Chapter 969

When Guo Yangyang heard Yang Xiong's question about the rehearsal, he became energetic and said proudly: "Mr. Yang, although you have left, we have always been strict with ourselves, earnestly do our job well, and did not give any trouble to the stage. It's shameful, and I didn't let that Xu look at the joke, so you can rest assured and leave the job to us."

After speaking, there was a smug smile on his face.

Yang Xiong was stunned after listening.

Looking at Xiao Guo's expression, it seemed that after he left, the rehearsal was not chaotic, but went very smoothly.

How does this work?
If the rehearsal goes well, doesn't it mean that he is not able to work well, and he failed to do a good job when he was in charge of the backstage?

In this way, wouldn't the chances of him returning to the working group of the New Year's Eve party be even smaller?
"Then, is the backstage still chaotic?" Yang Xiong asked a bit stammeringly.

There is both expectation and worry in my heart.

Looking forward to the chaos in the backstage at the rehearsal scene, worrying that the backstage is not as chaotic as he expected.

After all, for him, the more chaotic the backstage, the better, because the more chaotic the backstage, the more it proves that Xu can't manage it, and the higher the chance of him going back.

After hearing this, the driver nodded reassuringly. In fact, if it weren't for his good reputation, he wouldn't have brought CTS people here for consumption.

Generally speaking, the prices of the dishes here are still acceptable. Of course, there are some expensive seafood among them, but as long as he doesn't order, the colleagues next to him should be too embarrassed to order.

How well-behaved
The performance team has behaved, can he go back?

In Xiazhou this season, the temperature at night is only eleven or twelve, which is a bit cold, but this still cannot stop the enthusiasm of the diners. Even though it is already 10 o'clock, there are still many people sitting indoors and outdoors.

This is their overtime income, so they are not polite when eating, and they are not here for a blind date, so there is no need to be so reserved.

Choosing where to eat is of course up to whoever treats you. What’s more, everyone is not familiar with Xiazhou’s place of life. Even if they are asked to choose, they don’t know where to go. , how can it compare to the recommendation of the locals?
Hearing everyone's words, Yang Xiong felt very happy, as if he had returned to the post of the person in charge.

This time, it was not as simple as saying a few words behind Deputy Director Zhao's back.

"Thank you, Teacher Yang."

After drinking, these people have the courage to help him.

"Yes, don't feel bad!"

When the leader arranged for him to drive, he had already made it very clear. His task was not only to drive the CTS staff to the rehearsal site safely, and then send them back to the hotel safely, but also to be responsible for the work of CTS. Tour guide work during the personnel stay in Xiazhou.

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiong had an idea in his mind, he looked up at the colleagues in front of him, and said enthusiastically: "I'm sorry, everyone, since I left, all the work is on your shoulders. In order to express my gratitude to everyone, I Please go out and eat the seafood stalls here."

This, isn't this embarrassing him?

Even if she was given some guts, she wouldn't dare to kill the people of Huaxia TV. Wouldn't that be the same as touching the tiger's ass?Maybe they will be the protagonists of CTS 315 Gala next year.

After speaking, he raised his head and took a sip.

"Okay!" The driver started the car and left the hotel slowly.

He is really not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs.

If you eat his seafood, you must do things for him.

"Yes, we listen to you."

You didn't work hard when Lao Tzu was here, but you started working hard when Lao Tzu left?

Since everyone can go, it means giving him face. When he asks for help later, he must be embarrassed to refuse. Isn't there a reply like that?Cannibals have short mouths and short hands.

"Ms. Yang, it's the rehearsal period for the show, so don't you have to drink?" Wang Kai said.

Everyone agrees.

Bed, you can go back to lie down later, after all, it is in the room, it will not run away with long legs, but the seafood food stall must not be missed, because there is no such shop after passing this village.

When everyone heard this, they immediately laughed too.

When everyone got on the bus, Yang Xiong suddenly ran into a problem. He decided to treat the guests to eat seafood on the spur of the moment, and he was not a local, so he didn't know where there were food stalls, let alone where the food stalls were delicious.

Yang Xiong took people out of the car, and the waiter at the food stall saw so many people coming at once, and immediately greeted them enthusiastically.

