't see it, but I heard from others that it seems that because the director of CTS, Yang Xiong, hugged a female backup dancer because of his lust." Xiao Zhenyu said in a low voice, afraid that CTV's staff would hear.

If everyone on the scene can't tell the whole story, who else can tell the whole story?
Some things may not be seen clearly even by the parties involved.

Chang Ziyang looked around, then leaned in front of Xu Jie and said in a low voice: "This matter is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated. The reason why all this happened has a lot to do with Mr. Xu. relation."

"It's not that simple." A performer next to him looked at Xu Jie and said, "Director Xu, I was on the scene at the time, and it was actually like this. I guess that director named Yang Xiong usually harassed actresses a lot, thinking that all The actors who are harassed by him will be patient, so this time they ran to the women's bathroom without any scruples, and hugged the beautiful actresses they saw, but unexpectedly, the actress who was hugged came up and gave him a big ear post , that was called a ring, that was called a crisp, it made his whole body bewildered..."

and many more!

In a blink of an eye, it was lunch break.

The rehearsals are slow, that's a problem with work, not with the cast.

"Well, what's the matter with Director Chang?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Although he is often humble, this time he is really not humble.

If not, how could the other party come to him specifically to talk about this matter?

"Who is the other person?" Xu Jie asked.

Also, who wouldn't want to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?

"Why?" Xu Jie asked.

This is China TV!

It seems that even Zhao Hongbo is unavoidable, and still has the arrogance and prejudice of CTS.

"Ah?" Chang Ziyang was taken aback for a moment, then said hesitantly, "I also heard from others."

Zhao Hongbo thought that after the other party came, it would take a long time to deal with the bad things in the backstage, but he didn't expect the other party to seamlessly connect and directly bring the rehearsal back on track. People from Huaxia TV.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard that, if he said that Xiao Zhenyu only knew part of it, it would be reasonable, after all, the other party was not at the scene when the incident happened, but if he said that the female backup dancer did not explain everything, it would be very incomprehensible.

Chang Ziyang saw Mr. Xu's bewildered look, so he continued, "Mr. Xu, you probably don't know yet? Because you didn't come today, everyone is very disappointed, from celebrities to backup dancers."

I didn't expect that so many things would happen when I didn't come, but in this way, Yang Xiong's matter really has something to do with him.

"Mr. Xu, I overheard what Xiao Zhenyu and the female backup dancer said to you just now. In fact, what they know is only a part of the whole incident, and there are some more important things that they don't know." Chang Ziyang Said mysteriously.

Just now the more I listened, the more I understood, but now the more I listen, the more confused I become.

Xiao Zhenyu and the backup dancers behind him walked quickly to the front stage.

"It's your turn, hurry up and get on stage."

That being the case, then Yang Xiong... Was it arranged by someone?
Xu Jie put his arms around Chang Ziyang's shoulders, looked around vigilantly, and asked, "Yang Xiong was framed?"

Sure enough, everyone gathered firewood and made high flames.

"It's all set." The team leader said hastily.

"Are there all the actors for the fifth show?" A CTV staff member came over and asked.

But with a rational analysis, this kind of thing is really unlikely.

When the incident happened, he was writing the skit script in the hotel and was not at the rehearsal scene. What does it have to do with him?
Could it be that he instigated Yang Xiong's hooliganism?

"He said it was a misunderstanding, and that someone kicked him behind his back, but even if he kicked him, he could still lie on the ground. Why did he just happen to hug a woman? Why didn't I encounter such a good thing?" Chang Ziyang said.

No wonder when I was invited here by Zhao Hongbo just now, I saw that everyone was wearing makeup, and they were all dressed beautifully. Some female stars even wore dresses. He thought it was a rehearsal with makeup today, and he was puzzled. , why the costumes of the backup dancers are different.

"It's over?" Xu Jie asked, what the other party said was even simpler than what Zhao Hongbo said.

There is an old saying: "Listen together and you will be bright, but you will be dark if you believe in one side."

