Chapter 979
Xu Jie didn't attend the work meeting, and he didn't prepare any contingency plan. Now he doesn't hear anything from the window, and only concentrates on writing sketches.

In fact, he could have more time for creation, but accepting Zhao Hongbo's invitation to participate in the New Year's Eve party wasted a lot of time. If he didn't use all the remaining time, he would have nothing to do when he returned to the capital after New Year's Day. The method was explained to Chen Ya.

However, he also knows that after the sketch scripts he created are submitted for review, they will be required to make revisions to some extent. This is also the situation that all language programs will encounter when reviewing, so he is a little concise when writing scripts. I have written some, just write the story and baggage, and save the rest if I can, and it will not be too late to fill in after the review.

After continuous reduction and reduction, the fourth sketch script was finally completed, and it was finally possible to give Chen Ya an explanation.

Just when Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, the mobile phone beside him suddenly lit up. He picked up the mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID. It was Jiang Yuanyue, his senior sister.

"Hey, senior sister, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked as he stood up and stretched, his waist was a little sore from sitting for too long.

"You still know that I am your senior sister? Tell me, why didn't you answer my call before?" A roar came from the microphone, and Xu Jie, who was twisting his waist in shock, stopped.

"Senior sister, where did you start talking? How dare I not answer your call?" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this, safety is impossible, he...

and many more!

Xu Jie suddenly remembered something, and the smile on his face disappeared. He quickly checked his phone, and there were indeed several missed calls.

In addition to the senior sister's phone number, there are also Zhang Qize's and Hu Zhen's calls, especially the senior sister's phone number, which shows that they called as many as five times.

"You mean I'm talking nonsense?" Jiang Yuanyue asked angrily.

"No senior, I remembered what was going on. In order to concentrate on writing sketch scripts these days, I turned my mobile phone to silent mode, so I haven't noticed your call all the time. It's all my fault, right Sister, do you have any urgent business with me?" After Xu Jie explained, he quickly changed the subject.

Jiang Yuanyue was very angry at first, but when she heard the explanation from her junior, most of her anger disappeared immediately.

Anyway, the other party is also for the Spring Festival Gala, so it is understandable.

"How is it? Have you finished writing the script?" Jiang Yuanyue asked. As the person in charge of the CTV Spring Festival Gala's language programs, she was still very concerned about this matter.

"I just finished writing, and I don't know if I can pass your CTS review." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and gave the other party a vaccination first, so as not to push all the responsibilities on him if he fails.

"The review is a matter for the leaders above, as long as you finish writing it." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile, and her mood improved.

Last year's Spring Festival Gala, this junior was able to come up with three sketches in half a month. She believes that given the other party more than a month this year, the other party will definitely be able to come up with better works than last year, not to mention that it is still far away from the Spring Festival Gala. For more than a month, even if the review failed, there was still time to rewrite it.

"Senior sister, you are in such a hurry to find me, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked again, and hurriedly finished speaking, he also wanted to call Zhang Qize and Hu Zhen back.

"Ah, I almost forgot the business. Come to the show, everyone is waiting for you. If you don't come, there will be no leader in the backstage." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Xu Jie had a question mark on his face when he heard it, and asked suspiciously: "What are you doing at the performance site? It's not the day of recording and broadcasting."

"Student, are you confused? Today is the 30th, what time is it?" Jiang Yuanyue reminded loudly.

If she didn't know that her junior was working on a sketch script, based on what the other party said just now, she would have reason to suspect that the other party had drunk too much.

As a member of the director team of China Television's New Year's Eve party, can you even forget the time?

Xu Jie looked at his watch, it was already past 3 o'clock, combined with the light outside, it must be 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

What the hell!

Isn't today the day to record the party?

Now he finally understands why senior sister is so anxious, and also understands what happened to Zhang Qize and Hu Zhen's phone call.

"Sister, why didn't you call me earlier?" Xu Jie said while changing clothes.

"I was going to find you when I left the hotel early in the morning, but you have a do-not-disturb sign outside the door, who dares to disturb?" Jiang Yuanyue said angrily.

