Chapter 981 Extraordinary
Xu Jie had a dream, dreaming that Su Yun won the Best Actress Award of a certain movie award for her wonderful performance in the movie "Stranger Road".

Then, just as he was watching his wife take the stage to accept the award, warm applause suddenly sounded in his ears, no, it was the hasty doorbell, which directly woke him up from his dream.

I almost saw my wife receiving the award.

"Who is it?" Xu Jie shouted angrily, and then opened the door while putting on his clothes.

The door opened, and the senior sister Jiang Yuanyue was standing outside with a anxious expression on her face.

"Senior sister, can you be a little civic-minded and stop ringing the doorbell outside other people's rooms early in the morning?" Xu Jie said resentfully.

Even if it is a few minutes later, let him listen to his wife's acceptance speech before waking him up.

"Early morning? Brother, what time is it? It's already past 1 o'clock, and the working group is about to leave. No matter what you have to do today, don't be late." Jiang Yuanyue said seriously.

Today is the 31st, the day when China Television's New Year's Eve Gala will be officially performed.

In the past, whether it was rehearsal or recording, she could turn a blind eye to what her junior did, but not today.

The just-concluded New Year's Eve party had completely changed their impression of this man. Everyone thought he was a bastard, but they turned out to be a king. Although they didn't want to believe it, the fact lay in their hearts In front of them, it will not work if they don't believe it.

Yesterday it was because it was just recording the party, and today it is because there is a tape of the party recorded yesterday.

Although Xu Jie told the staff that the party was nothing, his body had already stood up from the chair he had been sitting on for several days, and the casualness just now swept away from his face, and he became very serious.

Backstage, many stars approached Xu Jie.

Three hours……

People are more mad than people.

Because of this, everyone quickly got into the rhythm of this person, and even the group of people who wanted to conspire to squeeze people away a few days ago began to do what this person said.

When Jiang Yuanyue heard it, she was about to answer, but just as she opened her mouth, she saw the junior leaving the room and walking towards this side. She quickly changed her words, looked at Deputy Director Zhao and said, "Director Zhao , everyone is here."

Although for Chinese people, the Lunar New Year is more important than the public New Year, but the public New Year is also a New Year, and it is also appropriate to say a happy New Year. This sentence can be regarded as a blessing, or it can be regarded as a kind of You're welcome, after all, in China, except Qingming Festival, other festivals can be followed by happiness.

Although the recording of the spare tape has been completed, as the general director of the party, the burden on his shoulders is very heavy, and only the experienced deputy director Zhao can pick it up. If it is someone else, it is estimated that he has already been suppressed Get down.

In fact, whether it was yesterday's recording or today's live broadcast, he wasn't nervous at all.

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. I want to thank you, and I am the one to thank you. If it wasn't for your recommendation, I would have missed such a wonderful movie. Wouldn't it be a pity at that time? Mr. Xu, thank you If there are any good movies in the future, remember to let me know, and I will definitely watch them as soon as possible." Yang Lifei said solemnly, and then bowed.

A series of cars drove into the performance venue mightily. After the staff got off the car, they began to prepare for the New Year's Eve party.

CTS employees watched this scene silently, but their hearts were extremely complicated.

Compared with the kindness and kindness of the past, today's deputy director Zhao looks very serious, as if he has something on his mind.

Zhao Hongbo glanced briefly at the crowd, but he didn't see the person who made him "look at the thatched cottage", so he asked suspiciously, "Where is Mr. Xu? Why didn't you see him?"

One hour……

As the saying goes: it’s better to come early than to come coincidentally.

That is to say, this is the same thing, but not everyone can figure it out, just like people will die, if they die sooner or later, they must die, but most people are afraid of death.

There are still a few minutes left before the performance starts, and the staff and performers are waiting in full force, but compared to the previous busyness, everyone is quiet now, no one walks around, and no one speaks loudly...

When waiting for people before, they would chat with each other, make jokes or something, but today, the corridor was quiet and no one spoke.

