The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 975 The dead friend is not dead

Chapter 975 The dead friend is not dead

At noon, in a bus in the parking lot, Zhao Hongbo looked gloomyly at his subordinates in the seats.

Among these people, some are on-site directors, some are coordinators, and some are field managers, but they are all backstage staff without exception.

The reason why he summoned people here was to seriously talk about the background work and give Mr. Xu a satisfactory explanation.

As for why he chose to be in the bus, the reason is actually very simple. Because there are few people in the parking lot and the environment is relatively closed, he doesn't have to worry about being heard by outsiders, and he can teach his subordinates without any scruples. The internal scandal is related to the reputation of China Television, so it is better to solve it behind closed doors.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Aren't you very capable? You are careless at work, finding fault with each other. Do you all feel that this is just a rehearsal, so everyone doesn't care?" Zhao Hongbo raised his eyes and questioned everyone in the car. People, those eyes, as if they want to kill someone.

After everyone heard it, they bowed their heads with guilt, not daring to refute.

Obviously, everyone has acquiesced to Deputy Director Zhao's words.

As the old saying goes: There is no impenetrable wall under the sun.

In fact, everyone knew very well that Deputy Director Zhao would sooner or later know about the joint efforts to get that Xu out of the working group, but he didn't expect it to come so soon, and thought he would wait until the party was over.

"No!" Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang denied it again, and their heads shook like they had taken a small pill, unable to stop.

Obviously, he wasn't going to go.


As if no one else was there.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang felt a little more comfortable after seeing everyone express their views.

Everyone waited until Deputy Director Zhao disappeared before they dared to stand up from their seats. They were about to go out when they saw Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang standing in the aisle.

Almost forgot about these two.

"Yes, Director Zhao, we will do what you say in the future, and you can let us stay in the working group." Guo Yangyang also begged.

Almost became cannon fodder.

What needs to be said has already been said, if there are still people who dare to stand up and challenge, then don't blame him for being rude.

But since the other party took it seriously, he couldn't tell the truth in his heart, so he pretended to be serious and said: "Wang Kai, what you say is not important, the important thing is that we will never stand idly by, right, everyone?"

As the old saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.

"So, I still want to praise you for your dedication?" Zhao Hongbo asked coldly, while thinking about how to deal with these two people.

What if Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang are really in a hurry and they go to inform?Shouldn't everyone be checked?
When everyone saw the signal, they immediately understood what Ma Anlu meant, and they all started fooling around, no, it was a statement.

Wang Kai heard that what Deputy Director Zhao said was ironic, so he shook his head quickly. Guo Yangyang wanted to say that there is no need to exaggerate, but he caught a glimpse of Wang Kai shaking his head, so he shook his head too.

"Director Zhao, I know I made a mistake. I will reflect on it, and I will review it. I will listen to you. Don't let me participate in the party." Wang Kai said with a bitter face.


Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang trembled and stood up from their seats tremblingly, not even daring to raise their heads, just like children who have done something wrong.

After speaking, he looked at the other people in the car, and even winked at them.

Moreover, he dare not continue to use such a person who is obedient and obedient, who knows if he will find fault with him in the future?
Zhao Hongbo looked at the others at this time, and said seriously: "I hope you can take this as a warning, perform well in the next work, don't bring your personal emotions to work, remember, you are not working for someone , but work for CTS, if I find out that similar things happen again, you don’t need to review, just leave CTS.”

After the lunch break, the rehearsal continued.

Everyone secretly glanced at Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang who were sitting in front. With Deputy Director Zhao's current level of anger, he must find someone to use as a punching bag.

Others will pretend to be passive and sabotage, but these two people actually had a direct confrontation with Mr. Xu, isn't it stupid-what is it?
"Wang Kai, Guo Yangyang!"

When everyone heard this, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to speak. You must know that even two days ago, even if Yang Xiong was salty, Deputy Director Zhao was not as angry as he is now.

Zhao Hongbo looked around coldly, and finally set his eyes on Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang.

Wang Kai pointed at He Zhong, and was about to get angry when suddenly Ma Anlu grabbed Wang Kai's arm and pressed it down.

"Okay, but I'll leave our affairs to you." Wang Kai bent down and bowed after finishing speaking.

