The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 968 Who Owes Whom?

Chapter 968 Who Owes Whom?
The sun went down and night fell.

At this time, the rehearsal scene of the CTS New Year's Eve party was brightly lit.

According to the original plan, today's rehearsal work should have ended by this time, but due to some accidents during the rehearsal in the morning, it was delayed for a long time, which directly led to the failure of rehearsal for many programs, so the party working group had to burn the lights and fight at night , continue to work overtime.

"Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry to waste your precious time."

Zhao Hongbo came to Xu Jie again with the boxed lunch, and handed the boxed lunch with embarrassment.

Originally asking the other party for help, I was already very sorry, but now I have delayed the other party's time to rest and write the sketch script, and I feel extremely ashamed in my heart.

But at the backstage of the rehearsal, it's impossible to do without the other party, so he can only test the other party's attitude with a thick-skinned lunch box.

If the other party insisted on going back, he would not force him to stay, let alone force him to stay. After all, compared with the New Year's Eve party, the skits at the Spring Festival party are more important.

"Director Zhao, is this why you are out of sight? It is my honor to help you and contribute to the New Year's Eve party. Even if I don't have time, I will spare some time." Xu Jie heard said later.

Because he doesn't need to worry about the backstage work, he has been conceiving the content of the sketch script all afternoon, and wrote down two or three thousand words, all of which are recorded in the phone, otherwise, he wouldn't be sitting in the backstage so much. stable.

When Zhao Hongbo heard this answer, he was relieved immediately, and the smile on his face became even brighter.


"Yang Xiong?" Zhao Hongbo couldn't help frowning when he saw the person standing in front of the crowd. He was in a good mood, but suddenly turned bad. He looked at the other person coldly and asked, "What are you doing here? I didn't let you Do you think about it in your room?"

When they passed by him, those people still didn't forget to look at him, but there were too many things in their eyes, including disgust, contempt, and ridicule... In short, none of them made him feel comfortable.

"Student, the treatment is good. The boxed lunch delivered by Director Zhao himself, doesn't it taste extraordinarily delicious?" Jiang Yuanyue walked over with a smile.

In this year's New Year's Eve party working group, he is not afraid of any deputy director, but he is afraid that deputy director Zhao, the chief director, will save face for him when he sees the other party.

Soon, the dinner time was over, and the rehearsal work continued.

Xu Jie was startled, it turned out that it was Chen Ya calling, no wonder Zhao Hongbo was so nervous and anxious.

The chief director arranges work for the assistant director. Thinking about it this way, doesn't it become a normal thing?
The director is the director and has the foresight.

First of all, he didn't want to come back, let alone be the person in charge of backstage work; secondly, the script for the Spring Festival Gala sketch hadn't been finished yet, and now he needed to work here during the day, so he had to spend more time off at night to write the script.

In fact, the biggest beneficiaries of his return are the employees of Jingshi Culture. Because of his existence, these employees have more confidence when facing the employees of China Television. They don't have to worry or be afraid. Everyone can play Out of the normal level, or even beyond the level of performance.

He can still figure out which is more important.

To be honest, the other party was suddenly so polite today, which made him a little unaccustomed to it.

Yang Xiong gritted his teeth fiercely, and clenched his two fists even more tightly.

"President Xu, eat and eat." Zhao Hongbo pointed to the lunch box in the other party's hand and said, "Let's eat quickly, rehearse quickly, and try to go back to the hotel as soon as possible."

Speaking of which, it was the senior sister next to him who spread the news that he was replaced by Yang Xiong, and then Zhao Hongbo returned to the hotel and invited him to return to the rehearsal site as the person in charge of backstage work, so he was able to return to the hotel. Here, senior sister plays a very important role in it.

When everyone walked into the gate, they saw a person suddenly appearing in the lobby, and then they saw the other person walking over in a hurry.

If you want to thank, you should also go to the employees of Jingshi Culture, not him.

For example, being coldly stared at by the performers, and even often seeing the vigilant eyes of those actresses, is like guarding against thieves, which is particularly uncomfortable.

Although they have never been harassed by Yang Xiong, once the name of a hooligan is confirmed, the women will more or less alienate the target in their hearts. to his reputation.

