Chapter 978
28 number.

There are still three days until the official performance of the New Year's Eve party.

Although there is no rehearsal work today, neither the performers nor the staff are idle.

The performers continue to rehearse the dance, master the movements, cultivate tacit understanding, and show their best side in front of the national audience; while the staff not only have to control all aspects, but also prepare various plans to deal with possible unexpected situations.

After breakfast, the New Year's Eve party working group will hold a working meeting.

Before the meeting, Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang came to Deputy Director Zhao's room again by coincidence, and had something very important to say.

Ding Dong!

Zhao Hongbo opened the door after hearing the doorbell, and when he saw Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang standing outside, his face immediately became gloomy, even with a trace of disgust, it felt like seeing a broom star.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Hongbo asked, frowning.

When Wang Kai saw Deputy Director Zhao's expression, he immediately became nervous, and then he reached out and gently poked Guo Yangyang next to him, signaling him to speak first.

But Guo Yangyang's heart had already been raised in his throat, and he was so blocked that he couldn't speak at all. Now that he was poked by Wang Kai like this, he instantly became flustered and confused.

Wang Kai couldn't help sighing when he saw it, and secretly felt how he found such a pig teammate, and then mustered up his courage, and said respectfully: "Director Zhao, I'm here to criticize you."

"Me, me too." Guo Yangyang said afterward, his voice even trembling.

"Let's review it at the working meeting later." Zhao Hongbo said impatiently, and then closed the door with his hand.

However, Wang Kai didn't know where the courage came from, and immediately stretched out his hand to block the door, and said in a hurry: "Director Zhao, I have something very important to report to you!"

"Me too." Guo Yangyang said.

Wang Kai glanced at Guo Yangyang next to him, and said to himself: What the hell can you say besides this sentence?
Zhao Hongbo looked at Wang Kai, then at Guo Yangyang, finally left the doorknob, walked back and said coldly: "Tell me something."

Wang Kai breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried into Deputy Director Zhao's room, and asked Guo Yangyang to close the door, for fear of being heard by passers-by.

This is a suite with a bedroom inside and a living room outside.

After Zhao Hongbo returned to the living room, he continued to organize the documents on the table, which were needed for the meeting later.

Wang Kai walked in, looked at Deputy Director Zhao's back, took a deep breath, and said, "Director Zhao, after yesterday's introspection, I have fully realized my mistake and apologized to Mr. Xu , He has already forgiven me."

"Me too!" Guo Yangyang repeated that sentence again.

The corner of Wang Kai's mouth twitched, wishing he could kick the other party out with his left leg. It was a serious and sincere matter, but being done by the other party like this was like talking about cross talk.

If I had known this, I would have come earlier, just like last night.

"Oh?" Zhao Hongbo was slightly taken aback, raised his head slightly in surprise and asked, "Really?"

"Really Director Zhao, how dare I lie to you." Wang Kai said seriously.

Zhao Hongbo thought about it after hearing it, and finally nodded. This kind of thing can be verified by making a phone call. How dare the other party lie?

However, Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang's ability to do this was somewhat beyond his expectation, after all, at noon yesterday, their mouths were quite stiff.

It seems that I really realized my mistake.

"Well, I see, you guys go back." Zhao Hongbo said lightly, the expression on his face softened.

Guo Yangyang, who had been nervous to death, saw that Deputy Director Zhao didn't seem to be angry anymore, and immediately asked, "Director Zhao, can we cancel the review later?"

Wang Kai's heart trembled, and two words popped up in his heart: stupid pig.

The apology was made to the person surnamed Xu, and he shouldn't have disobeyed the other party's orders, but the review was made to Deputy Director Zhao, so he shouldn't have disobeyed Deputy Director Zhao's arrangements.

They apologized to Xu Jie, did it have anything to do with the review to Deputy Director Zhao?
The one surnamed Xu forgave them, but hasn't Deputy Director Zhao forgiven them yet?Guo Yangyang asked like this, he was courting death!
When he looked at Deputy Director Zhao, sure enough, Deputy Director Zhao's relaxed expression turned cold again, and his eyes were like two ice picks, which made people shudder.


If you don't speak up at this time, you will definitely be misunderstood by Deputy Director Zhao.