Where did Ma Anlu think of explaining?He just wanted to comfort the other party and didn't want everyone to continue arguing. To put it bluntly, he just coaxed people.

"Don't be angry, we are all our own people, so why bother?" Ma Anlu smoothed things over, then looked at Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang and said, "About today's matter, it is true that you were wronged, everyone remembers that , but you have also seen the situation just now. Director Zhao is in a fit of anger. If everyone stands up, it will be like adding fuel to the flames. In fact, the best way is to wait for Deputy Director Zhao to calm down, and then explain to him... "

It's fine if you don't help him, and you still dump the blame on him, who can bear this kind of thing?
Guo Yangyang was also very angry. It was fine to be scolded by Deputy Director Zhao, but to be blamed by his colleagues. Isn't this turnaround too fast?
"You said it yourself, but I didn't say anything." He Zhong turned his head and looked away. In fact, he was a little guilty in his heart, but he could only do this if a dead fellow is not dead.

Deputy Director Zhao is their leader, how dare they have any objections to the leader?
Even if there is, who dares to admit it?Do you want to continue working in this department in the future?
"That means you have an opinion on my arrangement!" Zhao Hongbo said affirmatively.

"That's right, we agreed to act together the night before yesterday, why did you back down before the battle? Isn't this too dishonest?" Guo Yangyang said angrily.

The job of CTS is the source of their confidence. If they leave CTS, they don't even dare to imagine what life will be like.

"Little Wang, excuse me!" He Zhong said softly.

"No, no!" Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang said in unison, shaking their heads in panic at the same time.

There are ready-made examples right in front of us. If we don’t learn from our lessons, isn’t that tantamount to asking for a dead end?

Wang Kai nodded, got out of the car with Guo Yangyang, and walked towards the gate.

"That's right."

After Zhao Hongbo heard it, the anger in his heart went straight to the top of his head!
What he hates the most are people who make mistakes and still make excuses.

Now, he feels betrayed, and he just wants to vent his anger on his colleagues for being kicked out of the working group.

Finally came the roll call.

Now it's all right, the job has been replaced by someone, and the matter has become a big mess.

If you don't use him this time, will you not use him in the future?

After hearing this, everyone thought to themselves: righteousness?How much is righteousness worth?

Thinking about it, the director team has been working hard on how to hold the New Year's Eve party well, but the backstage staff are trying to find ways to slow down their work. As the chief director, can Deputy Director Zhao not be angry?
As for Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang, it can only be said that these two people are unlucky, not only with the hard steel surnamed Xu, but also make the person surnamed Xu unable to step down.

Seeing that Wang Kai agreed to leave, Ma Anlu patted Wang Kai on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, colleagues for so many years, everyone will definitely help you."

He Zhong instantly understood what Ma Anlu meant, reached out and patted Ma Anlu on the back, then smiled and left.


"En." Guo Yangyang echoed softly.


Ma Anlu looked at He Zhong, and finally sighed softly, "Well, it depends on the situation."

Wang Kai trembled all over, and then slowly turned his head. When he saw the colleague behind him, a strong resentment suddenly rose in his heart.

But even if Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang hadn't done any heinous things, if they weren't attacked, how could they appease Deputy Director Zhao's anger?How can Deputy Director Zhao calm Mr. Xu's anger?
When this incident happened, Deputy Director Zhao must give Mr. Xu an explanation.

Zhao Hongbo cursed secretly in his heart.

After He Zhong finished speaking, he sighed, regretting the failure of the plan.

Zhao Hongbo turned around and got out of the car.

After all, the person was invited by Deputy Director Zhao.

At this moment, He Zhong caught up with Ma Anlu and asked in a low voice, "Are you really planning to go to Director Zhao and intercede for Wang Kai and Guo Mingming?"

When Wang Kai heard this, he was anxious and afraid. It was okay to go back and reflect, and it was okay to do self-criticism, but he was not allowed to participate in the party, which filled his heart with a sense of crisis.

A lesson from the past, a teacher of the future.

Ma Anlu breathed a sigh of relief and finally left.


At this moment, everyone finally realized that they couldn't mess with that Xu anymore, otherwise they would be the ones who would be unlucky.

