Chapter 973 I Take Over
When the surrounding performers saw that Director Xu was rejected by other staff, they were all stunned for a while, and they were even more surprised.

I thought to myself: what is the situation?What's wrong with these people?Is this a rebellion?
You know, Director Xu is the assistant director of the New Year's Eve party, and he is in charge of the backstage work.

He didn't listen to Director Xu's command, did he eat the guts of a bear?Aren't you afraid of being fired by Director Xu...

Huh, no!

Director Xu is from Beijing TV Station, and the two in front of him seem to be from China TV Station. It seems that Director Xu can't fire them.

After some people wanted to understand this relationship, they showed expressions of sudden understanding, and at the same time they were more concerned about the next development of the situation.

Did Director Xu admit it?Or is the staff of China TV admitting it?

Xu Jie stared at Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang intently. In fact, after the incident with the props, he had been wary of the CTS employees secretly looking for trouble, but he didn't expect that these people would openly disobey his command.

Is this a showdown?
"Director Xu, or I'll go, anyway, there are still two programs before it's our turn, and this is my mistake." The team leader took the initiative to stand up and take responsibility, he didn't want Director Xu to be unable to come down because of such a trivial matter.

Xu Jie slowly raised his hand after hearing this, signaling to the team leader not to speak.

Things have developed to the present, it is no longer a question of who is going to buy things, but his authority has been challenged.

If he can't solve the immediate problem, how can he proceed with the next work?Who will listen to his arrangements?
"Since neither of you is going, there is no need to stay here, let's go back to the hotel together, just to be a companion with Yang Xiong." Xu Jie said lightly.

I thought to myself: Don’t think that you are employees of China Television, I will have nothing to do with you.

When the people around heard it, they all had surprised expressions on their faces.

Back to the hotel?
Is this to drive people away?

Many people thought that Director Xu would think of other ways for the overall situation of the current rehearsal program. After all, the step of team leader had already been given, but no one thought that Director Xu would actually want to drive the staff of China TV away.

The work here is a radish and a pit. If these two people really leave, who will replace their jobs?
Wang Kai was a little flustered, he didn't want to go back to be with Yang Xiong, but Guo Yangyang on the side had a sneer on his face, obviously he didn't take Xu Jie's words seriously.

"Ask me to go back? Why do you ask me to go back? Our work is arranged by the chief director. What right do you, an assistant director, have to do this?" Guo Yangyang said eloquently.

When Wang Kai next to him heard this, he immediately calmed down.

That's right, their work is arranged by Deputy Director Zhao. In the entire working group, is it the chief director or the assistant director?
"Just because I'm the assistant director in charge of backstage work!" Xu Jie said.

"What's wrong with the assistant director? Can the assistant director be older than the chief director?" Guo Yangyang turned his head to look at the crowd, and asked loudly at the performers: "Do you think you should listen to the chief director or the chief director?" Assistant director?"


It was quiet around, and no one spoke.

As ordinary performers, whether it is the chief director or the assistant director, they can't afford to offend them, let them stand in line, or forget it.

Seeing that no one spoke, Guo Yangyang felt a little embarrassed. He casually looked at Xu Jie and said, "They are laymen and don't understand. Mr. Xu, you are an expert. Who do you think you should listen to?"

"Of course I listened to the chief director. Is there a need to ask?" Xu Jie said naturally.

"Since you know, you'd better leave the shopping to others. We're going to be busy." Guo Yangyang said proudly.

This face is slapped, cool!

He wanted to tell all his colleagues about it, so that no one would listen to this Xu again.

"and many more!"

Just when Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang were about to leave, Xu Jie stopped them.

Reason with him?

"You two, you should know that the person who put me in charge of the backstage work is the chief director. In other words, the person who instructed me to direct you is also the chief director. If you don't listen to my command, you just don't obey the chief director's arrangement. I don't know Are you two going to obey, or are you going to resist and go back to the hotel to reflect?" Xu Jie asked with a faint smile.


Guo Yangyang was at a loss for words when he heard it.