Dead Daoist friends do not die poor Daoists!
Guo Yangyang, don't blame me, who made you foolish?
"Xiao Guo, how can the review be cancelled?" Without waiting for Deputy Director Zhao to speak, Wang Kaiyi looked at Guo Yangyang righteously and said, "If we don't conduct a review, how can we show our repentance? How can we show that we have already done it?" Rehabilitation? What's more, the review is not only to review our own mistakes, but also to warn others and prevent others from making mistakes, so this review must be done."

At this time, Guo Yangyang was completely confused. He had seen someone who robbed him of merit, but he hadn't seen someone who robbed him of his self-criticism. Wasn't it enough to feel ashamed?

Besides, what is the purpose of coming to deputy director zhao before the work meeting?
Is it just to say that I have apologized to Xu Jie and got Xu Jie's forgiveness?

If so, when can't I find Deputy Director Zhao?Why are you looking for it at this time?

He looked at Wang Kai suspiciously, as if asking again: Who are you with?
Wang Kai thought to himself; with you, sooner or later we will be cheated to death!
Zhao Hongbo looked at Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang, and was also a little confused, thinking: Didn't these two come here together?Why do you think differently?

His gaze finally fell on Wang Kai's face, and he asked, "Wang Kai, do you really think so?"

"Yes." Wang Kai nodded solemnly.

After Zhao Hongbo heard it, he felt quite relieved, and then looked at Guo Yangyang coldly, and said angrily: "Look at Xiao Wang, this is the one who really recognizes his mistakes and shows repentance. You obviously apologized to Mr. Xu just because you didn't want to conduct a self-criticism, and you didn't really realize your mistake at all."

Guo Yangyang lowered his head deeply, his face blushed with shame, he regrets very much now, regretting that he shouldn't talk too much.

Well now, it has become a negative example.

"Director Zhao, I was wrong, I will review." Guo Yangyang said in a low voice.

"Huh!" Zhao Hongbo snorted coldly, and then said: "You don't want to do a review, but I don't want to do it as you wish. In addition to doing a review at the work meeting later, after returning to the unit, you also have to do it at the plenary meeting. Do a review."


Guo Yangyang raised his head, opened his mouth wide, his face was full of shock.

It's already embarrassing to do a self-criticism here, and he is even asked to go back to the unit for a self-criticism. Isn't this completely embarrassing him?

The most important thing is that even Director Chen and other leaders in the unit will know by then.

If you just do a review here, it means that the matter has come to an end here, but if you have to go back to the unit to review, it means that it is just a comma and the matter is not over yet.

Once Director Chen gets angry, it's not something that can be determined after a review.

After all, the assistant director surnamed Xu was appointed by Director Chen, and the cooperation with Jingshi Culture was also Director Chen's intention.

"Xiao Wang, you can do today's review." Zhao Hongbo said to Wang Kai again.

"Thank you, Director Zhao!" Wang Kai said gratefully, almost crying out of joy.

If the problem is brought back to the unit, small problems can also become big problems.

"Director Zhao, why don't you let me go back to do self-criticism? I, I have really realized my mistakes, so please give me a chance." Guo Yangyang begged.

He was about to cry too, but he was about to be scared to cry.

You must know that Director Chen's temper is not as good as Deputy Director Zhao's. In addition, he is currently in the preparation stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Director Chen must be in a very irritable mood. If Director Chen knows about this kind of embarrassment, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Xiao Guo, I gave you a chance, but you didn't grasp it well. I hope you can firmly remember the lesson this time. This is also a kind of growth for you. It's okay, let's go Go." After Zhao Hongbo finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued to sort out the materials.

Seeing Deputy Director Zhao's actions, Guo Yangyang knew that the other party didn't want to continue this topic, and it also meant that there was no room for discussion, so he walked outside with a mournful face, feeling that his whole life had become dark.

Wang Kai looked at Guo Yangyang's appearance, but he didn't feel any sympathy in his heart.

Who made the opponent's head lack a string?

Why do the two have to conduct a review?
Didn't he just not listen to Deputy Director Zhao's arrangement?
Guo Yangyang himself is a guilty person, and he even bargained with Deputy Director Zhao. Isn't this still not listening to Deputy Director Zhao's arrangement?
If a person wants to die, he will become obsessed with it. Outsiders can't stop him. The only thing to do is to stay far away, otherwise he will be easily implicated.

Wang Kai was about to close the door when he suddenly remembered that there was one more thing he hadn't said. Guo Yangyang had disrupted all his plans, so he walked into the room again, looked at Deputy Director Zhao who was busy with his head down, and said, "Director Zhao, there is one more thing I want to ask you. report."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Hongbo looked at Wang Kai and asked, his thinking towards Wang Kai had changed.

