Bug in survival game

Chapter 1011 Alien Invasion 14

Chapter 1011 Alien Invasion 14
No matter how loudly they cried for help, no one came to save them.

On the contrary, because they were too noisy, they attracted Xiao Honghua who was originally nearby.

When the little red flowers discovered that there were so many delicious foods here, they immediately grew vines and extended to this side.

The huge flower buds are like a moving fortress.

When approaching the outermost resident, the huge flower bud suddenly opened and swallowed the person in one gulp!

"Ah ah ah..."

"Help! Help!"

"I don't want to die...I don't want to die, who will save me..."

The more they shouted, the more excited the little red flowers became, and the petals trembled.

One bite at a time... one bite at a time...

After eating, saliva flowed out all over the place.

When the players in the yard saw this scene, they broke out in cold sweat all over their bodies.

And those little red flowers who had eaten all the residents saw that there were still people in the yard, and they were a little ready to move and wanted to come over.

This move really shocked the players in the yard again.

However, when those little red flowers were about to approach the fence of the yard, they suddenly stopped.

It seemed to be afraid of something, and then reluctantly retracted.

Seeing this scene, these players looked a little dazed, and felt like a dream in their hearts.

"Yes... Is there something that makes them afraid?"

"Those three players have been occupying this house. They must know something inside."

"Then what shall we do now?"

"What else can I do? I can breathe a sigh of relief now that I have found a safe place."

"...Indeed it is."

inside the house.

Su Tingyu checked his ranking, and now he has entered the top 15.

I don't know if the ranking can be stabilized after the dungeon is over.

In this situation, it is still a bit difficult to find other players from other worlds to gain points.

"Boss, your ability is really awesome. Just sing and sing, and they all lose consciousness."

"Hey, what a joke." Su Tingyu said modestly.

"I will release some of the small residual flowers first, and let them continue to devour these small red flowers."

Su Tingyu can't move around at will, but he can't delay the upgrade of the little residual flowers.

It turned out that in the giant's garden, the little residual flowers that ate so many precious flowers and plants were all upgraded by one level.

Now, there are so many little red flowers here, if they don't make good use of them, Su Tingyu will never agree.

"Boss, you have to make them pay attention to safety." The fat man just finished speaking, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Once upon a time, he was still shivering under these small residual flower vines.

"Don't worry, they're very smart."

Su Tingyu first sent out 30 small residual flowers, and asked them to divide into two teams, go out to devour the small red flowers, and continue to strengthen themselves.

And the rest of the small residual flowers naturally had to stay near the house.

Every four hours, a batch of small residual flowers are replaced, as far as possible to ensure that all the small residual flowers can be full of oil under the "warm hospitality" of the small red flower.

"It stopped being noisy outside, and it quieted down all of a sudden. I'm not used to it." The fat man sighed with emotion, but he didn't go out to see those people.

He didn't want to think about what would happen in the end.

Instead, the fat man began to think, what are they going to have for dinner tonight?



Su Tingyu opened his eyes in a daze, and was about to go to the bathroom. He passed by Qin Qi's room when he went out, but he heard some whistling wind coming from inside.

Su Tingyu took a step.

Did Qiqi not close the window?

In the past few days, although there are small residual flower guards outside, the doors and windows are not opened unless they are open, so as not to inadvertently fly in the flower spores of some small red flowers.

Thinking of this, Su Tingyu thought for a while, then raised his hand to knock on the door.

"Seven seven?"

Su Tingyu gave a soft cry.

Nothing happens inside.

So, Su Tingyu twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open.

But when Su Tingyu came in, he found that there was no one on the bed.

And there was no one else in the room except her.

Su Tingyu looked at the opened windows in the room, and the cold wind came in, blowing the curtains on both sides, making a rattling sound.

Su Tingyu went to the window and looked out, but he didn't see Qin Qi either.

Strange, where did Qiqi go?
The room was very tidy, and the windows were opened naturally from the inside.

Did Qiqi walk through the window?Why didn't he tell himself?
"Boss, what's the matter?" The fat man next door was awakened by the movement here, and when he walked in, his expression was still a little dazed.

Su Tingyu replied: "Oh, there's nothing wrong, except that Qiqi is gone."