Everyone expressed their opinions.

"Is your boss there?" the driver asked in a low voice to the woman standing behind the cashier.

The others followed suit, with excitement and anticipation written all over their faces.


He ordered it, called it a treat, and the person who was invited ordered it, wouldn't that be a slaughter?

the other side.

"Mr. Yang, can we all go?" Zhang Siyang asked.


"Big event!" The driver pointed to the CTV staff who were already seated outside the door, and said, "Did you see those twenty or so people? They are the staff of China TV, and they are in charge of the New Year's Eve held by CTV in Xiazhou this year." At the party, they just finished working overtime and want to taste our Xiazhou's local seafood delicacies. Don't be short-changed or play tricks on the price just because they are foreigners. If it affects the image of our Xiazhou city... "

After all, when it comes to ordering food, everyone is very careful. After all, they are here to eat, not to revenge, not to mention that everyone is a colleague, and they will call Teacher Yang when they see each other. Shall we meet again?
Soon, the order was finished, and the waiter left with the menu.

Yang Xiongqi's liver hurts.

I can't just leave it like that.

He calculated silently in his heart just now, all the dishes add up to a total of over [-], which is less than he expected, and he can still afford this amount of consumption.

Everyone thought of the farce in the morning and the overtime work in the evening, and suddenly felt that Yang Xiong should treat them to a good meal, after all, the other party was the culprit for everyone's overtime work tonight.

The driver of the bus stared at the CTS people until they were led away by the waiter, then he got out of the car and walked quickly into the food stall.

Now who in Xiazhou doesn't know that Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party will be held here?

It is also a happy thing to meet the staff of China TV to consume at the food stall. Once these people are happy to eat and post a Moments, won’t this place become famous?

In fact, whether it is a coastal city or an inland city, the seafood you eat is nothing more than that, such as fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish, but the seafood you eat in coastal cities will be fresher. ?Furthermore, each place has a lot of different ways of seafood, so the taste of cooking is also very different.

This is called spending small money to do big things.

If the employees of China TV were slaughtered at the place he recommended, then he would be the sinner of the entire Xiazhou.

If this time is excluded from the party work group, there will definitely be a second and third time in the future.

Therefore, as long as these people can agree to help him later, let alone a seafood food stall, even if they eat it every day in Xiazhou in the future, he is willing to invite him.

"Brother, please don't worry, we will never do the immoral things you just said. No matter if you are a local or a foreigner, we will treat you equally. .” The cashier said seriously.

When everyone saw it, they immediately said, "Teacher Yang, please don't say that, this is what we should do."

"Waiter, here are two cases of beer!" Yang Xiong shouted.

"A complete success."

All the Way Fresh Food Stall is located by the sea. In addition to the two floors, there are more than 20 tables outdoors.

What are these colleagues thinking?Isn't that cheap again, the one surnamed Xu?
Who is a colleague with whom?

"It's okay, isn't the next rehearsal the day after tomorrow? The whole day tomorrow is not enough for you to sober up? Besides, we don't drink too much, aren't we happy?" Yang Xiong said, holding beer and handing it out to others , "Come, come, drink less, it's okay."

Yang Xiong looked at everyone's eating, with a satisfied smile on his face, but for some reason, he always felt that something was missing. When he looked around, he immediately understood.

If you order according to the expensive price, there are more than 20 people in the car, and it is very easy to eat tens of thousands. Therefore, Yang Xiong wanted to find a seafood food stall that was both cheap and delicious.


"Yes, of course, everyone can go together!" Yang Xiong said generously.

By the way, driver!
The bus was deliberately arranged by Xiazhou to facilitate the work of the CTV New Year's Eve party working group. The driver is also a local, so he must know where to go.

"From now on, I will hang out with Teacher Yang, and I will have seafood to eat with Teacher Yang."

"Everyone open up to eat, order when there is nothing left, enough for tonight!" Yang Xiong said loudly.

There are many kinds of seafood, both expensive and cheap.

The driver master understood Yang Xiong's meaning in seconds, and opened his mouth and said: "In our Xiazhou, delicious and affordable seafood food stalls are everywhere. There are countless seafood shops, Yiyixian, Dachuanjia, etc. I personally recommend Yiyixian. He The things at home are not only large in quantity, but also have local characteristics, so I often take my wife and children to satisfy my gluttony.”