"Of course, can a woman's tears be fake? I'll recollect them first, and then I'll do the second one after these few days." Yang Lifei said seriously.

Alas, I missed it.


Following Zhao Hongbo's order, the people who had been quiet just now started to act immediately. It felt like a stopped machine was running again.

After hearing this, the others couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Of course I understand. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to call you just before the working group was about to leave. Hurry up." Jiang Yuanyue didn't enter the room, and left after reminding her, gathering in front of the elevator.

What is the purpose of the rehearsal?Isn't it just smoothing out the work and making each other more tacit?

Seeing the expressions on the employees' faces, Xu Jie couldn't help shaking his head, "You guys just lack exercise. When we cooperate more with CTV in the future, we won't be like this now."

At the same time, performance groups and celebrity artists continued to arrive at the scene. Until 6:[-] pm, the audience composed of college students and some local enterprises and institutions in Xiazhou also entered the scene. Soon, everything was ready for the CTV New Year’s Eve party , just wait for the time to start.

With the chorus of many stars, the New Year's Eve party officially ended.

Unknowingly, the New Year's Eve party came to the climax of the whole event. Under the leadership of the host, celebrities and entertainers counted down together with the audience...

He reached for his pocket, but his phone was not on him.

"I didn't rest well a few days ago, senior sister, you understand." Xu Jie said a little embarrassedly, and then quickly retreated to the room, brushed his teeth, and washed his face.

Liu Xu on the side stayed where he was when he saw it.

Many people have already gathered here, only Deputy Director Zhao and his juniors are not here.

When Liu Xu heard this, how could he dare to tell the truth?So he followed closely behind Yang Lifei and said, "Mr. Xu, I also went to see it. In fact, I rarely watch literary films, but I like this "Stranger Road" very much."

Not only the stars, but even some performers gathered around and sent Xu Jie New Year's wishes one after another.

"Thank you, thank you for your support." Xu Jie cupped his fists at the two, hoping that their fans would contribute some box office to the movie.

By the way, the Spring Festival Gala still has a spare tape recorded, but every year at thirty, isn't Director Chen sweating nervously?

No, except for one person!

CTV's identity blinded their eyes, making them unable to see themselves and others clearly, which made them have some wrong ideas and do some wrong things.

Zhao Hongbo turned around and saw Xu Jie, with a smile on his serious face, he nodded and said, "It's good to be here, it's good to be here, since everyone is here, let's go."

Everyone looked at Mr. Xu and thought: I hope so.

And the people around followed suit one after another, and those who couldn't squeeze in would take the next elevator.

"Director Zhao, I'm behind you." Xu Jie said.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it.

"Mr. Xu, Happy New Year!"

two hours...

Could it be 1:25pm?

"Really?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

At this time, the intercom rang suddenly, and then the voice of chief director Zhao Hongbo came from inside.

But now, a person suddenly appeared to direct them, can it work?Will it break their tacit understanding?Will it make work messy?
What's going on now is China TV's New Year's Eve party, and it's still being broadcast live to the world. If the backstage becomes a mess, won't it become an international joke if it spreads?
Some people even advised the other party not to cause trouble, but they were worried about being kicked out of the backstage, so they could only suppress this idea in the end.

I remember that when I lay down last night, it was already past 1 o'clock. It is impossible to have such a long dream and only ten or twenty minutes passed.

"Mr. Xu, we've slept well, but we're a little, a little nervous." Zhang Qize said, his words even trembled slightly.

Xu Jie took an elevator with the employees of Jingshi Culture, but he was keenly aware that the atmosphere among everyone was obviously different from the past.

Jiang Yuanyue watched her junior's movements, and directly stretched out her watch in front of him.

Flattering, who wouldn't?
Anyway, I don't know how to check movie tickets.

Finished walking to the elevator.

"I've seen it!" Yang Lifei said excitedly, "I watched it with my assistant this morning. The story is so touching, and Sister Yun's acting skills are even top-notch. I cried several times watching it."

In this way, the difficulty of each task is virtually reduced, and everyone feels much more relaxed.

