Chapter 980 Found it!
In the evening, the recording work of CTV's New Year's Eve party officially started.

Whether it is in front of the stage or behind the stage, everything is carried out according to the standard of the official performance, even the audience under the stage.

Some people asked, since the live broadcast will be broadcast on the night of the 31st, why do we need to record the party in advance?Isn't this a waste of time, manpower and material resources?
In fact, the reason for doing this is to present a wonderful party for audiences across the country on New Year's Eve.

What is the purpose of pre-recording?
It's for emergencies.

As the old saying goes: Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If there is an unexpected situation at the performance site, in order to avoid the audience in front of the TV being affected, it is undoubtedly the best choice to switch to the pre-recorded tape. Have any influence with the TV station.

To put it simply, if the live broadcast of the party is compared to the incumbent, then the pre-recorded party is the backup tire. When the incumbent has an accident, the spare tire can be immediately put on top and seamlessly connected.

However, compared to other people's serious attitude, there is one person who is out of tune with everyone. Everyone else is busy recording the program, only he is busy with his own business.

"Liu Li, have you watched a movie recently?" Xu Jie looked at the next female artist who was about to appear with a smile, and took the initiative to chat with her.

"I've been busy with the party, so I don't have time to pay attention." Liu Li replied truthfully after hearing this.

"Really? That's such a pity. This year's New Year's Day has a very good movie. It's the work of the great director Xu Shenghua. It's called "Stranger Road". Fans who recommend it to you on Weibo, it’s better to have fun alone than to have fun together.” Xu Jie said eloquently.

However, he didn't say a word about himself as the screenwriter and Su Yun as the heroine, so as to avoid the suspicion of Wang Po selling melons and boasting.

"Mr. Xu, you already told me about this in the afternoon, and I also posted on Weibo." Liu Li said with a wry smile.

At that time, she wondered why Mr. Xu would help Director Xu Shenghua promote the movie, but after finding the movie poster on the Internet, she immediately understood what was going on.

It turns out that the leading actor is Mr. Xu's wife, and Mr. Xu himself is the screenwriter of the movie, which can explain why the other party is so active.

"Ah? Really?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, then scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "If you're confused, just pretend I didn't say anything." Then he cast his gaze on the performer of the next show.

Although he had already looked for many stars in the afternoon, there were still some stars who hadn't arrived here at that time, so the rest of the stars became his current target.

His motto is: I would rather ask several times than let one go.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Thick-skinned can eat enough, thin-skinned can't eat.

If he doesn't risk his thick face, how can he get more publicity opportunities for his wife?

Soon, it was Liu Li's turn to take the stage, and the performers of the next show came to the backstage waiting area.

After Xu Jie saw it, he showed an amiable smile again, and said to the star standing in front: "Yao Tong, have you been paying attention to movies recently?"

"Mr. Xu, I've been practicing singing recently, and I haven't paid much attention to it. Did something important happen in the film industry?" Yao Tong asked curiously, even a little excited.

She likes to listen to gossip in the entertainment circle the most.

The assistant didn't tell her, and she didn't get it when she swiped her phone. I think what Mr. Xu was going to say must be a rumor.

Is it a celebrity cheating?Or is it an artist who has a child in hidden marriage?Is it a newcomer who is happy to be a godfather, or is it an old artist who is not guaranteed at the end of the festival?As long as it's not her own, it can be anyone's.

"A major event? That's right, it is indeed a major event. There was a very good movie released yesterday called "Stranger Road". When you are free, watch it twice, and if you think it is good, recommend it to fans on Weibo." Xu Jie repeated almost He has said this set of rhetoric more than twenty times.

For publicity, it depends on celebrities; if it wants box office, it depends on fans.

"Really? The name sounds very ordinary, who played it?" Yao Tong asked.

"Su Yun." Xu Jie replied.

Yao Tong was startled.

Su Yun?

Isn't that Mr. Xu's wife?
She finally knew why Mr. Xu tried his best to recommend it here. It turned out that he was promoting his wife's movie.

But thinking about what I said before...