Everyone in the working group knows that Mr. Xu has been busy with the script of the Spring Festival Gala skit these days, and he didn't even attend the work meeting of the New Year's Eve party. If he disturbs the other party's creation, who can take the responsibility?
Even her senior sister, the deputy director of the Spring Festival Gala, has to be more cautious. After all, the most annoying thing about creating such a thing is being interrupted.

Xu Jie pushed open the door, looked at the "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging on the doorknob, immediately took it off and threw it into the room, and said as he walked out, "Senior sister, I'll be there right away."

"Well, be careful." Jiang Yuanyue instructed, and then hung up the phone.

Xu Jie left the hotel, took a taxi and came to the performance site.

A lot of people have gathered here. In addition to the performers and staff, there are also police and doctors. Moreover, the guardrails that originally blocked the park have also been removed. People passing by around the square stretched their necks and looked inside. full of curiosity.

After Xu Jie got out of the car, he put on his work ID and hurried into the main entrance.

At this time, a security gate has been installed here, and everyone who enters must pass through here, even if they wear a work permit, this is also to ensure the safety of the party.

Although tonight is just a recording, but everything is the same as tomorrow's official performance, it can be regarded as a practice.

Xu Jie walked quickly to the front of the stage, looked at Zhao Hongbo who was conducting, and said, "Director Zhao, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"It's okay, it's fine if you come here." Zhao Hongbo said with a smile, he had already learned from Jiang Yuanyue why the other party didn't show up here, so he wasn't angry.

"Director Zhao, then I'll go backstage." Xu Jie pointed in the direction of the stage.

"Well, go ahead, thank you for your hard work." Zhao Hongbo patted the other party's shoulder.

He knew that the other party had been working on the script day and night these days, and he also wanted the other party to rest more, but time waited for no one.

Record today, broadcast live tomorrow, the day after tomorrow...

What happens to the other party the day after tomorrow has nothing to do with him.

Xu Jie came to the backstage. With his appearance, the people of Beijing TV Culture were full of energy immediately, and the performers were also full of energy.

As for the staff of China TV, although they are still not so enthusiastic, their attitudes have improved significantly. Of course, the main reason is that Zhao Hongbo repeatedly emphasized at the work meeting, and there are two people, Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang. A lesson from the past, even if you pretend, you have to pretend for the remaining two days.

"Mr. Xu, are you okay?" Hu Zhen came to Xu Jie's side with concern on his face.

"It's okay, I left in a hurry." Xu Jie found a chair and sat down. After taking a few deep breaths, he felt much more comfortable.

Hu Zhen looked it over carefully, and was relieved when he saw that the person was indeed fine. This is his God of Wealth, and if something happened to the other party, he would suffer a great loss.

"Mr. Xu, congratulations." Hu Zhen said suddenly.

"Huh? Congratulations for what?" Xu Jie looked at Hu Zhen suspiciously.

Does this person know that he has finished the Spring Festival Gala skit script?

But even so, there is no need to congratulate, right?
"Congratulations to Mr. Xu, your wife, that is, Su Yun's new movie has a great start!" Hu Zhen said with a smile.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, but after being reminded by Lao Hu, he finally remembered.

Today is not only the recording day for the New Year's Eve party, but also the day when Su Yun's new movie "Stranger Road" is released.

Because the 30th and 31st of this year are Saturday and Sunday respectively, the New Year's Day file will also start on the 30th, and the movies that will be released on the New Year's Day file will also be released on the evening of the 29th.

Xu Jie slapped his forehead hard with his hand. He has been busy writing sketches for the Spring Festival Gala these days and completely forgot the date.

"How is it? How much is the box office?" Xu Jie asked as he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, logged on to the movie website, and checked the real-time box office.

"Although it ranks third, the current box office has reached 5000 million." Hu Zhen said.

Since the movie was screened last night, it has been less than 24 hours, but as a literary film, it can reach a box office of 5000 million in such a short period of time, which is already considered a pretty good result. Tonight, it is not a problem to reach 8000 million at the box office.

This is already director Xu Shenghua's best box office performance in recent years.

According to the current momentum, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the three-day holiday on New Year's Day, it is completely possible to challenge [-] million if you work hard.