Seeing that no one spoke, Zhao Hongbo became even angrier. He gritted his molars and said, "Did I tell you to listen to Mr. Xu's command, but what about you? Are you causing trouble for him, or are you causing trouble for me? Is it giving you face, you don’t want it? Say, don’t you?”

Huaxia usually uses this sentence to describe the heinous people, that is: not killing is not enough to anger the people.

Zhao Hongbo snorted coldly, and didn't even bother to talk about it!
Now that the results of the treatment have been announced, how can there be any reason to take it back?
What would the other subordinates think if the order was changed from day to day and changed from day to day?
If everyone thought he was easy to talk to, who would listen to him in the future?

Once there is no sense of presence, it will soon fade out of the inner circle.

"How are you going to explain to Deputy Director Zhao?" Wang Kai interrupted Ma Anlu. He didn't want to hear the explanation, but only wanted to hear the solution.

At the same time, I added a sentence in my heart: As for whether it has any effect, it is up to fate.

He felt his intelligence was insulted.

Having an opinion on the leader's arrangement is tantamount to not being of one mind with the leader. What is the difference between this and having an opinion on the leader?
"If that's the case, why didn't you listen to Mr. Xu's command? Do you know, you've made me lose face in front of Mr. Xu!" Zhao Hongbo sternly shouted, not only the veins on his forehead popped up, but also the lines between his brows. ferocious.


None of this, nothing of that, but he did all of them when he was not in front of him. Isn't this an insult to his IQ?
"We, we are just afraid of delaying our work." Wang Kai explained in a low voice.

As for the others...

After Wang Kai heard this, he was directly angry, "According to you, the current situation is caused by me and Guo Yangyang?"

Too scary!

Although the conversation with his colleagues just now was a bit unpleasant, the only ones who can help him and Guo Yangyang now are these colleagues in front of him.

As a member of China Television's large-scale program center, if you can't participate in the production of the party, is it necessary to exist?
What people fear most in the workplace is losing their sense of existence.


The people in the car watched Deputy Director Zhao leave, and heaved a sigh of relief until he was far away.

It is true that Deputy Director Zhao will not punish everyone, but it is still possible to single out two to make an example of others. This is a common method used by leaders to manage their subordinates.

"Do you two have any objections to me?" Zhao Hongbo asked suspiciously.

"Why didn't you talk just now?" Wang Kai asked dissatisfiedly, causing him and Guo Yangyang to fight alone, without the power to fight back.

"You two, go back to the hotel right now and reflect on yourself. Also, you must conduct a deep self-criticism at tomorrow's meeting. In addition, you will not be needed for the subsequent recording and live broadcast." Zhao Hongbo was not in a good mood Said.

The people in the car were too scared to make a sound, not even to breathe.

Ma Anlu noticed this, so he continued: "Both of you go back to the hotel first, and don't appear in front of Deputy Director Zhao, otherwise Deputy Director Zhao will definitely become more and more angry when he sees you and don't listen to him."

Zhao Hongbo's face was livid. He really wanted to point at the two people's noses and yell at them, but considering his status, he finally held back.

"Just rest assured, we will definitely help you both."

His meaning was very clear, let these two people go first.

Everyone got out of the car and walked towards the stage.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang thought about it, and felt that this sounded right. Deputy Director Zhao was angry now. If the two of them were still dangling in front of Deputy Director Zhao, wouldn't it be like adding trouble to Deputy Director Zhao?At that time, it will not be as simple as a public review.

"Xiao Wang, we can't be blamed for this matter. Although we agreed to act together, we said that we did not work hard, so that the person surnamed Xu was powerless and showed his true colors, but you and Guo Yangyang insisted on having an affair with the person surnamed Xu. The confrontation, not only failed to expose that Xu, but also exposed the plans of all of us, you are too reckless, alas!"

Zhao Hongbo was still standing in front of the stage, but his previous lecture in the bus had an effect backstage.

The staff from CTS are all devoted to the work at hand. Even if it is the work that has been completed, they have to confirm it repeatedly. They dare not be idle for a moment. If you don't do it, then in the afternoon you will just look for trouble, Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang's fate is already miserable enough, no one wants to be worse than them.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the rehearsal went very smoothly, and there were no more miscellaneous things. Xu Jie also sat back on his chair and continued to chat with the performers in the waiting area.


(End of this chapter)

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