Not to mention, it was indeed Deputy Director Zhao who invited this person surnamed Xu back.

If the other party sues Deputy Director Zhao, they really can't take it seriously.

Guo Yangyang turned his head to look at Wang Kai beside him, and cast a questioning look: What should I do, quickly think of a way to get back.

At this moment, Wang Kai was also in a dilemma, but for the sake of face, he still insisted and said: "Mr. The chief director’s orders conflicted, you asked us to leave without authorization, you asked us to go back and reflect, these orders were obviously unreasonable, under such circumstances, we naturally had to choose to follow the chief director’s orders.”

"Yes, yes, yes!" Guo Yangyang nodded again and again, and said in a demonstration: "If you delay the work, delay the rehearsal, are you responsible?"

"Yes, I will take charge." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"You? What are you responsible for? Are you responsible?" Guo Yangyang said angrily.

"That's right, this is our Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party. If something goes wrong, you'll pat your ass and leave after the party, leaving us to go back and be scolded." Wang Kai said.

The purpose of his saying these words is to let the people around him know who is the person from Huaxia TV, so that these people can recognize the reality.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Kai finished speaking, the atmosphere of the scene changed immediately.

At first, most people were on Xu Jie's side, but now, they are all shaken.

After Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang felt this situation, they gradually turned their heads up, their faces full of arrogance, as if to say: Pay attention to your identity, don't get confused about your position.

"Hehe!" Xu Jie smiled suddenly, looked at the two people jumping up and down in front of him and said, "Isn't it just because you are worried about delaying work and rehearsal? Don't worry, you can see from the fact that Yang Xiong left, who left the party They can still turn around."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

When Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang saw this move, their nerves immediately tensed up, and at the same time they comforted themselves in their hearts: It's okay, it's okay, even if Deputy Director Zhao knew, he wouldn't blame a person who sticks to his job.

Not wanting to think about it, both of them pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Xu Jie dialed a number, and the call was connected soon.

"Xiao Liu, yes, it's me. I arranged for some people with experience in party organization to come to my side. That's right, it's now..." Xu Jie said a few words, then hung up the phone and put the phone on Put it in your pocket.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang looked at each other, they were a little confused.

Didn't they call Deputy Director Zhao?
That's right, if you are calling Deputy Director Zhao, you can just use the walkie-talkie instead of calling.

and many more!

call someone?

What did the other party call someone here for?
"You, what do you mean?" Wang Kai had a bad feeling in his heart.

"It's not interesting." Xu Jie said lightly: "Didn't I tell you that after the party, everyone will go on the same way. When Yang Xiong left, there would be me. When you left, there would be others. I just called my staff , Let them find someone to take over your job, of course, I also know that you are the elite of China TV, so I will find a few more people to take over your job."

"You..." Guo Yangyang panicked again, accusing him angrily, "How could you do this?"

Wang Kai also had a gloomy face. He never dreamed that the other party would find someone to replace them.

"Aren't you worried about delaying work and delaying rehearsal? There is no need now." Xu Jie stood on a chair at this time and said loudly: "All the staff in the backstage, if any of you don't want to do it, you can go back to the hotel to rest immediately , I will not force you to stay, especially the friends of Huaxia TV, I know you are very tired these days, but please rest assured, even if you are all gone, as a partner, we JingTV Culture will do our best to cooperate The director team will organize this New Year's Eve party well."

This time, not only Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang were stunned, but also other CTS employees around them were also stunned.

What does this mean?
Want to drive them away?
Doesn't that become the New Year's Eve party of Beijing TV Station?

Of course, what made them most angry was the subtext of these words.

Knowing that they are tired, let them go without worry, doesn't it mean that they are afraid of hardship and tiredness?
Cooperate with the director team to run the party well, doesn't it mean that it's the same with them or without them?

This is nothing short of blatant humiliation.