As a movie with an investment of 8000 million, it is very close to paying back.

Xu Jie carefully looked at every item of data in the real-time box office. What he cared about was not only the box office results, but also the number of filming sessions, attendance rate and so on.

From these data, not only can we see whether the movie is popular, but also how the market reacts after the movie is released.

Because the New Year's Day file is only a three-day holiday, there are not many movies released. It is far less popular than the Spring Festival and National Day files. However, this does not mean that there are no good movies, nor does it mean that the box office will be very low. The Spring Festival file and the National Day file are as long.

Sometimes, because the audience has fewer choices, the box office of the movie may be higher.

For example, the box office of the No.1 movie has reached an astonishing 1.4 million. Even in the Spring Festival and National Day files, it is a very good result.

The box office of the No.2 movie has reached more than 9000 million, which is only one step away from breaking [-] million.

No.3 is the new film "Stranger Road" directed by Xu Shenghua, with a box office of 5742.56 million. Although there is a big gap from the top two, the number of films scheduled for the film is also incomparable with the top two, and even less than half of No.2.

So it is not easy to achieve this result, after all, this is a literary film.

Xu Jie looked at it, and a smile appeared on his face.

It's okay, the box office didn't pull the crotch.

And judging from the various data, the movie should be able to achieve a relatively good box office.

Small profits are stable.

The next step is to look at the audience's evaluation and word-of-mouth of the movie.

After all, for the current Su Yun, there is no shortage of resources, but a movie award is urgently needed to prove it.

Regardless of how popular an actor is, if there is no award, his status will never rise.

"Mr. Xu, I went to the cinema last night and watched the movie "Strange Road". The story is wonderful, the meaning is profound, and the acting skills of the actors are also very good. I also noticed that not only Xu Shenghua, but also you are in the screenwriter column. I'm completely convinced." After speaking, Hu Zhen stretched out a thumb, showing a sincerely convinced look at the same time.

Of course, half of it is true, and it is generally flattering.

"It's just a few comments. I didn't expect Xu Shenghua to be so serious." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

After hearing this, Hu Zhen didn't believe it.

How many did you mention?
With Su Yun here, how could the other party just mention a few?

And Xu Shenghua is not an ordinary person, he is a well-known director in China, not only has won numerous awards, but also holds a very important position in the industry, how could he casually put a person who only raised a few opinions in the screenwriter column with himself? What about juxtaposition?

After Xu Jie quit the box office website, he immediately logged on to his Weibo and posted a movie poster to promote the movie.

How could he not help promote his wife's movie?
But when it comes to helping, shouldn't the people he helped with Xu Jie's wife's movie also help with publicity?
"Old Hu, can you help me?" Xu Jie looked at Hu Zhen with a smile, and decided to attack him first.

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. If you have something to say, your business is my business." Hu Zhen said, patting his chest.

In fact, he wished to help the other party a few more favors, so that the relationship between the two could be better consolidated. Otherwise, the other party would not charge money, and would not chat with the actress about the script late at night, and the relationship would always feel that the relationship was not strong enough.

"You don't need all the artists in your company, just find some first-line artists to help me promote this movie on Weibo." Xu Jie said.

He provided Hu Zhen with so many resources, and also made him a lot of money. If he doesn't use it now, when will he wait?

When Hu Zhen heard this, although an artist's Weibo advertisement price started at six figures, for this person in front of him, it was free.

This is also a reward!
"No problem, Mr. Xu, I will contact the artists of the company and ask them to post on Weibo to promote the movie." After Hu Zhen finished speaking, he immediately picked up his mobile phone and called up the artists under him in front of Xu Jie. Phone call to show your sincerity.

However, for Xu Jie, this is far from enough. Of course, the more publicity, the better.

He couldn't help but cast his eyes on the artists who had already arrived and waited for the performance. After these few rehearsals, he was very familiar with these artists.

Don't mention anything about false publicity and abuse of power, he promised Zhao Hongbo to be in charge of the backstage work of the party, but he would confiscate a penny from the other party.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie stood up and walked towards the nearest artist.


(End of this chapter)

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