Yao Tong's complexion was complete, and he said seriously: "Well, although this name sounds ordinary at first, but after careful consideration, it gives people a very extraordinary feeling, and the fact that Sister Yun plays the leading role shows this point even more. By the way, who is the director and screenwriter of this movie?"

"The director is Xu Shenghua, and the screenwriter is Xu Shenghua and me." Xu Jie said.

"How about it, is it right? With the blessings of Mr. Xu and Director Xu, this movie is destined to be extraordinary. Mr. Xu, I will definitely watch it. Thank you for your recommendation." Yao Tong said solemnly, just His cheeks were a little red, and he didn't know if it was hot or embarrassing.

Xu Jie looked at the woman's series of manipulations with some dumbfounding, talked a lot, and finally got it right, really embarrassing this person.

After seeing this scene, some CTV employees around were also very speechless towards Xu Jie.

Recording such an important matter as the New Year's Eve party, instead of taking it seriously, the other party promoted his own movie. Isn't this fishing in troubled waters and taking advantage of it?

Some people didn't like it, and wanted to break up with that surnamed Xu, but after thinking about the self-criticism Wang Kai and Guo Yangyang made at the work meeting, they finally gave up this idea.

Dare to be angry but dare not speak!
The programs are going on one after another, and Xu Jie is also recommending the movie "Stranger Road" to the stars one after another. As for tonight's recording...

Since it's just recording, what's there to worry about?
Even if there is a problem in the middle, you can press the pause button to start recording again, or splicing in the later stage to cut off the problematic part, anyway, it is a spare tire.

In this way, on the second day after "Stranger Road" was released, dozens of celebrities and entertainers suddenly appeared on Weibo to promote the movie, and they gave five stars one after another, and even rushed to the trending searches. After all, there are so many It is not uncommon for stars to co-recommend a movie.

Jiang Xiaoshan, vice president of Forbidden Pictures, who was in charge of the publicity and distribution of "Stranger Road", was completely confused after paying attention to this incident.

Although the company has a certain influence in the domestic film and television industry and has had pleasant cooperation with many celebrities and artists, it is not enough for these celebrities to promote the film spontaneously, right?
You must know that the Weibo of these celebrities and artists are all clearly priced to the outside world, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and as the person in charge of film promotion, she has never spent this money, and she has not even formulated such a price tag. publicity plan.

What's happening here?
Did the movie "Stranger Road" really impress those celebrities?

When did the entertainment industry become so genuine?
It feels like this is no longer the entertainment circle, but Liangshanbo, where one person fights, and the whole mountain is cheering and cheering.

Forget it, no more!

No matter what, this kind of publicity is beneficial to the film, and it is also of great benefit to her, the publicity party, and the producer.

After all, the higher the box office, the more money the company gets.

Xu Shenghua and Su Yun were also confused. They had just attended a promotional event together when they were told by the assistant that many celebrities and artists recommended the movie "Stranger Road" on Weibo.

Due to the limited funds, there are not many promotional activities for the movie "Strange Road". Even the promotion on video websites and short video apps is far inferior to other movies released at the same time. Therefore, for this large-scale promotion, Both were surprised.

"Xiao Su, are you familiar with these artists?" After returning to the hotel, Xu Shenghua asked Su Yun with her mobile phone. Anyway, she had never asked these celebrities to help with publicity, and she had never even thought about it.

In fact, she has never been very active in film promotion.

She shoots literary and artistic films, not commercial films. Commercial films focus on excitement, while literary and artistic films focus on the core. Liveliness can be seen with eyes, but the core needs to be watched with heart. This is one of the main reasons why literary and artistic films have a small audience. One, and she will never succumb to the public's aesthetics, which is one of the important reasons why she is unwilling to publicize.

"Unfamiliar." Su Yun shook her head, not only unfamiliar, many have never even dealt with each other.

"Really? Then why did they promote the movie "Stranger Road"?" Xu Shenghua asked suspiciously.

Is it flattering?

Not like!

After all, this situation has never been encountered before.

