The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 977 The boat of friendship is overturned

Chapter 977 The boat of friendship is overturned

From Wang Kai's point of view, the reason why he ended up in the current situation is all thanks to the surname Xu. Asking him to apologize to the other party is better than killing him directly.

"Brother Wang, I knew you would be angry, so I didn't want to say it." Cheng Ke said with a bitter face, feeling wronged.

"Is this what you call a solution? It's just bullshit. If I knew that your kid was thinking such a bad idea, I wouldn't listen to it even if you gave me money." Wang Kai said angrily.

"Is it bad? I don't think it's bad. At most, there is something wrong. But Mr. Xu is the person in charge of the backstage, and he is also the celebrity in front of Director Chen and Deputy Director Zhao. If you want to return to the working group and continue working, you must You can't get around him, forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything and I'm going to take a shower." After Cheng Ke finished speaking, he rushed to the bathroom as if fleeing, for fear of becoming Wang Kai's punching bag.

Wang Kai looked at Cheng Ke's back, but fell into deep thought.

The other party's last sentence does have some truth.

Whether it was going back to the working group of the New Year's Eve party, or making a review to Deputy Director Zhao, there was no way around the person surnamed Xu.

In other words, if you can get the other party's forgiveness, you can not only return to the working group of the New Year's Eve party, but you don't even need to do a self-criticism.

Wang Kai's heart gradually calmed down. He thought of Gou Jian, the king of Yue, who had suffered a lot, and Han Xin who was humiliated in his crotch. Compared with this, it was nothing to apologize to that Xu.

At night, in the dead of night.

He thought about the opponent's left kick, and also thought about the opponent's right leg, but he didn't expect the opponent to bow directly, which made him unable to fix his whole body.

Cheng Ke heard that the other party wanted to go out to calm down, so he gave up the idea of ​​following him, "Brother Wang, then I won't bother you, it's cold outside, wear more, don't catch cold."

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

Not long after, the door opened with a "click".

Wouldn't it be to settle accounts for what happened during the day?
Xu Jie thought so in his heart.

"Nowhere to go, I can't sleep at night, go outside and smoke a cigarette." Wang Kai made an excuse casually.


At this moment, Wang Kai, like a frightened little animal, hurried into the room for fear of being seen.

Just when Xu Jie guessed whether the other party was going to move first or first, Wang Kai suddenly bent down and bowed deeply.

Guo Yangyang immediately showed a bitter look on his face, fortunately he maintained a bowing posture, so no one would see him.

Guo Yangyang breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly straightened up, for fear of joking with him again.

He saw that the other party hadn't straightened up, so he waved his hand and said, "Okay, I understand, get up."


It is important not to let other people know.


"Yes, I am Wang Kai." Wang Kai nodded.

Well now, a dilemma.

He wanted to say that if there was a fight, then this person picked the wrong opponent. Those who practiced sports would not be afraid of fights, and those like him who were good at both culture and martial arts were not afraid of fights.

Guo Yangyang walked into the room, ready to talk about his work, but he stopped after a few steps, and looked at the front in astonishment, especially when he thought of what he had just done, his face went "buzzing." "It's all right.

The two made a mistake together, and they both came here to apologize, but they never discussed this matter together, that is to say, when they came to apologize, they both decided behind their backs.

"Brother Wang?"

In this way, his face can also be preserved.

Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference!

Is this playing tricks on him?

Wang Kai's eyes lit up when he heard it, and then he asked in a slightly discussing tone: "Mr. Xu, look, can you let me go back to the backstage and continue my previous work? Don't worry, I will obey your command, you I'll buy whatever you tell me to buy."

Just as he was about to speak, the doorbell beside him suddenly rang.

After all, an apology alone is not enough, you have to get forgiveness from the other party, so this apology must be profound, sincere, and able to move the other party, otherwise it will be useless to go.


What is this routine?
"You are..." Xu Jie looked at the other party suspiciously, but his body was still in a state of ease, for fear that the other party would not talk about martial arts and make a sneak attack or something.

What's more, the final result of the matter was that he drove the other party away. Simply put, he won. As the winning party, how could he be angry?
"Your name, your name is Wang Kai, right?" Xu Jie knew there was such a person, but he wasn't sure it was the one in front of him. He remembered another person named Guo Yangyang. The two get confused.