But soon, Yang Xiong regained his strength. He felt that as long as he explained clearly, everyone would choose to believe him.

Xu Jie suddenly realized that this was the matter.

In fact, he didn't expect that Director Chen's idle job as an assistant director, which Director Chen casually gave to the other party in order to cooperate with JingTV Culture, would actually work now.

Why is this completely different from what she imagined?

Want to ask him to thank you?

He is a businessman now, and there is no way to take advantage of him.

And isn't the culprit who caused all this to be Yang Xiong?
But if Yang Xiong is isolated, the other party is a colleague of everyone, and he will have to work with him in the future, and some people were brought out by Yang Xiong alone. Wouldn't it be a bit too ungrateful if he also joined the excluded team?

And Xu Jie was indeed a little hungry, so he was not polite to the other party, and started to eat with big mouthfuls.

"Ring bell bell!"

The next rehearsal will be the day after tomorrow, with makeup on, and according to the situation on the day of the performance, the rehearsal time is also set at night to make final preparations for the subsequent recording and official performance.

"Then I would like to thank you on behalf of the director team of the New Year's Eve party." Zhao Hongbo happily held Xu Jie's hand, as if seeing a relative.

It's good not to mention it, but Zhao Hongbo became even angrier when it was mentioned that he came back so late.

People who are with hooligans are also considered hooligans, even if they have done nothing.

Instead of thanking her, the junior student still has the attitude of provoking the teacher and asking her for the crime?
"Student, you don't know how to be grateful, do you? To be the person in charge of backstage work at the CTV New Year's Eve party, what an honor it is for outsiders, is there a better chance to become famous than this? Is there a better opportunity to exercise than this? Why don't you appreciate it?" Jiang Yuanyue said angrily.

"What kind of king, who dares to play the role of king in front of you CTS?" Xu Jie said while eating.

"Senior sister, a person in charge of backstage work who doesn't even show his face, what's the name? Besides, am I not famous enough now? Do I still need to use your CTV New Year's Eve party to promote myself? As for exercise? , if our company wants to organize a party, I must be the chief director, so the person in charge of the backstage will not be able to exercise me at all..." Xu Jie spread his hands.

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard it, and asked with a question mark on his face: "Thank you? Senior sister, where did you start with this?"

Yang Xiong secretly glanced at Deputy Director Zhao's back, and heaved a sigh of relief.

So, senior sister found the wrong person.

Zhao Hongbo snorted coldly, as if to say: Why did we come back so late, don't you have any clues in your mind?
Yang Xiong understood Deputy Director Zhao's eyes, so he quickly lowered his head, as if he knew he was wrong.

Yang Xiong was shocked all over, quickly looked back, looked at Deputy Director Zhao and said: "I, I see that you haven't come back so late, I feel a little anxious, so I come down and wait for you."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhao Hongbo nodded again and again, just now he was only worried that the other party would leave here, and completely forgot that the other party was the assistant director.

Everyone didn't know what to say, so they could only nod in the simplest way.

"You're not afraid of eating to death, hum!" Jiang Yuanyue snorted angrily, then got up and left, she swore in her heart that she would never mind meddling again.

"Well, Director Zhao, you are busy with your work, don't worry about me." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Yang Xiong also saw the strangeness of some colleagues, so he said with a smile: "I have been waiting for you here for a long time, I have worked hard for everyone today, and when the New Year's Eve party is over, I will invite everyone to eat seafood."


"You guys are back, I've been waiting for you here for a long time." Yang Xiong walked up to meet him quickly, with a smile on his face, it was a smile mixed with joy and embarrassment.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know. Seeing you and Hu Zhen and Chang Ziyang whispering secretly during the day, you must already know how I got back? Shouldn't you thank me?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

Just as Yang Xiong wanted to ask Guo Yangyang how the rehearsal was going today, he saw Xu Jie and people from Jingshi Culture coming out from behind the crowd and walking straight to the elevator.


After all, the other party is from CTS, and talking too much will affect the reputation of CTS.

Jiang Yuanyue cast a blank glance at the junior beside her, then raised her arms and asked with a smile, "Tell me, how do you want to thank me?"

