The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 971 You Can't Live!

Chapter 971 You Can't Live!

Although there is only one day of rest, it is extremely precious to Xu Jie.

Because using this day, he not only completed the script of the third sketch, but also smoothed out the storyline of the fourth sketch. According to his creation speed, if there is no accident, there will be another two or three days , can definitely finish writing the fourth sketch script, and complete the agreement with Chen Ya before the arrival of New Year's Day.

27 number.

Relevant personnel of the party working group arrived at the performance site by car and started the third rehearsal.

Because it was a rehearsal with makeup, and it was the last rehearsal before the recording of the party, the atmosphere on the scene was much more tense than the previous two rehearsals, and both the staff and the performers seemed extraordinarily busy.

Except for one person, of course.

That is Xu Jie.

Backstage, he was still sitting on a chair, chatting with the performers in the waiting area.

In the eyes of outsiders, this behavior is just doing nothing. In fact, he is using this method to relieve the tension of the actors.

"The stall I'm in charge of didn't do anything, how about you?" Guo Yangyang asked in a low voice.

When Zhao Liqiu and the others heard the praise, instead of feeling happy, they felt a sense of urgency.

Who told the other party not to be from CTS?
A person from a local TV station directs people from their Huaxia TV station to work?

Xu Jie immediately stood up and walked to the place where the props were stored.

After Xu Jie heard the order, he waved his hands at the performers of the first show, and dozens of actors who had already prepared immediately appeared on the stage.


What beautiful things are you thinking of?

"A few minutes? I'll give you 10 minutes." Zhao Hongbo said generously.

I don't even know if the performance team has come or not.

"The rehearsal has already started, isn't this delaying the next show?" Xu Jie said in a deep voice. Fortunately, it was only a rehearsal. If it was broadcast live, it would be troublesome.

"Blame me?" the CTV employee asked back.

When he came to the warehouse, he saw props all over the place, which was very chaotic. Several CTS staff were processing, some were sorting, some were recording, and the performance leaders of many shows were standing outside, Anxiously waiting to get the props.

"Huh? What's the problem?" Xu Jie sat up straight and asked.

"We also thought about it, but the props are all pressed together. If you don't clear the props above, you can't pick up the props below. Why don't you try?" The talking CTS staff looked back at Xu Jie, then stretched out his hand Pointing to the props.

Even those colleagues who didn't go to eat the seafood feast silently joined the team of passive sabotage and resisting Xu Jie.

In order to facilitate the storage of props, several warehouses were temporarily built behind the stage. Although the shelves inside were all temporarily assembled, it is not easy to fall down, right?

Xu Jie wanted to say that it might take a long time, but seeing the absent-minded look of CTS employees, he changed his words and said: "I don't know, it depends on the sorting speed of your CTS staff, but according to my experience, it will take a few minutes It should be done."

Not everyone can do a job well, but there is no one who does not know how to fish, and there is no need to learn, and everyone must be self-taught.

Sorting props does not require any skills, just put the same ones together. The outside team leader knows what props are used in their show, after all, they have rehearsed twice before.

The CTS employees who were picking up props almost died of anger when they heard this.

"En." Zhao Hongbo responded, and then said loudly: "Listen up, all departments, today will be rehearsed according to the standards of the New Year's Eve night, everyone must show great energy, I will have a meeting this morning The time has already been said, so I won't say more, and it will start on time in 1 minute."

At this time, the team leader came out from behind, and said in embarrassment: "Director Xu, this, this can't be blamed on us, it is something wrong with the props."

"That's right, I have already sorted out a lot with the time to throw the blame here."

"No, we can finish it!" Zhao Liqiu said bravely, and at the same time, the movements of his hands also accelerated.

"Director Zhao, there is a problem with the props. The shelves in the No. 1 warehouse are down, and the props are all in a mess. Everyone is trying their best to sort them." Xu Jie said truthfully.

Since the performers have already been instructed twice, and there is a lot of private training, when they stood on the stage, their performance was far beyond imagination, and Zhao Hongbo nodded repeatedly to show his satisfaction.



