The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 976 The plan failed

In the afternoon, Yang Xiong left his room, because he didn't know when the rehearsal would end, so he had to wait in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel early.

In fact, he could wait in the room, but the urgency and anticipation in his heart made him unable to calm down, especially after noon, every minute of waiting was a torment for him.

He repeatedly asked himself: Why is the phone still not ringing?Why is no one calling?It was agreed to let the person surnamed Xu reveal his true form, why is there still no movement?
He even wanted to call his colleagues in the working group more than once to inquire about the situation at the rehearsal site, but he was afraid of disturbing his colleagues' intense and busy work, so he didn't call in the end.


The elevator door opened slowly, and Yang Xiong walked out.

However, when he came to the lobby rest area, he saw two colleagues here.

"Wang Kai? Guo Yangyang? Why are you here? The rehearsal is over?" Yang Xiong asked in surprise, and at the same time he was full of doubts. He didn't see anyone returning to the room before.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang were also waiting for the working group to come back, and now they saw Yang Xiong, and immediately showed embarrassing expressions.

You must know that when they were eating seafood the night before yesterday, they promised Teacher Yang at the dinner table that they would definitely expose the person surnamed Xu and help him return to the working group, but now...

They can't protect themselves.

"Ah? Why?" Yang Xiong couldn't help frowning.


"Brother Wang, what are you writing?" Cheng Ke asked casually.

Finally rounded up the conversation.

Teacher Yang is an old employee of their department, and he is usually respected by everyone.

Seeing this situation, Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang felt more uneasy in their hearts.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Wang Kai became very angry, and said bitterly: "It's all because that Xu, who temporarily hired a few foreign aids to take over our jobs, and even asked us Huashi People shouted that if anyone doesn't want to work, they can go back to the hotel to rest."

Just as Yang Xiong was about to return to the room, he suddenly saw the staff of the New Year's Eve party entering the hotel gate one after another.

Everyone shook their heads.

"I went to Xiazhou University to attend a lecture." Ma Anlu said.

Ma Anlu scolded her mother in his heart, and finally he had a hard time, gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Yang, I'm really sorry, but the matter didn't work out. That Xu guy is too cunning. Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang fell into the trap he dug before they were driven back." Yes, and Director Zhao's support for him is beyond our imagination, I think it's better to forget it this time."

It's hard to answer.

"No, no, no, really no!"

"How can Deputy Director Zhao let the two of you come back? Both of you are back, who will do the work on the rehearsal site?" Yang Xiong secretly breathed a sigh of relief after finishing speaking.

I feel guilty because I didn't get things done, so I want to eat again?Where do they have the face to eat again?

say what?
The rehearsal in the afternoon went very smoothly, and Director Zhao also saw a little smile on his face. If they plead for Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang at this time, wouldn't that mean adding trouble to Deputy Director Zhao?
There is an old saying that goes well: shoot the bird that stands out!
Whoever shows his head is stupid - forceful!
Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang are the best examples.

After hearing this, everyone did not explain or refute.

Before the official performance of the New Year's Eve party, it needs to be recorded in advance. The recording program needs audiences, which are students from some local universities in Xiazhou. Deputy Director Zhao's participation in lectures at universities can be regarded as thanks to these universities.

Yang Xiong secretly sneered in his heart.

In the end, the others also broke up.

Wang Kai returned to the room and was about to open his laptop to write a review when he saw Cheng Ke from the same room came back.

When eating seafood, one by one patted their chests to promise, and interrupted immediately after leaving the dinner table to not do anything. Is this a human thing?

"Cunning is only one aspect. I think there is a problem with your attitude. You are not firm enough, and you are not united enough. That's why you were eaten to death by that Xu. You really let me down." Yang Xiong said coldly. .

Wang Kai looked at Teacher Yang, and didn't know how to explain it for a while. After thinking for a while, he said, "Mr. Yang, you, you are only half right."

Cheng Ke walked over with his legs crossed and stood in front of the other party, not daring to go to bed.


Cheng Ke was shocked, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to give himself a big mouth.

Ma Anlu had a question mark on his face when he saw it.

Tolerable or unbearable!
Just sitting here and listening, you can feel the arrogance of that person.