"President Xu, I'm going to answer the phone." Zhao Hongbo said embarrassedly, as if he was the assistant director and the other party was the chief director.

No matter what, he will never give up the job of CTS, which is the source of his pride.

"Xiao Guo, today..."

Doesn't he know that the Spring Festival Gala is more important than the New Year's Eve Gala?

After speaking, he opened the lunch box in his hand, and eat it first as a respect.

To be despised by the employees of the subsidiary company of the local TV station, this is simply a huge insult to him. He has never encountered such a thing since he joined CTV until now.

"Senior sister, are you running on me, or are you flattering Director Zhao?" Xu Jie deliberately stretched out the lunch box in his hand to the other party, and asked, "Why don't you come and try it too?"

Xu Jie looked at the back of the senior sister and couldn't help laughing.

There was such a big scandal in the morning, probably Zhao Hongbo was wondering if this call was from Xingshi to inquire about the crime. After all, it is one thing to take the initiative to report, but another thing to be known by the superiors.

Jiang Yuanyue was so angry that she stared straight at her. She tried every means to help the other party come back, but instead of being thanked, she complained all over. Isn't this a flat road and a thorn in the hole... asking for trouble?

But now it seems that it is not easy.

After seeing it, everyone didn't know how to face it for a while.

You must know that the news of the other party embracing the female backup dancer has spread at the rehearsal scene, not only discrediting CTS, but also CTS employees like them.

As the old saying goes: Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black.

as usual?
It seems impossible.

If it was normal, everyone would definitely be very happy, but today, everyone behaved very restrained, some said "thank you" politely, and some didn't say anything at all, just secretly observing other people's reactions, See if others go or not.

Reverse it!
"Senior sister, I didn't ask you to settle the score, why did you ask me to thank you instead? What do you want me to thank you for? Thank you for letting me have no time to write the script of the Spring Festival Gala? Thank you for letting me not go out to taste summer State snacks, can I only sit here and eat lunch? Thank you for making me unable to go back to the hotel to rest, but to stand here and work overtime?"

When Yang Xiong saw the reaction of his colleagues, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. In fact, the reason why he invited everyone to eat seafood was to reintegrate into this working group, so that everyone could forget the unpleasant things that happened before.

Xu Jie fired three consecutive shots, directly ignoring Jiang Yuanyue.

"Senior sister, that is you, if someone else did this, I wouldn't even finish eating roast duck for a month." Xu Jie continued.

"I don't dare. Besides, I'm on a diet and don't eat at night." Jiang Yuanyue walked to Xu Jie's side and sat down, and asked in a low voice, "How is it, does the return of the king feel good?"

Especially the female colleagues, they are consciously slowing down their pace to increase the distance between them and Yang Xiong.

"Director Chen..."

The program rehearsal went on from seven o'clock until nine o'clock.

If you want to say the king, that is also CTS, he is a bronze in front of CTS.

"Director Zhao, don't forget that I am also a member of the director's team." Xu Jie said while reaching out to pat the work card hanging on his chest.

Zhao Hongbo rolled his eyes at the man in front of him, seeing that there were many people in the lobby, he said nothing, and walked towards the elevator.

The bus slowly stopped outside the hotel, and the party staff got out of the car with tired bodies. At this moment, there was only one thought in everyone's mind, and that was: lying on the bed.

Don't forget, Huashi owes him now.

I also added a sentence in my heart: I really kindly treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs.

Who hasn't been wronged by others?

Xu Jie looked at the senior sister, how could he not understand what the other party meant?

With a lunch box in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, Zhao Hongbo walked quickly to a place where no one was around.

It's Yang Xiong.

Not long after, suddenly a burst of music sounded, Zhao Hongbo hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and stood up immediately after seeing the caller ID.

But there is a big problem with what Senior Sister said.

Yang Xiong was secretly happy, then turned his head to look at Guo Yangyang, and asked with great concern: "Xiao Guo, how is the rehearsal going after I leave?"

The situation of the rehearsal determines whether he can return to the working group.

If the rehearsal goes well, it means that there is nothing wrong with him. If the rehearsal is very bad, it means that the backstage cannot do without him. In this way, he can go to Deputy Director Zhao and ask the other party to give him a chance to make a contribution. up.


(End of this chapter)

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