The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 970 Passive sabotage?

Chapter 970 Passive sabotage?

After everyone heard Yang Xiong's words, their mood suddenly became extremely depressed, and the originally lively atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Although everyone didn't have any deep hatred with that person surnamed Xu, they felt very uncomfortable when they thought that the other party had done nothing in the backstage of the rehearsal and instead got the attention and reuse of Deputy Director Zhao.

Why are they so busy, but the one surnamed Xu can sit leisurely?Why did they work so hard, but the one surnamed Xu was praised in the end?
Not fair, so unfair!
In fact, it’s okay to do some work, and it’s okay to be a little tired, but it’s very hurtful to encounter unfairness.

"I don't know what ecstasy soup that person surnamed Xu poured into Deputy Director Zhao, so that Deputy Director Zhao invited him twice to be the person in charge of the backstage. It's as if there is no one in CTS." resentment.

"Deputy Director Zhao is not the only one who was given the ecstasy soup. Didn't Director Chen also drink his ecstasy soup? Otherwise, why would we let us cooperate with Beijing Television Culture? He is a fart for Beijing Television Culture." Said angrily.

Although he has rehearsed many times, he still doesn't like the people from Jingshi Culture, even if they are doing pretty well.

"Yeah, even if I'm gone, aren't you still here? Which one of you has attended more parties than that Xu? Can't you pick out a person who is in charge of the backstage work?" Yang Xiong said angrily.

This time, he not only stepped on the person surnamed Xu, but also vaguely pointed the finger at Deputy Director Zhao.

It's not enough to make everyone dissatisfied with the surname Xu. They must also be dissatisfied with Deputy Director Zhao, so that they can have the courage to help him carry out the next plan.

Now that the drink is in place, it's his turn to come out and talk about business.

It's fine if it's some masters, the vice president of a company affiliated with a local satellite TV is not qualified to command him.

After the people present heard this, the anger in their hearts was ignited again.

At this moment, the atmosphere also reached a climax.

"I don't know if the man surnamed Xu has anything to do with Director Jiang. I only know that the man's name is not worthy of his name, and he is not as magical as the outside world says."

They believed that even if Deputy Director Zhao found out, nothing would happen. Could it be possible to dismiss them all?

Everyone raised their beers.

"Hey, should we expose him and reveal his true face?"

Yang Xiong secretly looked at the people around him, he invited the meal, and he still needs the help of these people, if he doesn't take the responsibility at this time, what will everyone think of him?Will you still help him?
This is also a way to buy people's hearts.

Again and again, not again and again, they have endured that Xu twice, and they absolutely can't bear it the third time, if they endure it again, they will become Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"But the next time is a rehearsal with makeup. If we do this, will it affect the rehearsal plan for the entire New Year's Eve party? You must know that after the third rehearsal, it's time to record the party." Zhou Qing worried Said.

If the person surnamed Xu left, he would have a chance to take over. After all, among the people working in the backstage, besides Mr. Yang, he was the one with the most experience. Now that Mr. Yang is full of negative news, Deputy Director Zhao will definitely choose him .

Everyone was slightly startled, and immediately understood what Yang Xiong meant.

This is to make them passive and sabotage during the party rehearsal.

Because every time when he was very busy, he could see the person surnamed Xu sitting leisurely, and the imbalance in his heart became more and more obvious.

They all said that they couldn't control their words and deeds when they were drunk, but I didn't see anyone scolding the leader after they were drunk.

At that time, it will only be worse than him!

After all, he would also have a drink from time to time to relieve his fatigue. The employees in the department also knew that there is no one who only allows state officials to set fires but not the common people to light lamps?
"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back to the room and rest, remember there will be a meeting tomorrow morning." After Zhao Hongbo finished speaking, he turned and went back to the room.

Yang Xiong raised the beer again, and said loudly: "Come on, make one for Huashi."

"Tell me, what is the relationship between that surnamed Xu and Director Jiang? The two of them shouted at each other. I guess there must be something between them. Otherwise, why does Director Jiang always speak for that surnamed Xu? ? Isn’t that what happened?”

