Chapter 972
The so-called: wells without pressure will not produce oil, and people without pressure will be light and light.

The originally messy warehouse was cleaned up in less than 10 minutes, and even the scattered props were sorted neatly, and there was no sign of the shelves being turned over.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie looked at the CTS employees who were wiping their sweat, and couldn't help but stretch out his hands to applaud these people.

"Well, not bad, not bad, as expected of the elite of Huaxia TV Station, this work efficiency is really amazing and unmatched."

While speaking, there was a surprised expression on his face.

Xu Jie was just skeptical at first, but now after seeing the performance of the CTV employees, he is more sure of his thoughts.

The issue of props must be related to these people.

When he didn't come, he didn't tidy it up for more than half an hour. He did some tricks and finished it in less than 10 minutes. This is not a human problem, but whose problem is it?
After hearing Xu Jie's words, the CTV employees headed by Zhao Liqiu were all ashamed and wished they could find a mouse hole to crawl into.

Where is this a compliment?
It's clearly a run on!
Several people were angry and annoyed, and most importantly, they were still very tired.

After hearing this, Zhao Liqiu finally felt a little better.

This kind of situation made them doubt their lives, and at the same time, they also felt a deep sense of crisis, because the rehearsals were going on normally without them, so whether the success of the first two rehearsals was due to them or the performance What about staff self-awareness?

Isn't this another chance?
"Aren't you prepared yourself?" Wang Kai asked.

"Who doesn't want to be scolded by me?"

If it was normal, the crowd would have exploded, but today, why is it so calm?

Just when the team leader was about to ask other people, he suddenly saw two staff members standing not far away, so he walked over quickly.

Since it's what you're supposed to do, why don't you do anything, just stand by and watch?
Several people looked at the back of the man leaving, and murmured in their hearts: Don't look at you having a good time now, I will let you make a list later.

Everyone looked at each other and finally shook their heads.

Xu Jie returned to the backstage and sat down again.

"Two, an aunt of one of our team members is here. Can you help me and ask who has that thing? It's okay to go outside and buy a pack. I'll give you the money."

The rehearsal went really well.

Not only let him buy it, but also let him take care of it?

Xu Jie didn't say anything to Wang Kai, but looked at Guo Yangyang on the other side, "Since he won't go, then go buy it."

After speaking, he deliberately turned his head to look at the warehouse behind him, but just this one glance made the employees of CTS turn their heads guiltily and dare not look at each other.

"I got it!" Xu Jie turned his head to look at Wang Kai after listening and said, "Xiao Wang, hurry up and buy outside, remember to buy a few more packs, and keep the rest for later use."

The corners of Xu Jie's mouth turned up, revealing a smile, then picked up the walkie-talkie, pressed the launch button and said, "Director Zhao, the props have been sorted. The leaders of each dance team are picking up the props. The rehearsal can begin immediately."

This, how can there be such a thing?
"Director Xu, I still have a lot of work to do here." Wang Kai said reluctantly.

The next time will be the recording of the New Year's Eve party, and the next time will be the official performance of the New Year's Eve party. One is to avoid accidents at the New Year's Eve party, and the other is to broadcast live. In such two important performances, even if they are given a few Even if they have the guts, they dare not be passive and sabotage their work.

"Not only cunning, but also very shameless." Zhao Liqiu added, when he thought of the person surnamed Xu taking all the credit, he was very angry, even more angry than falling into a pit.

At this time, Guo Yangyang put his arms around Zhao Liqiu's shoulders, and comforted him in a low voice: "Okay, don't be angry, just wait and see the good show."

"How can you forget such a small thing? You are too careless. Besides, it will be your turn to play soon. If Director Xu blames you for delaying the rehearsal, can you be responsible?" Wang Kai said with a serious expression. , by the way discredit that Xu.

He started a game, but the rehearsal resumed just after halfway through the game. Didn't this delay his ascent?

"Do you need to ask? Isn't it all in front of you? Don't you know how to read it yourself?"

"Well, it makes sense." Zhao Liqiu nodded.

This time I really complied with that sentence: I lifted a rock and shot myself in the foot.

Xu Jie just wanted to go to the bathroom, but he didn't expect to see the performers talking anxiously to the CTV staff from a distance.

