The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 974 It's all cowardly

"Brother Wang, what should we do now?" Guo Yangyang looked anxiously at Wang Kai beside him, he didn't want to leave or stay, he had no idea.

At this moment, Wang Kai is not much better, and his heart is very irritable.

He thought that for such a trivial matter, he would be scolded at most, but he never expected that the surname Xu would drive them out of the working group. Even Director Chen and Deputy Director Zhao had never treated them like this.

"Don't be afraid, he's just scaring us. It's not like you haven't seen it. There are only ten JingTV cultural employees who came to Xiazhou with us this time. Where can he find someone to replace us?" Wang Kai said pretending to be calm. .

Guo Yangyang thought about it carefully, and felt that Wang Kai's words were not unreasonable. If the other party really wanted to transfer people from Jingshi Culture, by the time those people rushed from the capital to Xiazhou, it would probably be dark and the rehearsal would have ended.

Thinking of this, Guo Yangyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face eased a lot, and said with a smile: "Then let's continue working."

Before that, he just wanted to slow down his work, but now, he just wanted to work hard.

"But..." Wang Kai looked not far away, and the person surnamed Xu had already taken over the work of the two of them, which made it impossible for them to start.

Guo Yangyang followed Wang Kai's line of sight, and also noticed the Xu, so he turned to comfort Wang Kai, "Don't worry, he did what he did, and we did ours. It's all for the rehearsal anyway."

Wang Kai thought, yes.

No cowardice!

In fact, the content of the job is very simple, it is to replace Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang's work, just to be on the safe side, so I called a few more people.

After Xu Jie explained, he issued temporary work permits to the six people, then turned to look at the performance team around him, and said loudly: "From now on, these six staff members will take over from Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang to perform their duties. , please cooperate well, let us complete the performance task together.”

The corner of Wang Kai's mouth twitched, he could bear to say that he was an idler, but he couldn't bear to say that he disturbed the actors.

Some team leaders directly discussed dance moves with their players, pretending they didn't hear anything.

Although the surname Xu announced in public that all personnel would no longer need to listen to his and Guo Yangyang's instructions, but he didn't expect everyone to be so obedient.

Whoever loves to help!
There is an old saying: Brothers who are united in one mind can cut through gold.

is an unfamiliar number.

Although the rehearsal was still going on, to him, Mr. Xu's words were orders, and he would obey them unconditionally no matter what.

Whoever dies, the wheel of history will not stop.

"Hey...yes, it's me...arrived? Okay, I'll send someone to pick you up right away." Xu Jie put down his phone and looked around the crowd for a while. After seeing Wang Youlin, he immediately waved to him, " Wang Youlin, go to the gate and pick up a few people, one of them is Zheng Mingcheng."

"Why did I disturb the actor's state? This is the job assigned to me by the chief director!" Wang Kai said stiffly, holding his neck.

The programs followed one another, and soon came noon.

After hearing this, Zheng Mingcheng said quickly: "Mr. Xu, you are too polite. It is our honor to work for you. If you have any dirty work, just tell us. We dare not say how well we can do it, but we will definitely do our best. All out."

As he talked, he even yelled at the end.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang looked at each other. Although they didn't know who the person on the other side of the phone was, they both had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Yu Yan shook her head, she had been watching the dance in front of the stage, Jiang Qize was also in a daze, but Jiang Yuanyue came to Zhao Hongbo's side, and briefly talked about what happened backstage in a low voice.

"Mr. Xu, someone brought it to you." Wang Youlin pointed behind him after speaking.

So my heart sank, and I walked over to the line waiting for the rehearsal.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry for those employees who don't listen to your command!" Zhao Hongbo said seriously, and then bowed his head very solemnly.

Does she look like a soft persimmon?

If word of the sabotage got to Deputy Director Zhao's ears, he would really have to get out of here.

The ones who were most surprised were Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang who were replaced. They didn't expect that the person surnamed Xu would come for real.

Some things, I really can't accept it!

After Zhao Hongbo listened, his face immediately changed from sunny to cloudy.

Zhao Hongbo showed doubts.

But there is another sentence: people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves.