Let's destroy together.

One, two, three, more and more people are making up their minds.

The people who were still enthusiastic just now showed expressions of hesitation, as if they were retreating.

"That's it!" Guo Yangyang said suddenly, then picked up the wine bottle and drank a few gulps.

In order to avoid accidents during the live broadcast, the working group will conduct a recording before the official performance of the New Year's Eve party. During the recording of the program, everything will be the same as the official performance. bit.

Although the person in charge of the backstage work is Xu, the specific work is done by them, so as long as they don't do anything, the backstage will definitely fall into chaos again, which will affect the entire rehearsal work. , Deputy Director Zhao should know who is the real hero.

When Zhao Hongbo heard this, although his expression was still serious, his frown gradually relaxed.


Alcohol can make people excited, so under the influence of alcohol, everyone's emotions became more and more excited, and they even started to speak out.

It was as if they were all Yang Bailao.

And Yang Xiong didn't finish his words.

"Director Zhao, we know that we will have a rehearsal the day after tomorrow, so we only drank a little, and we will definitely not delay work."


The sound of "Boom!" not only interrupted other people's discussions, but also attracted their attention.

So, he walked through the crowd to the front, looked at Zhao Hongbo and said, "Director Zhao, it's like this. I saw that they were very tired after working overtime, so I took them to a nearby food stall for a meal and then drank a drink." Two glasses, really."

I thought: How can this work?
If these people were timid, retreated, and quit, wouldn't his plan come to nothing?
"You guys, isn't it just a rehearsal? It's not a live broadcast, what are you afraid of? As long as it doesn't arrive on the 31st, it doesn't matter what we do." Yang Xiong said lightly.

After hearing this, everyone lowered their heads one after another, and no one dared to speak.

You must know that Xiazhou not only gathers a lot of celebrities and entertainers, but also a large number of reporters. Those who work in CTV, who doesn't know some reporters?What's more, they are journalists themselves.

Yang Xiong saw that everyone was watching, so he said: "If you want to crack down on counterfeiting, it's actually very simple, as long as you don't work hard, then the backstage will be chaotic, and that person surnamed Xu will naturally not be able to sit back and relax as he is now. Just wait and see how he is in a hurry."

"That's right, among us, who is better than that Xu?"

Everyone ate and chatted, and didn't return to the hotel until after 12 o'clock in the evening.

"Director Zhao, we really didn't drink too much."


Someone started, and others also vented their unhappiness.

Although I didn't say whether to do it or not, but the meaning has been expressed clearly.

At this time, a different voice sounded from the dining table.

"I don't know what Deputy Director Zhao likes about Xu, isn't it because he can write sketch scripts? It's his honor to use him. Besides, the New Year's Eve party doesn't need sketch scripts."

"I don't know what you guys think, anyway, I was very upset when I saw that Xu sitting in the background." He Zhong said through gritted teeth.

It's not impossible to drink, but it takes time.

Sure enough, when other people saw Teacher Yang standing up, they immediately cast grateful glances. At the same time, everyone became more courageous and chose to support Teacher Yang.

"Well, it makes sense. Poor Su Yun, the goddess of the people will end up like this. It seems that the old saying is good: domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers."

"If you want to do it together, add me."

"This method is good!" He nodded and said.

It's almost New Year's Day, and the rehearsal has not achieved the desired effect so far. Under such circumstances, he still has the mind to go out for a drink. Isn't this a lack of work?

The elevator door opened slowly, and everyone walked out talking and laughing, but after a few steps, Zhao Hongbo came out of the room.

"Well, I actually think the same as you, but who told us not to count? Come, have a drink!" After Yang Xiong finished speaking, he picked up the bottle again, with helplessness written all over his face.

"That's right. When I started working, the guy surnamed Xu was still in elementary school. In terms of work experience, I can surpass him by two blocks."

"Everyone listen to me." Yang Xiong raised his voice a little while placing the wine bottle heavily on the table.

In other words, the next rehearsal will be the last rehearsal before the recording of the party. If something happens during this last rehearsal, it will also have a certain impact on the subsequent recording of the show.