But Xu Jie didn't seem to feel all this, and continued: "Please come to me to register if you want to leave, so that I can arrange corresponding staff to replace your work. Don't be embarrassed, you are Humans are not machines, and when people are tired, if they are lazy and slippery and are seen by the performers, it will embarrass and discredit China TV. Those who don’t know think that China TV has raised a bunch of idlers..."

Speaking of this, Xu Jie suddenly lowered his head and asked suspiciously: "Wang Kai, Guo Yangyang, why don't you two leave?"

Originally, some CTV employees didn't know why the surname Xu suddenly said these words, but when they heard the names of Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang, they immediately understood what was going on.

It must be that these two people were discovered by the surname Xu when they were passively sabotaging their work.

Well now, not only did the plan of the two of them fail, but it also caused the entire China Television to be ashamed in front of the performers backstage.

This person surnamed Xu is too vicious!
Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang were so named suddenly, they were so ashamed that they wished they could find a mouse hole to slip in.

Just talk about them, why did you bring other colleagues with you?

What would these colleagues think?
Not only did the two of them not let Xu's original form show up, but they also implicated everyone?

"You, when did we say we were leaving?" Wang Kai asked angrily.

"Of course you didn't say you wanted to leave. I told you to leave. You are no longer needed here." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he ignored the two people and looked at the people around him and said loudly: "All the stars Listen up, the team leader, and the performers, you don’t have to listen to these two people’s instructions in the future, from now on, I will take over their work.”


Listening to the loud and loud words, everyone was shocked.

This, this drives people away?
After a short period of surprise, the female backup dancers around all showed expressions of admiration.

So handsome!
Even the female stars who were waiting to play had little stars in their eyes.

I thought to myself: Director Xu deserves to be Director Xu, even people from China TV would dare to hate him.

As for Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang, their faces turned blue and purple, hating the person standing on the stool to the extreme, but they had no choice but to do anything.

This is the greatest depression in life.

If you can't understand the other party, you can't do anything to the other party.

What should we do now?
Wouldn't that be in the arms of the other party?

No one listens to them, isn't the two of them no different from idlers?
At this time, Wang Kai turned his head to look at the colleagues around him, hoping that these people would stand up and support him. As long as everyone twisted together, the last one to leave must be Xu.

There are twenty or thirty CTS employees on one side, and an outsider on the other. Even if Deputy Director Zhao came, he would choose to let them stay.

The CTV employees who received Wang Kai's signal, although they understood the meaning of this look, did not dare to stand up easily, because they were very concerned about what the person surnamed Xu said.

"Arrange corresponding staff to replace your work..."

If they all left, what would happen once the staff surnamed Xu led Jingshi Culture to successfully complete the task of the party?
Although each position is very important, the people in the position are not irreplaceable, especially after two rehearsals, the performers are already very familiar with the relevant process, even if some staff members are changed temporarily, it will not be too big Impact.

At that time, what will Deputy Director Zhao think?What would these performers think?If it gets out, what will the colleagues in the circle think?
Of course, the person surnamed Xu may also mess up the party, but the possibility is very small, because today is only the 27th, and the official recording will be on the 30th, and the live broadcast will be on the 31st. During the period, a few rehearsals were temporarily added to let the newly joined staff familiarize themselves with the entire work process.

Just like what the other party said, anyone can go on without the party.

So out of caution, out of not wanting to be a laughing stock, and more out of wanting to be criticized by Deputy Director Zhao, some CTS employees did not choose to stand up.

And some CTV employees who wanted to stand up to support Wang Kai became hesitant when they saw that no one stood up.

"Okay, okay, don't get together, hurry up and get ready to go on stage, I happen to have a pack here, you can use it first." At this time, a female employee of China TV came to the female dancer's room while talking. Beside him, he handed over the things the other party continued.

After thanking her, the female backup dancer hurried towards the bathroom.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang looked at the female colleague in disbelief, as if they were asking: Why didn't you show it just now?Did they lose people here for half a day?

And the female colleague turned around and left as if she didn't see it, but she kept saying in her heart: Don't look at me, don't look at me, Director Jiang asked me to do this, it has nothing to do with me...


(End of this chapter)

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