Chapter 102
The prison workers came and took away the remaining 50 slaves who hadn't performed on stage.

In the performance on the first night, 8 of the 3 players died, 42 of the 20 NPC slaves died, and those who survived were more or less wounded.

In the second night, I don't know how many people will die.

Seeing Qin Qi and Fatty being taken away, Su Tingyu looked away.

At this time, the 4 players who survived the first night slipped out of the prison like thieves, and tried to open the elevator door, as if they had agreed in advance.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the four players got in immediately.

Su Tingyu saw it in his eyes, hesitated for a while, and felt that he had to wait.

This underground colosseum, whether it's spectators, prison workers or slaves, has a sense of weirdness.

It seems that the slaves have not been completely locked up like animals, but layers of shackles have been bound on the souls of the slaves.

Also, would this underground colosseum really be so lax?

Let those 4 players test the waters first.

It was only the second day of the copy, and Su Tingyu was not in a hurry, because she wanted to find the key to the collar, and she wanted to know more about the underground Colosseum.

So, Su Tingyu turned her attention to the slaves again, looking left and right, she unexpectedly saw a familiar face.


Slave 022 looked down at the small rice ball in his arms, swallowed his saliva, but didn't eat it.

Today he was lucky and grabbed some rice, which was left over from his lunch, and he kept it until he was hungry.

At this time, there was a commotion around him, and the slaves who were near 022 fled frantically as if they had seen a ghost.

"Hi~ hello~"

Hearing the voice, 022 looked up mechanically, and saw a hateful face that made him have nightmares last night.

Su Tingyu tilted his head with a harmless expression.

"You, you, you..." 022 was so frightened that he couldn't speak well, and he tightly covered the rice ball with both hands, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, he would be snatched away by this vile devil.

Su Tingyu smiled and said in a tone of "we are friendly and communicating": "Big brother, I came to chat with you again to relieve your boredom. Are you happy?"

022 Distorted face: Unhappy!This is not happy at all!
The 022 that Su Tingyu was looking for was the hard-working male slave who was arrested by her twice in a row yesterday for questioning.

022 stiffened, showing a smile uglier than crying: "What do you want?"

The familiar Su Tingyu sat down on the hay mat next to 022, blinking her cute big eyes: "Big brother, I'm so bored, I want to hear more stories about the underground Colosseum from you." .”

022 Cursing in my heart: It's none of my business that you're boring? !

"Big brother, what is in your hand?"

In the ear, a very innocent and suspicious voice came, 022 shuddered, the rice ball in his hand was tightly squeezed, and he hid behind his back with his backhand, with an embarrassed smile on his face: "No, it's nothing... You don't want to hear A story? I'll tell it! Just tell it!"

"Oh~~" Su Tingyu didn't seem to know anything, still smiling, with big eyes twinkling, looking forward to the story.

Seeing this, 022 resigned himself to telling Su Tingyu a story.

Halfway through, the four players who ran out were chased back by the vicious prison guards, who rewarded each of them with two hundred lashes by the way.

Until around 24:[-], the group of performers who went out to perform came back.

18 people are missing.

Su Tingyu saw Qin Qi and the fat man in the crowd. The fat man was a little embarrassed, but none of their body parts were inexplicably missing.

Su Tingyu breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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