Personally, they are not employees of China Television, and after participating in the New Year's Eve party, they have to go back to their respective homes to find their own mothers. Even if everyone doesn't like this person, they can't do anything to them.

Although Director Xu had heard it before, most people felt that Director Xu was trying to scare people, but they didn't expect Director Xu to really do what he said, and the speed was so fast, it was simply resolute.

Zhao Hongbo came to the backstage with a smile and found Xu Jie who was eating a box lunch.

Within a few minutes, Wang Youlin came back with six people.

Wang Kai stood there in a daze, with a look of despair, thinking: How the hell would I know?
Although some things happened in the background, it did not affect the normal rehearsal on the stage.

Naturally, Xu Jie lived up to expectations, pointed at Wang Kai, and yelled, "What are you doing? The backstage is a place where no one else can enter. Didn't you see that the rehearsal is going on? Can you take responsibility for disturbing the state of the actors?"

Just when he was about to ask if he had any secrets, he suddenly noticed a few strange faces eating with people from Jingshi Culture, with temporary work badges hanging on their chests.


Xu Jie hurriedly put down the lunch box, and supported Zhao Hongbo with both hands, "Director Zhao, it's just a trivial matter, and it's all been resolved. Besides, it has nothing to do with you, so what kind of apology do you have?"

If they stand up and go back to the hotel to rest, I'm afraid they won't have a place in this year's New Year's Eve party working group.

She turned to Director Xu who was not far away for help, hoping that the other party could help her out. Even the leaders of other performance teams also looked at Director Xu. After all the statistics, it was their turn next.

After hearing this, everyone showed surprise eyes.

Xu Jie held the other party's hand and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you for helping me in your busy schedule, and for causing you trouble."

"Register again, can't you?" Guo Yangyang stepped forward to speak for Wang Kai at this time, after all, the two are now grasshoppers on the same rope.

"Well, it's hard work, let's go back and get busy." Xu Jie said to Wang Youlin, and then looked at the strangers brought back by the other party.

But, don't listen!

"Director Xu, thanks to you, this morning's rehearsal went very smoothly. As expected, I'm most relieved to leave the stage to you." Zhao Hongbo was very happy.

Although there was a small episode in the middle, it did not have much impact on today's rehearsal.

"Brother Wang, what should we do now?" Guo Yangyang asked at a loss.

Looking for help from China TV?
Why didn't you find it?

This time I really became an idler.

So after hesitating for a moment, he walked over to the leader of one of the performance teams, and said to the other party: "Tell me about the situation of your performance team today, how many people should be there, how many people are actually there..."

"President Xu, they are..."

"The team leaders of various performance units come to me to register." Wang Kai said loudly.

When Wang Kai saw that no one came, the expression on his face should be as embarrassing as possible.

That's right, by doing this, he was demonstrating to the employees of CTS.

When the people around heard it, they all showed strange expressions.

Zhao Hongbo felt the strangeness in the eyes around him, and he was even more puzzled in his heart. He couldn't help turning his head to look at the assistant director behind him.

"No, it's because I'm incapable of disciplining you, and I made it difficult for you, Mr. Xu." Zhao Hongbo looked ashamed.

"Since no one wants to rest, let's continue to work." Xu Jie suddenly changed his face and said with a smile: "Don't put any pressure on you. In fact, as we all know, I am a person who is very considerate of my subordinates. If you let me When I see someone's mind wandering while working, I will definitely send him back to the hotel to rest."

Can this also be called empathy for subordinates?

In this world, no one is irreplaceable.

Before letting him go, he could still stay here on the grounds that he didn't want to delay his work, but now, someone who replaced them came, which made him no longer have a reason to stay here.

There are so many people here, why did they find her?

At this moment, he was completely cornered.

Xu Jie heard it, but he didn't pay attention to the other party at all. Instead, he said loudly to the other CTS employees: "There are six people here this time. Anyone who wants to take a rest, hurry up and sign up with me. The opportunity is not to be missed." , Lost and never come back, after passing this village, there will be no such shop.”

In the current situation, self-protection is not enough. Do you want to protect others like a superhero?It's better to weigh yourself a few catties.

After hearing these words, those CTV employees, no matter how proud they are usually, are all scared at this time.