"It's like this. Didn't Mr. Xu forgive me? He also re-arranged me back to the backstage and let me serve as a backup force. I can help wherever I'm busy. Director Zhao, do you think it's okay?" Wang Kai asked.

Deputy Director Zhao asked him to leave the working group before, so it is safer to ask for instructions on this matter, and it will save time when Deputy Director Zhao sees him and mistakenly thinks that he does not obey orders.

"is it?"

Zhao Hongbo was a little surprised, but then laughed again.

He felt that by doing this, Xu Jie not only gave Xiao Wang a chance to reform himself, but also gave Huashi a face, after all, Xiao Wang is a member of Huashi.

Well, this guy is nice and capable!
"Since Mr. Xu agrees, then you can come back. I hope you can make meritorious deeds." Zhao Hongbo said.

"I know Director Zhao, then I'm going out." Wang Kai saluted and then left the room.


After the door was closed, Wang Kai straightened his back.

This time, it didn't come in vain.

Not only has the goal been achieved, but there have also been extra gains.

Of course, this is also due to Guo Yangyang. If it weren't for this pig teammate, how could he be brought out?

Just like the line in "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance": Beauty is like flowers, and it needs green leaves to set off her charm.

Similarly, whether the self-examination is deep or not, and whether there is any intention of repentance, also needs people to set it off.

Wang Kai was about to go back to the room, when he turned around, he suddenly saw Guo Yangyang, who was standing in the corridor distraught, moving like a scarecrow.

"Xiao Guo, you haven't left yet? Go back, the work meeting is about to start." Wang Kai patted Guo Yangyang on the shoulder, and then walked towards the room with a smile on his face.

"Brother Wang!" Guo Yangyang suddenly chased after him and stopped in front of Wang Kai.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Wang Kai asked curiously, and the smile on his face also restrained a little. After all, he had stopped the loss in time, but the other party would continue to be unlucky.

"Brother Wang, why didn't you stop me when I was talking just now?" Guo Yangyang said quietly, his face was full of resentment.

Wang Kai was taken aback for a moment, he had to take responsibility for the mistakes he made, why did he still blame him?
This pot is not very good.

"Xiao Guo, how do I know what you are going to say? You didn't tell me in advance." Wang Kai directly threw the blame away, and he will not take the blame.

"Even so, you can't tell me the other way around, right? We're on the same boat, aren't you cheating on me?" Guo Yangyang said, this time with dissatisfaction in his words.

In fact, this kind of dissatisfaction has already arisen when it is said.

When Wang Kai heard it, he thought to himself: You are the one who cheated. Since last night, we are no longer on the same boat.

But after thinking about it, I definitely can't say it, because it will hurt the feelings between colleagues.

"Guo, actually I don't want to talk about you, but it's better to say what I said just now than from Deputy Director Zhao. Didn't you see how ugly Deputy Director Zhao's face was? I was I'm saving you, brother." Wang Kaiyu said earnestly.

However, he was cursing secretly in his heart: You stupid pig, you almost got me involved, what's wrong with you?Scolding you is light.

Guo Yangyang was stunned for a moment, tilted his head to think about it, it seemed that there was some reason, then he looked at Wang Kai, and asked for help: "Brother Wang, tell me, what should I do now?"

"It's very simple, listen to Deputy Director Zhao's words and do a good job of self-criticism." Wang Kai said.

"It's okay to do the self-criticism, but I don't want to go back to Taiwan to do the self-criticism." When Guo Yangyang thought of this, his feet began to weaken.

"What's the matter? It's not that no one has done a review before, not to mention that it's just an internal review of our department. It's all our own people. It's okay. I remember that last year, a deputy director of another department did a review. Isn’t there such a saying that you can afford setbacks? You can’t see a rainbow if you don’t experience wind and rain, right?” Wang Kai said comfortingly.

Anyway, it wasn't him who went back to do a self-criticism.

Guo Yangyang looked at Wang Kai, and was moved by the other party's words of encouragement for a moment.

"Brother Wang, thank you!"

"Hey, it's nothing, we are all brothers, let's go back!"

Wang Kai smiled as a sign of encouragement, and at the same time thought: This brother can't be abandoned, otherwise, who will set him off in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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