In fact, Guo Yangyang and Wang Kai's plan is very simple. They are responsible for a series of work related to the performance team. As long as they don't ask, then the backstage will inevitably be very chaotic if no one manages it, especially in that surname. Xu's invisible place.

and many more!

Xu Jie listened carefully. He thought it was a big problem, but he didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter.

Xu Jie frowned, squinted his eyes and asked, "Why, I asked you to buy it, isn't it working?"

"Xiao Guo, the situation seems to be wrong!" Wang Kai found Guo Yangyang and whispered.

"We all have our own jobs. If you leave the post without authorization because of your incident, what will you do if something happens? You should solve it yourself. We don't want to be scolded by Director Xu." Wang Kai said coldly.

It will be lost at that time, but the face of China TV.

"Otherwise, let's do something?" Wang Kai asked in a low voice. If this continues, today's rehearsal will be over.

"Xiao Zhao, don't be angry. If you are angry, it will only make that man more proud." Wang Kai looked at Zhao Liqiu and said, "I just concluded that if we want to reveal the true face of that man, let that man be in Zhao Liqiu's place." The deputy director is embarrassed. It is not enough to trouble him with some hardware, because we are the ones who manage the hardware. If there is any problem, the surname Xu can easily blame us. It’s better to make a fuss about people.”

The team leader is a little anxious, it will be their turn in a few more shows, girls in this situation, how can they dance on stage?

It's frustratingly smooth.

Regarding this kind of thing, the team leader is usually required to prepare for the team members himself. Now that this kind of thing happens, it is definitely the responsibility of the team leader.

No, that is the fire of hope, the fire of hope that can start a prairie fire.

"Team leader, I, my one is here, do you have that?" In a nearby team waiting to play, a female backup dancer came to the team leader with unnatural steps.

"You're the liar, the big liar."

Near the warehouse.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang quickly left the warehouse. They kept walking around in the crowd, pretending that they were busy. Of course, they also wanted to observe the performance of the performers.

"It's okay, with Guo Yangyang here, he will be in charge of your work temporarily, besides, it won't take long." Xu Jie said.

It turned out that there was a dispute between two female backup dancers.

"Why don't you buy it?" Wang Kai said dissatisfied.

"It's nothing, this is what I should do." Xu Jie said modestly.

Why is it still not messy?
Should not be!

She hurried to the performance team in front, found the leader of the other party, and explained the situation, but the other party asked around, and finally shook her head.

The two quarreling female backup dancers immediately turned off their fire, and waited honestly for the stage.

Wang Kai was taken aback, thinking that the other party was sitting in the background, why did he come here?

"Tell me clearly, how can I be worse than you, why does Mr. Xu look down on me?"

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang looked at each other, and they both saw light in each other's eyes.

Judging from everyone's expressions, it seemed that he had encountered some serious problem, so he came over.

The expected picture did not appear, which made them feel uneasy while being disappointed.

Although both Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang were men, they understood what the team leader meant.

"Why did the rehearsal resume so quickly? I thought it would take an hour or two." Guo Yangyang said.

He couldn't help but glanced at Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang, it was just a matter of lifting a finger, so why are they being so serious?

Especially Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang, have already begun to doubt life.

This kind of situation made the CTV employees in the background very puzzled. They agreed to expose the person surnamed Xu, and everyone should be fair, but now, what about fairness?Where?

"I don't want to be so fast, but that guy surnamed Xu dug a hole for me. I can't lose the face of CTS, can I?" Zhao Liqiu said with a bitter face.

It's okay to be passive and sabotage, but if you really want to cause trouble on purpose, once you are caught by the people around you, you can only go back to the hotel to be with Teacher Yang.

Wang Kai looked at Guo Yangyang and winked. Guo Yangyang received the signal and immediately said: "Director Xu, I also have a lot of work over there, so I can't help you."

As long as the actors are in chaos, the rehearsal will inevitably fail.

"What, that, that..." The team leader had just finished speaking, when he suddenly understood the meaning of the female backup dancer, and the colleague who moved his eyes down also frowned, "I didn't bring it." He turned to look at the performance team The other female team members asked in a low voice: "Which one of you is wearing a pad?"

If Deputy Director Zhao knew this, wouldn't there be no need for him to exist in this working group?

"Oh, I don't know what happened to the performers today." Guo Yangyang sighed deeply, he was really dishonest when he should be honest, and blindly honest when he shouldn't be honest.