Seeing everyone's positive response, Yang Xiong was immediately happy. With the cooperation of these people, is he still worried that the guy surnamed Xu will not overturn?


"Let's not do it, let's see what the surname Xu will do." Ma Anlu didn't want to be commanded by someone other than CTS.

After seeing this scene, the balance in the minds of those who were hesitant began to tilt, and those who were driven by the atmosphere also joined the ranks of passive sabotage.

The female employee was taken aback. Although she had dreamed of becoming an actress when she was a child, she never expected her debut to come so suddenly.

"Actually, we did this for the good of the party. Once something unexpected happened on the night of the 31st, can the bear surnamed Xu handle it? We are also doing this to let Deputy Director Zhao recognize his true colors. , I think Deputy Director Zhao will also understand our good intentions." Yang Xiong said seriously.

Everyone thought for a while, and felt that Teacher Yang's words were not unreasonable.

After everyone saw it, they all became nervous and closed their mouths.


Isn't this the opportunity to perform?
"Yes, we can't let that Xu take advantage of us anymore." Guo Yangyang also agreed.

The current deputy director Zhao has been blinded by that surname Xu. At this time, someone must stand up and help deputy director Zhao open his eyes.

Everyone made a move one after another, vowing to make the person who made a fool of himself and got something for nothing pay the price.

After being reminded, everyone finally realized the importance of the next rehearsal.

Didn't Teacher Yang just want her to act in front of that surnamed Xu?
Yang Xiong saw that the atmosphere was not as lively as before, so he said with a serious expression: "The third rehearsal the day after tomorrow will be your last chance. Don't you want to help that Xu? Don't you want to hand over the fruits of your labor to that Xu?" Xu’s failure? You have also seen Deputy Director Zhao’s attitude towards Xu Jie, but what is his attitude towards us?”

You have to endure, and you have to take the blame.

As everyone listened, they became even more depressed.

There is an idiom called: the law does not blame the public.

"Xiao Zhao, do you know what is the essence of working without effort? It is to let others not see that you do not work hard, understand?" Yang Xiong said.

When Yang Xiong saw this situation, he immediately became anxious again.

What does it have to do with him?
What does it have to do with him?
Anyway, he has already been scolded, and the review has also been written, even if Deputy Director Zhao finds out, it has nothing to do with him. In short, he does not allow anyone to mess up his plan.

On the surface, Yang Xiong was listening to other people's complaints, but in fact he was secretly happy in his heart, because with everyone's current emotional development, even if he didn't continue to quarrel, his colleagues' dissatisfaction with Deputy Director Zhao would still be in place. The only thing he needed now was wine. , because wine speeds it all up.

"Why is it so noisy? I wonder if everyone has already rested?" Zhao Hongbo said with a serious expression. After seeing these people blushing and drunk, he immediately frowned and asked sharply, "Have you been drinking?"

"And I!"

It's fine if you don't drink too much.

After the others heard it, they also reluctantly picked up the beer and drank it.

"Yeah, why did you forget about this!"

"Yes, exposure. Let's launch an anti-counterfeiting campaign to let people all over the country know what he has done and recognize his true colors."

"Do you think that Xu will tell Deputy Director Zhao about our performance?" Another female employee asked worriedly.

"Not working hard?"

Yang Xiong Ting's eyes were shining brightly in the middle of it. His plan was just to let the person surnamed Xu show his original shape, and then force him to leave the backstage of the rehearsal, but he didn't expect that everyone wanted to expose it to the media. It seems that the wine has already been drunk in place.

It's okay to show that Xu some color, but if Deputy Director Zhao finds out, the consequences will be serious, maybe everyone will be punished with a thousand-word review.

When Yang Xiong heard the sound of closing the door, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Deputy Director Zhao would ask the teacher for a crime and bring up what happened in the morning again.

But after the relaxation, he was more happy, because he felt extremely gratified by everyone's support for him just now.

It seems that tonight's seafood was not in vain, and the wine was not in vain, and these people gathered around him again.

The more than 3000 yuan is worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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