When the others heard this, they all dispersed, pretending to be working.

"People are only responsible for sitting and moving their mouths, how can they pick up props with their buttocks like us?"

"No." Xu Jie said.

Isn't it just fishing?Like who wouldn't.

"What? No one was injured?" Zhao Hongbo asked nervously.

Not far away, several CTS employees who were preparing for the rehearsal unconsciously showed a sneer after seeing this scene.

Soon, the first show ended, and it was the second show's turn. In the background, the performers of the third show also came to the waiting area.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard this, such a thing happened?How come no one told him?
In the New Year's Eve party, there are many programs that require the supporting dancers to perform with props. If these props are missing, some dances will lose their effect and meaning.

Speaking of which, during the first two rehearsals, he had observed the CTS employees a lot, but the state of these people today is obviously very different from the previous two.

"When I went to Zhao Liqiu's place just now, the props were all piled up, and I haven't started tidying them up yet. The leaders of each performance unit are all in a mess, as anxious as a grandson." Ma Anlu said while snickering.

Xu Jie put the walkie-talkie to his mouth, pressed the launch button and said, "Ready, you can start anytime."

At the same time, the CTV employees who were sorting the props all listened with pricked ears, and the few people behind Xu Jie's backs were even secretly delighted, and finally made the person surnamed Xu feel ashamed in front of Deputy Director Zhao.

While he was passively sabotaging his work, he did not forget to observe other colleagues, for fear of being betrayed, but after looking around a few times, he finally felt relieved.

Hearing his words, the performers immediately stood up, but the expressions on their faces looked a little anxious.

Everyone's hearts are aligned.

Seeing that the second program had been going on for a few minutes, and it was the turn of the third program soon, Xu Jie said to the staff of China TV: "First pick up the props for the third program."

"I don't know. When we opened Warehouse No. [-] in the morning, we saw a piece of the shelf inside was upside down. It must be a mouse." The CTS staff said lightly, with a very calm face, not in a hurry because the rehearsal had already started .

"Who isn't?" Wang Kai laughed gloatingly.

In his opinion, the New Year's Eve party has been rehearsed twice, and there is no need to prepare anything at all. If something goes wrong, it is the problem of the staff.

"The rehearsal is about to start, don't get together here, let's leave quickly, if the surname Xu sees it, he will definitely suspect us of collusion afterwards." After Zhang Siyang finished speaking, he immediately went to another place for a stroll .

In their view, this should be the last leisure time of that Xu.

Teacher Yang's seafood dinner is not for nothing!

"Don't even talk about it. Mr. Xu is the person in charge of backstage work handpicked by Deputy Director Zhao. What's the matter with you? Mr. Xu, adults don't remember villains, so don't be like them." Zhao Liqiu raised his head to Xu Jie said, and then continued to lower his head to pick up props.

"Hey, Zhang Siyang, don't be too busy. Didn't you agree to let that Xu person show his original form?" Ma Anlu reached out and grabbed Zhang Siyang, who had been busy all the time, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his voice, angry at the other party's betrayal.

After the voice fell, there was a commotion at the scene, but it quickly returned to calm, but the atmosphere of the entire venue changed. It can be seen that everyone's expression is very serious.

"How can the shelf still fall?" Xu Jie asked a CTS staff.

When it comes to performances, accidents are inevitable.

This is also one of the important reasons why rehearsals often go very smoothly when he is in charge of backstage work.

If they can't pick it up within a few minutes, doesn't it mean that the work efficiency of their CTS people is low, and they are not as good as the people of Jingshi Culture?
Where does the other party's experience come from?Didn't you just get it from the employees of Jingshi Culture?
According to this person surnamed Xu, they can't afford to be passive and sabotage now.

After the performers of the first show came on stage, the performers of the second show consciously came in front of Xu Jie, waiting for their appearance.

"Mr. Xu, how is the preparation of the performers, can we start?"

However, compared with the performance team of the first two shows, the performance team of the third show is obviously a little messy. Not only does it look loose, but even the expressions of the performers are not right. They are all scratching their heads and looking around. Looking around, it's like a fight with ants on a hot pot.