When Wang Kai saw Cheng Ke's appearance, he immediately knew the answer, and secretly sighed that he was right, as expected, outsiders were unreliable.

Guo Yangyang sighed deeply, shook his head and said: "Don't mention it, no one stood up to speak for us at that time, but if there were five or six, Brother Wang and I would not have fallen into this situation."

The facts are there, no matter what they say, it is a sophistry.

"Teacher Yang, you, sit down." Wang Kai stood up and pointed to the other party's sofa.

Both Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang showed disappointed expressions.

In fact, the meal money doesn't matter, he is not short of that little money, the key is that those people admit cowardice in front of the surname Xu, doesn't it mean that his plan has failed?

"Brother Wang, you asked me to say this. If I say it, don't be angry." Cheng Ke reminded.

Cheng Ke was taken aback for a moment, because he was asking him a question, so he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's easy to ask Director Zhao to forgive, just do a good job of self-criticism. I believe Director Zhao will definitely give you a chance, but I want to go back to cross It will be difficult for the New Year's Party working group, after all, Director Zhao has already spoken, so what's the point of changing his words?"

Although he was not present at the New Year's Eve party this time, he was still a senior director in China Television's large-scale program center, and everyone called Teacher Yang.

Yang Xiong also looked at Ma Anlu, waiting for the other party's answer.

Isn't this adding salt to someone's wound?

"Cough, it was indeed Deputy Director Zhao who asked us to come back, but he didn't ask us to call you to the rehearsal site." Wang Kai said.

It's a shame that people from Huaxia TV are scared to speak out by an outsider from a local TV station.

When everyone heard it, they were all silent.

When everyone came back, it meant that the rehearsal was over, and if he wasn't called during the period, it meant that the rehearsal went smoothly, which was exactly the result he didn't want to see.


"Why did you come back so early today?" Yang Xiong walked over at this time, then looked at the crowd and asked with a smile: "How is it, did you let the person surnamed Xu show his original form?"

The reason why he was always hopeful about returning to the rehearsal scene was because of these colleagues, but when these colleagues stopped helping him, he would have no advantage at all compared to that Xu.

Cheng Ke's calf trembled in fright, what does this mean?Should he be punished for his deceit?
"Wang, Brother Wang, what's the matter?"

There are so many people who have not been able to fight against one person, and they even broke two. It would be embarrassing to say it, so I didn't say it at all.

"Hurry up!" Wang Kai asked quickly, and his whole body was lifted up.


"Huh?" Cheng Ke was stunned, panicked.

Yang Xiong looked at the weird expressions of the two, and then looked around. After he found no other colleagues, he sat down and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you the only two back?" Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of An excited expression appeared on his face, "I see, did Deputy Director Zhao ask you two to come back and ask me to go to the rehearsal?"

"Huh? Why are you all silent? Do you think there are too many people here? Otherwise, how about we go to the seafood stall last time? Let's talk while eating." Yang Xiong said deliberately.

"Isn't this person too arrogant? What about the others? Did they not respond?" Yang Xiong asked with a frown.

However, at the same time as the explanation, there is also a subtext: The reason why we were driven back to review is all to help you, Teacher Yang.

"That's right, that's why I said that Xu is too cunning." Ma Anlu said with a bitter face.

At this time, Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang quickly stood up from the sofa and walked towards the staff.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Although they all wanted to tell the truth, they were all ashamed to speak. Finally, they all looked at Ma Anlu who had just explained to Wang Kai.

Wang Kai thought for a while, although he was disappointed, he could only do so. After all, he was asking someone to do something. Could it be possible to force the other party to intercede for them?

"Half? What do you mean?" Yang Xiong was confused.

Wang Kai beckoned to Cheng Ke, then pointed to the opposite bed.

"Well, there must be a way, it's just..." Cheng Ke hesitated when he said this.

"Teacher Yang, let me tell you the truth. In order to expose Xu Jie's true face, we asked you to return to the working group. We didn't listen to the person surnamed Xu during the rehearsal today, but he took revenge. Later, this incident made Zhao The deputy director knew that he said that we did not obey the command, so he asked us to come back and review." Guo Yangyang said depressed.

Why is it me again?
Is this an addiction to bullying honest people?


"come here."