Not Yang Xiong, who else could it be?
In fact, he had already realized it during the rehearsal, that's why he took the man in front of him as an example.

What's more, except for the knowledge of heaven and earth, only he and the person who apologized knew, and the embarrassment has been limited to a small range, which is acceptable.

But, how can there be such a rogue?

Wang Kai lay motionless on the bed, staring intently at the movement of the bed next to him.

He is in charge of the backstage, who is the most unhappy?
It must be the one he replaced.

"Thank you Mr. Xu."

Well, let's do it!
He slowly lifted the quilt, then put on his clothes and pants, and walked outside lightly.


A voice suddenly sounded in the darkness, startling Wang Kai who had just walked to the end of the bed, his soul almost flew out.

More than 20 minutes had passed since the lights were turned off. Depending on the situation, Cheng Ke on the bed next to him should have fallen asleep.

"Well, Mr. Xu, I really can't say anything about this person, after all, he is my colleague." Wang Kai said with a bitter face.

This is awkward!
We were originally in the same boat, and we should help each other in the same boat. As a result, when the crisis came, both of them chose to abandon the boat. The boat of friendship is too weak, and it capsizes as soon as it is said to capsize.

The reason why he went out so late was that he didn't want his colleagues to see him. If the other party followed him, how could he apologize to that Xu?
If it gets out, will he lose his face?
"No, no, you go to sleep, I just happen to be calm and calm by myself." Wang Kai said hastily.

Xu Jie opened the door, but when he saw the man standing outside the door, he froze again.

"Cough, Brother Wang, you're here too." Guo Yangyang greeted first embarrassedly.

"Okay, if you don't feel tired, just keep bending like this!" Xu Jie leaned his body against the wall and folded his hands in front of his chest. He wanted to see how long the other party could keep like this.

Sorry for what?

In order to return to the working group of the New Year's Eve party, and in order not to be marginalized by Deputy Director Zhao in the future, let alone apologizing, he would drink even as a fine.

After Xu Jie saw it, he stayed where he was.

What did that sentence say?

Xu Jie was dumbfounded. Could it be possible that the employees of CTS will know how to do this?

Wang Kai trembled all over, and panicked all over.

In the background, his words, so good.

"Is that Yang Xiong?" Xu Jie guessed.

"Ah? How do you know?" Wang Kai asked in surprise, but then realized that his reaction had betrayed his colleagues. It would be futile to explain at this time, so all that was left was embarrassment.

"Well, you should go to bed early too, there will be a meeting tomorrow." Wang Kai said while putting on his clothes and pants, and walked out of the room quickly.

And with Mr. Xu's forgiveness, they will be able to explain to Deputy Director Zhao tomorrow.

"Okay, I accept your apology, let's go back." Xu Jie said.

For him, it doesn't matter whether he apologizes or not, anyway, after the New Year's Eve party, it will be difficult to meet him.

Xu Jie looked at the person standing outside the door, a little surprised, but more puzzled, wondering why the other party came to him so late.

"No, I wanted to come here." Wang Kai quickly explained: "After I came back from the rehearsal scene, I reflected on it for a long time and realized my mistakes. Although you are not from our Huaxia TV station, everything you did It’s for the good of the New Year’s Eve party, I shouldn’t put my personal emotions, no, no, no, I shouldn’t be influenced by other people, it’s because I’m unprofessional to mix emotions into my work.”

Xu Jie sneered twice.

Wang Kai went straight to the elevator, pretending to be waiting for the elevator, but his eyes were looking around. After observing for more than half a minute and not finding anything unusual, he walked quickly to the outside of one of the rooms and reached out to ring the doorbell. , At the same time, his eyes were vigilantly looking towards both ends of the corridor, for fear of being seen.

"Wait a moment." Xu Jie said to Wang Kai, and then reached out to open the door.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang looked at each other. Although it was a pity that they could not resume their original posts, it was better than being excluded from the working group.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang walked out of the house together after thanking them.

Going out and running ten laps is better than bowing here all the time, at least the body can move.