"No one framed Yang Xiong. It was indeed Yang Xiong himself who hugged a female backup dancer. At least dozens of people saw it with their own eyes. Actually, I didn't understand. How could Yang Xiong dare to hug a female backup dancer in broad daylight?"

"But, what does this have to do with Liu Xiong playing hooligans?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Director Jiang? Jiang Yuanyue?" Xu Jie asked.

Although there were only seven rehearsals for the whole morning, it was time to eat and rest.

He only heard Zhao Hongbo's simple mentions before, which was not satisfying at all. He really wanted to know more about it. After all, both Zhao Hongbo and Yang Xiong belonged to CTS, and in order to protect CTS's face, they must have concealed something.


Xu Jie suddenly realized.

Xu Jie looked at Chang Ziyang and said, "It seems that Director Chang knows something that outsiders don't. Could it be that Yang Xiong has something else to hide?"

Isn't this Porcelain?

"Director Xu, I'm actually just talking." Xu Jie said seriously.

Doesn't this burn Yang Xiong away?

Yang Xiong has been in China TV for so many years, and he was appointed as the head of the on-site director team. In addition to having a certain working ability, he is also a shrewd person in dealing with people. He should not make this kind of mistake, even if it is really that The upper brain should also find a place where no one is there to solve it.

Since both parties wanted to perform well, one wanted to make Xu Jie look good, and the other wanted to make Xu Jie look good, so the backstage became orderly and there was no sign of chaos at all.

The performers want to impress Director Xu with good performances. After all, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet the director and choose an actor. If you can't be a girl, you can't be a girl, but you can be a girl. of.

"Should be, should be, I also want to thank you, since you took over the backstage work, the rehearsal went very smoothly, Mr. Xu, it has to be you..."

Just as Xu Jie was about to eat, he saw Zhao Hongbo, Jiang Qize, and Yu Yan walking over, and Zhao Hongbo was still holding two lunch boxes.

In fact, everyone performed well for a reason.

"Director Zhao, you're too polite. I'll just go and get it myself. How can I ask you to get it for me?" Xu Jie politely accepted the boxed lunch.

Chang Ziyang wanted to say that he heard what Hu Zhen said, but if he said that, wouldn't Hu Zhen get more than half of the credit?So he thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Xu, let me tell you the truth, we actually heard what Director Jiang said."

Before, he believed that Yang Xiong's hooliganism was true, and even admired the other party's courage, he did what he wanted, he was a true hooligan, but now he heard Chang Ziyang's words, and felt that there might be something else hidden in this matter.

"Hey, that's right." Xu Jie suddenly thought of something, looked at the other party and asked, "How do you know that I was run away by Yang Xiong?"

No, it's not even counted as touching porcelain, it's simply framing.

Therefore, you should not just listen to the words of China TV, but also listen to how the performers describe it. After all, these people are the real victims.

Although Yang Xiong only hugged one person, every actress on the scene is a potential victim. If the first victim bears it, then there will definitely be a second, third, or even more victims .

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Xu Jie simply found a chair and sat down, chatting with the actors who were waiting for the rehearsal, and asked about Yang Xiong's salty trotters by the way.

At the same time, Xu Jie's eyes fell on those CTV employees. If he finds out that these people are avenging Yang Xiong, embarrassing the actress, or like Yang Xiong, harassing the actress on the pretext of work, Then even if he doesn't cooperate with China TV in the future, he will have to teach these people a lesson.

"Because everyone prepared all day yesterday, just to let you have a second look at today's casting, but you didn't come. Do you think everyone will not be disappointed?" Chang Ziyang said.

"That's Mr. Xu, you are so upright, and the prime minister can pull a boat." Chang Ziyang said with a smile, and he could hear "thank you" from the other party, and today's work is worth it.

Don't look at the advertisement, look at the curative effect.

At this time, Chang Ziyang came to Xu Jie's side and asked with a smile, "Mr. Xu, what are you busy?"

I was not busy just now, but now I am busy, busy watching the employees of CTS.

"How did Yang Xiong explain it when he was discovered?" Xu Jie asked.

Xu Jie frowned slightly, lost in thought.