Before the driver finished speaking, the cashier nodded repeatedly.

"Mr. Yang, you can decide!"

Therefore, Yang Xiong immediately came to the driver's side, first glanced at the colleagues who were already sitting behind him, and then deliberately asked the driver loudly: "Master driver, do you know where the seafood stalls in Xiazhou are delicious?" Here, another sentence was added in a low voice, "The economical one."

"Teacher Yang is so grand!"


Although some people have left just now, there are still [-] or [-] people left. With so many people going to eat seafood food stalls, even if the per capita rate is [-], it will be several thousand.

After Yang Xiong finished reading, he handed the menu to the person next to him, and said with a smile: "Everyone wants to eat, order whatever you want, and don't be polite to me."

"Waiter, this, this, and this..."

The purpose of his treat was not only to draw these people to his side, but also to use these people to force the person surnamed Xu away.

Yang Xiong waved his hand and walked outside the hotel.

When the others saw it, they were too embarrassed to refuse. After all, this meal was invited by Mr. Yang, so they could only take the beer.

Yang Xiong listened blankly, his expression had already froze, and his face became very ugly.

Because it was ordered by the people from CTS, the dishes came out very quickly, and several plates of seafood were served within a few minutes.

Also, only by returning to the rehearsal scene can he justify his name.

How can there be such a trick?
At this moment, Yang Xiong even felt like crying.

Yang Xiong was very happy.

"Understood, I understand!"

Yang Xiong has already started looking through the menu.

When the people around heard it, they seemed to have forgotten about Yang Xiong's hooliganism, and expressed their thanks one after another.

You must know that Xiazhou is a famous coastal city. The seafood food stalls here not only have a variety of categories, but also have endless cooking methods. It is definitely a paradise for seafood lovers.

Yang Xiong turned his head when he heard it, looked at his colleagues behind him and said, "The driver is a local, so let's just listen to the driver. What do you think?"

"it is good!"

"Chaos?" Guo Yangyang shook his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, how could it be chaotic? Let me tell you, with our efforts, all the performance teams waiting for the rehearsal are well-behaved. Those who chat casually are either waiting to go on stage, or practicing behind the stage..."

At this moment, everyone forgot about their fatigue.

It never occurred to him that his fame in the first life was not destroyed by the hands of that surname Xu, but by his own people.

Yang Xiong shook his head again and again, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's really nothing, this is what I should do..."

After hearing this, Yang Xiong was secretly happy. Everyone didn’t mention what happened in the morning, which meant that he had accepted his explanation just now, so he showed a moved look and said: "Thank you, thank you, come, let us wish the New Year’s Eve party a complete success .”

"Master driver, let's go all the way you said, let's go!" Yang Xiong said.

"Mr. Yang, then we will not be polite."

"Yes, Mr. Yang, we are not outsiders, so it doesn't matter if we work overtime."

Isn't there such a sentence?It's called: Don't miss the opportunity, never lose it again.

"The boss is gone, what can you do with our boss?" the cashier asked suspiciously.


Everyone flattered for a while, then picked up their chopsticks and opened the clip.

"Teacher Yang is very generous."

Yang Xiong posted a circle until everyone had a bottle, then stopped, took a bottle of beer and said: "Everyone, although the incident this morning was just a misunderstanding, it caused a lot of trouble for everyone, I am here Say sorry to you guys."

How can this game work without wine?
As the old saying goes: wine is strong and courageous.

"Mr. Yang, I've let you spend money."

After taking this sip, Yang Xiong put the bottle aside, and continued: "Actually, I can see from the two rehearsals that with you guys, the party will be very successful, but it's just that Xu, who is surnamed Xu, is cheaper. I didn’t even do it, but it turned out that all of this became his credit, as if the rehearsal went so smoothly because of him, alas!”

After Yang Xiong finished speaking, he sighed deeply. On the surface, he seemed to be fighting for everyone's injustice, but he was actually observing everyone's reaction.

What he has to do is to ignite everyone's dissatisfaction with that man again, and then let these people cooperate with him in the next step.


(End of this chapter)

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