When people are nervous, they are willing to make mistakes.

Xu Jie stared at the other party intently. This man spoke in a very aggressive tone. Did he take gunpowder?
Although he knew that the people from Huashi were dissatisfied with him, but he didn't expect to hate him at this time.

I don't know if everyone came or not.

If it's just a stick in place, everyone can see that he is being lazy.

The intercom rang again.

"It's as if we knocked down the shelves." Another CTV employee said dissatisfied.

"The shelf for the props is down, and the props of many shows are all mixed together. The props are not complete. How do you let us perform on stage?" The leader said with a bitter face.

Although none of them are idle, and everyone seems to be busy, it always feels that these people's minds are not here.

"Then why didn't you report to me in advance?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Isn't that guy surnamed Xu amazing?Then let the person surnamed Xu to check, more than 30 programs, thousands of actors, and see when the other party can finish checking.


After an unknown amount of time, there was a sudden noise from the walkie-talkie in Xu Jie's hand, followed by Zhao Hongbo's voice.

"Five, four, three, two, one, let's go!"

"Hey, me too, what about you?" Ma Anlu looked at Wang Kai after finishing speaking.

Xu Jie looked at these CTS employees, and from what these people said just now, he tasted something different again.

A countdown sound came from the intercom.

Isn't the so-called dress rehearsal just to avoid all kinds of accidents as much as possible?
"Thank you, Director Zhao!" After talking with Zhao Hongbo, Xu Jie looked at your CTV staff in the warehouse and said, "Can you finish it in 10 minutes? If you can't finish it, I can find someone Help you."

"Mr. Xu, what's going on, why haven't the actors of the third program come on stage yet?" It was Zhao Hongbo.


There are no doors.

"If you can't even pick it up, how can you still have time to report to you? Can you come over and help us pick it up?" the CTS employee said angrily.

Ma Anlu was taken aback when he heard it, and then secretly extended a thumbs up to Zhang Siyang, which meant that he was awesome, and acted that even his accomplice was deceived.

Absolutely ask three questions.

Zhang Siyang smiled slightly, how can he do without some acting skills in the workplace?
Especially working in China Television, you must be able to act.

Xu Jie frowned, such a heavy shelf with so many things piled up on it, can a mouse knock it down?Tiger is about the same.

On the contrary, the more relaxed you are, the better you will perform, or even super-level performance.

Shouldn't you be more involved in things like rehearsals?

Although he looks busy on the surface, he is actually just walking back and forth in the background, which is the highest state of not working hard.

"I know." After Zhang Siyang finished speaking, he looked around cautiously, and then whispered: "I'm acting, do you understand acting?"

Once they don't finish within a few minutes, doesn't it mean that they are really inferior to the people of Jingshi Culture?
Zhao Liqiu looked at the other colleagues, and all of them gritted their teeth angrily. Originally, this hole was dug for that surnamed Xu, but now they fell into it.

The props of more than a dozen programs can be sorted in a few minutes?Isn't this bragging?

"Oh, that's good. How long is it expected to be sorted?" Zhao Hongbo asked again.

He didn't want to give that person surnamed Xu an excuse to sue Deputy Director Zhao. In that case, they would also be scolded.

If I agreed with the other party's opinion just now, doesn't it mean that the CTS employees are not capable of working and need help?Isn't this disgusting?
"Really? Then I'm relieved, everyone!" Xu Jie raised his fist and waved, and said with a smile: "I knew that you CTS people are capable of working."

His job was to check the list of performers for each show, but during the half an hour of preparation just now, he did nothing but walk around in the crowd.

I don't know if anyone has asked for leave.

The rehearsal has already begun, but instead of rushing to sort them out, the people in front of them are still talking sarcasticly. Such an attitude is hard to associate with the word "responsible".

What's more, the other party even dug a hole for them.

"What's the matter? I wonder if it will be your turn in the next show?" Xu Jie said loudly.

Being held up so high by the surname Xu, it would be impossible if he didn't work hard.

Woohoo, Bai knocked down the shelf!

Self-inflicted, can't live!


(End of this chapter)

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