Wang Kai frowned slightly and began to think.

Just when he was about to ask, he suddenly saw the other person stepping into the room, but closed the door with his backhand.

"Mr. Xu, I really realized my mistake. If you want to punish me, how about I go outside and run around the hotel ten times, do you think it's okay?" Guo Yangyang asked.

Come on, let's see who falls first.

The correct way to play a rogue should be to make things difficult for the target, but the way this person plays a rogue is to make things difficult for himself.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

He was just talking casually, who would have thought that the other party would take it seriously.

The corridor was quiet, empty and there was no one there.

"Xiao, Xiaocheng? You haven't slept yet?" Wang Kai looked at the black figure on the next bed with a panicked expression. Fortunately, the lights were not turned on in the room, otherwise he would have died of embarrassment.

A man must be able to bend and stretch!

"Just as I was about to fall asleep, I suddenly heard movement in the room. I thought it was a stranger coming in. It turned out to be you, Brother Wang. It's so late, where are you going?" Cheng Ke said as he got up from the bed. I sat up, then found my phone and checked the time, it was past ten o'clock.

Guo Yangyang didn't stand up straight, but still maintained a bowing posture, lowered his head and said, "Mr. Xu, please forgive me. If you don't forgive me, I won't get up."

If we really discussed it together, we should come together, not one after another.

In fact, he was not angry. How could the CTS people obediently obey his orders?So the person's reaction at that time was completely within his expectations.

But he didn't leave immediately, because besides apologizing, he had a second thing to do.

Probably this is called: self-inflicted evil can not live.

"President Xu, I'm sorry!"

"It's getting late, you all go back, as for work..." Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said: "Your previous jobs have already been replaced by someone, so it's not good to let them leave so soon. Waiting in the background, as a backup mobile force, when the time comes, wherever it is busy, where there is a shortage of people, you will go there, how about it?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he saw it, and his eyes were fixed on the opponent's hands and feet all the time.

Or is it that the two brothers negotiated?

"Well, what a coincidence." Wang Kai responded, but he was also very embarrassed.

Xu Jie came back to his senses after listening, it turned out that he was here to apologize, but he thought he was here to fight.

"Influenced by other people? Who?" Xu Jie asked.

"Mr. Xu, I interrupted your rest. I came to you to apologize to you for what happened during the day. I'm sorry, please forgive my recklessness. I will never do it again." After Guo Yangyang finished speaking, he immediately bowed.

Wang Kai straightened up slowly. Although he felt a little embarrassed and even depressed, he still put on a sincere look on his face and said, "Mr. Xu, I'm here to apologize to you. What happened this morning is a What I did was wrong, I shouldn't have disobeyed your command, I hope you can forgive me..."

As soon as Xu Jie opened his mouth, he saw the other party squeeze into the room from his side, and then quickly closed the door.

"Okay, I'm joking with you, I forgive you, get up." Xu Jie said.

He didn't make any heinous mistakes, and he always gave people a chance to reform, didn't he?

"Then the two of us won't disturb your rest."

Xu Jie looked at the other party. Since he had already apologized and expressed his opinion, then the other party's request could not be considered unreasonable. Moreover, he was too embarrassed to refuse, as if it was inhumane.


Xu Jie was a little dumbfounded.


Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, and even the bowing was the same standard as Wang Kai before. These two people really have a good understanding, whether they are doing bad things or doing other things, they can think of everything together.

But this time he was able to confirm the other party's name, Guo Yangyang, definitely Guo Yangyang.

"Brother Wang, shall I go with you?" Cheng Ke pretended to get out of bed, he was worried that the other party would not think about it and do something extreme.

"Deputy Director Zhao asked you to come?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Now that you have decided to apologize, you must show sincerity and attitude. If you still take into account the so-called face at this time, not only will you not be forgiven, but it will even have the opposite effect.

If his colleagues saw him go to apologize to Xu in the middle of the night, wouldn't they be laughing at him behind his back?

The door is closed.

Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang stood in the corridor, they looked at each other, and finally walked to their respective rooms tacitly.

Neither of the two spoke, they just walked in silence until they returned to their respective rooms, and the corridor returned to its previous calm.


(End of this chapter)

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