"Hehe, let me convince you that you are thick-skinned, you even lied to yourself."

"Oh? Really?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Kai and said, "It seems that I can only take care of your work personally, that's all, you can go at ease."

Thinking about it now, they acted rashly.

Just when the two were worried, a voice suddenly reached their ears.

"What's going on, don't you think the same as Teacher Yang?" Guo Yangyang reminded Wang Kai.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the rehearsal was also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Wang Kai wanted to ask other people, but he stopped suddenly when the words came to his lips.

Wang Kai stiffened his neck and didn't say anything, but his attitude of not buying it seemed very firm.

Soon, the rehearsal continued.

Let's not say that today is just a dress rehearsal, let's just talk about this matter, why should we be held accountable?
"I'm sorry, it's my fault. Can you help our team members first?" The team leader knew that it was indeed his fault, and that the two CTV staff could not afford to be offended, so he could only bear with it.

When the people around heard it, they all showed dissatisfied expressions.

In his words, Xu Jie is completely unreasonable and unreasonable.

Wang Kai was stunned.

The current situation is that no one communicates with the performers, manages backstage discipline, and solves problems for the show team.

"Then what shall we do?" Wang Kai asked unwillingly.

"It seems that this person surnamed Xu is more cunning than we imagined!" Wang Kai said, frowning.

"Ah? Why?" Guo Yangyang was taken aback, wondering if he looked like a soft persimmon?

"People are the most uncertain factor in the whole party, so if there are problems with people, it will be very difficult to end." Wang Kai said again.

Although I don't know what Guo Yangyang and Wang Kai did, but seeing their confidence, they should make that Xu suffer a little bit.

Yang Xiong is the best example.


"What should I do? If I can't make that Xu look good today, I won't have a chance in the future." Wang Kai said with a serious expression.

And today's backstage, let alone urinating, even if he went to the tuba, no one would bother him.

"Yes." Guo Yangyang agreed very much.

"Director Xu, it's like this, one of our female team members..." The team leader saw that Director Xu had arrived. Although he was a little nervous, he still talked about what happened just now.

The two couldn't help laughing, they really came up with whatever they wanted, maybe it was God's will.

The two looked at the team leader bitterly, and secretly scolded the other party for meddling in their own business, which extinguished the fire of hope in their hearts.

After playing two games, no one came to him. This was absolutely impossible in the past. Like the last Mid-Autumn Festival party, he was so busy backstage that he didn't even have time to go to the bathroom. In the end, he held back until the party Finish.

"I think I'm better than you everywhere."

"What are you arguing for? As far as you two are concerned, who can compare with these female stars? Besides, as far as the virtues of you two are concerned, if Director Xu sees it, do you think he will choose you?" The leader of the performance team said angrily. .

Except for a ten-minute pause due to props, the rehearsal was never delayed.

From the day I joined the large-scale program center of China TV Station to now, I feel useless for the first time.

"Yes!" Zhao Liqiu said.

The smiles that Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang showed just now disappeared again, not even for more than ten seconds.

No one asked for help, and no one made loud noises. Some just helped each other, and there were whispers.

"My bag is in the hotel, I forgot to bring it today." The team leader said embarrassedly.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang found Zhao Liqiu and asked about the situation just now.

The CTV employees in the back were so angry that they did all the work, but it was Xu who was praised. Isn't this too unfair?
Besides, what should you do?

To know the issue of discipline, it has little to do with them.

"Okay, I see, Mr. Xu, thank you for your hard work." Zhao Hongbo said with a smile.

He had guessed many scenes in advance, such as: begging them to speed up, or leaving in a rage, etc., but he never expected that the other party would actually dig a hole for them in turn.

The props in the half-warehouse were picked within a few minutes, which is not something that can be done simply by moving hands, the sweat on the forehead is the best proof.

At this time, a voice came, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see Director Xu walking over.

Xu Jie walked out of the warehouse at this time, looked at the team leaders standing outside and said: "The props have been sorted, everyone lined up, go in and pick them up one by one according to the order of the program, be careful not to mess up, I don't want to see someone put the shelves on display again. run down."

"Just based on what I said." Xu Jie said.

"I dont go."

Guo Yangyang directly refused, he wanted to let the other party know that he was not easy to bully.


(End of this chapter)

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