Chapter 101
Copy the next day.

After waking up, until noon, the elevator door, which had been silent all night, opened again.

Two prison workers walked out of the elevator pushing a cart with two wooden barrels on it.

When they saw the barrel, the slaves were all agitated.

Su Tingyu took a closer look and found two wooden barrels, one filled with water and the other filled with rice.

"Isn't this what we eat?"

"Why is that all?"

The other players also noticed the rice and water in the barrel, and they all whispered about it.

The two prison workers put down the barrels and then pushed the cart away.

As soon as the man left, all the slaves immediately rushed forward, wanting to be the first to grab enough rice.

Just when everyone was pushing and shoving and was about to fight, Su Tingyu walked briskly and came to the barrel first, blocking everyone.

Seeing this, everyone is going to explode!

"Do you want to eat all the food?!"

"Do you really think we have a good temper?!"

"Enough is enough, Angel Su!"


Su Tingyu explained with a smile: "Why would I eat it alone? I just want to get three portions of food and water first, and you can do whatever you want with the rest, isn't it too much?"

"Why do you take it first!"

"Yes, what if you take too much and we have nothing to eat?"

There are still some players who are not convinced.

Everyone's food is packed in a wooden barrel. There is no decent utensil for serving food. They can only grab it with their hands, and each person grabs it. How dirty and disgusting it is. But the players mind!
Otherwise, Su Tingyu wouldn't be too idle to confront everyone again.

Regarding the resentment of everyone, Su Tingyu expressed his understanding, but he was determined not to change it.

Su Tingyu put one hand on the wooden bucket filled with water, still smiling, "Don't scare me, I'm timid, I don't need to be scared, in case my hands shake due to fright..." He said, The paws on the barrel suddenly trembled like a sickness, and the whole barrel trembled for two seconds. The water in it was ups and downs, almost pouring out.

"do not!"

"do not want!"

"Take it, take it quickly!"

Everyone panicked all of a sudden, afraid that Su Tingyu would "shake his hands" and shake all the water out.

If the rice is dumped on the ground, you can pick it up and eat it if you don’t think it’s dirty, but you can’t take back the water that was spilled.

"Wow, thank you so much, you guys are so considerate~" Su Tingyu was so moved that he took the only two large wooden spoons next to the barrel, one for water and one for rice. .

After the matter was over, Su Tingyu thoughtfully gave way, allowing others to continue to fight.

The rice and water in the wooden spoon were enough for the three of Su Tingyu to fill their stomachs.

It's just that the conditions are limited, and they have to grab food to eat, and the three of them can't drink water directly. They have to raise their heads and pour water into their mouths from the air, which is a bit troublesome.

In the end, there was still some water left, and Su Tingyu used it extravagantly to wash his hands.

In addition to delivering a meal during the day, there is no prison union to guard the prison, and the prison is not locked. It seems that no slave dares to escape from the prison.

Su Tingyu wanted to go out and check the situation, but now there were too many people and no good opportunities could be found.

Until 7 o'clock in the evening, the underground colosseum seemed to boil suddenly, and even Su Tingyu and everyone in the prison could feel a different breath coming from above their heads.

More and more noises sounded, and the footsteps of a sea of ​​people came one after another.

The performance of the second night is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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