Bug in survival game

Chapter 1010 Alien Invasion 13

Chapter 1010 Alien Invasion 13
Originally, Su Tingyu felt a bit regretful because he didn't have any points.

However, Su Tingyu has no regrets at all now.

Because the points have been sent to the door~
"How many people are there outside?" Su Tingyu asked Xiao Canhua.

"Gulu Gulu~" 15 people.

When Su Tingyu heard the number, he flattened his mouth.

This is too little.

However, 15 is 15, anyway, there is a little meat.

"Fatty, you stay inside to look after the house, me and... I'll go out and have a look." Su paused again after hearing what Yu Yu said, and hurriedly walked towards the door with Xiao Remnant Flower.

"Boss, remember to wear a gas mask." Fatty reminded.

"Oh." Su Tingyu found a gas mask from the storage ring, and put it on his face.

Just as he was about to open the door, he felt someone walking behind him.

The next second, Qin Qi's voice came: "Give me one too."

Su Tingyu froze for a moment, but quickly took out a new gas mask from the storage ring: "Here you are."

Su Tingyu's fingertips touched the back of Qin Qi's hand for a moment.

Su Tingyu seemed to be scalded all of a sudden, as if trying to cover up something, he quickly withdrew his hand again.

"Ahem... let's go."



Qin Qi's brows were gloomy, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, and he was always suffocating in his heart.

at this time.

The group of players who were approaching the house outside stopped when they noticed that the door was open, and became more vigilant.

"Someone came out."

"Be careful!"

After Su Tingyu and Qin Qi came out, they directly met the people outside.

"Only two people."


The players under him couldn't hold back anymore, and the leading player could only speak: "Go! Quick battle."

Su Tingyu was gearing up, and just about to take out his meteor stick to fight, but Qin Qi struck first.


Qin Qi spoke lightly.

Su Tingyu didn't hear what Qin Qi said clearly, and in the next second, he saw Qin Qi's ancient bronze sword flying out in an instant!

The vicinity of the ancient sword was accompanied by layers of black evil spirits, and those black evil spirits quickly condensed into black chains, and surrounded the players from other worlds.

"What the hell?!"

"Be careful!"

When the black chains completely surrounded the 15 foreign players, in the blink of an eye, the circle formed by the chains suddenly shortened!
Those players from other worlds didn't even react, they were already bound by black chains!

And the black evil spirit that comes with the black chain is also eroding the bodies of those players from other worlds.

"Ahh..." The pain hit, and some players from other worlds who couldn't hold back screamed out!
"This is……"

Su Tingyu blinked, and suddenly, she turned her head to look at the ancient bronze sword in the center of the black evil spirit.

...How does it feel, as if there is a figure holding a sword.

When Su Tingyu wanted to see clearly again, he couldn't see anything anymore.

Finally, Qin Qi beckoned slightly, and the ancient bronze sword flew back.

The chains on the players from other worlds also disappeared, falling to the ground one by one.

Almost half of the 15 foreign players who came here died on the spot.

The remaining half has no ability to resist.

From beginning to end, these players have no chance to fight back.

And Su Tingyu didn't have a chance to make a move.

Ah this...

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.

Why is Qi Qi so irritable?
Hiss, this is a little harder.

Qin Qi turned his head at this time, and said to Su Tingyu: "Big Yu, the remaining half, you make up the knife."

The board board system stipulates that only the player who kills last can get points.

"Ah? Oh, ok, ok." Su Tingyu nodded.

Then, he took out the death blade and went to make up the knife one by one.

Soon, a sum of points was credited.

Su Tingyu was delighted to see the increasing points.


It would be nice to have more chives.

And then, as Su Tingyu wished.

Because there were no small red flowers near the house where the three of Su Tingyu lived, they were too conspicuous.

The players who fled nearby or the residents who survived all swarmed to this side.

As for the player group, if it wasn't a Blue Star player, Su Tingyu would go straight to it.

Only a small number of foreign players can escape.

However, most of the foreign players directly helped Su Tingyu's ranking in the rankings continue to rise.

As for the Blue Star players, if they don't offend Su Tingyu and the other three, they will be left to take refuge in the yard for the time being.

It's just that the players who come here are easy to deal with, but the NPC residents in those small towns are a bit difficult to deal with.

Moreover, the house is such a big place, and there is no way to accommodate too many people.

In addition, Su Tingyu resolutely does not allow these people to break into the house, and only allows them to stay outside the yard.

There are no small red flowers in the field outside the yard, because the small residual flowers have been cleaned up beforehand.

The front and back yards can probably accommodate more than 100 people, and they will look very crowded.

When there were more people, there was no way to stand in the yard anymore, and people stepped on each other's feet from time to time.

As a result, these people who stayed in the yard began to complain about Su Tingyu and the other three who occupied the whole house by themselves.

Among them, some players from other worlds were mixed in to take the rhythm.

"Why do they occupy the whole house?"

"Now is the time of crisis, and they should dedicate their entire house for us all to take refuge together."

"That's right, it's too selfish."


Once someone made a fuss, it was equivalent to detonating a barrel of explosives.

More and more residents began to take it for granted that the three of Su Tingyu should dedicate the entire house.

Soon, the sound of knocking on the door and window, ping-ping-pong, alarmed the three of Su Tingyu in the house.

And Su Tingyu and the other three also expected that such a result would happen sooner or later.

Su Tingyu glanced at the time.

It was not yet two o'clock in the afternoon.

The three of them just finished their lunch, and now, they can also exercise their muscles a little bit.

Su Tingyu ran up to the second floor and opened the window directly.

As soon as I lowered my head, I saw a bunch of people below, all surrounded.