Even if she is a well-known domestic director, but she is the director of a literary film, and she is also a director who loses money. If these celebrities want to shoot, they should also shoot the ass of those big directors of commercial films. Movie box office is also high, which is of great benefit to artists in terms of topics and traffic.

shoot her?The remuneration is low, the cycle is long, the requirements are high, and even if it is filmed, there is no money. Even if it is successfully released after 81, the box office is often very low. If it is not done well, it will be labeled as a box office poison. Which one Are actors willing to put on such a hat?
"I don't know, maybe I really think this movie is good." Su Yun thought for a while and said, anyway, she thinks this movie is good.

Xu Shenghua shook his head, shit.

Promote it if you think it looks good?
She has been in the film and television industry for so many years, and the actors in this industry are not so temperamental.

"Hey, by the way, do you think it will be Xiao Xu? Is it your husband?" Xu Shenghua suddenly thought of a person. Although this person did not attend the promotional activities of the movie, he arranged many promotional activities for the movie, such as " In-depth film and television talks" and "Ordinary Courage" have brought great popularity to the film.

"You mean Xu Jie?" Su Yun thought after hearing that, although her husband had never mentioned it, it was really possible, and the other party had surprised her more than once.

"Yes." Xu Shenghua nodded.

She has already thought about the person related to this movie for a few times, and after much deliberation, this person is the most suspected person.

"I'll find out by sending a WeChat message."

After finishing speaking, Su Yun took out her mobile phone, entered WeChat, and sent a voice message to the other party.

"Husband, you arranged those celebrities who promoted "Stranger Road" on Weibo?"

In fact, she was also very curious, and wanted to know where this unknown force came from.

Soon, WeChat got a reply.

Su Yun clicked on the voice, and a sentence came from inside: "Honey, guess what?"

Su Yun and Xu Shenghua looked at each other. Although the other party didn't say anything clearly, the "guess" was enough to explain everything.

This is the man who did it.

Finally found the mastermind behind the scenes.

Thinking about it carefully, this person has been worrying about the script since he received the script, and later when the filming started, the other party was worried about the funding. Now that the movie is finally released, it's time to worry about the promotion.

Where is the screenwriter here?It is more responsible than the producer!

"Thank you Xiao Xu for helping me." Xu Shenghua said to Su Yun.

Although she never bothered to do this kind of publicity, she had to admit that the publicity did help the movie's box office. This is the star effect, and this is the fan economy.

Although she doesn't care about publicity, or whether the public likes it or not, she still hopes that the movie will have a good box office.

It doesn't matter how much you earn, as long as you can protect your capital.

In this way, at least the next time you make a movie, you can ensure that someone will invest in it, so that you will not run out of money to start the machine.

Su Yun pressed the voice button and said, "Husband, Director Xu said thank you."

"Honey, tell Director Xu that a little effort is not enough." Xu Jie said with a smile.

This is just the beginning, and more stars will help promote it in the future.

"My husband, thank you." Su Yun said softly.

"You don't need to thank you anymore, you are my wife, if I don't help you, who will help you?" Xu Jie said in WeChat.

Isn't the reason why he is so determined to climb up the ladder that he can help the other party in his career?
Now that he has such ability, is there any reason to stand by and watch?

If he didn't do anything, why did he have to work so hard all these years?Is it uncomfortable to concentrate on being a rich second generation?
"Honey, I'll go home on the [-]st, how about you?" Su Yun asked.

"Me too." Xu Jie said.

"I'll be waiting for you at home!" Su Yun said sweetly in her heart.

After Xu Jie heard it, he immediately became excited, and countless pictures appeared in his mind.

How to wait, where to wait, what to wear, etc., are all particular.

He can't wait for that day to come sooner.

In the middle of the night, the recording work finally ended, and the performers, staff and audience left the scene in an orderly manner.

After returning to the hotel, the chief director Zhao Hongbo called everyone together. Since it was already very late, he briefly talked about the recording situation tonight, raised some points that need attention in the live broadcast tomorrow, and then announced the dissolution.

Xu Jie hasn't slept much in the past few days in order to write a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala, so he fell asleep when he returned to his room, to catch up on a good night's sleep and welcome tomorrow's New Year's Eve.


(End of this chapter)

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