"Oh, it turns out that Brother Qin disappeared... What? Brother Qin, he disappeared?! Where did he go?"

Fatty, who was slow to react, widened his eyes in surprise.

Su Tingyu shook his head: "I don't know, maybe Qiqi has something to do, so she went out first."


Su Tingyu walked out of the room and went downstairs to look for the little residual flower who was keeping watch at night.

But after asking around, none of the small residual flowers saw Qin Qi leave.

On the way, I saw the window opened, but there was no little red flower in the yard.

So, the little residual flowers just thought that Qin Qi opened it by himself, but they didn't expect that the person had already left.


Somewhere in Dead Leaf Town.

Qin Qi walked alone on the street full of green plants. The shops that were still prosperous in the past are now covered by lush green plants, exuding a rotten atmosphere.

When Qin Qi entered this green world full of vitality and death at the same time, he was already being targeted by dark 'things'.

Seeing that Qin Qi had no other reaction, those 'things' couldn't hold back any longer, waved the canes all over the sky, and slapped him all over.

However, before he got close to Qin Qi, he was completely cut off by inexplicable sword qi!

"Find it out."

Qin Qi said lightly.

Behind him, a black figure slowly appeared, looming...

At this time, in a large underground parking lot, all kinds of luxury cars that were originally parked inside have all been reduced to scrap iron.

The biggest effect is that it becomes a tool for various green plants to climb and grow.

And among these green plants, a flower monster that is much bigger than the little red flower outside is sticking to the wall and taking root. The thick flower root has penetrated hundreds of meters into the ground, and the vines all over the parking lot are all of this Flower monsters grow out.

The entire flower bud of the flower monster was twitching, as if it was chewing and digesting something.

And on the ground in front of it, there are many pieces of meat or hair that fell from the human body.


There was a faint sound of footsteps.

The last second, the flower monster, who was still very relaxed and quietly enjoying the food, suddenly became irritable.

Those who came in cut off the vines around the flower monster one by one!


From the flower buds of the flower monster, there was an angry sound.

Those severed vines were unable to grow again, and the black evil spirit was rapidly eroding the vitality in the vines.

The flower monster opened its "fangs and sharp mouth" that could swallow several elephants in one gulp, and 'bounced' out from the wall, aiming at the person who came, thinking of swallowing him in one gulp!

Facing the behemoth in front of him, the ancient bronze sword in the man's hand turned into a beam of thunder, piercing directly through the stamen!Finally pierced through a petal behind the bud!
All of a sudden, the entire still aggressive flower bud was like a punctured balloon, and the viscous liquid inside poured out, along with some incompletely digested hands and feet.


The shriveled flower buds fell to the ground, and the last bit of vitality was wiped out by the black evil spirit of the ancient bronze sword.

"Hoi, go clean up the others."

Seeing this scene, the man's eyes were blank, and he spoke softly to the empty surroundings.

Immediately, the figure of that person disappeared in place.

At the same time, when the flower monster died completely, the little red flower in the whole town suddenly fell into a riot.

They ignored everything and began to destroy and destroy wantonly.

And the players struggling to survive in every corner of the town were affected.

Some little red flowers were violent and collapsed some buildings, forcing the players who were hiding inside to escape.

"Depend on!"

"what happened……"

"Made! How did these strange flowers go crazy?

The players were miserable, but they could only flee in embarrassment.

There are too many little red flowers, even if there are players who can beat them, they don't want to waste useless strength and energy.

What's more, if when he was entangled with Xiao Honghua, a player from another world suddenly popped up next to him to carry out a sneak attack, it would be dangerous.


Day [-] of the copy.


Su Tingyu sat on the sofa in the living room, yawning.

After learning that Qin Qi was gone last night, Su Tingyu couldn't sleep.

Su Tingyu used the contact phone to contact, but couldn't get in touch.

This situation is quite similar to when Qin Qi couldn't be contacted at the beginning.

After the fat man finished his breakfast, he asked Su Tingyu to have breakfast together.

"Brother Qin said yesterday that it was dangerous outside and safety was the top priority, so he stayed in the house all the time. Why did he sneak out by himself?"

This question has troubled Fatty for several hours.