The rehearsal was just as good without him.

Only the two of them foolishly acted as the first birds.

Spineless, they are all a bunch of spineless cowards!
Yang Xiong clenched his fist tightly, and when he returned to work, he had to make trouble for these people.

Yang Xiong scratched his hair fiercely with his hands, this time there was really nothing he could do.

But what about now?
When something happens, no one will stand up?

If it is said that bringing him back is due to pressure, then asking Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang to come back is not biased towards outsiders?
"How can Deputy Director Zhao..."

How should he answer this question?
Seriously, liars.

"Actually, at the end of the rehearsal, I wanted to go to Director Zhao, but Director Zhao left first, so I didn't have time to talk about your affairs." Ma Anlu said in a tactful tone.

"Brother Ma!" Guo Yangyang came to Ma Anlu, looked at him expectantly and asked, "How are you doing, have you told Director Zhao?"

Wang Kai pondered for a while, and it was indeed the case, so he asked with a dejected expression, "Is there no other way?"

"Where did Director Zhao go? I didn't see him come back." Wang Kai said after hearing this, and at the same time suspected that the other party was making excuses.

Yang Xiong was stunned when he heard it.

And the colleagues who heard it around him walked and slipped even more.

Yang Xiong was a little surprised.


Well now, get yourself involved.

"You guys, are you really going to intercede with Director Zhao for me and Guo Yangyang?" Wang Kai asked.

The so-called: Cannibalism has a short mouth and short hands.

There is no way to forget it, the three rehearsals are over, and the next time is the recording of the party, whether it is on stage or off the stage, everything is the same as the official performance, who would dare to be passive and sabotage?

In fact, to put it bluntly, he didn't want to intercede for Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang. This kind of thing is not thankful, and it is easy to get angry.

Ma Anlu's expression froze, and he was immediately stopped by the question.

"Write a review." Wang Kai said.

"What? No success? That's not what you said at dinner the night before yesterday." Yang Xiong said after listening.

He didn't mean anything else, he just wanted to disgust these people.


At noon, he was also dizzy, and he stood up to smooth things over.

No one stood up?
When eating the seafood stall the night before yesterday, there were more than 20 people in total. Why did everyone shrink back when it came time to get serious?
If this is the case, wouldn't the more than 3000 yuan that night be wasted?

Telling lies is also a liar.

Let me ask, if no one cares about Mr. Yang's affairs, can someone care about the two of them?

Yang Xiong wanted to complain to Deputy Director Zhao, but he stopped right after he finished speaking. How can he say that Deputy Director Zhao is also his leader, and it is a taboo in the workplace to complain about the leader in front of his colleagues, but he has to continue talking halfway through the sentence , so I had to temporarily replace the following content.

Cheating food and drinking cheated me to the head, and I will let you spit it out slowly in the future.

Sitting in the lobby with Wang Kai, he just wanted to get the result as soon as possible.

Ma Anlu couldn't bear it, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, it hasn't been long, Director Zhao's anger must have not subsided, isn't it just hitting the muzzle of the gun if you go at this time? When we have a meeting tomorrow, you will do well." Let’s do a self-criticism, go deeper, and worry that Director Zhao won’t forgive you then?”

"Cheng Ke, wait a minute!" Wang Kai suddenly stopped him.

But the guilty conscience returned, he turned his head to look at Wang Kai and asked, "Brother Wang, what's the matter?"

Cheng Ke stopped walking, feeling a little guilty. As a member of the on-site director team, he did not stand up when dealing with Xu Jie today.

"You said..." Wang Kai frowned and asked, "How can I get Director Zhao's forgiveness and return to the working group of the New Year's Eve party?"

It seems that it is better to ask for yourself than to ask for others!
Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang looked at each other and left depressed.


He never dreamed that in order to protect that Xu, Deputy Director Zhao actually drove his subordinates back to the hotel for inspection.

"Brother Wang, you are busy with your work. I'll take a shower." After Cheng Ke finished speaking, he hurried to the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I won't be angry, just say it!" Wang Kai urged.

"The way is to go to Mr. Xu and apologize to him." Cheng Ke said quickly.

After Wang Kai heard this, he stood up abruptly.

"Let apologize to him? Dreaming!"


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