And since having this person's command, everyone hardly needs to think about their work, as long as they do what this person says.

When we worked with Beijing Satellite TV to produce the New Year's Eve party before, everyone was responsible for some unimportant work, but this time with China TV, everyone is responsible for very important work. Not only the platform is higher, but even the responsibility It's getting heavier, can you not be nervous?
"Nervous? What's there to be nervous about?" Xu Jie said indifferently after hearing this: "Didn't you finish recording the New Year's Eve party yesterday? Since you have a spare tape, what are you worried about? Even if something happens, there is a spare tape Take it on top."

As the bell rang, countless fireworks bloomed in the sky, forming a beautiful picture together with the gorgeous stage of the New Year's Eve party.

Directing the performers, directing the staff, no matter how small the work is, he arranges it clearly and clearly, so that everyone knows what they are going to do next and what to pay attention to in the process of doing it. All the way, those CTV employees who listened were stunned for a while, and at the same time secretly startled, is this still the bastard who doesn't care about anything?

It seems that it is better to keep a low profile in the future.

"Is everyone here?" Zhao Hongbo came over and asked.

Raise your wrist, the watch is not on.

At this time, there was the sound of the door opening in the corridor, and Zhao Hongbo came out of the room.

Liu Xu was taken aback after hearing this, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Soon, the originally scattered backstage became a unified whole. Under Xu Jie's command, everything was so silky smooth.

Xu Jie frowned and looked at the hour and minute hands on the dial. It was already 1:25.

No wonder Director Chen appointed this person as an assistant director, and no wonder Deputy Director Zhao and Gu Maolu invited each other to be the person in charge of the backstage.

Maybe Mr. Xu is serious, and when he sees a good movie in the future, he will really recommend it to Yang Lifei. After going back and forth, he will become familiar with it after a few times. Will Mr. Xu's programs and movies directed by Mr. Xu be missing Yang Lifei in the future?
Liu Xu also wanted to take pictures, but he couldn't say some things, because his specialty was taking pictures of women, but taking pictures of men was a little worse.



Of course, everyone knew very well that what Deputy Director Zhao was thinking about was the New Year's Eve party to be held tonight.

This flattery is so much higher than he doesn't know, the key is that there may be a follow-up.

In fact, every staff member present did not seem to have it easy.

But worry is worry, dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, as the New Year's Eve party programs are proceeding in an orderly manner, and as the backstage work is carried out in an orderly manner, everyone suddenly realizes that this person's command does not seem to destroy the party, nor does everyone's work. Hence the confusion.

In fact, calm down and think about it carefully, can people who can produce many popular programs be ordinary people?
Leaving aside those programs that the other party directed for Beijing Satellite TV, take the gourmet program "The Temptation of Going Home" directed by China Television two years ago. Isn't the ratings also very high?
Alas, humility makes one progress, pride makes one lag behind.

Mr. Xu himself said that it was recommended yesterday, and he is busy with makeup and preparations for the party today, how can he have time to go to the cinema to watch a movie?

The arrival of the new year also means that tonight's New Year's Eve party has come to an end.

The other people in the elevator listened and nodded in unison.

"Liu Xu, Yang Lifei, have you watched the movie I recommended to you yesterday?" Xu Jie looked at the first artist who was about to appear with concern.

There are also people who are worried that this person surnamed Xu may be wrong. After all, the other party has not communicated with the staff during the previous rehearsals, including the recording of the party held yesterday.

"1 points?"

"What's the matter? Did you not sleep well last night?" Xu Jie asked, anyway, he slept soundly and soundly. If it wasn't for Senior Sister, he could continue to sleep until night, making up for the lack of sleep in the previous two days. .

Well, now only the junior is not here.

He came just in time.

And Xu Jie in the crowd was holding a mobile phone to video with Su Yun.

Although New Year's Eve cannot be spent with each other, New Year's blessings must be sent as soon as possible.

Looking at the woman on the screen who is more charming than Huajiao, Xu Jie has only one thought in his heart, to return to the capital and reunite with his wife.


(End of this chapter)

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