Su Tingyu was also curious.


"When Qiqi comes back, I'll find out if I ask."

After Su Tingyu finished his breakfast, he was ready to go out to see the situation outside.

Pushing open the door, Su Tingyu saw the Blue Star players lying on the ground, stumbling around.

Su Tingyu ignored these people and raised his eyes to look outside.

Just seeing this made Su Tingyu frowned.

Originally, the little red flowers that covered the sky and the sun outside had completely disappeared.

The original world of flowers and plants seems to have been destroyed by something, leaving only a place of broken tiles and ruins, and a piece of dead silence.

"This..." It shouldn't be!
Now it's the last day of the dungeon, shouldn't it be the most perverted time for the dungeon?

Su Tingyu was ready for the situation where those little red flowers were upgraded overnight, and even the little residual flowers couldn't suppress it.

But now... If you ignore those ruins, it seems that everything is quite calm.

Su Tingyu frowned, puzzled.

When I asked Xiao Canhua again, it turned out that those guys only wanted to eat Xiaohonghua, but they didn't notice anything.

However, when it was almost dawn, the little red flowers rioted for a while, and then withered without warning, and the number decreased sharply.

Because there is no food to eat, the little residual flowers are no longer leaving the yard.

The problem, then, is when it is almost dawn.

What happened, all the little red flowers withered and died overnight.

Su Tingyu was thinking about it, when suddenly he saw a familiar figure walking outside the yard.

Su Tingyu's eyes lit up: "Qiqi!"

Seeing Su Tingyu coming out, Qin Qi paused, and then continued walking as if nothing had happened.

Su Tingyu was about to ask him where he was last night, but he glanced at the blue star players in the yard from the corner of his eye, and immediately stopped talking.

"Go ahead and have breakfast." Su Tingyu took the initiative to hold Qin Qi's hand.

Qin Qi was slightly taken aback, and he looked down at the hands they were holding. He had been in a gloomy mood, but suddenly he became clearer.

He obediently followed Su Tingyu into the house.

The fat man closed the door and said with a smile, "Brother Qin, I still have breakfast."

"Well, it's troublesome." Qin Qi thanked him.

"No trouble no trouble, I'll take it out right away, you sit first."

The fat man went to the kitchen, and Su Tingyu asked, "Qiqi, where did you go last night?"

Qin Qi paused slightly, turned his head to look at Su Tingyu, and said in a low voice, "You know?"

"Quickly tell me, where have you been?" Su Tingyu raised his chin slightly: "I don't know to tell you in advance, I thought you were caught and eaten by the little red flowers outside!"

"I didn't go anywhere..." Qin Qi subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to stroke Su Tingyu's hair.

But when he was about to touch it, he seemed to have thought of something, and his movements froze slightly. He didn't let it go, so he could only withdraw his hand silently.

Seeing that Qin Qi was unwilling to say anything, Su Tingyu nuzzled: "Then turn around and let me see if you are injured."

Qin Qi did as he did, and walked around honestly.

Seeing that Qin Qi's outer clothes were a bit dirty and there were no signs of injury, he felt a little relieved.

"Brother Qin, come and have breakfast."

On the other side, the fat man is urging.

Qin Qi looked at Su Tingyu, his eyes were still flat.

However, Su Tingyu inexplicably felt that this look seemed to be a child who made a mistake and was caught in the pigtails, with some guilty conscience and flattering elements.

"Let's go have breakfast first." Su Tingyu puffed up his face.

Forget it.

If Qiqi doesn't want to say it, then don't say it.

Anyway, as long as people are fine.

"Okay." Qin Qi replied softly.


And on the last day of the dungeon, when all the surviving players were ready to face the more dangerous dungeon challenge, they spent the whole day in peace.

Until the dungeon time was completely over, nothing unexpected happened.

[Congratulations to all players who have successfully cleared the 'Alien Invasion'. All players will send a copy in ten seconds...]

 Inspiration for the copy: a foreign movie, I only watched a movie commentary without a follow-up (Damn wow! There is no follow-up to the short video! Draw a circle and curse him), which contains an unknown little red flower, infinitely copied very quickly, Caused a crisis

(End of this chapter)

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