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Upon hearing this, Wang Youlin immediately put down his work and walked quickly towards the door.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Xu Jie's pocket vibrated suddenly, he gave Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang a warning look, and then took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

Everyone was speechless.

The performers looked at Wang Kai, then at Director Xu, and after hesitating for a moment, they finally made a choice.

After holding it in for such a long time, if it wasn't for his healthy kidneys, he would have changed his pants instead of going to the bathroom.

stand still.

"You, where did you find these people? Are they professional? Who will be responsible for delaying the rehearsal?" Wang Kai asked angrily.

My face hurts!
Just after talking about something, I asked the people from China TV for help, but I heard that the staff of China TV refused to help. This slap was too loud and painful.

Zhao Hongbo was taken aback for a moment, and then said seriously: "Mr. Xu, I didn't mean you. You are too out of touch, right? If you need help with anything, you can ask our CTS people."

These few people are neither from Huaxia TV Station nor JingTV Culture. How could they appear here?
"Oh, they are some of my friends from Xiazhou TV Station, they are here to help me." Xu Jie said while eating.

He wants to let these people know that it is useless to blackmail him with passive sabotage or a collective strike.

Not to mention taking a plane, even taking a rocket, it is impossible to be so fast.

Mr. Xu did better than Yang Xiong.

Isn't the other party the vice president of Jingshi Culture?Isn't Jingshi Culture in Beijing?This is Xiazhou.

The leading man immediately walked up to Xu Jie, and said respectfully, "Mr. Xu, my name is Zheng Mingcheng, and I'm in the same class as Liu Yalei. These are my colleagues."

Besides, shouldn't such basic information be counted before the rehearsal?Counting balls now?

"Thank you, thank you everyone." Xu Jie thanked the six people again, and then began to assign work.

Therefore, no matter how much resentment there is in my heart, I can only hold it back now. As for Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang...

These people are not employees of Beijing Television Culture, but foreign aid recruited by Beijing Television Culture employees. For example, the person in front of him named Zheng Mingcheng is a program producer of Xiazhou TV Station. The people behind him should be the other party. Xiazhou TV colleagues who called to help.

As the assistant director appointed by Director Chen, and also the assistant director he invited, the CTV employees did not listen to Mr. Xu's command. Isn't this giving him and Director Chen eye drops?

Obviously he is an employee of CTS, okay?
The most important thing is that if no one comes to register, he will really become an idler.

Xu Jie looked at the two of them coldly, "I'll say it again, you two get out of here quickly, don't make me turn my face."

In fact, at the beginning, she didn't know what happened in the backstage, but a good junior told her on WeChat, and it was she who handed over the women's products to that junior to let him get backstage.

"There is half an hour of preparation time before the rehearsal, and the statistics should be completed within this time. What were you doing at that time?" Xu Jie asked.

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he ignored the others and walked directly to the men's bathroom.

The team leader was stunned, and then showed a bitter face. This is really a toad lying on its feet, and it is disgusting if it doesn't bite.


Wang Kai didn't give up and was kicked out by an outsider like this. This not only made him lose face in front of his colleagues, but also made him lose face in front of these performers.

"I..." Wang Kai got stuck for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Yu Gong, although the person speaking is an employee of China Television, but Director Xu is the assistant director of the New Year's Eve party, and his position in the working group is higher than that of the China Television employee, so everyone should listen to Director Xu's command .

Yang Xiong's incident just turned into a big one and a trivial one, and now this kind of incident has happened again, why is there no one to let him worry about it?

"Director Zhao, it's serious. In fact, I'm not in trouble, but I'm worried that you will be in trouble." Xu Jie said.

One side is my own people, and the other side is people I invited. This choice is quite difficult.

Zhao Hongbo understood what Xu Jie meant, and immediately stated, "Mr. Xu, I'm not embarrassed. The reason why I invited you here is because I believe in you, so no matter what decision you make, I will support you. I will go to the meeting now. If anyone refuses to obey your orders, I, Zhao Hongbo, will be the first to tell him to leave!"

It's already the last rehearsal, and he dares to make trouble for him. How can this be dissatisfaction with Mr. Xu?It is clear that he disapproves of Zhao Hongbo.

Today, no one should think about it!

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