Xu Jie smiled, not knowing what to say.

"Later, Yang Xiong was surrounded by a group of actresses, and some people wanted to call 110, and it was Director Zhao who came to see him, and this calmed down the matter." Xiao Zhenyu said.

If Yang Xiong was really framed, then this matter is somewhat wicked.

What he hates the most is harassing actresses on the grounds of work, because Su Yun has encountered such things before.

Xu Jie was very surprised. He didn't expect that not only celebrities wanted to participate in the Spring Festival Gala sketch, but even ordinary backup dancers wanted to participate in the Spring Festival Gala sketch...

"Mr. Xu, I brought you your boxed lunch." Zhao Hongbo said with a smile on his face, and at the same time handed a boxed lunch to Xu Jie.

He is completely convinced now.

Chang Ziyang went on to say: "President Xu, in the second half of the first rehearsal, weren't you in charge of the backstage work? We heard that it was the guy named Yang Xiong from China TV who replaced you because Everyone was very dissatisfied with this incident, and they also had opinions on Yang Xiong and CTS, and gradually became resistant. This one wanted to go to the toilet, and that one also wanted to go to the toilet. Is it really going to the toilet? No! It's just telling the chief director in this way that you can't do backstage work without President Xu..."

He and Hu Zhen's plan is to make public the fact that Yang Xiong used despicable means to replace Mr. Xu, let all the performers know, and then use the power of the masses to force the chief director to change, but he never dreamed that Yang Xiong was actually capable. If that kind of thing happens, even if the chief director wants to change people, he can't do it.

It turned out that these performers deliberately made it for him to watch.

The CTV staff wanted to prove that even if there was no Xu, they would definitely work hard to hold CTV's New Year's Eve party well, and not let that Xu watch the jokes.

When Chang Ziyang said this, he was also very puzzled.

"Xiao Xiao, do you know about Yang Xiong's hooliganism? What's going on?" Xu Jie looked curiously at the male star Xiao Zhenyu who was waiting for the next rehearsal.

A slap in the face is rare, no matter what, everyone has to slap a slap in the face.

He even felt that this was God's will.

"Me?" Xu Jie was stunned.

Although the mobile women's toilet was placed in the corner of the park, it was considered a public place, and there were so many actresses queuing up at the scene, but anyone with a normal mind would not grab a female backup dancer and hug her.

"Thank you, it's really unnecessary." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Although Yang Xiong ran on him, refused to accept him, and replaced him, the reason was nothing more than poor work ability, but playing hooligans is not only embarrassing, but also greatly affects a person's reputation, and even from now on he will be called Look at it with colored glasses.

Xu Jie narrowed his eyes and looked at Chang Ziyang, didn't such a good thing happen?Hehe, who would believe it!
Just because the other party is the artist management director of Huasen Media, there are countless women rushing to throw themselves into his arms every day.

The other party is an artist signed by Hu Zhen's agency, and he has also participated in the filming of the TV show "Delicious History", so they are very familiar with each other.

"Well, yes." Chang Ziyang nodded, and then said with righteous indignation: "Boss Hu Zhen and I were very angry after hearing that. As your friend, Boss Xu, you can bear it or not. We immediately decided to vent our anger on Mr. Xu, so we told the matter to our artists, and the artists told the performers on the show, and finally everyone knew about it.”

"Mr. Xu, you are too modest. Now I finally know why Director Chen chose to cooperate with you and Beijing Television Culture. You are this." Zhao Hongbo stretched out his hand and gave a thumbs up.

"Well, it's time to fight, it's really time to fight." Xu Jie said after listening.

Is it really the same as usual, so you get used to it?

The woman spoke vividly, not only telling another shameless face hidden under the surface of Yang Xiong, but also telling the sense of justice of all the actresses on the scene. Not only did Xu Jie nod repeatedly, but even the surrounding The female backup dancers waiting to play were also full of pride and pride.

In fact, he didn't do anything, he just sat in the background until noon, and inquired about gossip, that's all.

and many more.

From this perspective, he has indeed done a lot, and he has been sitting for a long time.


(End of this chapter)

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