After Su Tingyu opened the window, the people below saw her and pointed at her and shouted:
"Come down! Come down! Open the door and let us in..."

A person roared.

Everyone found out too.

Soon, everyone found Su Tingyu on the second floor.

Su Tingyu took out a loudspeaker and said to the outside: "Have you forgotten what I said when I allowed you to stay in the yard at the beginning?"

As soon as these words came out, some people in the crowd hesitated.

"This house and this yard originally belonged to us. Now that something has happened so big, we have vacated this yard to give you a place to stay. What do you want to do now? Ingratitude?"

The last four words directly made some people a little ashamed.

Originally, most of the menacing arrogance of the crowd disappeared in an instant.

However, at this time, those players with ulterior motives in the crowd continued to fan the flames:
"You are too selfish, there are so many of us, how can one yard be enough?"

"Don't you have a three-story house? You give us the first and second floors, and you still have the third floor above."

"That's right, it's selfish to say so much, and you just want to watch us die!"

As soon as these words came out, many residents felt that they made sense again.

So, it started arguing again.

"Hurry up and open the door!"

"For the sake of vacating the yard for us, we haven't smashed the door yet, so hurry up and open the door for us."

"It's just selfish to talk so much..."

"The little girl in that family is so cold-blooded and ruthless!"

"Didn't your parents give you education? No sympathy at all!"


Seeing that the group of people below couldn't be persuaded anymore, Su Tingyu gave up and wanted to use another method.

But, let's coax for now.

"That's fine, you wait." After saying this, Su Tingyu's figure disappeared by the window.

However, because of this promise, those who continued to make trouble stopped.

But at this time, the players below were very puzzled.

"She's really willing to let us all in?"

"Impossible, is there such a stupid player?"

From this point of view, it is impossible to let everyone in.

Concession again and again will only make people more greedy.

This is the evil of human nature.

The people in the yard waited for a while, but there was no sign of opening the door.

Slowly, he began to agitate.

"Damn! That girl won't be lying to us, will she?"

"What are you waiting for? Just knock the door open! Let's rush in!"

"There are only three of them, is it possible that they can beat so many of us?"

"I don't want to stay outside and be eaten by those monsters..."


Just when everyone was about to smash the door, there was an extra speaker next to the window on the second floor.

A piece of music played slowly.

"Music? Where did the music come from?"

"It seems to be coming from upstairs!"

"Damn... the people inside still have the face to play songs! They just don't care about our lives!"

A man began to swear.

But slowly, someone suddenly felt sleepy and couldn't help yawning.

one, two, three...

When the first person fell to the ground due to sleepiness, the rest of them fell asleep one after another.

In the crowd, some players realized something was wrong and immediately covered their ears.

However, the singing can still be clearly heard.

"Plop!" "Plop!" "Plop!"

In the end, everyone in the yard fell unconscious.


Su Tingyu pushed open the door and saw that the courtyard was full of unconscious people.

So, he turned his head and greeted Qin Qi and the fat man in the room: "Come out."

All three of them came out wearing gas masks.

Then, start to screen out players among these people.

With so many people, there must have been some foreign players mixed in.

In the beginning, if there were players from other worlds, they would all be eliminated by the three of Su Tingyu.

Later, with the presence of NPCs, the three of Su Tingyu couldn't kill those players from other worlds in front of them.

Moreover, there is no way to explain the source of various strange props.

Therefore, we can only temporarily let those players from other worlds mix in the crowd.

But, at this time, they all fell down, and Su Tingyu and the three of them could unscrupulously check who are the players.

In addition, blue star players and foreign players are actually very easy to distinguish.

It may also be that the dungeon deliberately provokes competition between players from different worlds.

If you meet a player from the same world, only the game nickname will be displayed.

But if you meet a player from a different world, in addition to the game nickname, there will be a special reminder.

That is, there is an extra prefix in front of the game nickname.

For example: 【Alien · Angel Su】

After some searching, the three of Su Tingyu also found no less than 20 players from other worlds.

Su Tingyu first cleared everyone's memories of the singer, and then began to eliminate players from other worlds.

After clearing out the players from the other world, Su Tingyu let the little residual flowers grow some vines that could bind people, and tied them all up.

The NPC is thrown out of the yard.

The Blue Star players stayed in the yard for the time being.

After all, in this round of dungeons, the points of the Blue Star faction can not only rely on one person or a few people to maintain the first place.

As long as these blue star players didn't directly endanger the lives of Su Tingyu and the other three, the latter would still be willing to be generous and save their lives as much as possible.

In this way, after everything was allocated, Su Tingyu and the three returned to the house.

After a few hours, those hypnotized people outside woke up faintly.

When he woke up, he found himself tied up.

Those players were the first to wake up, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Their hands and feet were tightly bound, and they couldn't take out game props.

When they tried to recall the things before they passed out, it seemed like... what was it?

They completely forgot about Su Tingyu's song.

However, these players still remember a large group of people, thinking about breaking into the house.

So, in this situation, should the three players in the house subdue all of them?
"What do those three want? Why did they tie us up?"

"Hey! People inside, let me out quickly..."

A few sane players reminded: "Stop howling, they didn't throw us out of the yard, it's pretty good."

"Forget it, anyway, it's quite safe in the yard now, and there are many fewer people, let alone standing, even sleeping here, you can roll a few times."

Even some players with a relatively broad mind have completely calmed down and accepted the current situation.

However, the residents outside the yard did not have such a good attitude.

Especially when they saw themselves tied up by these inexplicable vines, they thought it was the little red flower, and they all screamed in horror.

"Who come and save me!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."


(End of this chapter)

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